Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Deserts Millennium Heart ❯ Dungeon Monsters ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yami Bakura and Yami Malik sprinted to the door where Anzu had screamed. They both peered down into the darkness. "I guess she found them." Yami Malik said.

Yami Bakura nodded and looked at his companion. "You think we should tell Seto?"

Yami Malik shoot his head. "No, we don't want him to worry, and besides...I kinda want her to remember what happened."

Yami Bakura chuckled and closed the door. "We'll leave her down there until she feels fit to come up. I bet she's talking to them right now...."

Anzu stumbled back from the cage and fell on the floor. A small, yellow/orange dragon looked at her from inside the cage, it had a big smile as if it was happy to see her...it looked like a baby...

Anzu laughed at herself for screaming. "He...hello there little guy...heh, heh.." Anzu sweat-dropped and stood up.

"Anzu, you've returned." a voice said from behind her.

Anzu spun around and looked into another cage, two girls, one with a staff, and the other will blonde hair and a tall blue hat stood in the cage looking at her. "What....who...huh?" Anzu fumbled with her words. "What's going on here?"

The two girls let out a small laugh, but went serious again. "You don't remember who we are do you?" the blonde one asked.

Anzu shook her head. "Am I suppose to?"

"Think, Anzu." the shorter girl with the staff said. "You have to remember us."

"I'm sorry." Anzu said. "I don't..."

"She doesn't remember because Kaiba cast that spell over everybody. You should know that." a deep voice said.

Anzu looked into the cage next to the one the two girls was in, a guy was in there, dressed much like the blonde girl in the other cage, he kept his eyes on Anzu. "What are you...guys doing down here?"

"I'll answer BOTH those questions." the short girl said, sensing that Anzu never knew what question to ask. "We are monsters, dueling monsters. We were once used for entertainment, we battled for Pharaoh and others in the pyramid."

The blonde girl cut in. "You lived here too Anzu. Me and Faith," she looked at the shorter girl. "We were two of your monsters. Dark over there was the Pharaoh's."

Anzu looked at them stunned. "Wh-what?"

"I know its hard to understand." Dark said. "But Faith and M.G. speak the truth."

"We want you to leave." Faith said. "Leave and forget about us being down here. And don't say a word about this to anyone."

"Why?" Anzu looked at them still confused.

"All you need to know is that we don't want the past events to happen again. And i hope you don't remember..." M.G. said. "Now go!"

Cries and roars came from the other cages, Anzu took one last look at the three monsters and turned and ran up the stairs. She burst out through the door and slammed it behind her. She turned and looked into the faces of Yami Malik, and Yami Bakura. "Heh...hi?" she took a deep breath.

"Having fun touring the pyramid?" Yami Bakura asked.

"Yeah..." Anzu said walking pass them. She ran down the halls and went back to her room, closing the door.


"So you honestly think she's the one?" Yugi said looking at Yami with a small smile.

"Yeah. At least I hope she is." Yami said putting on his head dress, he turned to Yugi who was now sitting on his bed.

"Well, it looks like she is the type of girl you are always talking about." Yugi said. He chuckled. "Maybe she is the one."

"Yeah." Yami sat down beside Yugi. "But I can't let her onto that I'm into her...you know..."

"You sound like a love crazed teenager." Yugi said.

"I am." Yami said looking at him. "What's your point?"

"You don't sound like a Pharaoh."

Yami chuckled. "Anzu tells me that too."

"You only knew her for a few hours, Yami." Yugi said. "And already you are making plans for the future."

"But, Yugi. It feels like I had known her before this." Yami said with a small smile. "Honestly."


Anzu walked over to her dresser, still thinking about the dueling monsters she had met. She opened up the top drawer and a small ball of pink fuzz with wings and a halo shot out of it. "AH!" Anzu hollered falling back on the bed. "What the hell?!"

The little creature floated in front of Anzu's face, it smiled. "ANZU!" it squealed. "Welcome back! Remember me?!"

"No." Anzu said shaking her head.

It smiled. "I'm Petit Angel! I guess you were already talking to Faith and the others." Angel waited for Anzu to nod. "Good, so then you know I'm a duel monster, only you never dueled with me! I was always your...pet if you will call me that!"

"Oh..." Anzu said. "Okay...no one else would tell me what happened in the past..so can you?"

Anzu shook her head. "Sorry Anzu, I can't do that."

"Oh...." Anzu said with a sigh.

"Anzu." Yami called knocking on the door.

"Pharaoh..." Angel said looking at Anzu.

"Go back in the drawer!" Anzu whispered. Angel nodded and shot back into the drawer, closing it. Anzu turned to the door.


Anzu sat on the bed, Angel on her shoulder. "Come in Pharaoh." she called.

Yami stepped into the room, he smiled and her. "The duels are about to start, Anzu." he said.

"Great, I'll be right out." Anzu said.

"Are you okay?" Yami asked. "You know, your..." Yami put his hand on his chest.

"Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine." Anzu said with a smiled. "I'm just kinda shocked...that's all."


Anzu shook her head. "Yeah, come in."

Yami walked into the room and walked over to Anzu. "So, find anything interesting?" he asked with a chuckle.

"No..." Anzu said looking at him. "I mean, yeah. All the scriptures on the walls are cool, but that's pretty much it."

Yami chuckled again. "I hear you, there's not much to do here is there?"

"No, not really." Anzu said smiling.

"We have a garden." Yami said. "Its out back, away from the heat of the desert, and its full of flowers."

"Really? Can I see it?" Anzu asked forgetting about the duel monsters and the flashbacks she had been having.

"Sure, we'll take a walk through it together." Yami said holding out his arm, Anzu hooked her arm in his and they both walked out of the room. It was Yami's turn to have a flash back.


Yami looked at Anzu as she walked around the garden, her hair blew in the warm wind, and she looked at him and smiled. "I always enjoyed coming out here with you." she walked up to him.

"I always enjoyed bringing you out here." Yami said with a smile.



"He's getting to attached to her already." Seto said pacing back and forth in front of Bakura and Malik, who were still chained to the wall. "We'll have to get rid of her now, before they remember anymore of their past."

"Yami will never let anything happen to her." Malik snarled. "We all know that! You know that!"

"Yes, but, he is only starting to have his past feelings for her now, when they both remember how much they had loved each other...that's when I'll start to worry." Seto smirked. "But that time will never come. Anzu will be dead, and all the flashbacks our Pharaoh is having will be wiped from his memory."

"I swear, Seto." Bakura said. "When I get out of these shackles..."

"You WON'T get out of those shackles." Seto snapped. "There is NO way possible."

"We'll find a way." Malik said with a snarl.

"You wish you would...now..." Seto walked towards the door. "I got a feeling Anzu found my little friends under the pyramid...I better go down and give it a check out."

Faith rested her back up against the cold stone wall of her and M.G.'s cage. She glared over at M.G. who was constantly flirting with Dark.. She sniffed and looked over at Baby Dragon who was sleeping peacefully. 'So easy for him to sleep.' she thought resting her staff on the floor.

Dark looked to one side of M.G. at Faith, a low sigh came from his lips. 'I wish M.G. would leave me alone for an hour...I'd really like to talk to Faith...' he thought looking back at M.G. through the cage bars.

"M.G.! Shut your trap!" a holler came from the next cage. WingWeaver looked over at them. Dark looked over at her as if to say 'thank you'. "Can't ya see your boring the poor guy? Sit down and try and think of a way to get us outta here."

"Why don't you shut-up?" M.G. sat down on the floor and closed her eyes. "You don't know anything anyway."

"I know I can kick your ass in a duel." WingWeaver said with a sniff. She settled back into her cage as the sound of foot steps could be heard coming down over the stairs.

"Hmm." Faith looked up at Seto walked in. She snarled.

"Hello." Seto said looking around at all the duel monsters. "Have visitors...visitors lately?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Faith snorted.

"I see.." Seto said. "I guess I have my answer. When did she come down here?"

"Who?" Dark asked.

"I get it now." Seto said. "But I'm warning you pathetic monsters! If either one of you remind her of her past..." Seto waved his hand, making fireballs bunce off the cage bars. "I'll destroy you all." with that he walked back up over the stairs.