Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Deserts Millennium Heart ❯ Chapter 10
Anzu shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Did she just do that? She opened her eyes again and looked at the fallen Seto. Oh yeah, she did. "Wow..." M.G. said.
"The power of her Millennium Heart." Dark said. "It finally awakened."
"Does this mean her Yami's awake?" Faith asked.
"No." Dark said. "This means that Seto is in for it..."
"Oh my god." Anzu said. She remembered how this happened once before, only it was Yami she hit by accident. She looked up at the shackles that was on one of her arm and narrowed her eyes, the light zapped from her eyes and broke the shackles. She was now hanging from the wall by one arm, and the pain in it was just to great. "AH!" she screamed zapping the other shackle. She then fell to the floor.
"Anzu!" Faith said getting up, since Seto was out cold, his magic was powerless. She ran over to Anzu and put her hand on her shoulder. "Anzu are you okay?"
Anzu looked up at Faith. "Yeah....I-I'm fine..."
"But not for long." Seto jumped to his feet and slung Faith to one side. "Your mine...." he held out his hand and a purple glow came around Anzu's body, lifting her off the ground.
"What are you doing?!" Anzu shouted.
"Now that your power is activated I can destroy you." Seto said with a smirk.
Yami made one last rip at the chains and they came flying out of the wall, making him fall forwards. "Yes!" he said looking at his friends.
"Go on." Isis said. "Go find Anzu."
Yami nodded and ran out of the room, the chains, still attached to his wrists, dragged behind him making sparks. 'Seto ISN'TR going to harm Anzu! Not while there is still a breath in my body.'
Yami ran around to everyroom, then he had another flashback.
Yami and Anzu raced into a room at the far end of the pyramid. They kicked down the door and Seto was in there, he looked at them evilly. He smirked and...
That was all Yami could remember, but it was enough, he knew EXACTLY what room they were in. He took a deep breath and sprinted down the darkened halls of the pyramid. "SETO!" he yelled as he came upon the door. Yeami took a step back and kicked the door as hard as he could.
From inside the room, when the door came flying in it looked JUST like an action movie. The wooden door flew in and bounced off the wall, and the chains around Yami's wrists bounced off the walls making a wave of sparks fly in after it.
"Yami." Anzu said, she looked at him from inside of the purple bubble Seto had made form around her.
"ANZU!" Yami yelled.
"Don't even make a move." Seto said. "I'll kill her for sure! And I'll make it more painful then I was going to."
"Let her go." Yami said. "I swear Seto..."
"What are you going to do?" Seto asked. "Your nothing without me, Yami. You can't even make a simple order! I had to do all the work!"
Yami just looked at him. "That doesn't mean you have to take it out on her. Now let her go."
"I'd rather not." Seto zapped another beam of light at Anzu, it went through the bubble and hit her in the chest.
"AH!" Anzu screamed and fell to the floor of the bubble. "AH NO, NO!"
>Anzu, I'm back...let me take over.< Yami Anzu said softly.
Anzu nodded and stood up, a bright light shone around her and then went dim. It wasn't Anzu that was standing there, she never even looked like Anzu really. Her hair was long and brown with black streaks, her eyes were cold and a bright purple color. She wore a black dress just like the white one Anzu had been wearing.
"Yami Anzu..." Seto gasped.
Yami just looked up at the new being, he didn't like the look of her, too evil....
Yami Anzu smirked. "Your in for it now Seto." she said. the purple bubble disappeared and Yami Anzu landing on the floor on her feet. "I'm not going to let you harm Anzu, or Yami...or any of the monsters or others in the pyramid."
Seto laughed. "You can't stop me!"
"Do you want to bet?" Yami Anzu held out her hand and shot a bright beam of red light at Seto.
"Ah.." Seto said when it hit him in the chest. He laughed. "I barely felt that."
Yami Anzu took a step back, her eyes narrowed and she looked at Yami. Bad thing to do. Seto fired a ball of fire at her, striking her in the heart, making her and Anzu switch places again.
"Oh no." Anzu gasped realizing what had just happened. She looked at Seto who had a smug look on his face. He laughed and held out his hand. A light beamed from it.
"NO ANZU!" Yami yelled, he jumped towards Anzu, he pushed her out of the way and the beam of light hit him in the side, knocking him on the floor.
"Yami..." Anzu cried, he fell to her knees by his side and looked down at him.
He looked up at her weakly. "Hey...I'm sorry." he said, his eyes slowly closed.
"No..." Anzu's eyes narrowed and she stood up and looked at Seto. "You...fucking bastard...!" she yelled. There was something strange about her voice...it was a mix of her voice and her Yami's voice. Seto knew what this meant...and it wasn't a good thing. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!" Anzu hair flew up as a blue fireball formed in her hand.
"Anzu...don't you dare." Seto warned.
"I gave you PLENTY of warnings." Anzu and Yami Anzu's voice screamed. "I'm not going to take yours because you never took mine...you are going to pay." Anzu threw the fireball at Seto, he tried to run but it hit him, in the back. A scream of pain came from his lips and he disappeared.
Anzu's hair rested around her cheeks and her eyes were soft again. they then rolled back into her head and she fell to the floor.
"Anzu." Faith looked at her, her eyes trembled. Dark rapped his arm around Faith's shoulders and held her close to him.
"Oh no..." Yami looked over at Anzu from where he lay, he crawled over to her and lifted her head up off the stone floor. "Anzu....Anzu speak to me..."
"Ya-Yami?" Anzu looked up at him.
"Anzu..." Yami's voice cracked. "Thank you..."
"Please don't thank me..." Anzu said with a low sob.
"But I have to." Yami said. "I just don't see how I can..."
Anzu just looked at him, a small smile came across her face. Yami returned that smile, and thier faced went closer together, their lips almost met when they heard a cry come from the hall. "YAMI! YAMI!"
Yami Malik, Malik, Yami Bakura, Ryou, Yugi, and Isis came running to the room they smiled. "I guess everything is okay now..." Ryou said.
Yami sighed and remembered the rules for the Pharaoh's love life sort of speak. He looked at his friends. "Not...really..."
"I want to go back to the village...anyway...." Anzu said looking at Isis. They both sat on Anzu's bed.
"No you don't..." Isis said. "Listen Anzu...I'm sorry...but that was the law for hundreds of years... the Pharaoh is in titled to marry a princess from another land."
"I know that." Anzu stood up. "Its time for me to say good bye to everyone..."
"Anzu...Yami is going to be crushed."
"He knows I'm going....they all know that I'm leaving today..." Anzu said.
"Yes, I know. But still." Isis sighed. "Lets go then."
Anzu and Isis both walked out to the main exit of the pyramid where everyone stood waiting. Anzu went around and gave everyone a hug, when she came to Yami she sighed. "Pharaoh..."
"Ms. Mazaki..." Yami said with a sigh.
"Farewell..." Anzu said, she quickly turned and walked out of the pyramid...
N.A.- Okay people. This ISN'T the last chapter. There is gonna be one more. Its going to be a song chapter. And its gonna be real touching. And you HAVE to know after reading all my other fics that Anzu and Yami has to get together. DUH.
Yami N.A.- You weren't really suppose to tell them that.
N.A.- Damn. Oh, and for all you people who love Seto {I'm one of them, but I just needed to have the bad guy die}, I'm sorreh.
Yami N.A.- o.O;