Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Deserts Millennium Heart ❯ Chapter 11
~~~I will remember you
Will you remember me?~~~
Anzu walked slowly around her farm, Ishnew scraped around the garden in the back, happy to have his sister home. Anzu looked up at the pyramid, her eyes trembled every time she did this. 'I love him so much.' she thought. 'But...it can never be...the damn law says so...Yami must marry a *princess* from another land...'
~~~Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories....~~~
Yami looked out at the village from his chamber window, he sighed and crossed his arms. He then bit his bottom lips and ripped off his headdress, throwing it at the wall he let out a yell.
Yugi looked at him form the doorway and sighed. "Yami..."
Yami turned swiftly around and looked at his smaller self. "Yugi...I never realized you were there..."
"Is there something you'd like to talk about?" Yugi asked walking in the room. "Because I'm here, and I'm willing to listen."
~~~Remember the good times that we had?
I let them slip away from us when things got bad...~~~
"I love her Yugi." Yami said. "I...I really, truly, love her."
"I know Yami."
"Why isn't she in here then?" Yami asked. "Why is she out there?"
"You know what the law says, Yami." Yugi said.
"Yes, yes I do." Yami looked out the window again. "But...I don't want to follow that law anymore..."
~~~How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun
Wanna feel your warmth upon me, I wanna be the one...~~~
"Anzu, can you help me with this?" Ishnew looked at his sister and held out a pitchfork. "I want you to do the hay on back while I make the chicken rounds."
"Okay, Ishnew." Anzu smiled and took the pitchfork away from her brother.
"So how was it in the pyramid?" Ishnew asked.
"Well..." Anzu shrugged. "It was kinda cool really."
"Did you get to meet the Pharaoh?" Ishnew's eyes glistened with curiosity. This made Anzu smile even more, she had missed her brother SO much.
"Yes, I did." Anzu said.
"What was he like?" Ishnew got right up to his sister. "Was he as evil as everyone said he was?"
"Ishnew...." Anzu sighed. "He was so...wonderful."
"Yes...he was so kind."
"Do you miss him?"
This question shocked Anzu, she never expected Ishnew, at his age and IQ, to be asking these kinds of questions. "Now, Ishnew. Go on and take care of the chickens." Ishnew sighed at the change of subject and ran off, and Anzu slowly made her way behind the house.
~~~I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories.~~~
Yami looked at the stone floor at the shattered headdress. "I...want to be with her...Yugi."
"Then..." Yugi looked back at the door to see that no one was there. "Forget the laws, go look for her."
"You mean it?" Yami's eyes widened.
"Go on. I'll cover for you."
Yami gave Yugi a hug. "You're a great friend, you know that." he smiled and took off all the gold charms, and wrist bands, then dashed out of the room.
"Go find her Yami." Yugi said under his breath. "You deserve a wonderful girl like her."
~~~I'm so tired but I can't sleep
Standin' on the edge of something much too deep~~~
Anzu jammed the pitchfork into the giant haystack, she took it out and flung the hay that was on it into the horse stable. Nory snorted happily and began to eat.
"Yeah...eat up Nory." Anzu said. "Its probably the first bit of food you had in awhile."
Anzu sighed and sat on the sand by the haystack. She stuck the pitchfork up in front up her, points up. She let out a low shuttering sigh and closed her eyes, tilting her head forward.
~~~It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word
We are screaming inside, but we can't be heard ~~~
Yami dashed out of the pyramid gates and out onto the stone streets of the village. People all around stared at him, for they knew who he was. They all began to whisper.
Yami never took no notice, he just walked slowly around the streets, looking at the houses, hoping to see Anzu. His eyes scanned around the houses, but no sign of her.
~~~But I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories~~~
Ishnew walked out along the side of the house holding a bundle of eggs in a sack, he began to run out back to see Anzu but trips and falls to the ground, breaking some of the eggs.
Yami looks over at the fallen boy. Ishnew sobs and looks around at all the eggs. Yami sighs and walks over to him. "Need a hand?" he asked.
Ishnew looked up and his eyes grew wide. "Yes...please sir." he smiled knowing that Yami was the Pharaoh.
Yami smiled and picked up the few eggs that was broken. "Why are you crying over a few broken eggs?"
Ishnew sniffed. "Its all me and my sister has, she'll be so sad when she finds out that I broken most of them." he looked up at Yami. "I don't want to see my sister hurt anymore."
"I see." Yami said, not knowing that Ishnew's sister was REALLY Anzu. "Well, do you want to go find your sister? I'll explain everything to her."
Ishnew nodded. "Okay..."
~~~I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to loose
Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night
You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light~~~
"Listen...I-can you..." Ishnew sighed.
"I'll go out and tell her by myself if you wish." Yami said.
"Thanks." Ishnew ran back in the house. "She's out back, by the haystack! Probably feeding Nory!"
Yami sighed. 'I don't know why I'm doing this, I'm wasting my time. I have to find Anzu now!' no sooner did he think that, did her come across the haystack. His eyes widened when he saw a sleeping Anzu sat under the haystack. "Oh my god..."
Anzu's eyes fluttered open to the sound of his voice. "Yami?" she let the pitchfork fall to one side as she looked up at him.
"Hey...Anzu." Yami said.
Anzu slowly stood up. "What are you doing here?
~~~And I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories~~~
"Anzu..." Yami walked up to her. "I..."
"You what?" Anzu asked looking into his eyes.
"I..." Yami sighed and took Anzu's hands. "I love you...and...I want to be with you...and only you."
"Yami..." Anzu never blinked. "I love you too...." and with over half of the village watching, Yami and Anzu shared their first kiss, but, as we all know, it will NEVER be their last.
~~~And I will remember you
Will you remember me?
Don't let your life pass you by
Weep not for the memories
Weep not for the memories~~
*~*THE END*~*