Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Kaiba Trinity ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Seto Kaiba sat at his desk looking over some documents. The newest version of the Duel Disk had a small flaw. It was nothing that couldn't be corrected with a few more calculations. He rubbed his eyes, it was late in the day, and he'd been up since way before dawn. Mokuba had woken up sick and Seto gotten up to care for him. Mokuba was now lying on a couch in Seto's office. He looked up at his clock and saw it was time for Mokuba's medicine. He got up to get it, and saw his younger brother lost in sleep. He took his tempature and saw that his fever had risen. He pressed his lips against his younger brother's forehead and sighed. This just wasn't his day. He was now going to have to take Mokuba to the hospital. Mokuba started to wake up, and as he spoke, Seto noticed his voice was weak.

"Seto, I-I think I-I'm going to be sick" Seto gently helped his brother into the bathroom and helplessly watched as gag and heave nonproductively. Mokuba finally stopped gagging, and weakly leaned against the wall behind him. Seto gathered the child in his arms and began to smooth the wild hair. He felt Mokuba violently heave, and before either one of them could move, he felt a warm wetness creep down his shoulder. He held Mokuba tighter as he began to cry.

"It's not your fault, Mok, you couldn't help it." Seto said gently to his brother. "Do you want a drink of something?" Mokuba nodded weakly. Seto stood up and walked back into the office. He pulled off his shirt as he walked to the small fridge by his desk. He was so intent on getting a can of sprite for his brother that he didn't notice the woman weakly holding on to his desk. He'd almost knocked her down before he finally noticed her. When he looked into her eyes, he felt as if he was looking in a mirror.

"Can I help you?" He tried hard to keep the ice out of his voice, but this idiot was keeping him from caring for Mokuba. The woman nodded, but before she could speak, she fainted. "Oh great, what a fucking perfect day!" Seto growled under his breath.