Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Kaiba Trinity ❯ Secrets Among Us ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This just wasn't Seto's day. First his brother wakes him at 3 am telling him he's sick, then one of the new employees comes in and faints on him. Seto wanted to do nothing more than to go home and put this day behind him. Now with this woman in his office, he couldn't. He had to phone her emergency contact to come and get her. He growled to himself as he picked up her purse. He hated to go through her personal things, but she really didn't leave him any choice. He poked through it blindly until his hand hit what felt like her wallet. He pulled it out, and opened it. A baby picture fell out of her wallet. Oh great! Now I'm going to have to call the day care here and tell them to hold her kid. Then he flipped the photo over. The Kaiba twins. What the hell, I don't have any other siblings. Now, instead of being just being irritated, Seto tasted rage.

Seto stood up behind his desk, slamming the wallet down. He walked over to his water pitcher and poured a glass of water and stomped to where the woman was. Mokuba cringed against the couch at the look of rage on his brother's face. Seto drew his arm back and doused the woman with the icy water. She slowly began to wake up. Seto willed himself not to kick her, but his icy blue eyes shown with such anger, the rage coursed through his veins.

"I want to know who you are and HOW you got this picture." Seto threw the photo at the woman. She was cowering against his desk. He grabbed her by the arm and jerked her into a standing position. "Tell me now, or I'll make sure you won't set foot near Kaiba Corp again.

"I-I-I've h-had the photo all my life, I don't know where it came from." She was shaking at the icy tone of his voice. As for my name, it's Sarah, Sarah Lawson. Mr. Kaiba, I don't mean to be a bother." She began to feel woozy again. "I think my blood sugar is wacky right now."

Seto felt the icy rage abate. He knew this too well. He was hypoglycemic himself, and he led Sarah over to the couch.

"Let me check it for you. I know how you must feel. Mine affects me the same way, though I've never fainted." He went over to the cabinet where he kept all the medical supplies, thanking Mokuba silently for talking him into getting a Medication Administration license. Employees would come to his office for medications or to have paper-cuts taken care of. It didn't happen too often, as the employees didn't want to pester him. Everyone knew his temper was equal to the strength of his favorite card, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. He took out a pair of gloves and some alcohol swabs, plus a slide. Then he took out his personal glucometer, and a test strip. He walked back to the couch and sat next to Sarah.

"This will sting a little bit" He told her as he cleaned her finger with the swabs. He then cursed himself for forgetting the lancet. One appeared under his nose, and he gently tousled Mokuba's hair. He wiped her finger again, then stuck it with the lancet. He loaded the test strip in to the small machine, then put a small drop of blood on it. He then took the slide and put another drop of blood on it, then held another swab to her finger to stem the bleeding.

He took another look at the machine, and saw that it's test was complete. No wonder she had fainted. He looked at the pale face once again, then got up and went to the fridge. He pulled out some orange juice, poured a glass, and took it to Sarah.

"Your blood sugar is 59. Did you eat lunch today?" Sarah shook her head. That's when Seto noticed her clothes. They were shabby, and looked like they'd been long destined for the trash heap. He picked up the slide off the small coffee table, and sealed it in a bag. He called out to his secretary and she came in and took the bag.

"Well, Where do you live, I can arrange for a car to take you home." At those words, Sarah started to cry. She explained to him that she could catch the city bus home, but Seto insisted.

"Please, let me make it up to you, Sarah. I didn't mean to be so rude to you." With that, Sarah leapt up and gathered her thing. She ran out of the office leaving Seto confused. He stood to run after her, but gagging sounds from Mokuba stopped him. He helped his brother lean over the trashcan, as the can of sprite made its reappearance.


Seto slapped his desk in frustration. He'd looked up Sarah's employee file on the computer in his office. He'd taken Mokuba to the emergency room, and they had admitted him, and taken him to emergency surgery. Seto had stayed around until Mokuba was in a room, then he had to find out about Sarah. The employee file listed her address and her phone number, but when he called he got a homeless shelter. He dialed the number again, and asked the person who answered the phone the address. The man sounded irritated and barked the address. Seto wrote it down and slammed the phone down. He then snatched it back up and dialed another number.

"Marc? I'm on my way down, we're going after her!"

Seto went out of his office, and punched the button for the elevator. He waited a few minutes and the doors slid open. He stepped in and the doors closed, depositing him moments later in the parking garage, under Kaiba Corp.

A car pulled around and Seto climbed into the back. Once inside, he leaned his head back against the limo's seat. He closed his eyes. Rescuing people want his thing. From what he found out about Sarah, Sarah wasn't her real name. Her birthday was the same as Seto's, she was born at the same hospital. Seto looked at the printout again. It was an old newspaper article, written soon after his birth:

The Kaiba family welcomes Twins into their fold; Seto and Savannah were born on Monday. The family will officially present the twins in two weeks, more news to follow.

Seto looked at the photo again. It was the same one Sarah, no Savannah had. He looked up and out the window. The car was stopped and Marc was just about to open the door. The car door opened and Seto stepped out.

He strode up the walk to the front of the building and pushed a buzzer. The door clicked and opened. A burly security guard sat behind a desk just inside the door. He eyed Seto warily and slid some paperwork at him.

"Fill this out, a case worker will see you in the morning." Seto cut him off

"I'm not here to find a place to stay, I'm looking for one of my employees."

The guard nodded and pulled back the papers.

"What's her name?"

"Sarah Lawson."

The guard nodded and punched a button on the phone he had by his hand.

"Carol, Send down Miss Lawson. Someone's here to for her."

Seto waited a few moments and finally spotted Sarah coming out of an elevator, carrying a suitcase. Seto took the suitcase from her and led her out to the car. He helped her into the car, then got in himself.

"Marc, take us home."