Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ the london werewolf ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter three ryou has a secret that no one knows

Then he bowed . the teacher told him to go sit in the back . as he passed some girls started talking ` look at his hair' `yeah and his eyes I wonder if he wears contacts joey and tristan were talking as well saying look at the freak ! look at the hair ! yugi heard this and said stop it its not right to talk about people behind their back. Then joey said so why don't he just go back to londo and stay there he don't belong here! Ryou heard their conversation,sighed, and thought, I wish I was a normal boy like the others but no I had to be born cursed for ever. Back with yugi he said , lets talk to him at lunch maybe get to know him . ` I don't know yugi' ` come on joey !' ` itll be great maybe he likes duel monsters too like us. At lunch, ryou was sitting alone. Like he always did . then yugi came over and said hi ryou, my names yugi and these are my friends , joey tea and tristian . ` hi' they said ` bye' he said ` were you going ryou' `im just not in the mood to talk' he said ` why the nerve of that guy' ` well I guess he s shy yugi said yugi went to the restroom and heard the door open. `stupid contacts!' said a familiar voice yugi thought ryou and staring at the mirror was indeed ryou and what yugi saw took him by surprise . because he could see that ryou no longer had brown eyes but redishpink ones yugi was like wow he is an albino neat and ryou instead of putting back on his contacts he took out a little box and took out a pair of glasses and said why the bloody hell do I even try, sigh oh well with that he left.