Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Past Comes to Life ❯ Present Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You guys have no idea how mad I am right now!! Yesterday we had to take my laptop to the shop and all, so I had to delete some stuff that my parents would curse me out if they found out I had.

Newayz, as I was doing that I accidentally deleted a folder that had all my fan fictions, even all the one-shots and stories and all. I didn't find it out until I went to mm.org to post it, and couldn't find it. I am so mad.

I had this chapter written since I have already started on chapter 3. So po'd right now. So I'm trying to remember some of the things that I had written. Bare with me!!

Here is the normal thing in case you forgot who is who if I bring it up:


Yugi- Yuugi

Joey- Jounouchi (Jou)

Ryou- Sky

Malik- Ren

Tristan- Honda

Serenity- Shizuka (Spelling?)

Mai- May


Ishtar- Carmon

Tea- Anzu

Devlin- Otogi (Spelling?)

Mokuba- T.J.

Yami- Juan

Seto- Talon

Bakura- Ramon

Great names, huh?


******* = Scene changes

(Me interrupting)

Disclaimer: I don't and never will own Yu-Gi-Oh!


Sixteen-year-old Yugi Mouto woke to find himself laying on the rusty plaid couch instead of his nice, warm bed. He pulled the blanket that covered him off and set his feet on the cold hardwood floor. Why did his grandfather insist that they didn't have carpet? He made his way to kitchen to find the person of his anger, his grandfather, Solomon cooking breakfast.

"Good morning to you Yugi," he said while flipping a pancake with the spatula. "Have a nice sleep?"

His grandson yawned as me sat down in a chair next to the table. "It was okay. How did I end up on the couch though?"

"That I don't even know the answer to." Solomon sat down across from Yugi in his chair and laid out the food he cooked in the middle of the table. "I bet that couch was worse than you said. Maybe we should buy a leather one since you like wearing that so much."

"I only wear it because it's comfortable." The tri-colored teen took a bite of pancake with bacon on the fluffy substance.

"To you Yugi anything is comfortable."


Isis Ishtar walked around in the kitchen of her three-bedroom apartment as she waited for the water on the stove to boil. She went to living room and called out, "Malik! Ryou! You two better get up before you're late for school!"

She sighed when she heard no movement and went back into the kitchen. Very carefully she poured the water that was on the stove in a glass container and walked up the stairs to the bedroom the two shared. Isis made her way to her brother's bed and poked his arm. "Better get up Malik," she whispered so she was sure he wouldn't hear her.

She grinned, as he made no movement and raised the glass of water over Malik's head and poured the burning contents on his head. "AHHHH!" The platinum blond teen jumped off the bed and shook his head to get the water out.

Ryou, who was sleeping before he was rudely interrupted by his roommate's scream, opened his eyes to peer at the scene before him. He saw Malik turn to glare at his sister while she tried to suppress a smirk that was threatening to appear. He rose off the bed, gathered his clothes he laid out last night, and walked out of the room and into the bathroom.

"Why did you do that for?" Malik asked his usual question. "Why don't you ever do it to Ryou?"

Isis sighed. "You always ask the same questions and I always give you the same answers."

"It's not fair you know!"

"Malik get dressed when Ryou comes out of the bathroom then go to school."


Joey Wheeler rose from his chair at the kitchen table at the Taylor's house and put his dishes in the sink. He turned around as Tristan walked in, rubbing the sleepers out of his eyes. "You could have told me what time it was," his friend said glaring.

Joey smiled. "Yeah but it's nice to know that I actually woke up before the master of earliness."

"How did you two boys sleep?" asked Mrs. Taylor coming in and pouring herself some coffee.

"Fine mom."

"Great Mrs. T. Tristan is just mad that I woke up before him."

She chuckled. "You two are always fighting over the tiniest things."

"Whatever. Come on Joey. We have to get to school before Yugi and them curse us out for being later."


"Did you guys hear?" asked Leila Parker in her class at Domino High School. "We're getting new students today."

"How do you know?" demanded Joey as he and Tristan walked in the class. "Why should we believe you when you always find something to lie about."

"OH!! Shut up Joseph Wheeler! One of these days I'll find something to hurt you with!" (dat could add ta da plot)

"That will never happen, girl."

"Class," started the teacher. "Please sit down. Yes, Leila is right; we're getting new students. Will you all please welcome Bakura Takahashi, Ishtar Himodi, Seto Kaiba, and Yami Kasbah."


It's almost like the one before. Newayz, for the last names on Bakura and Ishtar I read those somewhere, so if they're yours I give you credit!! R & R!!!