Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Pizza Place ❯ Mr. Fluffy Hair ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: Don't own Yugioh...etc. etc.

A/N: I know I haven't done anything for this story but I've been updating at fanfiction.net...so...yeah. As somebody had requested before...here's something about Ryou and Bakura. K? Well...I'm not sure if it will be as funny and crazy as my other story, but here it is.

"The Day That Went Catastrophic"


It was a bright sunny morning. Ryou woke up and took his little morning shower to wash that cute fluffy white hair of his. ^_^ Bakura, however, was downstairs doing the worst thing...TAKING A NAP I NTHE KITCHEN!!! After Ryou's hair was nice and fluffed after his shower he walked downstairs to see Bakura sitting at the kitchen table with his head down. Laying there. Sleeping.

Ryou: Umm...Bakura? Wha'cha doin'?

Bakura: ...

Ryou: Bakura! Are you asleep?! Or something?!

Bakura: ...

Ryou: Ok. Ignore me then. *picks up scissors* Snip. Snip. Cut. Cut. Fluff here. Fluff there. Color spray here. Oooh...that patch of fluff could use a little color spray...lalalalalala...there...done...*walks to fridge to find something to eat*

Bakura: *wakes up and yawns* Ryou...I'm gonna go wash my hair...ok?

Ryou: Ok...^_^

Bakura: *washing hair...uhh...right...short, chestnut brown hair* *gets out of shower* *brushes hair* -_- So sleepy...hmm...something doesn't feel right...

Ryou: *cooking eggs*

Bakura: *from upstairs* RYOOOOOOOOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryou: *still cooking eggs* ^_^

Bakura: *trudging downstairs* RYOOOU! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HAIR!?

Ryou: I made it more colorful and it looks better shorter...^_^

Bakura: Really? ^.^

Ryou: No. Not really.

Bakura: Ryou! I'm gonna kill you!

Ryou: Umm...yeah. I forgot I have to go and do that thing...see ya baka! *runs down street*

Bakura: *chases after Ryou* (A/N: Hmmm...did I ever have Bakura get dressed yet? ^.^) *standing in middle of the street* Ryou! If you don't get back here I'm gonna beat the----*stops as his situation dawns on him* *to self* Hmm? I seem to have misplaced my pants...

Malik: *walking down street* o.o Hey, Bakie baby...how's it hangin'? And I mean that literally...if you catch my drift...*raises eyebrows*

Bakura: Hold on one minute. *walks into house and pulls on grocery bag to cover himself* *walks back out* Hey! At least I still have my dignity! *tomatoes fall out of bag*

Malik: Riiiiiight...*walks off*

************************Ryou At The Arcade************************

Ryou: *putting money in change machine* Hehe...that little baka Bakura...what zany adventures will he get into next...

Machine: *pushes money back out*

Ryou: Hmm? Let's try another dollar, old chap, shall we...*puts in money*

Machine: Sorry...this machine does not except money from the British...sorry for the inconvenience...

Ryou: Well, that was unexpected. *walks off*

***********************Ryou Walking Down The Street***********************

Ryou: *walking down the street* *see's Bakura running by in grocery bag chasing squirrels with a flamethrower*

Bakura: Come back here, Mr. Squirelly! Look at my head! There's a giant brown acorn on my head! Come eat it!

Ryou: Well...that was more then I needed to see.

Bakura: *squirrel chewing on his hair* That's right...nobody's going to burn you...........DIE SQUIRREL!!!! *squirrel jumps off head as Bakura flames him...something my readers wouldn't ever dream of doing to me...right...right? o_o"* Ahhh! Get it off! Get it off! Oh Ra! The pain! Now I know how those squirrels of death felt! Damn squirrels! AFTER I TAKE CARE OF THE MORTALS...I UNLEASH MY WRATH AGAINST...THE SQUIRRELS! *maniacal laughter followed by thunder and lightning* *walks away with hair on fire with a squirrel roasting a marshmallow*

Ryou: Well...that was weird. Anyways, where was I going? Oh, yeah! Nowhere. How 'bout that carnival thing? Hmm? Yep. *walks to carnival*

*************************Ryou At The Carnival************************

Ryou: Hmm...? I think I'll buy some cotton candy.

Ryou: Yes. I would like one order of cotton candy and...ahhhh!

Cotton Candy Dude: Yes. Next.

Random Person: One cotton candy!

CCD: *hands RP Ryou*

RP: Thanks. *walks off while chewing Ryou's hair* Hmm...? Is it just me or did they make this stuff fluffier...?


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Moral Of The Story: Don't mess cut then spray other people's hair for yours shall be eaten. ^_^ ...Or something like that. ^_^U

Second Moral Of The Story: You should review...cuz if you don't...then no more fics for you. I'm soo sorry! Pwease? Just review.

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Bakura and Ryou: Please review! When you don't...she punishes us!

Jazz: Aww...you poor traumatized little things...nothin' to see here...hehe...i'll destroy you when we're back home! I mean...please review. ^_^U