Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Red Avenger ❯ Case 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's note: Again, shoobles.

The Red Avenger - Case Two

Written by your herald and mine, Igatona.


After removing his mask in front of the one he swore to protect, the warrior in red's downfall will occur, and the warrior in red will cry.

Jounouchi's plan was simple. It was crude, unrefined, and downright dumb.

However, Jounouchi's plans were always effective. For some wird That was one reason as to why Honda agreed to don the red helmet, the jacket and the mentality of the Red Avenger one last time.

The plan was simple. Jounouchi had enough of everything of his father. His beatings. His racial discrimination against, well, pretty much everyone, even his son, who had blonde hair. His total and utter disrespect for any decent human being. His father, using hatred, wanted to mold Jounouchi into a little him. The perfect instrument of worldwide destruction.

Jounouchi would prove to him that it did not succeed, that Jounouchi liked everyone, that Jounouchi had certain supposedly unwanted feelings towards a friend of is, but that these feelings were, not only welcome, but mutual. After his dad would want to strike against Jou, it was the time where Honda would come in, ready to perform one last time. Since the police seemed to appear each and every time the Red Avenger appeared (mostly because they wanted to catch the vigilante), Jou's father would be put in prison, Jou, Honda, Jou's mother and Shizuka would easily witness against the father, and he'd be put away for a long time.

That was originally the plan. It went in motion at 8 PM, when Jou decided both he and Honda were ready.

Jou opened the door, only to see his father sitting on a chair, looking at his son. His unwanted son, might this humble author add. Jou greeted him with a nod, yet his father didn't nod back.

"Where were you last night?"

"I was at a friend's house."

"Really now...who?"

"Hiroto Honda."

Jou's father turned his head.

"Fitting a failiure like you would hang out with a loser like him...but I don't like to know that you didn't show up. You might have blabbed to that Honda. Now, I know that you wouldn't do anything like that, because I know you don't trust anyone."

"That's where you're wrong."

"How dare you, of all people, tell me I'm wrong? You're just a puny little shit!"

"I trust Honda, he's my friend."

"Ha! You don't have any friends, no one in Domino can actually stand you."

"He does. He's always been there for me, especially since you weren't, and now, I'm developing feelings for him..."

"What? You're friends with them!? No son of mine'll ever be homosexual!"

"...in fact, I think I love him."

"Well, now you're home, and there's no sort of any Hiroto Honda to save you."

Jou's father got up, grabbed a leather strap that happened to be lying around, among other things, like a lighter, some pornographic magazines, dust. Jou exited through the door of the apartment, the signal for the Red Avenger to come and conclude the last part of the plan, finally getting Jounouchi's revenge on his old man.

When Jou's father crossed the threshold of the apartement to catch Jounouchi, he saw only a red helmet. He instantly recognized the figure as the Red Avenger.

It was the first time that Jou's father ever felt fear. It would also be the last time.

Jou's father was taken aback, and fell down. Honda, under his Red Avenger guise, walked towards him. The ingrate father didn't feel like stopping his ways, though, so he got back up and stared the intruder down.

"What are you doing here? I'll call the police!"

"The police? They're already coming here, idiot."

Honda got ready for the final blow, he positioned himself, hoping to take the father by surprise.

"This is for Katsuya!"

Honda dashed towards the father and gave him a left elbow strike in the solar plexus. He then shifted his body weight with an uppercut to the throat. He completed the maneuver with a jumping uppercut in the nose, sending Jou's father flying upwards, and crashing down unceremoniously. Honda signaled his friend that it was done, their plan had worked. Jounouchi went to check on his father, and looked horrifyed.

"What? What's wrong Jou?"

"He...he's dead! You killed him, Honda!"

Honda didn't seem surprised, he knew it would have come to this. The police sirens didn't seem like they'd go away anytime soon, so they made good their escape.

However, the only thing running through the Red Avenger's mind was this :



This chapter's move is done by the following motion :

236236 + K

Do you know what it is?