Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Red Avenger ❯ Between Case One and Two ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's note: Shoobles.

The Red Avenger - Between Case One and Two

Written by your herald and mine, Igatona.


After predicting his downfall, the warrior in red removes the mask in front of the one he swore to protect.

Days later, talk of the man in red had stirred in every single part of town, some calling him a dangerous extremist, some calling him a national hero, some having no opinion as they read the sports section instead.

However, one singular group had important opinions on the subject, especially for this story.

As they were walking towards school, Anzu, Yugi, Jounouchi, Honda and Ryou were all talking about various other subjects. Honda was talking to Jounouchi about that latest brawl he was in, and Jounouchi was laughing all the while. Ryou was being his silent soft-spoken self as Anzu and Yugi were actively talking about the one the medias hath dubbed the "Red Avenger."

"Yugi, did you read about the Red Avenger's latest hit?"

Yugi seemed perplexed, as he didn't have the time to watch the news this morning.

"It was on this perverted old man that was about to molest his child! Thank god someone can help these poor children, because the police doesn't seem interested in helping people."

"Really? Wow. He must be really brave then."

Jou and Honda listened in on the conversation that Yugi and Anzu were having, although both weren't too interested by the subject.

"I'm glad someone has the courage to stand up to their beliefs, but couldn't he denounce them to the police?"

"Not unless he wants to get arrested."

Honda finally spoke.

"Vigilanteism is illegal in a lot of the countries of the world, this one included."

All of the others nodded, and Anzu was happy with that answer. Although Yugi did bring up another point about the Red Avenger also needing his identity to be kept secret unless something bad happened to him, it was Jou, who kept himself updated on the matter, although he didn't seem to care much about him, who made the most pertinant remark of the day.

"I've watched this picture of him they showed on TV. He drives a Honda CRX-700. A red one."


Jou thought they were really slow, as it was obvious as to what he was pointing as.

"Guess who has a Honda CRX-700?"

They all looked shocked and turned their gaze to Honda, who was, pretty much, glaring at every single one of them.

"What? You act as if I was the only one in town that has that kind and color of bike."

"Well, it is a weird coincidence, no?"

Jou chuckled to himself.

"Bah, Honda's not like that. He isn't violent anymore, right?"

"That's right. I'm as tame as a kitten, unless Jou over here gets me angry, then, I just give him a noogie..."

Honda grabbed Jou by the head and started rubbing his fist hard in Jou's scalp.

"...like this!"

Everyone laughed, except Jou, who tried to escape, and finally did after a one minute noogie.

"I'll get you for that."

"I welcome all challengers from 9-5, after that, homework takes precedence."


"Can't blame me for being smart and having THE ass of the school."

He laughed at his egotistical comment, as Jou slapped him behind the head. Everyone laughed at the silly antics of the two old time friends as they approached the school, they started thinking about inane things that this particular author does not feel are pertinent to the story.

* * *

It was the end of that particular school day, when the gang went back home separately. However, two of them were missing from the gates. One was a brown trenchcoat wearing Honda, the other was his friend since forever, Jounouchi. It didn't come as a surprise that they were walking home together, as they always did that. However, what did come as a surprise was that Jou and Honda were not the first ones out, which was usually the case. For some reason, Jounouchi didn't feel like going home tonight, or at least, delay his walking home. He usually was thrilled to exit the school, but since the Red Avenger business picked up, he seemed distant, not necessarily away, but he seemed that he liked school just a little bit more ever since those days.

Honda and Jou were still walking when Honda felt something twitch in the air. It wasn't anything he noticed on Jou, nor on himself, it was something that made him notice that Jou wasn't being the all-confident goof-off he knew him to be. Of course, neither was he, but sometimes, when two guys are walking together, they tend to become serious for a few moments. Honda noticed that, and wanted to know what was up.

"Penny for your thoughts, Jou?"

"Yeah, I guess. I was thinking of two things."

"Like what?"

"Well, I was thinking of that Red Avenger thing. It feels so surreal that some guy would pummel dads that beat on their children. I mean, it's like we're in a superhero movie or comic."

"You better believe it, I don't think that even the media could make up that shit. You know, truth is stranger than fiction."

Jou began to laugh, and sing very badly.

"I wanna know, why Hemingway cracked! Sometimes truth, is stranger than fictioo~on!"

It was then Honda's turn to laugh.

"Man, if Graffin and Gurewitz heard you, they would have kicked your ass right then and there."

"Yeah. I guess so."

They fell silent for a while. Then, Honda remembered that Jou was thinking of something else.

"What's that other thing you were thinking of?"

"Can I crash at your place tonight?"

"I'll have to ask my folks, but sure, I don't know why I shouldn't be okay with it."

"Thanks, man, you're a true friend."

Honda thought about it, and came to a conclusion.

"Troubles at home?"

"I guess you could say it that way."

"We'd better head towards my house, then, and you can tell me all about it tonight."

That was the thing Jou wasn't sure. If he could tell his friend all about it. All about what transpired behind the shabby-looking door of the apartment he shared with his father.

* * *

The arrangements and everything had been taken care of, and Jounouchi was sleeping in Honda's room, him on a mattress that Honda's family salvaged for such an occasion. Honda knew that Jou wouldn't want to sleep in a guest room, which was fortunate as they had none, and, to tell the truth, Honda had kinda wanted to have Jou near him when he slept. As is the tradition when two old friends sleep in the same room, they started to have a late night chat, both of them clad in their boxers, looking at the yellowish-white ceiling that covered Honda's room.

"Jou...I've kinda got something to tell you."

"Go on, I'm listening."

"When I told you that I saw your father beat you. I was pissed that I couldn't do anything about it, y'know."

"Man, I told you not to mention that again!"

"Well, I figured that if I couldn't help you, I could help the others around me."

A pause, as Jou was thinking, something he couldn't do while talking.

"Wait, are you telling me you're the Red Avenger?"

"The one and only."

Jou was surprised a bit, of course, as he didn't think his guess was correct, but he wasn't shocked or anything.

"Well, that was unexpected."

"Now really?"

Silence fell.

"Yeah. I figured you were out late at night, but I never thought you were beating up scumbags."

"I never did lose the urge to fight, and I know you didn't either. You just replaced it by dueling, but dueling just isn't my thing, Jou."

"True that, I often wondered why you bought that deck."

"I guess I just wanted to know what it was. Anyway, sleep now?"

"Nah, talking's fine."


"I know I got the brains and the booty, but you don't have to be jealous of me."

Honda laughed at Jou's way of repeating his comment of earlier hours.

"Come on, Jou, you know that, in between us, I've got the body and I've got the brains, let's face it, chicks dig tall brunette guys."

Now, it was Jou's turn to feel insulted.

"You aren't that tall, and I've gotten more poontang than you ever will, Honda!"

"Really now, you've never had a girlfriend, and neither a one night stand!"

Jou's smile turned into a frown.


"I live to please."

"Ah, you know I love ya."

At the sweet little hours of the morning, sometimes, you find funny things which aren't. Honda decided he'd play a trick on Jou.

"You love me? Why haven't you told me before? I'm so happy now!"

Mocking a romantic story, he fell off the side of the bed, and grabbed Jou in his arms. Jou struggled a bit against it, but Honda didn't let go.

"Honda, damn you! Not in that way, you goof!"

Honda let go of his embrace, and Jou felt that Honda was a bit further than a little moment earlier. 'Must be because of the real, actual distance between us. Stupid brain. Honda's right there, he's always been there, as a friend, I mean.' Jou thought.

"You think too much."

"Really? Two hours ago you told me I didn't think enough!"

"Yeah, but unlike many other human beings, you can't think when you talk."

"Hey! I resent that."

Honda laughed with a thick laugh that you could cut with a knife.

"You know I love ya the way you are, Jou."

Now, the ball was in Jou's camp, and he decided to play the same trick on Honda.

"Oh...Honda...I didn't know you had those feelings for me!"

And he pounced on Honda, who fell on his back, Jounouchi on top of him.

"Erm, Jou..."

"What now?"

"You're on top of me."


"If someone walked in the room, they could think that..."

Jou was mortifyed and quickly hopped off Honda. However, Honda wondered about something. He was getting aroused. He was wondering why this was as he wasn't gay...not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. 'Wooh there...I can understand if Jou was a hot girl, or even if he was a girl point. I'd get damn horny if that was the case. However, not only am I not gay, so I can't get aroused by a guy, but it's motherfucking Jou! Even if I was gay, I wouldn't fall in love with him. He's just not my type.' Honda thought.

"You think too much."

"Really, now?"

"Yeah, why don't you act on your thoughts? I mean, we never see you try anything interesting unless we invite you."

"That's because if you fuck up, I can't be blamed!"


Only at 2 AM or by being drunk or stoned, can you possibly find turning around and mooning your friend possibly funny. Which is what Honda just did.

"Aw man, pull those boxers up!"

Jou remembered the joke he wanted to pull on Honda.

"Because damn those toned buns are making me hot!"

Honda pulled his boxers up, and laughed, he returned to the comforting presence of his own bed, which didn't seem so comforting without Jou in it to, you know, be there.

"Yo, Jou."

"What now, Honda?"

"Were you really serious when you talked about my ass?"

Jounouchi had most assuredly not expected that question.

"Uh, no, not really. I'm not one to look at guys like that. You of all people should know that!"

Jounouchi's little Celtic Guardian inside his brain laughed so loud it woke up the rational sense of his brain, that told him to shut up about Jou's sexual preferences.

That's when all hell broke loose.

'Nice save, Jou, no need to tell him that you actually found that ass hot. Not only is he straight, but telling him he has the hottest booty in school, after yourself, would inflate his ego even more!' Jou thought.

"Just checking."


"Shut up, you dork!"

Honda took his pillow and thwapped it in his friend's face.

"I missed that..."

"Oh, if you want to get hit again, I don't mind."

"Not that, I mean, just goofing around like that."

"Uh-oh...you're gonna get all sentimental again."

Jou thought about it, and felt a plan of revenge germ in his mind, revenge for everything he ever felt.

"Honda, how'd you like to become the Red Avenger for one, final mission?"

"And why would I do that?"

"Well, recently, with all of that shit you pulled as the Red Avenger, my father started to beat me again."

"Okay. I'll do it. Besides, you don't know how long I've waited for this moment..."
