Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Red Avenger ❯ Song ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's note: This will not make sense unless you read the first chapter. I'd suggest reading that one first, especially since this is RIGHT after the first chapter, and in the mind of the man in red.

The Red Avenger - Song

Written by your herald and mine, Igatona. Song written by Steve Harris from Iron Maiden. Song used because Iron Maiden rocks your world.


After liberating a future from darkness, the warrior in red stops to look at his doings and predicts his downfall.

I can't afford to forget what I didn't do back then...

He's walking like a small child
But watch his eyes burn you away
Black holes in his golden stare
God knows he wants to go home
Children of The Damned
[repeat another 3 times]

Everyone who's ever looked at me never knew of the sorrow that I have to live with every day. It's not my sorrow to live with, but I still carry it on my shoulders. Why? Because I'm the only one who can. I'm standing in front of this bridge, and I know that, somewhere out there, there's someone that needs me to save them. Yet, the only one I was ever interested in saving, both from his father and from himself, I could never bring myself to save.

He's walking like a dead man
If he had lived he would crucified us all
Now he's standing on his last step
He thought oblivion well it beckons us all
Children of The Damned
[repeat 3 times]

My friend, my only friend. He got into that kind of predicament. No one knows it, no one really cares too. Just as long as their normal routine isn't broken, they won't care. He still laughs when someone says something funny, he still gets angry when he's denied something, yet I've seen the whole scenario, live, right in front of my face. The guy must have forgot I was there, but when I talked to my friend about it, he told me never to mention it. I couldn't take it. I couldn't take the fact that he was dominated and had to keep up a sort of wall so that people don't really break in. It wouldn't bother him that people knew, it's just, as I said, it'd break his normal routine.

That's why I can't do anything. He doesn't want to be helped. Maybe he feels he needs to get out of this alone, or maybe he just thinks I won't be able to help him. I just know that everyone doesn't suspect anything of the truth behind him.

He's the real brave man. I'm just a vigilante. He's the hero.

Now it's burning his hands he's turning to laugh
Smiles as the flame sears the flesh
Melting his face screaming in pain
Peeling the skin from his eyes
Watch him die according to plan
He's dust on ground what did we learn

Although I know that one day, everything'll explode. He'll go too far, he'll hurt the only thing that has given me both a purpose and a means to make my aggression be more productive (Haw! The one that thinks I decided to stop fighting is just a moron), and he'll have hurt the only person I've ever, well, liked as, maybe, a bit more than a friend, like a best friend of sorts.

One day, I'll explode. I'll do something I'll regret. I'll give a jumping uppercut to the throat, and the abusive parent will die, and I'll have saved my friend. He'll look at me, and understand that all I've done, every little child I've helped, was an occasion to show him that I cared, only...that I wasn't ready to help him of all people, that I was ashamed I couldn't help him.

You're Children of The Damned
Your back's against the wall
You turn into the light
You're burning in the night

I'll never give up the fight until he's free as a bird, free from his father, free from me.

You're Children of The Damned
Like candles watch them burn
Burning in the light
You'll burn again tonight
You're Children of The Damned

Because that's what you deserve, my friend Jounouchi.


So, how was it? Don't forget to review now! Or else, well, if you ever get hurt, there won't be any Red Avenger to help you.

Now, for the contest of THIS chapter...

The move is done as following :

623 + P

So, do you know what's that move?