Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Tournament of Anubis ❯ Yugi's letter ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1-New friends and New challenges

"Hey Yuug....Yugi...YUGI!!!" Yugi Motou looked up at his best friend from a small pamphlet he had just taken out of his mailbox in front of the game shop his grandfather owned. "Huh? oh sorry Jou. What is it?" Yugi and his friends Jounouchi Katsuya, Honda Hiroto, and Anzu Mizaki sat at a small table in the back of the shop. "What'cha got there?" Jounouchi asked. "I dunno yet...." Yugi quickly scanned the paper. His face lit up. "It's a Duel Monsters tournament! in Egypt!" His friends looked up at him "In Egypt?!" Honda asked "Wow that is so cool!" Anzu said "Read it to us!" Yugi looked at the paper again. "It says: National Invitational Duel Monsters Tournament. Top Duelists from around the world invited to duel in the tournament of the Century! Right in the heart of Egypt! Duel Monsters is rumored to be based on a game played by the ancient Egyptians for power. The Winner of the tournament will recieve the one of a kind Egyptian God card 'Anubis God of Death.' "
Yugi pulled another paper from the envelope the flyer had come in. "Fill out this form and return to recieve your Duel Disk and further Information." "Wow Yugi! Thats really cool!," Anzu chimed. "Are you gonna do it?" "well..." Yugi started "Well nothin'! of course hes gonna do it!"Jounochi interrupted."Are you forgettin' hes the nuber one duelist?" "And look at that cool card!" Honda said, snatching the paper away from Yugi. "Anubis huh?" The card was a huge black dog with gold chains around its neck and feet, and fire leaping up through piles of skulls on the ground. "Yeah...I bet that thing could do some damage!" Jounouchi gazed at the one of a kind card.
The next day Yugi walked to school reading some more papers that were in the envelope. He was so absorbed in reading that he didn't see Ryou Bakura walking towards him with the same papers, and just as absorbed as he was. whack! little Yugi bounced right off him and landed on the sidewalk "ack!" "Oh Yugi! im so sorry!" Yugi looked up to see Ryou smiling down at him. He offered Yugi his hand. Yugi laughed. "Its ok Ryou." He said. Ryou pulled him to his feet. His paper caught Yugi's eye. "Hey Ryou did you get invited to that tournament too?" "Oh, this?" Ryou lifted his paper. "Yes, but i don't know if im good enough." He smiled."I think you're definately good enough! Your a really good duelist!" Yugi encouraged him. "Well thanks for your support Yugi...but im still not sure." "Thats ok. Jouey and Honda and Anzu are all planning to come watch, and you're welcome to come along too! Think about it, ok?" Yugi said walking into the school.
Ryou stood there staring blankly at his paper, his silvery hair swayed with the calm morning breesze. He would have loved to go to the tournament with Yugi and his friends but...Ryou turned his sad brown eyes to the rising sun. He thought about the gold ring around his neck, hidden by his school uniform. The Millenium Ring he had contained great dark powers that he was unable to control. Sometimes the spirit inside the ring completely took over his body. The spirit was extremely abusive to Ryou. It had caused him so much pain and misery... It was even painful to think about it, but the Millenium Ring was destined to be his. He was even more afraid that the spirit would take him over at the tournament and maybe hurt somthing or somebody. Ryou sighed and followed Yugi solemnly into the school.
He walked into the chattering classroom and took his seat in the fourth row. The bell rang and the chatter died down as the teacher walked in. "Alrighty people settle down." He started. "We have a new student joining us today." A shy looking girl with dark brown hair tied back in a ponytail walked into the room, blushing slightly. Her eyes shone with the same innocence as Ryou's, only her eyes were colored differently, pale blue that darkened on the outside. "This is Setsuki Saotome." She smiled shyly and sat in the second row in front of Honda.
As soon as the teacher began his lecture Honda turned around to face Jounouchi. "What do ya think?" He whispered. "Shes pretty cute, But check out Ryou!" Honda gave him a funny look and snickered."Jeez Jou i didn't know you were that way" Jounouchi growled "Shaddap ya nimrod! I mean turn around and look at him!" Honda switched his eyes to the quiet brown-eyed boy. Ryou's eyes were wide and fixed on the new girl. He blushed slightly, but the pink shone like a beacon on his pale skin. Honda slapped his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing out loud as he turned back to face Jounouchi who had his hand stuffed in his mouth to keep from laughing. After he had overcome his laughter, Jounouchi leaned over to Honda. "Awwww isn't 'dat just the cutest!" Jounouchi shoved his fist back in his mouth. "Ryou's got a wittle crush! That's gotta be a first!" Honda covored his mouth with both hands and turned toward the front of the class.
Ryou happened to notice that Jounouchi and Honda were whispering and laughing. He gave a quiet little nervous squeak and his pale face turned completely pink. He quickly picked up a pencil and started pretending to scribble notes in his notebook.