Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Tournament of Anubis ❯ Suki's Talent ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4-Suki's Talent
Later, the sky began to turn pink with the setting sun. Honda looked up at the sky. "Well it's getting late." Suki gasped "Oh no! I was supposed to be home a half hour ago!" She began picking up her papers and stuffing them in her bag. "I gotta go guys." "Ok Suki. See ya tomorrow!" Yugi and his friends waved goodbye as she ran down the street. "She's a nice kid." Anzu concluded brightly. "Yeah." the rest of them agreed. "I better get going too." Ryou said, packing his things away. "Bye guys.""See ya Ryou."
Suki ran along an old cracked sidewalk in a seemingly unoccupied part of the city. Old brick buildings and abandoned warehouses lined the street. She picked up speed as she turned a corner. Just as she was around the corner, she hit something. Hard. Suki bounced back and landed on the concrete as the contents of her handbag spilled all over the sidewalk. She rubbed her head and looked up to see two very large, very strong, very mean looking guys standing over her. One of them was holding half her deck in his hand. The other gave her a mean look. "Hey there cutie. Got any money on ya?"
Ryou wandered along the old cracked sidewalk. He stared down at his feet as he turned a corner and slowly turned his eyes foreward. He gasped as he took in what he was seeing. Two big guys standing over Suki on the pavement. "Oh no!" he gasped, "Suki!" Suki stood up, unaware that Ryou was watching them. She sighed annoyedly. "Give me back my deck please." "Wha? Oh you mean this?" Said the smaller of the two waving it in front of her eyes. "I dunno," The larger one continued. "I've heard these can go for quite a lot of mon-" he was cut off by the sound of Ryou's panic-stricken voice. "Suki! I'm coming!!!!" he started to run and picked up speed rapidly. He threw himself as hard as he could against the bulk of the larger boy. He bounced off him and tumbled backward behind Suki. "Oh! Ryou!" She said, surprised. "Jeez bud, you must me like, invisible to little people or somethin'. They just keep bouncin' off ya." Said the smaller of the two, laughing stupidly. After regaining his senses, Ryou jumped up and stood in front of Suki with a fierce look on his face. "Aw, protecting your girl?" Ryou blushed. "G-give her c-cards back." He said trying to sound strong. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked back to see Suki smiling at him. "Please Ryou, I can handle this." She walked in front of him. She sighed and said calmly, "I dont' like to fight. But please give me my cards back or I'll have to." The two boys looked at each other, then at Suki. They burst out into a fit of insane laughter. "Oh please! Y-you gotta be kidding me!" The larger put his hand on Suki's shoulder to support himself. She gently reached up and grabbed his wrist. In the few moments of silence that followed, the boy stopped laughing and looked at her. Suki looked strait at him and gave an evil smile. Then, as if he were nothing more than her handbag, flipped him over her shoulder and onto the concrete behind her. She turned around and looked at him on the pavement, stunned. While she had her back turned, the other boy ran at her. "Coward." she muttered as she jumped clear over his head and landed gracefully on the sidewalk behind him. Before he could process what was happening in his timy mind, she had kicked his feet out from under him and he landed on the sidewalk beside his friend. "Whew!" She wiped her forehead. "I'll be taking my cards back." She slipped her deck out of his hand. "C'mon Ryou!" She smiled sweetly at him. He didn't know if he should be scared or not, but he followed anyway. As the two walked away Suki turned around and said, "Oh, and boys, I was planning to go to the movies this weekend, but I don't think I have enough cash...Think you could help me out?" The two boys looked at each other, still in shock. Then ran down the street crying like small children and leaving a cloud of dust behind them. Settling with the dust, a few five dollar bills fluttered to the ground.
Suki and Ryou walked silently down the street. They both felt quite awkward untill Ryou said, "Um, Suki, If you don't mind me asking...how did you...? Where did you learn to fight like that?" She blushed slightly. "Well, It's kind of...a natural talent. I remember back when I was a really little kid some bully wanted to pick a fight with me for one reason or another, and the next thing I knew he was on the ground behind me." "Oh..." Ryou said, still a little shocked. "So, uh, you said you were going to see a movie this weekend?" He blushed. "Yep." She smiled and turned a little pink too. If there was one thing they had in common, It was their shyness. "So, uh, what were you going to see?"
"Well, I don't know if you'd be interested...It's kind of a chick flick."
"It wouldn't happen to be Red Blossom would it?" Suki looked surprised "No way! how did you know?" Ryou blushed even more and looked toward the ground "I've kinda been ...dying to see it..." he mumbled. Suki looked at him. She giggled. "Wow I'd never expect a guy to like a movie like that!" Her eyes turned gentle again. "That just proves you're a sensitive guy." "Thanks I think." He chuckled. "Maybe we could go see it together." "That'd be great!" Suki beamed. "Is this Saturday ok?" "Works for me." She said as they approached Ryou's house "See ya later Ryou!"