Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Tournament of Anubis ❯ Deja Vu ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3-Deja Vu

The next day at school, the morning chatter was again silenced by the teacher. "Settle down class...Simmer down people.....SIMMER!!! Ok, now today we'll start a new social economics project!" The class let out their traditional collective groan as the techer continued. "You will all choose a partner and a public facility and you will observe how many people go in and out between the hours of 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM-" The class roared their protest. "Now you won't have to do this in one day! You can do it from 9 to 11 one day and 12 to 3 the next or something. When you're done observing you will display your information on a poster." The class hung thier heads and sighed. "Now go ahead and pick your partners and I'll come around with your place." Jounouchi and Honda paired up as usual, and Yugi and Anzu paired up. Setsuki sat at her desk looking around franticly for a partner. When the crowd dissapated, Ryou was standing in front of her desk, slightly pink in the face. "Um, Suki, do you want to be my partner?" She smiled, relieved that she had someone to work with. "Sure Ryou! Thanks for asking." When the techer came around with the Hat, Ryou reached in and pulled out a piece of paper reading, Domino Cinemas. "Ah, the movie theatre." Ryou read. "We got the Arcade!" Yugi read from his paper "Right next to the Movies!" Jounouchi and Honda looked at their paper, dissapointed. "What did you guys get?" Anzu asked. "Aaah...The bookstore." Honda answered. She laughed. "Well, at least we're close together!"

Later that day, Yugi had pushed two desks together and set his deck in the appropriate place. Suki did the same. Jounouchi, Honda, Anzu and Ryou stood around them. "Now Suki," Yugi said, "what you do is draw five-" He looked at her and noticed she had already drawn five cards from the top of her deck. "Oh. Well. Um, I guess the easiest way to teach someone how to play Duel Monsters is to play it out. I'll let you go first and guide you through. Now draw a card..." Setsuki drew one and looked at it. It was Mystical Elf. "Wow! 2000 defense points! I play the Mystical Elf in defense mode." She set it on the table, properly placed. Yugi and his friends stared at her. "Uh, so you've never played this before?" "Nope." Yugi blinked. "So how did you know what defense points are? And how to place the card?" Suki thought about it. "Gee, that's wierd...I don't know." Silence befell them. "...Ok, my turn." Yugi looked at his hand. "Hm...I'll play the 7 colored fish in attack mode. He has 1800 attack points, so I can't attack your Elf. You're move." Setsuki drew another card. In her hand was already Wingweaver, Silver bow and Arrow, Spirit of the Harp, Trap Hole, and she drew Gemini Elf. "Alright! I play Gemini Elf in attack mode. Then I'll put this card face down." She put Trap Hole in its appropriate spot on the field. There was another pause. "Suki are you sure you've never played this game before?" "Positive...unless I've played it in a past life or something!" She laughed jokingly. Yugi and his freinds looked at each other. "Well you never know.." Anzu smiled. "Heh, ok Yugi I attack your fish guy with my Gemini Elf!" Yugi subtracted 100 life points from his total.
Yugi walked later to the small cafe near the arcade, theatre, and bookstore, followed by Honda and Jounouchi who were taunting and laughing at him. Yugi walked along with a vien popping out of his temple, trying to keep his cool. Setsuki walked after them, beaming. After her Ryou and Anzu followed speechlessly. I think you can all guess how that duel turned out. Jounouchi stopped laughing for a second to imply, "HAHAHA! A little rusty today Yuug?" "I can't believe you got beat! By SUKI!" Honda had tears streaming out of his eyes he was laughing so hard. Yugi turned around with veins popping out all over the place. "OK SO I LOST!!!! I WAS JUST TRYING TO GO EASY ON HER BECAUSE SHE SAID SHE NEVER PLAYED BEFORE!!" Honda and Jou blinked speechlessly for a few moments then burst into another fit of laughter.
They all sat around a table at the cafe and took out some paper to start their projects. "Suki," Anzu started after a few moments. "you've never played Duel Monsters before? I mean Yugi is the top ranked duelist in the world, and, you beat him just like that?" There was a pause. "...You know, it's really wierd...I know I've never played duel monsters before, but I knew how to play it." another pause. Yugi marked down two people who had walked into the arcade. "I know it sounds wierd, but, have you ever had deja vu?" "Deja what?" Jounouchi blinked. "Deja vu...It's something that happens to intellegent people sometimes." Anzu retorted. "It's when you suddenly have a wierd feeling that somethings happened to you before...like in a past life or something." Yugi said, seeming more calm now. "I've had that feeling before." Honda said looking off into space. "Really Honda?" Ryou asked. "Yeah, like last week when I asked that cute girl in our class on a date and she said no." The group fell over (anime style.) "Why did I not see that coming." Anzu rolled her eyes.
The group sat there at the tabe in the cafe, the sun beat down on them. "One more for the bookstore Jou." Honda said wiping the sweat from his forehead. Jounouchi scratched another line down on the paper. "Agh its so hot!" Setsuki said as she unbuttoned her collar. As she did something glittery caught Anzu's eye. She looked over at Suki. Around her neck on a short black ribbon was a gold scarab with eyes made of rubys. "Wow! Suki what's that around your neck?" Suki touched the gold beetle with her index finger. "Oh, this? It's kind of a long story. When I was very young, about 7, my dad brought me on one of his buisness trips. This one in Egypt. One day he and my mom brought me to a marketplace. I remember i was walking with them, looking at all the cool Egyptian stuff, when I got this wierd feeling. It was like I was in a trance. I walked away from my parents. They didn't notice I was walking away until I was gone. I went to some little rickety old stall run by an old woman in a dark cloak. To this day i don't know what drew me to that stall, but the next thing I knew, I was standing there in front of her, holding this scarab in my hand. I asked her how much it was. She smiled and laughed...she was kinda creepy, and she said 'nonsense child! It's already yours.' Then she shooed me away." "Dat's wierd." Jouey said. Ryou and Yugi looked at each other. That sounded like how they got their millenium items. Yugi had his millenium puzzle, and Ryou had his millenium ring.