Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Then and Now ❯ How they became brothers ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warning: This chap. Is not betaed!!!!
2. How they became brothers
One Years Later (Seto and Katsuya are 11, Mokuba is 7)
“Set-chan!” The exited scream clang trough to the orphanage.
“Set-chan, come on, where are you? I have news, you will never guess what.”
Katsuya Jounouichi the energetic 12 year old searched for his best friend. Oh, Seto would be so thrilled to hear. If he could just find him.
Just as he took another deep breath to scream for “Set-chan” the door at the end of the hallway opened and Seto's brown head poked out. Of course! The study room. Why were it always the obvious places Katsuya forgot to search for his friend.
“What is it Katsu-kun? I am studying, in fact, the same thing you should do right now if you don't want to fail the next test.”
Katsuya jumped exited up and down. “Oh, never mind studying, guess what!”
Seto raised an eyebrow, he hated these games and as exited as Katsuya was at the moment Seto knew he would just have to wait a few moments and Katsuya would blur out whatever news he had anyway. It took exactly five seconds for Katsuya to get impatient. He rolled his eyes.
“You are no fun, Set-chan. Anyway, you know the business guy who is always on TV, the one from the war machine company, the chess champion the one you said you could beet at chess? Well, here is your big chance. He is coming to our orphanage . He donated some money, remember? Now he wants to make some pictures with the poor children, he was so generously helping.” The irony and was evident n Katsuya's voice. “He is coming with a big camera crew and the press. Man, that guy is such a show off. I bet he hates children. What people do just for publicity is really disgusting.”
Seto wanted to roll his eyes. Katsuya hated people who pretended to be something they are not. Seto had tried to explain time and time again, that in life you had to hide your true self behind a mask in order to have success.
“Anyway he is coming next week, and he said he wanted to talk to us children, play with us. So Set-chan, will you challenge him?”
“That is it why you were shouting through the halls. Just to ask me that? Really Katsu-kun, I have to continue studying now. But I will play with you later, promise.” He added when he saw Katsuya pouting.
The promise made Katsuya grin. Seto was always so busy. Busier than any eleven year old boy should be in Katsuya's opinion. And today was Mokubas long day at school, so he and Seto would have time to play alone. Not that he disliked Mokubas company, but he was much younger than the two of them and… Katsuya really like to have Seto all to himself.
“Okay Set-chan, but I will be back in exactly 59 minutes. Don't back out of your promise.” With that Katsuya hopped away.
Seto closed the door behind him and let out the breath he had been holding since Katsuya had told him that Gozaburo Kaiba was to visit the orphanage. Like Katsuya said this really was Seto's big chance, but in another way than the blond had thought.
The brunet boy had studied the man trough TV and the newspaper. He had reached everything in life. He was rich, famous and influential. No one dared to go against him. But he was also a proud man. Proud of his knowledge and slight of hand. He thought himself superior to anybody.
Seto was determined to use that to his advantaged.
The life in the orphanage was not bad, but he wanted more. H knew he was designed to be something bigger to lead more than this poor life. There had been people who wanted to adopt him. Rich people. They were fascinated by his intelligence, but he had always declined. They never had interests in adopting more than one child and Seto would never ever lave neither Mokuba nor Katsuya behind. Mokuba was his brother, the last connection to his family, and Katsuya…Katsuya was his most cherished person. His first and best friend, his companion. Without him everything in his life had been dull, but from the day on, Katsuya had come to the orphanage one year ago, everything had changed. Katsuya had brightened his life, and he would, could not leave him behind.
Seto had planned this for months now, and now his chance had finally arrived. He would challenge Gozaburo to a game of chess, he would make him accept a deal were Gozaburo would have to adopt Mokuba, Katsuya and him, if he, Seto, won the game.
And he would win!
One week later!!!!
Queen to B5. Checkmate. (a/n: I have never played chess and I don't understand it at all, so I hope tat makes sense.)
Gozaburo's face which had become whiter and whiter throughout the game was now deep red. His anger was almost tangible. How could that small boy have beaten him? He must have been cheating. Despite his thoughts Gozaburo knew he couldn't have. It was almost impossible to cheat in cheek. And if the boy had tried Gozaburo was sure he would have known it. Being a quite accomplished cheater himself.
Gozaburo worked the situation trough his mind. He had never thought off adopting a child not to mention three, but this kid was quite intelligent and would eventually make a good successor and the other one, the blond one was just his taste. He had hardly been able to conceal his leering gaze when he had seen the boy for the first time. The two of them would be quite useful and entertaining. The third one was rather useless, but maybe he would find a purpose for him later.
A warm smile spread over Gozaburo's antic. His false beam was reflected in the cameras which were all around the table, where he had played with the boy.
“Well then, boy. I am a man of honour and don't go back on a deal. You and your brothers get your things while I deal with the formalities with Misaki-san.”
A triumphal grin steeled on Seto's face. Finally! He ha finally managed to take his life in his own hands and make something out off it.
When he managed to wriggle his way out of the mass off people all over the room he was met with Katsuya's angry face.
“You had no right to do that Seto, it is not your decision off were I live. And I demand that you take it back. I will not leave here. Especially not with that man.” Katsuya was almost out off control, He wanted to smash the others face and he would have, if Seto was any other person.
“But Katsu-kun, don't you see? That is our chance. Our chance to make something off our lives, and…it's our chance to stay together. Haven't you thought about it? We will be brothers.”
Katsuya was very quite. He was still angry with Seto, but…brothers, that would be so wonderful. “I hope you know what you are doing Seto.”
The freshly made brothers arrived at the Kaiba mason not two hours later. The house was huge and massive. It looked more like a fort than a home.
“So boys, that will be your new home. We shall discuss the rules tomorrow. Now I will tell you were your rooms are. Don't stroll around the mason. Seto, you and your little brother will stay on the first floor. Your room is in the left wing, No.3 while his is in the right. No 8. Katsuya,” Gozaburo stopped and let his eyes wander over the small blond body. “You will stay on the second floor. Room No.2” Right next to the Masters Bedroom, but Gozaburo didn't mention that.
“But why do we have to sleep apart? I want to sleep with onichan and Katsu-chan."
“That annoying brat. I never wanted him in the first place. He is useless and now he dares to demand something! “ Gozaburo was furious. He would show this brat his place. He stroke out, but instead of hitting the smallest off the three boys, his palm landed on Seto's cheek. Seto had jumped between them. Now Mokuba was hiding behind Seto who looked dangerously at Gozaburo. Katsuya was unable to move. Bad memories of his past with his father flooded his mind.
The slap had been quite hard and it hurt a lot, but Seto didn't show it. Instead, he fixed his cold blue eyes on Gozaburo. He didn't say anything. He knew he couldn't threaten the man with anything, not jet anyway. But his eyes hold a promise. A promise to make Gozaburo's life hell if he ever tried to do that again. Gozaburo saw that. Saw the eyes which spoke of vicious intelligence and determination. In that moment Gozaburo had a small look into the future. He knew that this boy would play a very important role in it. Whether to Gozaburo's advantage or disadvantage he couldn't say, and for that he feared the boy. He normally could read people like an open book. Could say which of them could be useful and which not. Could tell which where disposed to him and which weren't. His fear made him hate the boy. He had never feared anybody, but these could blue eyes made him shiver. He didn't know if he regretted adopting this child then, but one thing he was sure off: This boy would make an excellent successor. Gozaburo decided to thing about the consequences off this adoption later- he would never know, that he had sealed his death on this day.
“Mokuba, go too bed, I wont tolerate any whining. Katsuya, go to your room and wait for me. Seto, follow me.”
The tree of them gazed at each other uncomfortably but complied anyway.
Seto followed Gozaburo. They weren't going to his new room Seto realised. When Gozaburo opened a heavy wooden door he found himself in a small library- small in comparison to the house, but it was defiantly one of the biggest libraries Seto had ever been in.
Gozaburo walked along the shelves and griped, seemingly randomly three books. He sad those on a small table and motioned for Seto to sit down.
“You are going to read these books, and will resume them to me in the morning.” At Seto's defying gaze he added. “Don't forget, that I hold your and you precious brothers future in my hand. I CAN make life very nice for them, but I can make it very hard just as easy.”
With that he left Seto alone. “What have I done?!” The boy asked himself in horror.
Meanwhile Mokuba had settled down in his new room. It was much bigger than the one he had shared with Seto and Katsuya, but it was also very empty. He climbed into bed, but wasn't able to fall asleep. He ha never slept alone before. Seto had always been there, and for one year now Katsuya had been too. The small boy looked around in the dark room. Everything was so big. Big enough for monsters to hid in. Mokuba whimpered. They would come out. Now that neither Seto nor Katsuya were there to frighten them away these monsters would come out and tear his limps apart, eat his entrails and drink his blood. He heard a small scratching noise and jumped under his sheets, curling into a ball. Calling silently for his two brothers.
Katsuya too had settled own in his room. He was now sitting on his bad waiting nervously for Gozaburo to arrive. What did the scary business man want to discuss with him? He could understand the man's interest in Seto. All the adults were fascinated by his blue eyed friend's intelligence: Gozaburo dismissed Mokuba easily, so what did he want with him? Katsuya knew that the heavy man had no interest in playing happy family. He followed his own interests, but what they were was still unclear to him.
Eventually the door opened and Gozaburo Kaiba stepped in. He clicked the look shut and loosened his tie. His gaze was fixt on the small boy sitting on his bed. He licked his lips: he still looked so innocent.
“You will learn your very first lesson in this house now boy. Pay attention and fallow my orders. This will spare you and your brothers much pain.
Katsuya nodded and Gozaburo's face twisted into a lecherous grin. “Strip.” He ordered.
This was the first night for the tree of them in their new life. Each of them suffering and hoping that the other two were safe and sound.