Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Trusting Or Not ❯ chapter 4- In The Store ( Chapter 1 )

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Chapter 4- In the Store
Notes: i don't owe Yu-gi-oh! People might wonder where Tristan is, his at home cause
we didn't want him in the chapters for now. Look for him for later though! Let's get on with the story!

Ryou ran after Joey, "Joey! Wait a minute! The store is downstairs!" He cried unhappily,
Joey looked at him. "Great! Let's go!" Joey cried as he ran down the stairs, Yugi and the gang sighed.
"With this new crush his developing, his sure excited," Bakura replied snickering. "Yea, I wonder how Kaiba
would react when he finds out about this," Yami said smiling, "perhaps its going to be crazy for them that night
cause we are loosing Joey and Ryou right now!" Yugi cried running after his friends. Yami and Bakura ran after
Yugi, they finally stopped in front of a store that says "Love Materials". "Is this it Ryou?" Joey asked as they
went inside, "yea, but I'm not sure if they have any left of the toy vibrator that I bought for Bakura," Ryou explained.
"YOu bought it for Bakura?!" Yugi cried surprised, Ryou blushed. "Well, yea, I want to try something new tonight," Ryou
said looking down.
"I thought Yugi was sex-crazed," Yami mumbled unhappily. "Hey, Pharaoh! I think you need these!" Bakura cried as
he held some lubricant in his hands. Yami blushed, "at least I don't have a dozen in your drawer Tomb Robber," Yami shot back
laughing at Bakura's face. "There you are! I was looking all over for you!" A voice cried by the entrance by the store, the
gang gasped. "TeA! How did you find us?" Joey asked angrily, "well, I thought Yugi or Yami might buy me something for our love-
making at night," TeA explained as she hugged Yami tightly. Yugi growled, "get your hands off of him bitch!" He cried angrily, "aw,
waht's the problem? Thinking that I might steal your boyfriend?" TeA asked laughing. Serenity groaned, "TeA, nobody wants you cause
your a slut!" She cried angrily, "What did you call me you moron?!" TeA asked angrily staring at Serenity. "Hey, don't call my sister
names you looser!" Joey cried angrily.
The manager of the store suddenly came out, "excuse me? Is everything all right in here?" The manager asked worriedly, "no, that
stuck up bitch is trying to steal my boyfriend!" TeA cried pointing at Serenity, "she's lying sir! I just came in here with my brother to
go and buy some stuff!" Serenity explained angrily. The manager looked at TeA, "lying is a bad habit. Causing a commotion in my store is
bad for you. Security!" The manager cried loudly, two tough muscular guys came out from the back door looking at TeA angrily, "come on hun,
let's get out of here," she said as she tried to grab Yami's arm. "I'm not going with you anywhere you whore," Yami said confident as he began
insulting Bakura. "Hey! Why are you insulting me all of a sudden?!" Bakura cried surprised, Yami snickered. TeA growled angrily, "fine! I'll
be back for you though," she said as she left the store angrily. "Thank you for everything," Ryou and Serenity said to the manager and to the two
muscular guys. "Don't worry about it, if she comes back, hollar," the manager said as they went back to the room.
"Did you find what you need sir?" The clerk asked Joey, "yea, I'm going to go and buy a dozen of lubricant plus this oil that makes your
skin so soft when you rub it in," Joey said as he gave it to the clerk. "Oh, oil ointment? That stuff is great for your lover," the clerk replied
as he punched in the account of money in the register. (A/N: just made up the oil ointment if your going to wonder what it is). "Big brother? I'm
going to go and buy these," Serenity said as she put down a pair of handcuffs in the counter. Joey blushed, "why do you need those for?" He asked.
"For your night with Kaiba tomorrow," Serenity explained. "Yea, Joey. You have to be the one dominating him, not Kaiba," Yugi explained to his friend.
The clerk looked at Joey, "your going to do it to Seto Kaiba? I wish you luck," the clerk said smiling. "Why? His probably not hard to go and be domainted
for once," Joey replied. "Perhaps, but some people are talking that its hard to get Kaiba laid," the clerk replied as Joey blushed hard. Bakura snickered,
"the puppy dog is blushing! How cute!" Bakura cried laughing, "don't call me that! I am no DAMN DOG!" Joey yelled angrily at Bakura.
Yami shook his head, "plan this carefully Joey, your plans might be ruined," he said as he hugged Yugi. Joey smiled at him, "I'll be fine, as soon as
Serenity goes home tomorrow night before Kaiba gets back, my plan will work," Joey said smiling. "What about Mokuba? He might here you two," Ryou said worriedly,
"I'll ask Kaiba if he can sleepover with Serenity, no big," Joey said as he got his stuff. Serenity smiled, "can't wait for tomorrow!" She cried excitedly, "yea,
tomorrow is going to be a big day," Joey said laughing nervously. The gang left the store and began walking back home while Joey and Serenity took a taxi. I hope
tomorrow would be a success, my plan shall not fail! Joey thought worriedly.

Me: short isn't it?
Yami: the next few chapters are going to be longer!
Me: yea, its time to go and baby-sit Mokuba!
Mokuba: *growls* i hope i'm not going to be home at night
Me: you won't Mokuba! Let's see what's next!!!
Yami: wait until next time!!!