Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Unbelievable Connections ❯ Geniuses and Duelists ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! However, I DO own Marissa and Keline.
Chapter 3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
There was a loud *thunk.* Everyone looked over to the source of the sound. Who stood there was none other than Keline Magentos - a.k.a. the new kid. He had dropped his briefcase, which was now lying on the floor beside him. His eyes were open wide. He was staring at Marissa. She stared back at him with the same amount of surprise.
“Riss??” he asked cautiously and quietly.
“Kay??” she asked back. “It's...it's really you!” She went over to Keline and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back, and she started to cry with tears of joy. “Kay, Kay...I can't believe after all this time...Kay, I've missed you so much.”
“I don't know how much longer I could have lasted without you, Riss.”
“Wait a sec,” Joey interrupted. “You two know each other?”
Keline let go off Marissa. She wiped a tear from her eye and smiled. “Joey, guys,” she said to the group. “Remember how I told you I had a boyfriend back in Egypt?” They all nodded, except for Ryou, who had no idea what was going on. “This is him.”
“But I thought you said he was still in Egypt,” Yugi pointed out.
“I just came here a few days ago,” explained Keline. “And it wasn't until about a week ago that I was told of the trip.”
“You mean you're father had one of those nonsense ideas again?” Marissa asked him.
“Yeah. But my aunt said she had business her as well.”
“What do you mean by `nonsense ideas'?” asked Tristan.
“Keline's father has a split personality,” answered Marissa. “So every now and then his other side takes over and has this crazy idea.”
“Ah, I understand.”
“How did you learn English on such short notice?” Tea asked Keline.
“I'm a quick learner,” he replied. “But I don't know many scientific words or any other big words, which is why I get to speak Arabic at home.”
“Lucky!” Marissa said, playfully slapping him on the shoulder. “I have to speak English ALL the time!”
“Although, because of my disability, my father stuck me in this grade.”
“You mean you're not supposed to be a freshman?” asked Joey.
“No. I would be a sophomore if I were back in Egypt. That means I'm a whole year older than all of you, so you'd better pay attention when I talk to you.” Everyone laughed.
“Hey, guys, sorry to interrupt,” Ryou said suddenly. “But at this rate, we won't reach the cafeteria by the time lunch is over.”
“Oh my gosh, you're right!” exclaimed Tea. “Come on, we have to hurry!”
Tea, Joey, Ryou, Yugi, and Tristan ran off to the cafeteria. Marissa waited for Keline to pick up his briefcase. Then they followed the others. When they reached the lunchroom, Marissa showed Keline how to get lunch. They sat down with Yugi's group.
“Kay, can you do me a HUGE favor?” Marissa asked Keline.
“Depends,” answered Keline.
“You see that boy over there?” She pointed to a table somewhat far away, where Duke Devlin sat. Keline nodded. “I need you to have a `guy-talk' with him.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You see, he became really upset when I told him I already had a boyfriend. Now he won't listen to me when I say I want to friends with him.”
“Are you sure?” he asked sarcastically. Marissa was confused for a moment. Then she realized what he meant.
“Keline Magentos!” she yelled at him.
“Fine, fine. I'm going already!” He picked up his lunch tray and walked over to Duke's table.
“I didn't know you could be that stern,” Joey said after Keline left.
“Usually I'm not. But there's lots of things you don't know about me.” Marissa smiled. “Kay always says I'm a very mysterious person.”
“That's strange, `cause you don't seem like one,” Tristan told her.
“Thanks. Now, let's see what Kay has on his computer.”
“Huh?” everybody else wondered. Soon, they found out the answer. Marissa flipped open Keline's briefcase. Inside were rows of Duel Monsters cards. I didn't look like it, but the cards were actually in two trays that swung outward. They revealed a laptop computer that rested comfortably in the briefcase. It started to boot up automatically.
“Wow!” exclaimed Tristan. “These are really cool Duel Monsters cards.”
“I'm guessing Keline have a passion for Duel Monsters,” Yugi said.
“He sure does,” replied Marissa. “He's quite the expert duelist.”
“I'd like to duel him sometime,” stated Joey.
“How good are you?”
“Not very,” Tea answered for him.
“Hey! I'm a very good duelist!” argued Joey.
“Then you must have trained a whole lot since the last time we saw you duel,” teased Ryou. They all laughed together, except for Joey.
“You'd better not be hacking.” The group looked to see that Keline had come back. He sat down at the table again.
“I haven't figured out how yet,” Marissa said to him.
“Hacking!?” asked Yugi. “You mean hacking into computer systems and such?”
“Yeah,” answered Keline. “What other kind of hacking is there?”
“I thought only genius-type people could do that,” Tristan said.
“And your point is...?”
“You mean you're a genius!?” exclaimed Tea.
“And a very modest one at that,” Marissa added sarcastically.
“But there's more than one type of genius out there.”
“I'm the kind that can hack into, build, reprogram, and run high-tech computer systems,” replied Keline. “I also can learn foreign languages and math concepts really fast.”
“Prove it!” challenged Joey.
“What?” asked Keline.
“Prove that you're a genius.”
“How am I supposed to do that!?”
“Hack into Kaiba Corporation,” suggested Tristan.
“Okay. What's their web address?”
“I think it's www.kaibacorps.com,” answered Yugi. Keline began to type quickly on his laptop.
“That was too easy,” Keline said after a few minutes.
“It certainly was awfully quick,” complimented Ryou.
“You're done already?” asked Tea.
Keline nodded. He looked at the screen again, and his eyes widened slightly. “It seems Kaiba Corporation is going to hold a Duel Monsters tournament soon.” He started to type again.
“Awesome!” exclaimed Joey. “Now I can show you my expert dueling skills.”
“What are you doing now?” Yugi asked Keline, noticing that he was typing.
“Signing myself up for the tournament,” Keline answered. “I wouldn't want to be left out.”
“Can you sign me up, too?” inquired Marissa.
“You're a duelist, too!?” shouted Tristan.
“That's right. In fact, my uncle works for a company that manufactures the cards. So I can get discounts on some of them.”
Just then, the end lunch bell rang. Keline closed his briefcase, after finishing signing Marissa up for the tournament. The group stood up and threw their trash away, then headed for the door.
“Oh, Kay,” Marissa said as they walked. “Did you work it out with Duke?”
“Duke? Oh, him,” Keline replied. “Yeah. Or at least, I got the impression we worked something out.”
“Good. Thanks a whole bunch, Kay.”
“Anything for you, Riss.”
After school, Keline showed the others his motorcycle. It was magenta, and he had installed a computerized map in it, that showed the driver how to get where they were going. He and Marissa hopped on it. She put on the helmet.
“How come you don't have a helmet?” Ryou asked Keline.
“I don't need one,” Keline answered, causing everyone else, except for Marissa, to be confused. Keline pressed down the gas pedal, and the two zoomed off.
“What did he mean by that?” asked Tristan.
“Beats me,” Tea replied. The others nodded in agreement.