Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Unbelievable Connections ❯ Meet the Family ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! However, I DO own Marissa and Keline.
Chapter 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Is this it?” Keline asked Marissa. She nodded, so he leaned his motorcycle against the outside wall. They stood in front of a peaceful-looking, pale-yellow house. It had two stories and a small pond in the back yard. Marissa and Keline walked up the porch stairs. She opened the front door and stepped inside. He followed after her. They were standing in the kitchen.
“Is that you, Marissa?” called a woman's voice from another room.
“Yes, mom,” Marissa called back. “Can you come here? I want you to meet somebody.”
“Of course, dear. Just a minute.” After a moment, the woman came out of the living room door. She had hair like Marissa's, but slightly less curly, sparkling blue eyes, and slightly tan skin. She wore a simple, white dress. When she saw Keline, her eyes lit up. “Keline Magentos!?” He nodded and shook her hand. “Amazing! I'd never thought I'd find you here. I thought you planned on staying in Egypt.”
“We were going to, but...Aunt Izu had some business to do here,” Keline replied.
“Well, it's definitely for the better! I'm glad you two met up again. You were always so happy when you were together.” Marissa rolled her eyes. “And my, my, look how much taller you have become, Keline! Maybe you'll be taller than Marissa soon.”
“No, I don't think so, mom,” said Marissa. “I think we're doomed forever to be the same height.”
“Whatever you say, dear. Why don't you get your friend a drink while I get your father?”
“All right.” Marissa's mother went back into the living room. According to his request, Marissa got Keline a glass of orange juice. As she handed the cup to him, the front door opened. In walked a pre-teenage boy with short, white hair (A/N: it's kind of like Tsukasa's hair from .hack//sign - don't own), light brown eyes, and the expected tan complexion. He had on khakis, a black T-shirt with a Dark Magician on it, and a dark gray backpack.
“Hey, Sammy,” greeted Marissa.
“Hi Rissa,” the boy replied. “Hi Keline.” He stopped short. “Keline!? What the heck are you doing here!?” Keline started to laugh.
“Sammy, be nice.”
“It's okay, Riss,” Keline said. He turned towards Sammy. “I came to America because Aunt Izu had some business here.”
“Does this mean you and Marissa are going to go out practically ever day again?” Sammy asked. Marissa blushed, and Keline laughed.
“We haven't decided yet.”
“Okay. Hey Rissa, can you help with a math problem?”
Marissa looked at him, utterly surprised. “You're asking ME to help you?” she asked. “You have a genius sitting on your kitchen counter, and you're asking me to help you?”
“Oops, I forgot that he's a genius,” Sammy laughed. “So Keline, can you help me?”
“Of course,” answered Keline.
“Good, `cause I really don't understand equations with variables in them.” He pulled a notebook out of his backpack and handed in to Keline. He lifted himself onto the counter. Soon, the two boys were launched into a discussion about equations and variables and how to solve them. Marissa started making some snacks.
A few minutes later, Mrs. Millennium walked back in the room, followed by a man of his late thirties. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and brownish skin. He was wearing plain jeans and a white T-shirt.
“Hi kids!” the man greeted in a deep voice. “It's nice to see you again, Keline.”
“Same here,” Keline replied, shaking the man's hand.
“Hi daddy!” exclaimed Sammy. He jumped of the counter to give the man a hug.
“It was nice re-meeting you all,” said Keline. “But I have to go now.”
“But you haven't seen Joseph yet!” Marissa argued. (A/N: This Joseph is pronounced like “Oh-seff”)
“He's fast asleep right now,” said Mrs. Millennium. “I don't think we should wake him up.”
“Maybe next time,” Keline suggested. “I'll see you all later.” Everyone else said good-bye to him. Oh his way out, he gave Marissa a kiss on the cheek. He walked out the door, hopped down the porch steps, got on his motorcycle, and drove off.
About 15 minutes later, Keline parked his motorcycle by the entrance of the Domino Museum. He walked up the stone steps to the entrance. Before he walked in the front door, he glanced at a poster in one of the windows.
“Come see the wonders and mysteries of Ancient Egypt!” it read. “You we'll learn things about the past of this sandy desert that you never even imagined.”
Keline snorted. `Things I never imagined, yeah right. I know everything there is to know about Ancient Egypt,' he thought as he walked through the glass museum doors. It was very busy this evening. Dozens of tourists, archeologists, and regular people peered at the stone blocks covered with Hieroglyphics in wonder. Keline looked at a random slab and translated the carvings easily. Part of it meant, “...casket was carried down the river, waiting to be greeted by the mourners.” Obviously, this particular slate told about a Pharaoh's burial.
But Keline was not here to translate Hieroglyphics. His black eyes scanned the crowd. He finally saw the black-haired, blue-eyed woman he was looking for. She appeared to be explaining the meaning of a tablet to a group of people. Keline started to walk towards her.
“Aunt Izu!” he called, halfway there. The woman turned around to look at him.
“Hello, Keline,” she greeted dully.
“Please, don't speak English.”
She turned to the tourists she was speaking to, who looked utterly confused. “One moment please.” She turned back to Keline. “All right, I'll speak Arabic.”
[A/N: Arabic to English translator: ON.]
“Good. Can I have the keys?” Keline asked.
“No,” the woman answered simply.
“You do not need them. Your father is waiting for you at the house.”
Keline's eyes widened. “Did you just say...father is...`at the house'?”
“That is correct. He wishes to speak with you.” It took a minute for Keline to recover from the shock. `But father is only at the house when it's an emergency...' he thought to himself, confused. `And he wants to speak to me!?'
“Keline? Are you all right?” the blue-eyed woman asked in a concerned tone. She looked at Keline suspiciously.
“Yeah, I'm fine,” he replied. “I guess I'll be going now. Just one more thing; I saw Marissa again.”
“You mean you're girlfriend?”
“That's the one. Remember? She said she was moving to America.”
“Yes, I remember. It is quite nice that you two met up again.” The woman smiled a small smile. “Maybe you can be happier than you have been for the last two years.”
“Maybe. Well, I'll see you later, Aunt Izu.”
She nodded a good-bye, so he walked away. She turned back to the group she was talking to, and restarted the conversation, this time in English.
Keline slowly walked out of the Museum doors and down the stairs. He once again boarded his motorcycle and drove off. A little while later, he stopped at an apartment building. After parking his bike in the garage, he took the elevator to level four. Just when he thought the lame music was going to drive him crazy, the door opened. He walked down the hallway, took a right, and slowly opened the second door to the left.
All the lights were off. When Keline closed the door behind him it was pitch black. It was a good thing he already knew his way around.
“Father?” he called into the darkness.
“In the study,” replied an insubstantial, male voice. Keline felt his way along the walls. He made it to the study without harm. He slowly walked in, and saw a hooded figure sitting at the oak desk. He closed the door behind him, then sat on the couch.
“Aunt Izu said you wanted to talk to me,” Keline told the figure.
“I do,” the figure agreed. “I need you to assist me in my mission.” Keline looked surprised, but the figure didn't notice. “First, you must join Kaiba's Battle City tournament.”
“I already did during lunch.”
“Very good. You will need to earn enough locator cards to quality for the finals.”
“Locator cards?”
“It will be explained at the opening tomorrow night.” Keline nodded, understanding.
Suddenly, someone opened the study door. Keline and the figure at the desk looked and saw a muscular man wearing a navy, hooded cloak.
“What is it, Odion?” the figure at the desk asked, turning around to look at the man. As he turned, a stream of light coming from the window hit his face, revealing a patch of bleached-blond hair.
“Sorry to intrude, Master, but it is time to discuss your plans for Battle City,” the man answered, bowing.
“Very well.” The figure at the desk turned to Keline. “We will speak more of this when I have established a plan.”
“All right,” Keline replied. “I'll see you later, father.”
“Until next time, Keline.” He turned to the other man. “Come, Odion.”
The two men walked out the study door.