Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ University Daze ❯ Leavin' On A Jet Plane ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

*Warning* Nothing important.

Caitlin: So here's the deal, folks. So far the lemon poll is tied between R/B and M/M. I either need a tiebreaker, or I'll be forced to allow Kali to decide. (I'd prefer the tiebreaker!)

Kali: Hey! *protests*

Yami: How many more chapters have you got written already?

Caitlin: Um, two or three. But since I do multiple chapter updates, I really want to know where I'm going to need to insert the next lemon chapter.

Malik: That's really tough.

Marik: I want a lemon of us. *gives Malik a lustful look*

Bakura: And scar our readers for life?

Ryou: Like you're any better, 'Kura.

Bakura: *pained* Hey! What's that supposed to mean?

Yugi: Well, let's just move along and wait for word from the readers.

Caitlin: Same disclaimer as always. And I don't own the song 'Leavin' on a Jet Plane.' Some one else does (though I don't know who originally wrote it or sang it).

Pairs: Yugi/Yami, Ryou/Bakura, Marik/Malik, Joey/Mai, Tristan/Serenity, Kaiba/OC?, Ishizu/Isis

Chapter 7

Leavin' on a Jet Plane

"Wow! Check out this jet!"

Joey was gawking at the interior of the plane that would fly them and 16 other students to Egypt, along with their family members.

"Well, it is one of Kaiba's jets." Serenity pointed out. Mai had refused to come along because 'all that sand and my hair don't mix. Besides, I've already been there before.'

"Yugi, are you sure this thing is a safe mode of transportation?" Yami asked, warily looking around.

"I'm with you, Pharaoh." Bakura looked nervously out the window.

Yugi and Ryou exchanged looks. "Maybe you guys should take the aisle seats." Ryou suggested.

Marik sneered. "Oh, look, Malik! The mighty Pharaoh and the fearless Tombrobber are scared!"

Malik choked back a laugh and pulled Marik to take their seats. "You idiot! Are you trying to get us in trouble?" Malik shoved Marik into his seat.

"What? It's funny!"

"Watch it, Marik." Yami warned, frowning. "Or you will fly to Egypt out there-attached to the wing."

Marik paled at the threat and sunk down in his seat. "And they think I'm crazy?" He muttered.

"What was that?"


They had all settled in when Kaiba appeared at the front.

"Listen up! I'm afraid your professor won't be joining us. Seems he's in the hospital with a bad case of food poisoning. So I've asked a couple acquaintances to come along."

The gang gasped when Ishizu and Isis stepped through the doorway behind Kaiba.

"Hey, Sis! Isis!" Malik, grinning, waved.

Marik groaned. "Oh just wonderful. Now we're going to have to listen to them harp at us the whole time."

Kaiba's smile was just a little evil and directed at the male Ishtars. "Oh, that's right. Well, I guess it'll be a real family trip, won't it?"

Marik was turning red and reaching for his back where the Millennium Rod was tucked securely beneath his shirt.

Yami, sitting directly behind Malik, saw the movement between the seats and growled, "Marik!"

"Just once. Please! I swear I'll bring him right back again."

"No!" That came from Isis. "I'll take it away for the whole trip, Marik."

Marik gave a pleading look to his hikari, who just shrugged as if to say, "What can I do?"

"Right." Kaiba watched Marik warily. "So, this is Isis and Ishizu. They both operate the ancient Egypt exhibit at the Domino Museum."

Isis and Ishizu took their seats.

Then Mokuba poked his head through the door. "Seto, the captain says we can take off. We've got clearance."

"All right. Tell him to get going."

"Hey! Mokuba! What'cha doing here?" Joey called out from the back row where he sat with Serenity.

"Hi, everyone! Hey, Seto didn't tell me all you guys were coming." He gave a glare at his older brother, who shrugged uncomfortably.

"Must've slipped my mind." He muttered.

"Yeah, right. Of course, I came Joey! I couldn't let Seto go running off to Egypt alone!"


"Mokuba! Go … Now!"

"Okay!" He disappeared.

Soon after, the plane coasted down the runway, then began speeding up before lifting off into the sky.

"Whee!" Malik squealed. Marik had fallen asleep.

Yami was grasping Yugi's hand so tight his knuckles were turning white. That was the only evidence that the ride bothered him, however.

Serenity and Joey were leaning to look out the window, completely unaffected.

Poor Bakura had yelped when the plane lifted off and was clutching Ryou, who winced.

//You ok, Yami?// Yugi asked. //It'll be better once we reach altitude and level off.//

//If you say so, aibou.//

Yugi gave him a reassuring smile and raised their joined hands, kissing the back of Yami's hand for comfort.

When the plane did level off, Yami finally relaxed, though he continued to hold his hikari's hand.

Malik took off his seatbelt as soon as the light told him to (A/N: you know, those 'fasten seatbelt' lights on planes?) then unbuckled his sleeping Yami's belt too. He got up and knelt on his seat to look over the back at Yugi and Yami.

"You excited, Yugi?"

"Yeah! Hey, where do you suppose we'll go first?"

"I don't know. Do you think we'll get to ride a camel?"

Yugi laughed. "Malik, you're from Egypt. Haven't you ever ridden a camel before?"

He pouted. "No. Ishizu would never let me."

"Too bad."


"'Kura, you don't look so good." Ryou studied Bakura, concerned. The Ring Spirit had turned a little green.

"That's 'cause I don't feel so good." He groaned as the plane shifted a little. "Ra save me."

"Turn on that vent, Ryou." Malik suggested. "It's fresh air and it might help a little."

Ryou reached up and did that, aiming it at Bakura. "How's that?"

"Better." He gave Ryou a weak smile, closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat.

"Gee, Bakura. I didn't expect you to be the one who got airsick." Joey peered around the seat from behind Bakura. "Try to go to sleep. That helps too."

"What's it look like I'm doing, Wheeler?"

After a while, the flight attendant came around passing out beverages, headphones, and anything else the passengers requested. Then the in-flight movie started.

Joey and Serenity watched the movie, as did most of the other students. Malik had curled up next to Marik and was sound asleep. Yugi and Ryou, not interested in the movie, decided to have a duel. Yami got up and stretched, saying to Yugi, "I'm going to talk to Kaiba, aibou. I'll be back."


As he walked past Ishizu and Isis, Ishizu stopped him.

"Is everything alright, my Pharaoh?" She inquired softly, careful not to let anyone hear her.

He smiled. "It's nothing, Ishizu. I guess I'm just a bit … nervous. Despite what I've seen on TV and in books, I don't know what to expect."

Isis leaned over and said quietly, "It has changed greatly from the Egypt we once knew, Yami. But we aren't alone anymore. We have our hikaris." She paused. "You have regained your memories, my Pharaoh, but you have chosen to live in the present. On this trip, perhaps you will be able to put the past behind you."

He regarded her gravely for a moment before nodding and moving on.

Yami nearly ran into Mokuba on his way through to Kaiba's own private cabin.

"Oh, sorry Yami! Did you need something?" Mokuba asked.

"I wish to speak with your brother, Mokuba. Is he busy?"

"He's always busy. Come on! Give him something to do besides crunch numbers." Yami followed the younger Kaiba.

"Hey, Seto! Leave the computer alone for a while. You've got company."

"I don't have time, Mokuba. The company won't run itself you know." Kaiba didn't even look away from the screen, his back to them.

"No, but it'll do just fine without you for a little while." Mokuba scowled. "You work too hard, big brother."

Kaiba knew Yami was there. He could feel the Pharaoh's aura from across town. He also knew what Yami was standing there, waiting patiently, for.

He sighed and put the computer in 'sleep' mode before swinging around in his chair to face Yami and Mokuba. He and Yami eyed each other as Kaiba crossed his legs, leaned back in his chair and folded his arms over his chest.

*****************Flashback**************** (a month earlier)

Kaiba looked up as the doors to his office swung open and his secretary admitted a visitor.

'Interesting.' He thought, raising an eyebrow at Yami. 'What does he want?'

"Kaiba." Yami inclined his head, coolly.

"Yami." The door clicked shut behind Yami as the secretary bowed out.

"I'll get right to the point. I've come to ask for your help."

The other eyebrow joined the one already up. "I see. And what could the Great Pharaoh possibly need my help for?"

Ruby red eyes flashed and narrowed. Sure, after Battle City they had come to an understanding. But it was still a new peace. And like most new peaces, one wrong action or word could shatter it.

"Do you mind?" He muttered, icily.

"Sorry. Bad habit. And you surprised me, too. What's up?" Kaiba apologized, as graciously as he could.

Yami grunted. "I have two requests. One is business, the other personal."

The CEO part of him leaned forward at the word 'business'. "Go on."

"Business first. Even though I've decided to remain here with Yugi, I realize I still have some duties and responsibilities as Pharaoh as long as the Millennium Items exist."

"No offence, Yami, but I seriously am glad I don't want your position. I've got enough to worry about right here." Kaiba gestured at his office, meaning the whole of Kaiba Corp.

Yami cracked a smile. "And I wouldn't want your troubles either."

They shared a rare moment of complete agreement before Yami continued.

"I also realize that eventually I will be back in Egypt. Tell me, Kaiba, you have a board of directors whom you call on when you need input into certain matters, correct?" At Kaiba's nod, he went on. "I once had something similar, you'll recall. I had a council of advisors. Well, I've decided to put a new one together. Yugi, of course, is to be head councilor-and something else, too, but I'll get back to that. I've already asked Isis, Marik, and Bakura to sit on my council as well. However, none of us, save Yugi, are very familiar with this world. I need at least one councilor who understands this world."

"You said it yourself, Yami. You've got Yugi." Kaiba was sure he knew where this was going.

"Yes. But my hikari is innocent. There are some things that I would prefer Yugi not have to worry about or deal with." Yami took a breath. He was sure this was one of the hardest things he'd ever had to do. "I would appreciate, Seto Kaiba, if you would consider accepting that position. I know we've our differences, you and I, but despite that, I believe you to be honorable, intelligent, and trustworthy. You've proven that many times."

Kaiba regarded him for a moment, a little surprised, a little amused, and to his shock, honored. But he wasn't sure he wanted to accept. And so, he replied, "Would you mind if I took the time to think about it?"

Yami shook his head. "Not at all."

"Then that's what I'll do and get back to you." Kaiba tapped his desk with his pen. "Now, that was business. What's this personal request of yours? I'll admit I'm quite curious."

Yami's face softened and he smiled. "There was an old ritual that hadn't been exercised in many generations. The Osiris Binding Ritual. (A/N: No such thing-I made it up.) Do you recall such a ceremony?"

Kaiba stared at him. "You're kidding? That ritual wasn't used by your ancestors for a good reason, Yami. You do remember that it not only binds your soul to another's for all eternity, but it means a sharing of power and position that even the Pharaoh's High Queen couldn't enjoy?"

The Pharaoh's smile didn't falter. "I know."

Kaiba drew a sharp breath. "You really love Yugi that much?"

"Yes. I would give it all up for him. He is my Light, my heart, my very soul."

"I can see that. But are you so sure that he'll agree to this?"

A flicker of uncertainty crossed Yami's face. "No. He will have the choice. If he chooses not to go through with it, I will have to accept that and deal with it. But I'll worry about that if I have to."

"So what, exactly, do you want me to do?"

"Do you remember the ceremony?"


Yami sighed in relief. He had worried that perhaps Kaiba wouldn't remember-or worse, had never learned how it was performed.

"You were High Priest, Kaiba. That makes you the only person who can perform the ceremony."

"Ah. Of course." Kaiba thought about it for a moment. "Alright. I'll do it." He gestured at the Puzzle hanging around Yami's neck. "But you can't use that as the object of binding. It's already bound to you-both of you actually."

"That's the hard part. I have something in mind, but I'm afraid I have neither the means, nor the source to obtain it." Yami's tone was slightly self-mocking. "Funny that a Pharaoh can't afford to buy his beloved a special present, much less anything else."

"Not really." Kaiba shrugged. "Besides, Yami, it isn't as if it's you're fault. I mean, you've been trapped in that Puzzle for five millennia." He dug out a pad of plain white paper from his desk. "Let me worry about it. I guess you can call it your 'wedding' present, even if it isn't a marriage ceremony I'm performing." Kaiba dug around for a pencil. "Damnit! I thought I still had a couple in here."

Yami watched him pull out the desk drawer all the way. "What are you looking for?" He asked, curiously.

"A pencil. Ah ha!" He held it up triumphantly. "Now, you describe what you want, and let me worry about the rest."

"Um. Ok." Yami didn't really know what Kaiba was doing but he decided to go with it. "An armband. Gold. The Eye of Ra as the clasp. I was picturing the Winged Dragon of Ra as the band itself, but I don't know if today's craftsmen can create something like that without magic."

Kaiba was frowning, sketching as he listened. He stopped, studied it, then held it out to Yami to inspect.

"How about this?"

Yami stared at the page in surprise. He looked up at Kaiba. "This is very good. And yes, that's about what I had come up with. I didn't know you could draw so well."

Kaiba-cold, ruthless, arrogant, Kaiba-blushed and mumbled, "I've been taking classes." He looked away.

Yami blinked. "Sorry, I didn't quite catch that."

"I said I've been taking classes. At Domino University." He glared hard at Yami almost desperately. "And I swear, by all the Gods, if you tell anyone, even Yugi …"

Yami swallowed a laugh and held up a hand. "I won't tell a soul, I swear. Although, I don't see what you're embarrassed about. You really are very good Kaiba."

Kaiba resisted the urge to stick his tongue out at the Pharaoh, childish as it was. He snatched the sketch back when Yami held it out to him, and still flushed and a little flustered, waved Yami out.

"I'll get on this right away and let you know. Now, if you don't mind …"

"Of course. Thank you Kaiba, most sincerely. For your time and your help." Yami inclined his head again and walked out, chuckling at Kaiba's expression of chagrin to himself.

Once the door had shut behind Yami, Kaiba stood and stared out the huge glass windows of his office, working to gather his cool aloofness back to himself. When he'd found it, he called his secretary back in.

"Start interviewing the best goldsmiths in the country, Sora. In the world, if necessary. I want the absolute best for a special project-it's personal, so I want complete discretion, too." He held out the sketch to her. "Someone who can make that-exactly."

"I'll get right on it, Mr. Kaiba." She held out a file in exchange for the sketch.

***********************Back to the Present************************

"Mokuba, Yami and I have something to discuss. Would you go check with the captain to see if we'll be landing soon?"

"Sure thing." Mokuba looked back and forth between them, curious. When Kaiba glanced at him and raised an eyebrow, he shrugged and left.

There was a moment of silence before Kaiba spoke.

"I accept." The corner of his mouth hitched upwards at the relief in Yami's expression. "Just don't expect me to bow or anything."

Yami laughed. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"As for the other half of your request, it took some doing but I managed to convince the goldsmith I'd chosen to set aside all his other work to create your armband." Kaiba rose and walked to a table where his briefcase lay. He opened it and pulled out the final result of that sketch.

"Here. Look it over and tell me if there's anything you want changed, or added, or whatever."

Yami's eyes widened and he sucked in a breath. It was perfect. The craftsmanship was certainly better than anything Yami had expected, and rivaled the skills of the goldsmiths of his old kingdom.

The Winged Dragon of Ra stared at Yami, and it seemed as if it would suddenly roar and fly out of his hands, the details were that fine.

"This is impressive, Kaiba. I didn't know something so detailed could created without magic."

"Machines can do amazing things these days, Yami. That, however," He gestured at the armband. "As good as it is, still requires a little magic. I think I know you well enough to guess that you're going to add a little something to it besides what I will be adding during the ceremony."

"You'd be right." Yami's eyes bled to crimson and the Eye began glowing on his forehead. He stared at the band in his hands, concentrating the magic on it before releasing his Power. The Dragon pulsed with golden light for a moment, growing warm in his hands, then lay silent. "There. Now it is complete." The Eye faded away and Yami closed his eyes in a brief moment of fatigue. When he opened them, his eyes had gone back to normal.

"What exactly did you do?" Kaiba asked, curious.

"I …" Yami was cut off by his hikari's worried voice in his mind.

//Yami? Are you alright? What's going on in there?//

//It's fine, Yugi. Tell everyone to come in here-our friends, I mean. I have something to give you, aibou.// Yami felt Yugi's curiousity through the link.

//All right. But it's going to look strange with all of us getting up and leaving.//

//If anyone wants to know why, have Ishizu and Isis tell them that you're getting a tour of the plane or something.//

//Good idea. Ok, we'll wake everyone up and be right there.//

Kaiba, who noticed Yami had fallen silent and his eyes had gone blank, realized Yugi must've felt Yami use his Power and was inquiring why.

When Yami came back, he looked at Kaiba. "Can we do the ritual now? I think it would be wise, considering our destination."

Kaiba shrugged. "Why not? Want me to send Mokuba for him?"

"I already asked him to come, and to bring the others as witnesses."

"Hey Seto!" Mokuba walked in. "The captain says we'll land in an hour or so. And he wants to speak to you when you're not busy."

"Fine. I'm still busy but I'll talk to him before we land." He raised an eyebrow at Yami in question. Yami nodded and Kaiba turned back to his little brother. "Stick around, Kid. You'll probably enjoy this."

"What's up, Seto?" Now Mokuba was really curious.

"You'll see." He went to a small closet and opened it, taking out a few things he'd brought along in preparation, figuring that Yami would want to do the ceremony immediately. "Excuse me. I'm going to go prepare." He left for his private washroom.

"What's going on Yami?" Mokuba asked, hoping for answers from the ancient Spirit. "What does Seto need to prepare for?"

"He's going to perform a ceremony for me, Mokuba. A very old, very special one."


Caitlin: Ok, it's 2:39 am and I'm going to pass out here soon. Good night.

Kali: Hey! Wait for me!

Yami: R/R! And I get the feeling there's going to be a rather fluffy scene next chapter.

Yugi: Yeah, me too.