Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Valentine Blues ❯ The First Note ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
AA12: OMG!! You guys like me! YOU REALLY LIKE ME! *cries*

Bakura: Erm..... what's her problem?

Ryou: The new story she wrote? Well, it seems she was only expecting three reviews, but as of now the total is.... twenty-four.

Bakura: TWENTY-FOUR?! In how long?

Ryou: Uhm... I think it was.... three days.

Bakura: Wow! For her first story it took her what? Four weeks?

Ryou: Yep

Bakura: Wow....

AA12: Time to answer reviews!

C and L Crystal Blue Flame: Thanks fer da review! First one too! haha... yup R/B fereva! WHOO!

Mighty Shade: Sure I'll continue! Thanks for reviewing!

Vincent Seto Valentine: Thanks! I was hoping people would like it!

Rach-Chan: Hehehe Fighting over Ryou now are we? Thanks for reviewing!

Taito-Kisses: WHOO! Yaoi! Yup! Yaoi is great! But the pairings I listed are the ONLY Yaoi's I could stomache... thanks for reviewing! Hehe Your review made me smile!

CrystalDraygon98: Thankies! I didn't all my stories were... most of them didn't get as many reviews as this one. Hhehe poor Ryou and Bakura. The silence got to them...hehe

Kyri: If everything went wrong....then.... heheh.... don't worry I don't have plans to make anything go wrong.

Wings: Nice to hear that even though you arn't into Yaoi you didn't give me a flame! I appreciate you review!

Sincere Angel: Hmmm... it took me three days... is that soon? I tend to take longer...hehe

Sarina Fannel: You read my story? ON YOUR OWN FREE WILL? Wow.... hehehe Hmmm.... I still think I took to long to update...

Keiko: Malik in this story is the Hikari. Even though originally Mairk is the crazy one I thought I might change it a little. Thanks for reading!

Meg: Hehehe You would do that just to have me continue? hehehe That's nice, but here is the next chappie!

DragonLUPINzero: Thanks for the review! This idea was bugging me so I was hoping it was a good start.

Lita: Thankies for the candy! *munches on Kudos* hehe heres the continuation!

Blue Lagoo Loon: Your reading my story too? CHOOL! heheh Yup yup! Hurray fer yaoi!!

cloeyvalentine: It's not a nice picture... But I tend to write Yami/Hikari fics. Thanks for reading though!

Promise: Hehehehe Plot line already set up too!

KawaiiKaren: Thanks! Stupid spell check not working... *mutters about stupi laptop*

Sozuki: Yep! I will.... well better get to e-mailing you....dum dum....

Dark-Angel: YUP! Love that game! Wanna know what sucks? I don't have PS2 so I can't buy it! I always have to wait till I go to my cousins house....

Ilay: Updating right now! although I was only expecting three...

Diamond: *Writting* hehehe yep! I'm trying to write this ASAP!

Kirei Tsuki: Hehehe My first attempt at humor too! Thanks!

Bakura: WOW.... Alot of people...

Ryou: Yep...

AA12: Well here's chapter two! I hope it lives up to your standards!

*Ryou POV*

The following day I woke up to this sticky note plastered all over my mouth. Let me tell you it is NOT a good taste. On the note it read:


Went to Malik's....erm...bye....


You know, he doesn't write notes that well. Hmmm... come to think of it, I didn't think he had very neat handwritting either. Weird. He always leaves but never tells me until the next day. Oh well. I better get ready. The clock on my stand said 6:34 and I had to get ready FAST! After a quick shower and a hurried breakfast I rushed out the door. Stupid people. Changing the bus stop! I have to walk what?! 12 FRICKIN BLOCKS? God.... I have to wake half an hour earlier too. I despise the bus stop. (A/N Hhehe I couldn't help but put it there! They did that to my bus stop.... grr.... EVIL!) On the way there I decided to take out my CD player. Yup, I can never go anywhere without it! The song was on number eight. While it was playing I decided to hum the tune. Before I knew it, I was already at the bus stop.

Luckily I was one of the first to get there. I took out a book and started to read. The story I was reading was about a girl who fell in love with a guy. Yeah typical story. The guy secretly loved her back. But on Valentine's Day, he confronted her, she was surprised! Well know arn't we all? Anyways, the guy made it look like he was her secret admirerer by sending her gifts, and leaving candy at her locker. I wish that could happen. Three things wrong with my fantasy, Bakura doesn't go to my school, he makes it clear that he does not like me even as a friend, and who's to think that he likes a guy?

I was jolted out of my thoughts when I hear someone calling my name. I looked up from my book, and lowered the volume on my CD player to see who it was. Oh goody. It's Yugi, Malik and Jou. (A/N: THERE WILL BE NO ANZU WHATSOEVER IN THIS STORY!) Good god. I feel sick. Yami had his hand around Yugi's waist and Marik had his arm draped over Malik. Seto and Jou? Well even if they are lovers, doesn't stop them from bickering. Exactly what they were doing now.

I closed my book slowly and stood up. Behind them however was a real surprised to me. I saw Bakura sulking, he looked real annoyed. Heh... good thing we're in public.

"Hello Guys" I said. I hope I sounded REAL depressed hehehe... what? Can't I be a LITTLE different?.... Don't answer that.

"Hiya!" Yugi bounced up and down towards me. I have a feeling he put sugar in his Rice Krispies this morning.

"Hey hey!" Malik screamed as he ran towards me... on his way towards me he tripped on a crack and fell butt first into the dirt. Haha... what? It is a funny sight.

"I'm okay..." Malik mumbled as he brushed himself off.

"Sure you are..." Seto stated.

"Heyaz Ryou" Jou said, well. Okay. He... forget it.

"What brings YOU here tomb robber?" Yami asked. I swear if he keeps that up he wont have a head anymore.

"....." Okaaay.... he is not very good at erm... socializing should I say? Right.

"Yami! Don't be like that! You know perfectly why he is here! So he could send....." Malik covered Yugi's mouth and started to giggle insanly.

"NOTHING! Bakura's here because he's enrolled at Domino High now! Isn't that right Marik?"

"Why yes it is!"

"Hehehe...." Bakura grined sheepishly. Okay, I have NEVER before seen that. Well, guess I don't know him as much as I thought. While Yami started to make a smart remark about Bakura grinning, I started to walk away slowly. Before long I made it to the other side of the bus stop without them knowing yet. Thank god for our stop being at a corner, and thank god for me being the 'quiet' one i the group. I sighed and turned the volume back up. I took out my book and started to read again. Just when the story was getting good the bus came. Stupid bus. Needs to learn how to time itself. GOD! Since I was in the secluded area... by myself I was able to get on first. I choose the same spot as I did the day before and took out my book. After a few pages Yugi and them finally got onto the bus. I sighed again when someone sat next to me.

Good thing I still had my headphones on. I don't want to hear what everyone has to say. I heard a muffled sigh and then I moved my eyes to the right. There sitting next to me was Bakura. Great. Just great. He HAS to sit next to me. WHY? I dunno. Go ask him. Sheesh. Well whatever, not like I asked him to sit next to me.

//Well?!// Yeah... use the mental thing on me when I'm reading! Still at the good part too. People these days, no respect for reading people.



/well what?/

//Arn't you going to talk to me?//

/No... I always read/listen to music on the bus./

//Who usually sits in this spot?//

/Does it matter? *sigh* No one. I sit alone./

//Well, now that I'm sitting here, wanna talk?//

/Bakura. No. I don't. Please. Let. Me. READ./

//Fine fine, take the fun outta everyone.//

/Yes I do./ With that I closed the link and went back to my book. Minutes later I felt someone looking over my shoulder. I turned around and there he was trying to read my book. I surpressed the urge to yell at him. I turned around and started to read again. When we finally reached the school I had only read ten pages, out of my usual fifteen. I hate riding the bus. OKAY OKAY. I did feel happy when he was sitting next to me. Does it matter? Noooo.... I shoved my stuff into my bag and raced out of the bus. I breathed a sigh of relief. That relief was short lived when I heard Bakura go

"Ryou? Where's the office?"

"C'mon." I grabbed him by the hand and dragged him towards the office while he gawked and anything and everything he saw.

"We're here." I let go of his hand and turned to leave when he grabbed my sleeve and tugged on it.

"Yes?" It sounded tight and restrained, but what? I mean litteraly, I wanna get to class....never thought I'd say that....

"Can you please stay with me?" He gave me the pupp dog pout. I must say, he doesn't look right on him.

"Fine. Alright." After several minutes of waiting, Bakura recieved his schedule.

"Look Ryou! We have all classes together." Okay. I'm happy. Yes I am. Very happy. But...now I have to watch my every move! Oh well. Great things always come with bad ones right?

"Great Bakura. Let's go to our first class." OH NO! I just remembered! Our first class today is....

"Science! Here I come!" Science..... Uh oh... today we were going to do a lab experiment....which included....fire.

"Bakura. Please do NOT touch anything unless I say so. Understood?"

"Yeah Yeah... OH LOOKIE! What are these? hmmm... what does this switch do?" With that he turned on the bunsen burner.


"I'll be good..." He kept to his promise all through Science, then Spanish and English. Then came lunch.

"Hoy Bakura! Did you bring your lunch?" I aksed him. I already knew the answer so I said it with him.

"No" I knew it! Okay well at my school the sell GOOD lunch. (A/N: I'm not kidding either! We get to buy Straw Hat Pizza, and chips, and soda! Yeah!)

"What do you want Bakura?" I started to name all the luch items until I came to....

"OOO! I want the chips! AND SODA! Yeah yeah! whoo!"

"Okay c'mon, we're gonna get in line." After HOW long of waiting, we got our food. We sat at the tree far away from the chaos that is lunch. My favorite spot to eat. It was then Bakura said

"So Ryou, do you have a Valentine?"


"Do act stupid with me! A Valentine!"


"Really?" He looked thoughtful for a moment and then smiled. Scary ne? He SMILED.




"not hing"

"Fine fine."

After lunch was Math. How I hated that subject. The teacher was okay, but....grrr..... Then after math we had another class elective. The first one Spanish, then now we have Journalism. My favorite if you ask me. Last but now least we had.... history. This was the only class I had Yugi, Jou, Malik and Seto in the same class. Yami Yugi had long gone into his soul room, but Marik took school much like Bakura is now. Yugi always tried to get Yami into taking school, but as of now, he hasn't suceeded.

After history I had to put away my books in my locker. Lucky Bakura, his first day of school he didn't NEED any books. Once at my locker I found a pink envelope sticking out of the three individual lines. In perfect script it read 'Ryou' hmmm.... I wonder who it's from? Inside the note said:

Dearest Ryou,
My Ryou. How so? Of course you wont know. Until, I decide to tell you, but of course it is simple isn't it? Can't you tell who I am? I wish I could tell you right now. I'll give you a hint. It is the least person you expect. Would you like to hear a poem I made? I made it just for you.

Rosese are Red
Violets are Blue
I love You
My sweet Ryou

I bet your thinking, 'Why me? Why do I have to be picked to be in a stupid prank?' This is not a prank Ryou. Far from one. I think I'll give you antoher hint. I am a guy. Hahah.... I bet your scared huh? Don't worry. I used to hurt you but now I wont. I am not a bully. Well... I can be one if someone dares to hurt you. But for now. I think I'll end the note here. Good luck trying to find out who I am. Let me tell you it wont be easy. Your friends know who I am. But.... are they willing to tell? See Ya.

I closed the note. 'Uh oh' was all that was going through my head. I put the note in my pocket and slammed my locker door. I ran all the way to the bus. I got on and took my regular seat. On the way home I couldn't help but feel like I betrayed Bakura. Sure I loved him, he didn't love me, but somehow I think I did betray him. Great. My once quiet life decided to take a turn for the worst.

*Bakura's POV*

I despise my lack of writting nice notes. My note sounded like it was from a gay raper for crying out loud! GRRR.... But I do like that poem. hehe MY Ryou... hehe MY.... hehe... Oh well, at least the first not is over with..... ehehe....

"I'M HOME!" Ryou yelled as he pushed open the door. "Bakura... how did you get here before me?"

"I got a ride from Isis."


"Yeah OH"

"I'm gonna make myself a snack. Want one?"


"Okay" He disappeared into the kitchen. Time to play some music! hehehe...... I went into Ryou's backpack searching for his CD player. When I found it I popped it open and took out the CD. I went over to the stereo system and cranked it up to 10. hehehe I'm gonna have soooo much fun! heheheh.... I put in the CD and choose a random number. This one landed on number nine. It was called... what was it again? Oh yeah 'Bumble Bee' I remember know.

Sweet little bumble bee I know what you want from me
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la
Sweet little bumble bee More than just a fantasy
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da

My heart skips a beat
When you walk in the room
I go boom boom boom
You go zoom zoom zoom
Youre my playboy, playtoy, Lover, my friend
I wanna be with you until the end

I give my heart and my soul to you
To make you see its true
Im so confused, baby, cant you see
Please come rescue me

Sweet little bumble bee I know what you want from me
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la
Sweet little bumble bee More than just a fantasy
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da


I start to cry
When you walk out that door
You go bye bye bye
I go why why why
I'm so lonely and only waiting for you
O come back and tell me: I love you

I give my heart and my soul to you
To make you see its true
Im so confused, baby, cant you see
Please come rescue me


Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da


Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da

I like this song! Such a nice beat. It was from that one game! What was it called.... oh yeah! Dance Dance Revelution. That's a fun game too! Hmmm... Is that RYOU singing? I have to see this!

Sweet little bumble bee I know what you want from me
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la
Sweet little bumble bee More than just a fantasy
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da

My heart skips a beat
When you walk in the room
I go boom boom boom
You go zoom zoom zoom
Youre my playboy, playtoy, Lover, my friend
I wanna be with you until the end

I give my heart and my soul to you
To make you see its true
Im so confused, baby, cant you see
Please come rescue me

Sweet little bumble bee I know what you want from me
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la
Sweet little bumble bee More than just a fantasy
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da


I start to cry
When you walk out that door
You go bye bye bye
I go why why why
I'm so lonely and only waiting for you
O come back and tell me: I love you

I give my heart and my soul to you
To make you see its true
Im so confused, baby, cant you see
Please come rescue me


Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da


Dup-i-dup-i-do la da
Dup-i-dup-i-do la da

Who knew that this boy was gifted with such a talented voice? Well, I think I'll wait in the family room for Ryou.

*Ryou's POV*

I never knew my Yami knew where I kept my CD player. Why did he pick that song? DID HE READ MY MIND?! Erm... haha.... probably not... Oh well might as well sing to the song while I'm at it. Too bad he doesn't know I'm singing it to him..... I know what I'll do. I've decided I'm going to the dance, Bakura is gonna go too, I overheard him talking to Marik about it. Since at this PARTICULAYR dance we can dedicate or sing, If we're brave enough, a song to the one we love... hehehe... I better start practicing....

< br>

AA12: Well? How was it?

Bakura: Great I'm sure....


AA12: You'll find out. Same way as Bakura is gonna find out about your little.... scheme.

Ryou: Shhhhssh! Don't say anything.

AA12: Fine fine I won't.

Ryou: Thanks.

Bakura: Say nothing about what?

AA12: ..... Well everyone please R&R and if I get five more reviews I will continue that or I'll wait a week. Whichever comes first.