Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Valentine Blues ❯ Leaving?? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
AA12: Heyaz pples!!!

Bakura: When are you going to update Cant You See I love you? I mean really...

Ryou: Yes I agree.

AA12: I WILL add to it... just when I reach I dunno... 47? or 48.

Ryou: Okay.

AA12: Well's I think I'll answer reviews at the end okay?

*Scence Change*
::Lyrics to song::
'Emphisizing a word'

Chapter three:

Ryou sat in the living room thinking about what he'll do. While he stared blankly at the TV set he never noticed his Yami had left to go on another one of those... things that he always did. Ryou was clueless to what he really did but from how bored Ryou was... he couldn't help but wonder, who the writer of the note really was.


Hmmm.... It isn't a girl... Bakura? Oh c'mon Ryou! You know it isn't him. I scolded myself for that thought. But of course there still sat a glimmer of hope. I turned of the TV set, and looked for a book to read. Hmmm.... Oh yeah! I never got to continue on that book! I ran upstairs and searched for my backpack. First place I checked was in the closet. Nope. Under the bed? Nope. In the bathroom?! Nope. Where could that damn bag have gone?! Where else is there to look? I thought as I tripped over something. You guessed it, my backpack. How the hell did it get in the middle of the hall? Oh well. I searched the bag until I came upon the book. I flipped it to page one-hundred and sixty seven and went downstairs holding the page in place. I walked over to the stereo set and pushed power. After a few moments of getting it to work I put on the same CD as yesterday and played it from number one. While the sweet voice of Utada Hikaru was playing I made myself comfortable on the couch, grabbing a throw pillow and putting it beneath my head resting on the are rest. I re-opened my book and began to read.

After and hour or so I closed the book and streched. I tried to stifle a yawn as I glanced at the grandfather clock as it chimed seven o' clock. I got up from my seat and made my way to the kitchen to look for something intresting to eat. Hmmm.... marshmellows? Yum! I grabbed the bag and walked to the fridge. I took out a class of milk there. Then I went into the cupboard and grabbed some hershey's chocolate and some gram-crackers. I took out a small cooking pot and dropped the piece of chocolate in. As I sat there watching it melt my mind wandered onto where Bakura was. I know he could take care of himself but can't blame someone for worrying now can ya? I stirred the squishy and now war chocolate. I grabbed a bowl and let it slide from the pot into it. I got a butter knife and the bowl, putting it on the kitchen table. I took one gram cracker from it's box and smothered it with chocolate. Then I added a couple of marshmellows then put another gram cracker on top of it. I took a bite and suddenly was happy that he had something good to eat.

When I finished eating I dropped the empty dishes into the sink and strolled into the family room. There I saw my book laying on the couch where I left it, and the music still playing in the backround. This time it repeated itself and now was on number five. I listened as a beat started up and then an intro singer. I regconized this song to be another Dance Dance Revolution song. I smiled, it was a nice song, techno with a great beat. This one was called Operator. Then the intro singer began:

::The area code you have dialed,
206 has been changed to 425,
Please try your call again with the new area code::

I never knew what the point of adding that was. I mean it. It always made me laugh. The intro singer sounded exactly like the operator! Why did it make me laugh? It was about a few weeks ago...




"The thing is mocking me!" Bakura yelled as he pointed to the phone. I tried not to laugh as he shoved the phone at me and said to listen.

'If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again, if you need assitance please dial 0 for the operator.'


"Bakura... that's a recording... it's telling you that you either dial a phone number or hang up."

"WELL! It didn't have to be so damn irritating...." I shook my head and handed the phone back to him. I chuckled softly when I heard him scream into the reciever "DAMN YOU! I DON'T NEED THAT GOD DAMN HELP! GRR!!!"

*End Flashback*

Now that I remember.... it took him about three hours before giving up then picking it up to redial.

::Operator, operator, please hook me up
To my lover at the end of the line
Operator, operator, please hook me up
To my lover gotta know that he's mine::

::Operator, operator, please hook me up
To my lover at the end of the line
Operator, operator, please hook me up
To my lover gotta know that he's mine::

Okay... well I would like to know that he was mine. Sadly he isnt...

::When darkness falls and I'm all alone
I need you to call me on the telephone
When night time comes and I don't have a choice
Once again I need to hear your sweet little voice::

I remember that time there was a thunderstorm and I was only tweleve. I was scared and I tried to stop shaking from under the covers. I was hugging the pillow beside like crazy and some of the feathers were coming out. Then I saw a muffled flash of light through the covers and then the covers were thrown back. There stood a confused looking Bakura, staring at me.

"Ryou? Are you afraid?" He asked me. He sounded calm, but I wasn't sure.

"H-h-hai" I stuttered. Half of fear and half of being cold.

"Would you like me to stay with you for the night" I gave him a slight nod of my head and scooted over so he can lie down. I hugged him and immeadiately fell asleep. I loved that memory. One of the few I had of him caring like that back then.

::I heard a song on the radio
I'll call you up to sing it for you
So if you turn on the radio
You will feel the magic too::

Yeah... wish he could feel what I felt. That's just a distant dream. (A/N Yup! Thats how I feel.... too bad my romance life wont end as nicely as his will.)

::Operator, operator, please hook me up
To my lover at the end of the line
Operator, operator, please hook me up
To my lover gotta know that he's mine::

Wish he was... but he isnt....

::Please hook me up to my lover
Please hook me up to my lover::

::When darkness falls and I'm dreaming of you
I'm dialing your number but I can't get through
When night time comes you are miles away
Is it love or is it just a game that you play::

Hmm... is it a game to him? Does he know what he does to me and does it on purpose just to see me hurt? I wonder....

::I heard a song on the radio
I'll call you up to sing it for you
So if you turn on the radio
You will feel the magic too::


::Operator, operator, please hook me up
To my lover at the end of the line
Operator, operator, please hook me up
To my lover gotta know that he's mine::

::Please hook me up to my lover
Please hook me up to my lover::

::Operator, operator, please hook me up
To my lover at the end of the line
Operator, operator, please hook me up
To my lover gotta know that he's mine::

::Please hook me up to my lover
Please hook me up to my lover::

::Please hook me up to my lover
Please hook me up to my lover::

As the song faded I felt a pang of depression creeping up on me. NO! I will not let that spoil my good day! Too late... I relaized when I saw Bakura standing there, with shock wirtten all over his features. I didn't think he was here, so of course as anybody else would, voice out their thoughts when home alone. I gulped when Bakura started to say...." Ryou I...."

And I end it there. SORRY SO SHORT! I was sooo busy... okay... and I will update at least once a week.....so.... lets take a vote shall we? Should I make Bakura tell Ryou his feelings to him now? or wait? Choice A or B. PLEASE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!

Ryou: I chose A

Bakura: B! B! BBB!

Okay... so please decide! Now I will answer reviews! YAY!

C and L Crystal Blue Flame: POWER TO THE YAOI! haha... okay thankies fer reviewin!

Aiko: Hehehe... I wanted it to be obvious. Juss so I dunno... to make the plot funny? Yes I am insane.... WEEEEE!!!

Taito-kisses: Thankies! I like the song too! But sadly I don't know where to get it...

Sincere Angel: Hehehe it took me what now... five? gomen for the wait... Thanks for reading though!

Noname: LOL! Uh oh.... It's supposed to be Bakura and Ryou! Oh wells... heheh!

Joeys1andOnly: About the angst thing? I think I write TOO much angst so this was supposed to be a fluff more like story. Glad you still like it though!

Blue Lagoon Loon: Jello! WAI!!! hehe... Yep I like DDR too... don't have ps2 though...grr...

Elys: Well.. this is not soon on my standings... but hey it's out right?

Sarina Fannel: The poem? Thankies! I wus just happy that it all ryhmed... but I appreciate your review! I hope u continue reading!

Ani-Coolgirl: Same here! Love that song! Wow! You like my story? So many people do... I feel so loved...

~Blank~: Nani?! Changing Isis's name? NOOOOO!!!

crystaldraygon98: Hehehe wells... hmm.. true... I think I better cut off his giggling like half. I re-read my story and was like "Bakura sounds like he's high..."

Diamond: Thankies for reviewing! Here or there was the chappie.

tomb robber bakura: Glad you choose mine. I was hoping it could attract people.

Card-Keeper: Wow! Your reading my story too? Amazing.... well that WAS the next chappie...

YamiWeb: Thanks, I did hope people would like it. Oh the CD? heh... I burned it... but you can find it on the DDR website. And I think the song is on third mix.. not sure....

cloeyvalentine: Yup! Best couples!! Eeek! Don't wanna be slayed! AHH!! hehehe....

Princess-Milkyway111: Only sometimes? Tea annoys me everytime I see her face! AHH! hehe...

AA12: Whoa... look at all those people! Damn... and did you see how many times I said 'hehe'? Oh well..


Bakura: HURRY!!

AA12: AHH!! Okay byebye! Please R&R!!! Oh yeah.. flame an I will sic a drunk horny Pegasus on you...

Bakura: And she's serious....