Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Valentine Blues ❯ Ryou is mad.... ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
YTT: OMG! *faints*
Bakura: What's wrong with her?
Ryou: *sigh* *points to screen*
Bakura: Wow.... That's a lot....
YTT: *wakes up* THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! I can't believe it... this story's reviews surpasses ALL my other stories....
Bakura: Well duh...
YTT: Okay, at the end of this fic I'm going to do a special thank you to ALL of the reviewers kay?
Bakura: Why are you asking us?
YTT: I'm not, I'm telling THEM *points to readers*
Bakura: Oh...
YTT: So I wont be answering reviews in the chapters anymore.
R&B: Kay
Ryou: Will you please continue?
YTT: Uhm.... okay.
/Ryou To Bakura/
//Bakura to Ryou//
\Yugi to Yami\
\\Yami To Yugi\\
<Malik to Marik>
<<Marik To Malik>>
(Me Interupting! WHOO! uhm...eh..)
Chapter Six
Ryou's POV
Bakura fell asleep underneath the little cove. When he did, I sat back over at the edge. I don't know what to do now. I can't just leave him here, and I don't WANT to be here when he wakes up. I really just don't know. With only four days till the dance too? With all those letters. How can in just one week my lafe gets so screwed? God.... Well my secrect place isn't so secret anymore. I looked at the rising sun. Just two more hours till school. Might as well leave a note for Bakura, telling him I'm going back to the hotel. I picked a piece of paper from my journal and took out a pen. Hmm... I really don't want to leave him here. But yet I do. *sigh* this is annoying. I wrote on the piece of paper:
Dearest Bakura,
I went back to the hotel. School will start soon, I suggest you get ready. I guess I'll see you there.
Damn ink. Oh well, you can't tell what I was about to write....right? Uh... well anyway, I folded (A/N Is that a word??) the note and put it beside Bakura. I had the sudden urge to just sit next to him and fall asleep. Well that's not good... I got my stuff and left as quietly as humanly possible.
After coming out of the tunnel I headed north towards the hotel. I checked my watch and it was only 6:45. I still had an hour and thirty minutes. Hmmm.... what to do? Well, I didn't sleep so I might as well eat so I don't fall asleep in class. I truged up the streets and passed a small Starbucks shop. Might as well get a frapachino. I really need the caffine. I walked in and saw Yugi and Yami.....again! Why are they here? This time too! God... I swear they MUST be spying on me. I weaved my way through the little crowd and headed towards the cash register. I ordered a Carmel Frap.,(My personal favorite!) and waited near the order stand. After paying and getting my drink I left quickly, depite the fact they haven't seen me yet. I shoved my other belongings into my pockets then concentrated on my drink.
Once I finished off the whip cream, I was at the hotel. I headed towards the elevators. I pressed the UP button and waited while sipping my drink. The *DING* bell went off and I stepped inside. I pressed my number and waited. There was no one else in the elevator, and it was deserted in the lobby. I guess everyone went to buy things for their 'loved ones' I swear... those things are so cheap! The *DING* went off again and I left the elevator. Going down the hall, it was so silent. Like I was the only one there. Was everyone still asleep? I put my card key inside the hole, waited for the beep, then entered. I looked around the room and saw that it was slightly cleaner then when I left it. I guess the room service came. I hate it when they do that, you don't know if they STOLE anything....
I looked at my pile of clothes for something reasonable to wear. I grabbed some baggy jeans, a dark blue shirt and my sweater and went into the bathroom to change. I took a quick shower and changed. I brushed my teeth and attempted to comb my hair. Once I looked decent I grabbed my bag and left.
Once in the lobby I checked my watch again and it was 7:30. Well, at least I'll be forty-five minutes early. I started to walk up the block when I heard a scream, fall, then the ever so famous line "I'm okay...." Oh great. They found me. No fair. I should've been more cautious. I KNEW they take this way. Well. Now they know where I am, and I can't do anything about it. I kept walking, they didn't call my name yet! Then I heard footsteps running behind me, someone had caught up and was now walking with me.
"Hiya Ryou! So how ya been?"
"Uhm... Hi Malik, I'm fine."
"Really? We went to your house yesterday. Neither you or Bakura were home...." Damn it! Stupid Marik....
"YA! And then we just saw you come outta the hotel! So what were you doing Ryou? Huuuuuh?" Oh my god... they think me and Bakura...OH MY GOD...
"No no..... uhm... I was at the hotel. But I was alone."
"Suuuuure... then where was Bakura?"
"At the beach" That sounded smart....
"At the beach Ryou?"
"Will you tell what the hell is going on?'
"Fine. But you have to PROMISE to not tell Bakura? Okay?"
"We promise!" So while we walked I told them EVERYTHING. From the first note to what just happened. When I was done we were at school and with thrity minutes to spare. They said they wouldn't tell anyone and left to buy the caffeteria breakfast. I went towards the councilers office. I wanted to change at least ONE of my classes with Bakura. I cannot spend the whole day with him. I decided on leaving Spanish and instead taking up Teacher Aide. After my schedule was changed, I went to Science. I sat down in my seat and started to work on what was due today. Ten minutes later Bakura walked in and came over to my desk. He sat down and put his head in his arms. Falling asleep once again. I sighed, at least he wont be talking to me.
//Wrong again Ryou.// Damn.
/Morning Master./
//Cut the crap Ryou.//
/You told me to call you that./
//I remember I told you to stop.//
/No you didnt./
//Yea I did.//
/I really don't want to argue right now./
/Why'd you leave?/
/I had to change, if you noticed I'm wearing different clothes right now./
//Oh, Okay.//
/Can you please let me get back to wroking?/
I closed the link after that. Why would he care if I left? I did leave a note. Whatever, I really don't want to think about that right now. Once I finished my paper, class has already started and there was only twenty minutes left in class. I turned in my paper and sat down. There was a window in front of me. Ironically it started to rain. I watched the drops slide down the window sill. The minutes ticked by and I didn't notice all I did was stare outside at the window. Five minutes to the bell I snapped out of my trance and started to pack my stuff. I looked over at the other table and saw Bakura trying real hard not to send the worksheet to the Shadow Realm. I shook my head. It was a sad sight. Everyone around him looked frightened, even the teacher was afraid of getting to near.
The bell rang and I got up to leave. First one to exit the classroon, I turned right and went down the small flight of stairs. I turned left and left the building. Go straight under the risers I watched the rain I would soon walk in. Once I knew I had to leave the shelter of the risers I ducked and was soon pelted with rain. There was a gigantic puddle in the middle of the walkway. Damn. The only way to get through is to go through. I walked through the ankle deep water feeling the water soak into my shoes. It was cold yet relaxing, I don't know why. I was able to get to the next classroom before the bell rang.
I walked to the computer that I'm supposed to sit at while I T.A. There was no work that needed to be corrected so I signed onto the internet and took some online personality quizzes. I found out that I was the element water, the natural disaster tsunami and that I have blue angel wings while I am the magical angel. Those were enough to keep me busy for an hour. Two minutes before the bell rang I was excused. I went outside were it was pouring. I went into the school store (I wish I actually HAD ONE) and bought an umbrella. I walked to my next period. I was there before the bell rang. I sighed another long day.
It was lunch and since it was raining we had to stay inside. It didn't bother me much, although I must admit, I really don't want to stay where.... uhm... let's just say I want to be alone. I seem to want that more and more these days. It seems as soon as I thought that Yugi and his friends came over, accompanied by Marik, Maik and Bakura. Yugi's Yami decided to come out as well. They were as headed towards my table. What do I do? Hmmmm..... I can quickly run towards the bathroom then leave this god foresaken auditorium. Then I can go outside and sit in the rain. Thank god for umbrellas. I grabbed my backpack and slinged it over my shoulder.
I zig-zaged through the crowd, if the're following me it might be hard to get me if I go through the crowd. I push open the door and "I AM FREE!" I yelled. No one to hear me, might as well shout!
"Free of what Ryou?" DAMN IT! DAMN IT ALL!
"Oh nothing Yugi. Just practicing my lines...for... uhm... this play I'm in...." That was really pathetic....
"That's cool Ryou! Wanna eat lunch with us?" No Yugi. I'M TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM YOU!
"Sure." I hate being polite.
"So what did you bring?" Marik asked me.
"I brought half a subway sandwhich and a sprite" I told him. I actually brought some cupcakes...but I can't eat it now... too many people....
"That's nice, I brought a wannabe hamburger." With that he showed us a patty between two breads. Malik had brought the same.
"So what did you bring Yugi?" I asked him.
He held up two pieces of cake, one doughnut and eight cupcakes. "Each person gets a cupcake, I get the doughnut and Yami gets cake." We all said our thank yous. Or our death prayers. No one likes sugar high Yamis. There are three Yamis', each got something to get high off. What's wrong with that picture? One of the Hikaris' GAVE all the Yamis sugar. Even though the Hikrai knows what happens. I sighed again. This day is just too weird. In the middle of the lunch hour somebody had the nerve to say
"So who's going with who to the dance?" Would you like to know which IDIOT said that? C'mon guess. I'll give you a hint. His name starts with 'M' and he goes out with his Yami. If you guessed Malik you are correct.
"I'm going with Yami!" Yugi said. Now tell me, who saw that coming?
"And vice versa" Yami said.
"I'm going with the puppy over here." Seto replied, jabbing his thumb in Jou's direction.
"Yeah and I gotta go with old moneybags." Jou said, while taking a bite out of his tuna fish sandwhich.
"I'm going with my Yami!" Malik yelled, proudly.
"Uhm....right...." Marik said nervously he looked embarassed.
"What about you Ryou?" He turned everyone's attention to me.
"I'm not going." Hmmm... I was able to say that without any emotion. GO ME!
"Really?!" Malik sounded....surprised? I think so...
"Yes really. I have no one to go with, and it is the Valentines Day dance, I really have no point in going." With that I returned to my food. Everyone looked at me like 'How can he say that so....simply?' These people have problems. I do not want to obsess over the matter, I'M NOT GOING, so I'm not going. Simple ne?
"Well uhm... Ryou can you stand over there for a second?" Marik asked me and pointed towards the usual tree I sit at.
"Sure... I don't care." I got my stuff and put them inside my backpack. I took out my umbrella, opened it and walked, not to the tree. No, I walked to the library. Why? None of those people would think I would go there. So I do. After being struck by that nerve I really have no intention of talking to them until after the dance. That means I'm either going to have to find another place to stay or see if the hotel can give me a different room.
After school, I ran all the way to the hotel. I did not go to my locker either. I do NOT want another note. I cannot stand it. If that person finds toying with me funny... then they haven't seen me angry. Half a block to the hotel I heard someone screaming "RYOU WAIT FOR ME!" That voice I have heard for a very long time. Ever since..... I recieved the ring. I didn't turn around instead I just pushed myself to go faster.
I ran into the lobby and quickly asked for a room exchange. After I got the key to my new room, I kindly asked the lady to have all phone calls, and visitors for me ignored. I ran using the stairs to my old. I quickly dumped everything into my backpack and left the room. Making sure nothing was forgotten. I raced to the elevator and pushed the up button. My next room was on the 6th floor. As I waited I saw Bakura coming up the stairs to my right. He looked tired and out of breath. The elevator came when he asked me what was my rush. I stared at him as the doors slowly closed, the thing that seperated me and him. As the elevator went up I heard a faint cry of frustration, but I do not know if it was him.
As I stepped off the elevator I let out a sigh of relief. I do not like leaving everyone cut off from me but if that is what it takes for me not to get emotionally hurt anymore then I'll do it. I put the key into the hole and waited once again for the beep. After it sounded, I pushed open the door and was amazed at what kind of room I got. The lady did say I got a suite, but it was for the same price as my previous room. There was even a small kitchen! Wow....
"RIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!!!!!!" Damn... thats one hell of a loud phone. I went over and picked it up.
"Yes? There's a guy here who says he's your brother. I know you said ignore everyone but this guy is threatening me with...what was it? The Shadow Dealm? Something like that. So do I send him up? Or do you want him to not come up there?" There was some static, a curse, a scream and a thump then I heard Bakura's voice.
"RYOU!!!" He yelled. That hurt my ears.
"What did you do to that lady?" I asked him.
"Never mind her! Why did you not answer me? AND WHERE ARE YOU!?!" He screamed. I hope he doesn't get in trouble.
"I'm in the hotel, I'm fine and I DON'T WANT TO BE BOTHERED!" I screamed back. This is not my day.
"Fine, I'll find you. You better have a good excuse to why you didn't tell me."
"Oh I'm so scared. Yami I want to be alone! PLEASE LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" My patience has long left me.
"Alright, but if your hurt and you wont tell me...." He trailed off. Well, here's some news for you Bakura, I AM HURT, I WONT TELL ANYONE, ESPECIALLY YOU!
"I'm fine... just please... leave me alone." Then I hung up.
I flopped onto the bed and sighed. That's when I noticed it. Across the room there was a pink envelope sticking out of the pocket. Oh no... no no no no no...... please... I don't need this.... I got up and took it out of the pocket. It was unopened. It was sent today. On the front it said Ryou. I opened the letter, it was dated February 10. Today. Damn... just HOW do things get worse like this? I opened the letter it read,
Dear Ryou,
How are you?
You seem to be depressed or something.... (YTT: No duh.... Bakura: HEY! YTT: Sorry....)
Please feel better.....
The dance is coming up....
So I was wondering if you'd go with me....
Meet me at the dance 7:45 PM, at the entrance.
If your wondering.... this will be the last note you recieve.
Well I've got news for you mystery person. I'M NOT GOING TO THE DANCE. Damn... why can't this people get it through their thick skulls that I AM NOT and WILL NOT go. I turned on my CD player, put on my headphones and went back to the bed. I took out my book and started to read.... then I fell in a sweet darkness that is sleep....
< br>
< br>
YTT: So.... the last chapter of the year.... how was it?
Bakura: Fine I'm sure.
Ryou: Wow.... I'm mean....
YTT: Your not mean, just real angry.
Bakura: -__-
YTT: Okay, on request of reviewer I will not use Pegasus as a way for people to NOT flame.
Bakura: Then who?
YTT: If you flame....you will recieve.....a drink and horny.... ANZU! MWHAHAHAHAHA!
Bakura: That's creepy...
Ryou: And disturbingly....
Both: FUNNY!
YTT: HAHAHA.... Anywayz, if any of you feel offened by me using Anzu, as in you like Anzu or something... please don't hesitate to tell me....
Ryou: Who likes Anzu?
Bakura: The people who write nice fics about her.
YTT: Then why would they read this story?
Bakura: I dunno....
Chibi Ryou: *Huggles a Bakura plushie while sucking his thumb* *Big round chibi eyes* WEAD AND PWEASE WEVIEW!
Bakura: Awwww..... *hugs Chbi Ryou*
YTT: Hehe... A little fluff moment, too much angst... fluff...
Bakura: What's wrong with her?
Ryou: *sigh* *points to screen*
Bakura: Wow.... That's a lot....
YTT: *wakes up* THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! I can't believe it... this story's reviews surpasses ALL my other stories....
Bakura: Well duh...
YTT: Okay, at the end of this fic I'm going to do a special thank you to ALL of the reviewers kay?
Bakura: Why are you asking us?
YTT: I'm not, I'm telling THEM *points to readers*
Bakura: Oh...
YTT: So I wont be answering reviews in the chapters anymore.
R&B: Kay
Ryou: Will you please continue?
YTT: Uhm.... okay.
/Ryou To Bakura/
//Bakura to Ryou//
\Yugi to Yami\
\\Yami To Yugi\\
<Malik to Marik>
<<Marik To Malik>>
(Me Interupting! WHOO! uhm...eh..)
Chapter Six
Ryou's POV
Bakura fell asleep underneath the little cove. When he did, I sat back over at the edge. I don't know what to do now. I can't just leave him here, and I don't WANT to be here when he wakes up. I really just don't know. With only four days till the dance too? With all those letters. How can in just one week my lafe gets so screwed? God.... Well my secrect place isn't so secret anymore. I looked at the rising sun. Just two more hours till school. Might as well leave a note for Bakura, telling him I'm going back to the hotel. I picked a piece of paper from my journal and took out a pen. Hmm... I really don't want to leave him here. But yet I do. *sigh* this is annoying. I wrote on the piece of paper:
Dearest Bakura,
I went back to the hotel. School will start soon, I suggest you get ready. I guess I'll see you there.
Damn ink. Oh well, you can't tell what I was about to write....right? Uh... well anyway, I folded (A/N Is that a word??) the note and put it beside Bakura. I had the sudden urge to just sit next to him and fall asleep. Well that's not good... I got my stuff and left as quietly as humanly possible.
After coming out of the tunnel I headed north towards the hotel. I checked my watch and it was only 6:45. I still had an hour and thirty minutes. Hmmm.... what to do? Well, I didn't sleep so I might as well eat so I don't fall asleep in class. I truged up the streets and passed a small Starbucks shop. Might as well get a frapachino. I really need the caffine. I walked in and saw Yugi and Yami.....again! Why are they here? This time too! God... I swear they MUST be spying on me. I weaved my way through the little crowd and headed towards the cash register. I ordered a Carmel Frap.,(My personal favorite!) and waited near the order stand. After paying and getting my drink I left quickly, depite the fact they haven't seen me yet. I shoved my other belongings into my pockets then concentrated on my drink.
Once I finished off the whip cream, I was at the hotel. I headed towards the elevators. I pressed the UP button and waited while sipping my drink. The *DING* bell went off and I stepped inside. I pressed my number and waited. There was no one else in the elevator, and it was deserted in the lobby. I guess everyone went to buy things for their 'loved ones' I swear... those things are so cheap! The *DING* went off again and I left the elevator. Going down the hall, it was so silent. Like I was the only one there. Was everyone still asleep? I put my card key inside the hole, waited for the beep, then entered. I looked around the room and saw that it was slightly cleaner then when I left it. I guess the room service came. I hate it when they do that, you don't know if they STOLE anything....
I looked at my pile of clothes for something reasonable to wear. I grabbed some baggy jeans, a dark blue shirt and my sweater and went into the bathroom to change. I took a quick shower and changed. I brushed my teeth and attempted to comb my hair. Once I looked decent I grabbed my bag and left.
Once in the lobby I checked my watch again and it was 7:30. Well, at least I'll be forty-five minutes early. I started to walk up the block when I heard a scream, fall, then the ever so famous line "I'm okay...." Oh great. They found me. No fair. I should've been more cautious. I KNEW they take this way. Well. Now they know where I am, and I can't do anything about it. I kept walking, they didn't call my name yet! Then I heard footsteps running behind me, someone had caught up and was now walking with me.
"Hiya Ryou! So how ya been?"
"Uhm... Hi Malik, I'm fine."
"Really? We went to your house yesterday. Neither you or Bakura were home...." Damn it! Stupid Marik....
"YA! And then we just saw you come outta the hotel! So what were you doing Ryou? Huuuuuh?" Oh my god... they think me and Bakura...OH MY GOD...
"No no..... uhm... I was at the hotel. But I was alone."
"Suuuuure... then where was Bakura?"
"At the beach" That sounded smart....
"At the beach Ryou?"
"Will you tell what the hell is going on?'
"Fine. But you have to PROMISE to not tell Bakura? Okay?"
"We promise!" So while we walked I told them EVERYTHING. From the first note to what just happened. When I was done we were at school and with thrity minutes to spare. They said they wouldn't tell anyone and left to buy the caffeteria breakfast. I went towards the councilers office. I wanted to change at least ONE of my classes with Bakura. I cannot spend the whole day with him. I decided on leaving Spanish and instead taking up Teacher Aide. After my schedule was changed, I went to Science. I sat down in my seat and started to work on what was due today. Ten minutes later Bakura walked in and came over to my desk. He sat down and put his head in his arms. Falling asleep once again. I sighed, at least he wont be talking to me.
//Wrong again Ryou.// Damn.
/Morning Master./
//Cut the crap Ryou.//
/You told me to call you that./
//I remember I told you to stop.//
/No you didnt./
//Yea I did.//
/I really don't want to argue right now./
/Why'd you leave?/
/I had to change, if you noticed I'm wearing different clothes right now./
//Oh, Okay.//
/Can you please let me get back to wroking?/
I closed the link after that. Why would he care if I left? I did leave a note. Whatever, I really don't want to think about that right now. Once I finished my paper, class has already started and there was only twenty minutes left in class. I turned in my paper and sat down. There was a window in front of me. Ironically it started to rain. I watched the drops slide down the window sill. The minutes ticked by and I didn't notice all I did was stare outside at the window. Five minutes to the bell I snapped out of my trance and started to pack my stuff. I looked over at the other table and saw Bakura trying real hard not to send the worksheet to the Shadow Realm. I shook my head. It was a sad sight. Everyone around him looked frightened, even the teacher was afraid of getting to near.
The bell rang and I got up to leave. First one to exit the classroon, I turned right and went down the small flight of stairs. I turned left and left the building. Go straight under the risers I watched the rain I would soon walk in. Once I knew I had to leave the shelter of the risers I ducked and was soon pelted with rain. There was a gigantic puddle in the middle of the walkway. Damn. The only way to get through is to go through. I walked through the ankle deep water feeling the water soak into my shoes. It was cold yet relaxing, I don't know why. I was able to get to the next classroom before the bell rang.
I walked to the computer that I'm supposed to sit at while I T.A. There was no work that needed to be corrected so I signed onto the internet and took some online personality quizzes. I found out that I was the element water, the natural disaster tsunami and that I have blue angel wings while I am the magical angel. Those were enough to keep me busy for an hour. Two minutes before the bell rang I was excused. I went outside were it was pouring. I went into the school store (I wish I actually HAD ONE) and bought an umbrella. I walked to my next period. I was there before the bell rang. I sighed another long day.
It was lunch and since it was raining we had to stay inside. It didn't bother me much, although I must admit, I really don't want to stay where.... uhm... let's just say I want to be alone. I seem to want that more and more these days. It seems as soon as I thought that Yugi and his friends came over, accompanied by Marik, Maik and Bakura. Yugi's Yami decided to come out as well. They were as headed towards my table. What do I do? Hmmmm..... I can quickly run towards the bathroom then leave this god foresaken auditorium. Then I can go outside and sit in the rain. Thank god for umbrellas. I grabbed my backpack and slinged it over my shoulder.
I zig-zaged through the crowd, if the're following me it might be hard to get me if I go through the crowd. I push open the door and "I AM FREE!" I yelled. No one to hear me, might as well shout!
"Free of what Ryou?" DAMN IT! DAMN IT ALL!
"Oh nothing Yugi. Just practicing my lines...for... uhm... this play I'm in...." That was really pathetic....
"That's cool Ryou! Wanna eat lunch with us?" No Yugi. I'M TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM YOU!
"Sure." I hate being polite.
"So what did you bring?" Marik asked me.
"I brought half a subway sandwhich and a sprite" I told him. I actually brought some cupcakes...but I can't eat it now... too many people....
"That's nice, I brought a wannabe hamburger." With that he showed us a patty between two breads. Malik had brought the same.
"So what did you bring Yugi?" I asked him.
He held up two pieces of cake, one doughnut and eight cupcakes. "Each person gets a cupcake, I get the doughnut and Yami gets cake." We all said our thank yous. Or our death prayers. No one likes sugar high Yamis. There are three Yamis', each got something to get high off. What's wrong with that picture? One of the Hikaris' GAVE all the Yamis sugar. Even though the Hikrai knows what happens. I sighed again. This day is just too weird. In the middle of the lunch hour somebody had the nerve to say
"So who's going with who to the dance?" Would you like to know which IDIOT said that? C'mon guess. I'll give you a hint. His name starts with 'M' and he goes out with his Yami. If you guessed Malik you are correct.
"I'm going with Yami!" Yugi said. Now tell me, who saw that coming?
"And vice versa" Yami said.
"I'm going with the puppy over here." Seto replied, jabbing his thumb in Jou's direction.
"Yeah and I gotta go with old moneybags." Jou said, while taking a bite out of his tuna fish sandwhich.
"I'm going with my Yami!" Malik yelled, proudly.
"Uhm....right...." Marik said nervously he looked embarassed.
"What about you Ryou?" He turned everyone's attention to me.
"I'm not going." Hmmm... I was able to say that without any emotion. GO ME!
"Really?!" Malik sounded....surprised? I think so...
"Yes really. I have no one to go with, and it is the Valentines Day dance, I really have no point in going." With that I returned to my food. Everyone looked at me like 'How can he say that so....simply?' These people have problems. I do not want to obsess over the matter, I'M NOT GOING, so I'm not going. Simple ne?
"Well uhm... Ryou can you stand over there for a second?" Marik asked me and pointed towards the usual tree I sit at.
"Sure... I don't care." I got my stuff and put them inside my backpack. I took out my umbrella, opened it and walked, not to the tree. No, I walked to the library. Why? None of those people would think I would go there. So I do. After being struck by that nerve I really have no intention of talking to them until after the dance. That means I'm either going to have to find another place to stay or see if the hotel can give me a different room.
After school, I ran all the way to the hotel. I did not go to my locker either. I do NOT want another note. I cannot stand it. If that person finds toying with me funny... then they haven't seen me angry. Half a block to the hotel I heard someone screaming "RYOU WAIT FOR ME!" That voice I have heard for a very long time. Ever since..... I recieved the ring. I didn't turn around instead I just pushed myself to go faster.
I ran into the lobby and quickly asked for a room exchange. After I got the key to my new room, I kindly asked the lady to have all phone calls, and visitors for me ignored. I ran using the stairs to my old. I quickly dumped everything into my backpack and left the room. Making sure nothing was forgotten. I raced to the elevator and pushed the up button. My next room was on the 6th floor. As I waited I saw Bakura coming up the stairs to my right. He looked tired and out of breath. The elevator came when he asked me what was my rush. I stared at him as the doors slowly closed, the thing that seperated me and him. As the elevator went up I heard a faint cry of frustration, but I do not know if it was him.
As I stepped off the elevator I let out a sigh of relief. I do not like leaving everyone cut off from me but if that is what it takes for me not to get emotionally hurt anymore then I'll do it. I put the key into the hole and waited once again for the beep. After it sounded, I pushed open the door and was amazed at what kind of room I got. The lady did say I got a suite, but it was for the same price as my previous room. There was even a small kitchen! Wow....
"RIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!!!!!!" Damn... thats one hell of a loud phone. I went over and picked it up.
"Yes? There's a guy here who says he's your brother. I know you said ignore everyone but this guy is threatening me with...what was it? The Shadow Dealm? Something like that. So do I send him up? Or do you want him to not come up there?" There was some static, a curse, a scream and a thump then I heard Bakura's voice.
"RYOU!!!" He yelled. That hurt my ears.
"What did you do to that lady?" I asked him.
"Never mind her! Why did you not answer me? AND WHERE ARE YOU!?!" He screamed. I hope he doesn't get in trouble.
"I'm in the hotel, I'm fine and I DON'T WANT TO BE BOTHERED!" I screamed back. This is not my day.
"Fine, I'll find you. You better have a good excuse to why you didn't tell me."
"Oh I'm so scared. Yami I want to be alone! PLEASE LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" My patience has long left me.
"Alright, but if your hurt and you wont tell me...." He trailed off. Well, here's some news for you Bakura, I AM HURT, I WONT TELL ANYONE, ESPECIALLY YOU!
"I'm fine... just please... leave me alone." Then I hung up.
I flopped onto the bed and sighed. That's when I noticed it. Across the room there was a pink envelope sticking out of the pocket. Oh no... no no no no no...... please... I don't need this.... I got up and took it out of the pocket. It was unopened. It was sent today. On the front it said Ryou. I opened the letter, it was dated February 10. Today. Damn... just HOW do things get worse like this? I opened the letter it read,
Dear Ryou,
How are you?
You seem to be depressed or something.... (YTT: No duh.... Bakura: HEY! YTT: Sorry....)
Please feel better.....
The dance is coming up....
So I was wondering if you'd go with me....
Meet me at the dance 7:45 PM, at the entrance.
If your wondering.... this will be the last note you recieve.
Well I've got news for you mystery person. I'M NOT GOING TO THE DANCE. Damn... why can't this people get it through their thick skulls that I AM NOT and WILL NOT go. I turned on my CD player, put on my headphones and went back to the bed. I took out my book and started to read.... then I fell in a sweet darkness that is sleep....
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YTT: So.... the last chapter of the year.... how was it?
Bakura: Fine I'm sure.
Ryou: Wow.... I'm mean....
YTT: Your not mean, just real angry.
Bakura: -__-
YTT: Okay, on request of reviewer I will not use Pegasus as a way for people to NOT flame.
Bakura: Then who?
YTT: If you flame....you will recieve.....a drink and horny.... ANZU! MWHAHAHAHAHA!
Bakura: That's creepy...
Ryou: And disturbingly....
Both: FUNNY!
YTT: HAHAHA.... Anywayz, if any of you feel offened by me using Anzu, as in you like Anzu or something... please don't hesitate to tell me....
Ryou: Who likes Anzu?
Bakura: The people who write nice fics about her.
YTT: Then why would they read this story?
Bakura: I dunno....
Chibi Ryou: *Huggles a Bakura plushie while sucking his thumb* *Big round chibi eyes* WEAD AND PWEASE WEVIEW!
Bakura: Awwww..... *hugs Chbi Ryou*
YTT: Hehe... A little fluff moment, too much angst... fluff...