Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Vampires & Demons ❯ small bonus chapter ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Honoo of the Hanyou and the Girl
Part I- Kodai Hanyou
There once was a story of a demon named Inochi. He was one of the most beautiful demons among the world, and one day he fell in love. The other demons were against his love for it was a human woman. He did not listen to the other demons and married the woman, but the night after his first child was born a group of demons kidnapped Inochi's wife. By the time he found her they had killed her. Inochi was very sad and went on a rampage. He killed many villagers and many more demons. No on had ever seen the child of Inochi for if they did they would not live to tell of the child. The villagers said this child was a hanyou but even though they were only half demon the child was very powerful and almost as beautiful as Inochi. The child and Inochi traveled the lands exterminating demons. Since no on ever saw the child it became a myth and then a forgotten legend. Soon after demons disappeared and humans stopped believing there were ever such creatures in the world.
“Wow grandma that was cool” a small dark haired child lay in bed with bright blue eyes smiling at her grandma.
“Yes it was my favorite story form when I was little. Now go to sleep Sari you have school tomorrow”
“Goodnight Sari” the old woman got up
“Goodnight grandma, goodnight mommy” the small child smiled at her mother standing in the doorway of the room.
“Bye mommy bye grandma I'm going to school” the small black haired girl ran to her bus waving goodbye to her mother and grandma.
“Goodbye mom I'll be home late tonight”
“Goodbye Maya be careful” the mother drove to work as the grandma closed the door with a smiling face.
“I'm sorry ma'am”
“Oh dear, what will I tell Sari”
“Grandma where's mommy?”
“Bye grandma I'm going to school!”
“Be careful Sari!”
“I will!”
Hello my name is Sari Go-Don I'm 13 years old and live with just my grandma. My mom Maya died when I was only 6. After the accident my grandma and I moved to Kyoto. I guess I was really sad back then but I'm happy now because I have so many friends and my grandma.
“Hey Sari” a brown haired girl ran up to Sari with a large smile.
“Hey Arisa”
I've met a lot of new friends too like Arisa and her sister Burianna and a lot more. My grandma always sued to tell me a story about a demon named Inochi, it was my favorite. Since I was 6 I loved reading about demons and drawing them in pictures, I even volunteered at a library so I could read books about demons and things from older Japan times.
“Oh no we should hurry up or we'll be late!” Arisa took Sari's hand and they ran the rest of the way to school.
“Oh look we're early, again.” Sari looked at the large school clock outside
“Oh ya I forgot to fix my watch heh, heh” Arisa blushed and they went inside to their lockers.
“Hey Sari, hey Arisa!” a girl with short red hair waved to the 2 girls
“Hey Keitorin” the 2 waved back
“So Sari what are you doing after school?” Arisa asked closing her locker
“I have to go to the library remember”
“Oh ya, why'd you want to work there part time and when you're not even getting paid”
“I don't know exactly I mean I went to read the books but then I thought hwy not volunteer to help. That way I get free books too”
“It's called a library card”
“Ya I know, it's hard to explain. Oh but we should hurry and get to homeroom you know how Mr. Yangu is”
“Ya, ya” the 2 hurried to class meeting Burianna and Kuroe on the way.
“See you tomorrow Sari”
“Bye Arisa, Kuroe, Burianna!” Sari ran to catch the bus to the library.
It was 5 by the time Sari finally got to the library. She told the librarian that she was there and began putting a few books away.
“Miss. Sari can you lock up tonight? I have to leave a bit early to help my mother at home” the librarian asked Sari handing her the keys.
“Sure let me just go call my grandma to tell her”
“Thank you.” Sari went to call her grandma and then finished putting away the checked in books.
It was 7 and everyone was gone, Sari took this time to read the rest of a book she had started earlier called Japanese Legends.
Inochi even though a demon fell in love with a human woman and against the words of the other demons he married the villager. On the night after their first child was born demons took to human woman and killed her. When Inochi found her body he became filled with fury, he was unstoppable as he rampaged through the lands. Killing humans and even more demons he then took his child and disappeared. The villagers talked about the child how some say it was a hideous creature while others say it was almost as beautiful as Inochi himself even though it was a hanyou. But no one had even really seen the child and if they had they were sure to not speak of it for they would die. The child and Inochi traveled the lands exterminating demons and helping humans. One day though Inochi grew very ill and could not even walk. He told his child to go and kill all of the demons that had killed their mother. The child did so and soon after demons vanished, humans stopped believing and the child became a long forgotten myth.
Sari looked at the clock to se it was already 7: 40, she put the book away and dug in her pockets for the keys. She locked up the library and was about to put they keys back in her pocket when she remembered she had left her book bag on the counter! She unlocked the doors and went to grab her bag Sari turned about and saw something run through the door into one of the aisles of books. She put down her bag and looked into the aisle but saw nothing. She shrugged it off and turned to get her back only to be met by golden eyes.
“Hey wake up girl” Sari opened her eyes to see a pair of light brown eyes looking down at her. It was a boy at first he looked like a girl with his long black hair.
“Oh what happened?”
“You passed out when you saw me. I didn't know I was that ugly”
“Oh no you're not ugly I was just um… you startled me that's all.”
“Ya I guess that can happen when you think you're alone in the dark.”
“Yeah…” Sari blushed as she got up, she grabbed her bag and looked down at the floor.
“Did you need something?”
“Not really I was just looking for someone, when I saw the doors open I thought they might be in here but I guess not”
“Oh, ok well um the library is closed so”
“Are you ok?” the boy bent down and looked at Sari who blushed even more.
“Y... yes I'm fine”
“Ok well sorry to scare you, oh by the way. My name's Chesu”
“Ah my name is Sari” Sari bowed and the boy laughed. He was so beautiful Sari felt so embarrassed that she had fainted like that.
“Sorry again Sari, nice meeting you, goodbye” Chesu walked out and turned a corner disappearing from Sari's site.
“And he was just staring at you when you turned around”
“Ya, I actually fainted it scared me so much”
“Ooh. Heh, heh Sari make sure you use pro…”
“Don't even finish that sentence Kuroe” Keitorin put her hand over Kuroe's mouth.
“Yuck!” Keitorin pulled her hand away as Kuroe began licking it.
“Serves you right”
“I'm not candy you know!” Kuroe and Keitorin fake fought in the background
“So it seems our little Sari is in love” burianna laughed
“What! N-no” Sari began to blush
“Oh yes I can hear the wedding bells already” Arisa played along
“Hey!” Sari's face was red from embarrassment.
“Wow you live a very exciting life Sari-San”
“!” all five girls stopped and looked at the smiling black haired boy beside Sari.
“A-ah Chesu!” Sari bowed for no reason
“You don't have to…”
“So this is the night stalker” Arisa, Burianna, and Keitorin circled the boy and examined him.
“Stalker?!” Chesu backed away from the girls only to bump into Kuroe. He turned and looked at her face filled with fury and he put his hands up in defense.
“Oh my gods he has long hair! Awesome and it's black!” Kuroe's eyes brightened with joy and Chesu let out a breath of relief.
“Um Chesu, I didn't know you went to this school” Sari put in
“I just transferred, actually last night was my first night here”
“Where did you transfer from?”
“Wow that's so far!”
“I guess”
“Do you have family here?”
“Nah my family died years… I mean no my parents died last year. I'm here alone no family”
“Oh that's so sad” Sari looked at him with tearful eyes
“D-don't cry!”
“I know but it's just so…”
“Please don't cry they, I mean its life so…” she looked at him
“I'm sorry I fainted and now I'm crying in front of you, you must think I'm an idiot”
“Huh? Why would I think that I just met you?”
“Look at the 2 lovers” the other 4 girls whispered and Sari blushed. The school bells began to ring for class.
“Oh no we're gonna be late” the girls grabbed their bags
“Hey Chesu what class are you in?”
“Class 1-D”
“Oh that sucks we're in 2-B. Well you'll have to wait and see Sari at the end of the day then!” the girls waved bye and ran off to class.
Sari waved to her friends as she walked to the bus stop to get to the library for the day.
“Hey Sari!” she turned to see Chesu catching up to her
“Oh hey Chesu. What's up?”
“So you work at the library. Is that why you were there so late last night?”
“Ya I had to lock up”
“Oh cool, is it ok if I come along?”
“Ya sure I don't work long today so after I can show you a little of Kyoto. Maybe even this weekend you can come with me and the others to the arcade if you want?” Sari offered as they got on the bus.
“That sounds like fun”
Sari set her bag down on her bed and went downstairs for dinner.
“So Sari how was your day?”
“It was fun, that boy from the library goes to my school now. He came all the way from America on his own. I showed him around town a little and this weekend he's going to come with me and the others to the arcade”
“Well that sounds like a lot of fun. Just remember to be careful. He may seem nice but you don't know him much yet”
“I know grandma” Sari looked down and her grandpa changed the subject
“I got a call from the bakery down the street today and they offered me a job there”
“Isn't it the same one that you work at now?”
“Yes but this one's closer than the other so it'd be quicker to get form here to there”
“Ya that'd be awesome”
“Ok well eat up you have a big day planned for tomorrow”
“Thank you grandma”
“For what?”
“For everything” Sari smiled and her grandmother gave a warm smile back.
Sari was almost finished with her rice when she remembered.
“Oh no I can't believe I forgot my homework at the library. Man I really need some device thing that reminds me about my stuff before I leave.”
“Well just be careful it's getting late”
“I will”
“Or maybe you should wait till tomorrow Sari?”
“I can't its due in the morning. I promise I'll be extremely careful”
“Well ok, I wish I could drive you”
“Grandma it's all right, I'll be back really quick” Sari slipped on her shoes and locked the door behind her.
The street lights had just flickered on and the suns last ray went down as Sari got off the bus. She walked over to the glass doors and pulled out the key that the librarian had given her just in case.
I know how you always forget your bag here so here's a key just in case Miss. Go-Don
Thank you ma'am.
People had been so kind to Sari ever since she came here. She unlocked the doors and turned on a small light as she made her way to the back where she had put her homework on a table while reading. She saw the table and saw her papers plus the book she had forgotten to put away. She picked up her papers and put them in her pockets then noticed the book was open to a page she hadn't read yet. Sari thought she had closed the book but maybe she didn't and the A/C or small wind from when she opened the doors turned to a different page? She read the first sentence and was shocked.
Inochi's child died by the hands of the priestess Maya. Her long black hair waved in the wind as she watched the blood flow down the mountain side. The blood became a clear liquid, water. Maya turned and left the demon child's body. Many years after she gave birth to a beauty she named Yabi Sari. Little did she know that her daughter was…
A mark showed that pages had been ripped from the book and Sari sat down.
“Whoa that is so weird. Maybe grandma named my mom after this priestess because she liked the story so much?. Wow that's pretty cool I should ask her about it later. I should put this back it's already 8” Sari looked at the clock and closed the book. She slipped it back into its space and left the library locking the doors after. She walked to the bus stop to catch the last bus of the night.
Sari hopped off the bus and walked down the street to her house.
“The reincarnation of Inochi's child whom she had killed years before. Soon her daughter would kill her without knowing and…” Sari turned to see a figure sitting atop a stone wall.
“Whose there?” the figure jumped down and walked towards her slowly. It put their hand out and handed Sari the pages that had been ripped form the book. She took them still unaware of who this was. As she took them it revealed the hands as claws!
“Ah!” she took a step back and the figure stepped forward so that she saw them fully. It had pointy ears, long black hair, golden eyes, he looked almost like an elf or something except for the small fangs and claws.
“P-p-please d-don't h-hurt me I…” she stuttered falling back
“Don't be scared Sari I won't hurt you. If anything I should be afraid of you” he gave a side smile.
“W-who are y-you?” she asked still stuttering
“Gomen-nasai I didn't mean to scare you again” it closed its eyes and slowly shrank to a shorter human boy, Chesu!
“Ya, sorry again for scaring you…” he gave a crooked smile and put out his hand to help her. She pushed his hand away and jumped up.
“I don't know what's going on but if this is some sick joke!”
“No, it's not, I really am a… demon see” he closed his eyes and became again what she had seen before, his golden eyes burned her own blue ones.
“You're a monster! YOU FREAK!” Sari turned and ran in fear.
“Sari honey? You'll be late for school” her grandma knocked on her door
“I don't feel so god today grandma, can I stay home?”
“Yes, eat some soup if you want. I hope you feel better later Sari. I have to go but I'll be home at 5 ok”
“Ok, goodbye grandma”
“So she ran from you in fear?”
“Ya, I guess I would too if I was her. She just seemed so fascinated with demons I thought she'd be immune to it if she saw me”
“Well then we'll just have to wait it out now won't we”
“No! She shouldn't even be alive”
“I don't get it, if she's Inochi's daughter reincarnated and born from a priestess won't she be so strong she could kill us with a wink?”
“Possibly, which is why we must kill her now.”
“Just like we killed her mother? No I want a fair fight from her. After all she did kill my family”
“It's your choice Chesu we are by your side always”
(This is a small bonus story that I'm starting if you want to read more look at Non-Anime where I accidentally put it *coughs*
Honoo- flame
Hanyou- half demon
Inochi- life
Arisa- Alyssa
Kuroe- Chloe
Burianna- Brianna
Sari- Sally
Go-Don- Gordon
Keitorin- Caitlin
Kodai- Ancient
Chesu- Chase
Saisei- Reborn
Gomen-nasai- (very sorry0 in a manner of speaking