Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Vampires & Demons ❯ real chapter 5! Corrupted Love ~ ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 5- Corrupted love
Tendrils of ruby red hair spiraling down past her waist. Soft skin painted with gold and caressed with silks from all over the world. Eyes darker than an eclipse, and the voice deadlier than the siren's. Kauket the goddess of darkness and chaos, my love.
“Now you lay carved in stone, forgotten by this idiotic world. I shall awake your soul and we shall be rejoined.” Bakura placed his hand over a carving of an old Egyptian goddess called Kauket.
Yugi walked down the hall his usual smile had long since faded a few days ago. Bakstu was gone and Malik was saved by Yami but, Yugi still did not understand why these vampires needed him here.
“My lord?” Yugi turned to find the boy Malik
“Oh why hello Malik”
“Hello my lord” Malik bowed with a bright smile
“You seem better”
“Yes I am very much” Malik's tan skin and blue eyes had returned. His face was normal now and he was fully alive now.
“Why are you so sad my lord?”
“Oh I'm not it's just kind of the same around here”
“Then why don't we go outside, we could go to the arcade”
“I can?”
“Yes my lord, unless, you do not want to?”
“No I do, I do”
“Well then let me go tell Tsuki” Malik turned and went to find Tsuki.
Bakura sat on his throne within the cold dark caves of the demons. He had yet to kill Yugi and none of his minions could catch why.
“Isis why do I just sit here?”
“I would not know sire”
“Why have I not yet killed that insolent vampire lord? It is because the soul of that weakling Ryou still sleeps within me!”
“Sire surely he is not strong enough to hold you from your desires?”
“No, no he is not but… he just sleeps. He sleeps so peacefully within this pearl as before I had to suffer”
“Do you wish him pain? He is you in this time sire”
“I wish him no pain or suffering but I do not wish him this serenity. Tonight we shall kill them all we shall massacre those pitiful vampires”
“Yes Bakura”
“But then again. His mind is in peace and does not want massacre. He does not hold me back but… his own desire of pain is so much more… sweeter.”
“His desire?”
“His mind, his very core within his tiny red heart calls for death… we shall find the vampire lords weakness”
“Humans have the weakness for love sire. They cannot hold back from the seducing what they call beauty of the opposite sex. The lord we can trap in a love of nothing”
“Yes. Find his true love and kill her right in front of him. Heh never could I have taken something so easily and be able to crush him.”
“It seems human minds are not as pathetic as we had taken them”
“No they are even more pathetic than I had imagined. They know one another well though. Alone they cause more destruction”
No my lord it is not his mind but his heart that has been broken. You fool he is slowly devouring you and soon we shall have an even stronger lord. Next to him I shall rein and overtake Kauket. A shadowy smile covered Isis' face as she walked from the hall.
Malik looked at everything they passed as if he was from a different world. Yugi laughed and waved to his friends Jou and Tea (sorry if I'm not spelling her name rite)
“Hey Yugi where have you been? I was getting worried when you disappeared” Jou hugged Yugi and Tea stood with a worried but happy expression.
“I'm sorry, something came up and I really had to go”
“Ya but why didn't you tell me, I waited downstairs and when I found you were gone…”
“I'm really, really sorry. My aunt called and I rushed out while you were in the kitchen. I really am sorry you guys”
“It's ok Yugi, hey who's your friend?”
“Oh I'm sorry, this is Malik. He's an old friend”
“Yes very old I was the vamp…” Yugi covered Malik's mouth.
“Be right back” Yugi took Malik over, “Malik they don't know about any of that”
“Oh yes I am very sorry, being asleep so long this is all so new”
“Ya if I were you I'd be the same” they walked back over to Jou and Tea
“So how has your relationship gone between you 2?” Yugi asked as they walked into the arcade
“Oh ya um… we kind of decided to stay friends”
“Oh why, actually it's none of my business.”
“It's ok Yug' we just thought it was better”
“Ya and besides Jou couldn't keep his eyes off of his food” Tea laughed with Yugi joining in
“Hey I… well ya but…”
“Oh wow look at that!” Malik stopped at a poster titled `Duel Masters' (I forgot the name of the game)
“Oh ya that's the new dueling game” Jou explained
“Ya there are these cards with monsters on them, each monster has a certain strength and defense” Jou went on explaining the rules of the new game.
“Wow, Yugi can we play it?”
“Sure why not, it sounds cool”
“Later Yug' bye Malik!”
“Bye Jou bye Tea!” Yugi and Malik walked back to the vampire castle/domain (Whatever you want to call it).
“That was fun”
“Yeah and these cards are really cool look at this one Blue Eyes White Dragon” Yugi held out the card.
“Do you think we could do this again my lord?”
“Sure, it was fun seeing my friends again”
“I remember Tsuki saying that you could go to school?”
“Oh ya”
“My lord, what is school?”
“It's where we learn English, and math, and things like that”
“I remember, before I was sealed away. I learned some math and English, but I never had time to understand since I had to keep in the dark. The humans feared us vampires and the demons. Lord if you go to school, can I come with you?”
“Why not, it'd be fun with you there”
“Do you really mean that?”
“Of course”
“You truly are the lord in a younger form”
“Heh…” Yugi blushed as they entered the hall.
“My lord Tsuki needs to speak with you” Lina bowed
“Ok” Yugi and Malik followed Lina to a room that he'd never been in before she opened the doors and told Yugi to go in. She closed the doors behind him, Yugi walked across the large room to where Tsuki sat staring out a window. Without even turned she said,
“My lord… Bakstu is gone and we have Malik safely in the palace and away form Bakura but… peace is still far from us and fleeing our sight as Bakura tries to awaken Kauket.”
“She is the Egyptian goddess of darkness and chaos, she was once Bakura's queen until he was locked away with Lord Yami. She died and no trace was ever found of her remains be either Demons or Vampires. The last and only memory of her is a carved statue which has always been kept by the demons. No one even knew that, that was where she was.” Tsuki turned to Yugi
“Where she was?”
“Kauket's grave is inside the statue in a manner of speaking, she is the statue. Now Bakura wants to reawaken her to help him bring destruction to the world and to finish you off. She was very powerful almost too powerful for Lord Yami. She will kill you easily since you have not come to understand your powers just yet”
“I'm sorry”
“Oh no my lord it is not your fault, you are still all too new to this life. But we must still stop Bakura from awakening her or…”
“Hey Anzu!” (This is what I will be calling who I called Tea before heh, heh still unsure of her name). Jou caught up to his friend as she walked to school.
“Hey Jou”
“I was wondering if you wanted to go to the game shop today after school, Yugi said he'd try to meet us there”
“Oh I wish I could, but after school I have lessons”
“Ok well I'll tell him you said Hi if he sows up”
“Cool, maybe we can all go to the movies this weekend?” Anzu suggested as they entered the school
“How can she be Kauket?” Isis stood in the shadows “Well then I must get rid of her before Bakura comes to awaken her soul…” the demon woman vanished
“Ah, ah, ah Isis my dear. You have been a very naughty demon” Marik sat on the branches of a tree moving his finger in disagreement to the sneaky demon and with a cruel smirk he too vanished.
Anzu waved goodbye to her friends and walked down the street alone. She hummed to herself not noticing someone stalking behind her. She turned a corner and was startled by a cat.
“Oh, what a cute kitten” she bent down and pet it as it purred but then noticed the shadow growing closer behind her. She turned and screamed but no one heard the now muffled cry…
Anzu opened her eyes in darkness only the small ray of light from the moon in the window allowed her to see where she was. Though she was still confused as to exactly where she was, she lay in a black bed with red drapes over it. The room was bare and the walls were painted ruby red.
“So you are awake” a cold voice slithered through her ears and she turned to see only the body of a man, his head covered by the shadows.
“W… who are you!?”
“Do not fear me. I should be the one who fears you Kauket…”
“The lord does not know you are here just yet, but be aware that when he finds out. You may already be dead…”
“What!?” Anzu received nothing more as the man disappeared.
Yugi and Malik stood in front of a large fountain waiting for Jou.
“Hey Yug'!” Jou sat down catching his breath
“Hey Jou, is Anzu coming?”
“No she said she had something to do with something I don't know” Jou shrugged and retied his shoelaces
“Ok well…”
“Ma… Yugi, over there” Malik whispered and pointed to a black haired woman standing by a tree staring straight at them.
“Isis” Yugi whispered and looked back at Jou “Jou I'm really sorry but I see my aunt and have to go”
“Aw, ok well later then” Jou waved and walked into the arcade. Yugi and Malik walked around a wall and to a less crowded area.
“My lord Yugi don't you think we…”
“My, my look at you 2 all lovey dovey” a cold voice laughed and from the shadows came Marik. Then Isis soon sat on the wall looking down on all of them.
“So Isis I see you have come to be with Malik instead of your own family” Marik sneered at her with his now red eyes. Isis looked at her twin brother taken aback from his words.
“Kauket isn't here anymore. I put her in her chambers” Marik informed his older sister and she calmed her expression.
“So you knew” she smirked in return
“I would have thought you to be the last in our colony to betray us”
“Betray? All I did was plan I never had the chance to betray” her voice slithered through the air like a serpent in the water. She hopped down form the wall and went so close to as her and Marik only had an inch of air between them.
“Or would you like to prove me wrong” she finished brushing past him and over to Malik who now stood protecting Yugi.
“Isis I swear I'll kill you”
“Heh, you a small parasite kill me” she gave him a look of hatred and mock
“Don't you dare think of me so lightly, sister
“I am no more your sister than I am your lover and I will think of you as small as I want to” Isis wrapped her hand around his fragile neck but only nicked his skin with her long fingernail.
“Isis!” Yugi stepped out from behind Malik
“Oh so now the weak little vampire lord comes forward…” Isis wrapped her hair around a finger and turned walking only a few steps
“I didn't come to kill you today. This time I only came for this…” with her demon speed she was close enough to whisper without Malik or Marik hearing.
“Beware Kauket when she awakes on the new moon she will bring more darkness and death than the reaper” with her sentence finished she jumped back and disappeared. Marik stood not showing the slightest bit of curiosity towards what Isis had told Yugi.
“Malik I long for you to return but I see that shall not be happening. I was always ashamed to be the same blood as you but now I see that there is no shame from you.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Malik asked standing straight
“Don't fool yourself brother I will kill you very soon and I will leave nothing for Yami to bring back as an attempt for you”
“You always did have the worse threats Marik” Malik gave a disruptive smile and Marik bowed flying back and disappearing in the shadows but leaving one last goodbye
“She loves me now”
“What did he mean by that Malik?”
“Nothing important” Malik had a mature look on his face but it soon vanished and he smiled his small fangs sticking out.
“Shall we get something to eat?”
“Ya I guess…” Yugi and Malik began walking to where all of the stores and food places were with one last glance where Marik had disappeared.
In the darkness of a sleeping soul hidden from her own mind was a floating castle on green grassy rock. Her dangled her legs off of the floating land and a devious smirk marked her face. A ghost wind blew her crimson hair past her face and her black eyes spoke her words
“Soon I shall be free, awoken, by my love. I shall kill him I shall kill them all and rule on my own. For it was his weak powers that caused me here. Ha, ha, ha no love will ever roam the demon world as it shall all be mine!