Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Vampires & Demons ❯ ch6- Chaos at school ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Vampires & Demons
Ch6- Chaos at school
Anzu opened her eyes to find herself back in her own room!
“Was it a dream…?” she put her hand to her head and felt no fever she fell down on her bed and sighed
“Everything's been so weird since Yugi left… my dreams have been so much… stronger” she slowly fell back asleep.
Yugi walked down the halls trying to find Tsuki and ask her about Malik and him going to school.
“My lord” Megumi and Chase bowed, Megumi's long hair fell and Chase lifted it back over her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.
“Hi Megumi hi Chase” Yugi smiled and they 3 passed. Yugi saw Navia sitting on a shelf in the corner of the ceiling, Lina cleaning, and Malik sleeping on a low bed. Finally he went into a room and found Tsuki but not alone, Tsuki was turned talking to a man with brown hair he didn't look to be much older than Yugi and was definitely a vampire.
“Oh my lord, please sit down” Tsuki turned with a fake smile
“Tsuki is everything ok?”
“Yes of course, my lord this is Seto his brother was murdered last night. Navia found him standing in demon blood not too long ago this morning”
“I'm sorry” Yugi lowered his gaze to the ground
“My lord it is not your fault. He has been trying to leave and go to the demon caves. But besides that, what did you need?”
“Well you know how you said that… I could go to school and um well I was wondering if”
“If you and Malik could go together of course it would be safer that way” she smiled and sat on a tall chair.
“So you are the lord Yami? I am surprised at how young you are” Seto stood against a wall with a cold emotion
“My name is Yugi” Yugi tried to say it as politely as he could but it came out more irritated for some reason. He had been seeing changes in himself ever since Yami had first come out.
“Lord Yugi?” Lina came in a bit worried
“Yes Lina?” Yugi got up and she held his hand
“Malik has disappeared I saw him sleeping and then he was gone. I've looked everywhere but cannot find him I am so sorry”
“Lina its ok, he probably went outside. Here I'll help you look” Yugi walked out
“My lord, please be careful you do not know if the demons are close” Tsuki warned and Yug nodded as he left the hall. Lina led him outside and they looked around in separate directions though he had to reassure Lina that he'd be ok. He searched for a few minutes until finally finding Malik sitting by a tree napping.
“You sure sleep a lot” Yugi laughed and sat next to him
“Oh my lord, I am sorry that I left but…”
“Its ok Lina just got worried and so did I”
“Thank you Lord Ya… Yugi” Yugi smiled at Malik's small mistake and helped him up.
It had been almost 4 months since Yugi had come to find that he was a vampire lord reincarnated. He had met so many creatures some were nice and some wanted him dead. Today Malik and Yugi would finally go to school, Yugi first had to explain a few things and show him how to read and write.
They walked past the gates and ran into Jou and Anzu.
“Yug', Malik! Hey!”
“So you 2 are coming to this school now”
“Cool” they all walked into class to find that they were all in the same homeroom and first 3 classes. The first lunch bell rang and Anzu went leaving Jou, Yugi, and Malik for study period.
Anzu got a small lunch and waited in line to pay.
“Hey slut” at first she didn't pay attention to the speaker not thinking they were talking to her “I said hey slut!” a tan hand grabbed her arm and turned her around, she dropped her lunch and jerked away from the boy.
“What the hell!”
“You fucking slut you wouldn't answer me”
“I am not a slut!”
“Oh ya that's why you slept with Jou last week” she froze in horror
“What did you say!?” he pushed the guy away and walked out of the lunch room as others began to whisper. She marched into the bathroom and broke in tears a few girls came in and saw her then left laughing and pointing. The bell rang and she went to her next class.
Anzu walked in fuming Yugi tried to say “Hi” but all she did was glare at him and walk to her seat.
“What's a matter with Anzu?” Jou asked Yugi
“I don't know” Yugi shrugged and looked back at her worriedly.
“Hey whore so how was it” a boy behind her laughed and she jumped up throwing the paper he threw at her back at him.
“I DIDN'T SLEEP WITH JOU I'VE NEVER EVEN BEEN TO HIS FUCKING HOUSE!” she broke out and threw a chair at the boy then flipped his table. He crawled away in fear trying to say sorry but it was too late.
“Yugi I think your friend Anzu is actually…” before he finished Anzu threw a desk their way and the whole class panicked but couldn't get out of the classroom when the doors locked. Anzu's eyes flashed black and red as she walked closer to the boy who began calling her a slut. Her hair grew longer and seemed to melt ten turned red. She began laughing hysterically and looked at herself in a reflection by the window.
“In free! And now for my thanks to you mortal boy” she picked him up her nails grew inches longer and sharper.
“No please I'm sorry ok!”
“Anzu!” Jou ran up and tried to stop her but she just threw him back against the wall.
“Kauket!” Yugi took a step forward and the red haired demon dropped the boy with a devious smile.
“Seems you know my name but… you are no demon or vampire. who are you boy?” her voice sent chills down even the schools walls and the other students besides Malik, Yugi, and Jou fell into some sort of sleep.
“I am Yugi the reincarnation of Lord Yami”
“HA, HA, HA, HA YOU!” she laughed and walked towards Yugi
“My lord!” Malik jumped in front of him as protection and closed his eyes as he put his hands together muttering something. Malik opened his eyes wide and threw a white orb at Kauket. She winced in a bit of pain but regrouped quickly.
“Free Anzu she is our friend and I will not let you hurt her!” Jou just watched in shock as everything happened and dazed in and out of listening.
“PATHETIC! Yugi do you know. What this girl is saying to me? She is saying that you all must die. She is not your friend now if she wants you dead or am I mistaken somehow?” she laughed and wrapped her arms around herself closing her eyes. She opened her eyes and her uniform changed into a long black ribbon that wrapped around her with more ribbons coming out from the sides. Soon she wore a slim black dress with sleeves that covered her hands her long red hair flew around like Medusas snakes and her eyes kept flashing all black ten all red. Fangs grew in her mouth and her skin became pale.
“I am Kauket goddess of darkness and chaos” her voice was like a song but disgusted Malik and Yugi to no end. Slowly symbols painted on her skin in gold and her eyes stayed black.
“Anzu I know you can hear me! I don't know what happened to make you so angry but please fight this demon!” Yugi called but nothing seemed to change about Kauket.
“She wants me here she wanted me to come out and end her miserable torture and to bring CHAOS!” black shot form her body and the room turned red and melted into black, she building shook and Jou tried to break the windows to get everyone out but was grabbed by hands from the wall.
“Jou!” Yugi hit the hands with a chair and freed Jou, the 3 all rammed against the door and it finally broke open. The whole school had become like a black hole nothing and nowhere. They pulled the still unconscious students out one at a time and tried to wake tem up but had no luck. Kauket came out of the classroom laughing the door disappearing behind her.
“There is nowhere to go” the students disappeared and the 3 boys ran knowing they would not find them there now. It seemed as if they were just walking in the air not moving at all but leaving Kauket. Her laughter echoed even after they could not see her anymore.
“My Lord!” Yugi heard Tsuki's voice
“This way you 2!” they followed the sound of Tsuki's yell but only found themselves with Kauket standing in front of them.
“MY LORD! MALIK! YUGI!” voices screamed for them and they followed finally seeing light but hearing Kauket's voice close behind them. Soon enough Yugi saw Navia searching for them.
“Navia! Kauket she…!”
“My lord please hurry before this place explodes! Her power is too much!”
“What about the other students” they followed Navia out to Tsuki and then outside where Seto and Megumi stood with Chase pulling the last person out of the school.
“We must go!” Navia pulled Yugi and they ran but soon a loud crack was heard, Navia pulled Yugi and held him as to protect him form the blow. Seto had to protect Jou who was still shocked by everything that was happening and Tsuki protected Malik. They were all thrown forward as a strong wave crashed around the area.
Yugi woke up in his room and saw Tsuki and Navia talking in the corner.
“My lord I'm so glad that you are awake” they both bowed and Malik walked in.
“Where's Jou? Is he alright?”
“Yes, Seto agreed to watch over him as he slept but I think he will wake soon. You should explain to him my lord or do you want us to do something about him?”
“No! I mean, I'll explain it all”
Short but I didn't really have any good ideas I'm trying to slowly but quickly get into the point of the ending. The next chapter will be about couples and then I will begin the chapters to the end. Please review and tell me what you think
Lina- blonde vampire whom helps out Yugi (fruit bat)
Tsuki- white hair vampire (ghost bat) she is usually in the form of a little girl but sometimes goes into a more adult form.
Navia- Tsuki's black haired hyper active sister, who always mysteriously disappears or reappears time and time again.
Megumi- a very happy red haired man/woman
Chase- a black haired vampire also the lover of Megumi
Malik- Yami's once lover now serves Yugi with everything even though Yugi doesn't ask. Has spiky blonde hair. (Demon) hated by his own family
Marik- Malik's evil twin brother (demon) largely spiked blonde hair
Isis- Marik and Malik's twin sister (demon) long black hair
Yami- vampire lord wild blonde hair
Bakura- demon lord long white hair
Yugi- reincarnated vampire lord, kind and shy with blonde hair
Ryou- reincarnated demon lord already wears the pearl long white hair and violet eyes
Anzu- one of Yugi's friends and is actually the real Kauket brown hair
Jou- Yugi's big haired blonde friend who still loves Anzu
Kauket- goddess of darkness and chaos. Black eyes and long red hair.