Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Vindaloo Magic ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Vindaloo Magic
Author: Madyamisam
Chapter: 1/?
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Seto/Joey
Beta: Daisey
Spoilers: Um… nope…
Disclaimers: Madyamisam does not own any Yu-Gi-Oh characters.
Summary: During a class on genealogy, Joey finds out that he is a descendant of a well known but mysterious group of gypsies on his mother's side of his family tree. Upon further investigation, he receives a 400-year-old spell book that has remained in his family by being passed down through the eldest child. You can just ~imagine~ what kind of mischief you can get into with an old spell now… can't you?
It was ~meant~ to be just another boring spring day at school… the kind where the students of Domino High would sprawl their upper bodies on top of their desks in a dazed stupor. Lured into sleep by the monotonous droning of their history teacher, the boys would be fast asleep, dreaming of frolicking across a grass field with well-endowed and voluptuous women (or men depending on their preference) whilst the girls… well… what ~they~ did in the face of boredom was left solely for the imagination. However, for Joey Wheeler, today was going to be different. Today the class was on the subject of genealogy and, for once, ~everyone~ was interested. Each student was diligently tracing back their family tree, hoping for some obscure link to show that they were related to someone famous. Large charts were spread across four sets of tables and all computers were being used by the students to browse through a provided list of Internet databases to trace back their ancestral roots whilst glancing at a couple of porn sites on the side.
“I wonder if Yugi is a descendant to Yami,” Tristan pondered. “I mean aside from the whole soul sharing thingy, you can see the resemblance on that old tablet at the museum.”
“Even if I was I don't think that these genealogy charts date back ~that~ far down the family tree,” Yugi replied, staring at the masses of names and the lines connecting to them.
“Hey, we've found yours Joey,” Téa said excitedly. Looking at the list of names, she traced a finger along one of the lines. “Adelina Badru. Badru… Badru… where have I heard that before?”
“The Badru family?” exclaimed their teacher, Miss Culpin. “That's the name of a famous gypsy tribe that moved around this country back in the 16th Century. They were renowned as great healers and were heavily welcomed into households to cure the sick and injured. No one really knew where the Badru family originally came from or whether the name Badru was really even their name. Eventually the name of Badru disappeared into history; every year there were fewer sons to carry the name. Your great, great, Grandmother Adelina Badru was possibly the last person to carry that name before she married.” The four students stared at Miss Culpin, both dumbfounded by and fearful of the immense amount of pointless trivia that teacher had just spouted. Suddenly the class was over, and most of the students left thoroughly disappointed with the results of their search.
“Hey Joey, do you want to go to the arcade tonight?” Yugi asked, snapping the blonde out of his thoughts.
“Nah… I've got that English essay that's due tomorrow,” Joey replied. The small boy pouted in disappointment but allowed the blonde to be on his way.
After lugging himself up 7 flights of stairs, Joey finally reached his floor. He sighed as he saw a large figure sprawled out on the wooden floor of the neat yet diminutive apartment that he shared with his father. Joey proceeded to heave the juggernaut of a man onto his feet, hoping to contain the smell of alcohol that wafted around him. The symptoms of a hangover throbbing dully in his brain, the older man uttered a feeble groan when his son lowered him into a chair in the kitchen. Joey sighed as he grabbed a couple of aspirin, a carton of fruit juice, and a banana.
“Sometimes I wonder what would happen to you if I wasn't around, huh Dad?” he berated in exasperation. The blonde went to his bedroom and opened a box of stringy looking dried up herbs. He sniffed at one or two, and then broke off a piece of the strange looking plant. `Returning to the kitchen, he tossed the herbs into a blender along with the fruit juice and banana and turned the appliance on high.'
“Keep the noise down!” he heard his father complain as the older man opened his blood shot eyes.
“Oh quit your whining and drink this!” Joey said, finally adding a few crushed aspirin into the strange, fruity mix. “And you better drink all of it and then have a shower and get back to bed. I'll wake you up again for your night shift at work.” He smiled as he watched his father chug the funny looking drink before gathering his books and heading towards his room to tackle the nefarious evil known as his English essay.
Hours later, Jou had finally completed the work when Mr. Wheeler came in, dressed and fully energized.
“Thanks for hangover cure son; I'm off to work now,” he said.
“See ya,” Joey replied absently as he shoved his essay into his book.
“Oh, I almost forgot; there's a package here for ya. It's from your mom.” The older man grimaced at the thought of his ex-wife but didn't think much more of it. Dumping the package on his son's bed, the man threw on a jacket and left for work. Joey blinked a few times as he stared down at the brown parcel tied in white string. Grabbing a pair of scissors, he cut through the string and ripped open the brown paper, exposing a musty looking book and a letter.
“Dear Joseph,” Joey read aloud, cringing at the use of his full name.
“You wrote a letter to me, asking if there was something that I had from the family that might help with your research in your genealogy class. I found this in the attic; it was passed down by your grandmother.” Joey turned the book over, staring at the wrinkled pages that were perhaps centuries old. He then continued reading the letter. “I was ~supposed~ to give this to you on your sixteenth birthday, but you know how it is… I'm sorry and I hope that this helps.” Joey smiled awkwardly, still finding it strange to communicate with the woman that had left him and had taken his sister away. Figuring that helping him at school as best she could was somehow making up for the time they spent apart from each other, he sat the letter aside and stared at the family heirloom. After a moment he opened the tome, coughing and sneezing as his eyes started to water from the dust that was disturbed by the action. Blinking away the tears, he read the first few pages, cringing at the writing. The calligraphic lettering was hard to read, and the layout of the book itself added to the difficulty. Each page was written in recipe format with the ingredients listed at the top of the page and the instructions written at the bottom. Slowly Joey's eyes became used to the odd writing but, as he read through the page labelled `love potion' he almost wish they hadn't. `What the… gall stones of a goat and the poisonous sac of a snake? In a love potion??' Blanching at the thought, Joey quickly turned a few more pages and came across one page that caught more of his interest. He noticed a small compartment embedded in the book itself. Opening it, he was surprised at what he found. Pulling out a set of needles, Joey went back to reading the page. He blinked a few times and re-read the passages again as a devious smile reached his mouth. Pursing his lips, he tucked the book under his arm and began to search the house for the require materials to get to work.
“Hey guys, check this out!” Joey called out to his friends. The small group turned toward his voice and watched as the blonde came into the classroom. Not only was their friend sporting a black eye, his clothes were rumpled as if they had been through a tumble dryer with the blonde still wearing them.
“God Joey; what happened to you?” Yugi gasped, anxiously scanning up and down the blonde.
“Nuttin'; just got into another fight with Moneybags is all…” Joey beamed as he beckoned the shorter boy over and shoved the decrepit book before his huge, violet bush baby eyes. `I wrote a letter to my mom last week, asking if she had anything I could use for research on the genealogy project that Culpin will be setting for us tomorrow. Surprisingly, she came through!' Tristan snatched the book and flicked through the ancient looking pages.
“Looks like an old crummy book to me,” Tristan said, in an unimpressed tone of voice. Suddenly he stopped on the same page that Joey had looked at earlier. “Hey; is this some sort of spell for those dolls… you know the ones with the needles… err… Vindaloo Dolls… that's it!”
“Isn't Vindaloo a type of curry?” Yugi said, confused.
“I think the term he's looking for is ~Voodoo…~” Téa corrected before turning to Joey with a frown. “Wait a minute… what are ~you~ doing with a spell book on voodoo dolls?”
“I told you… my mom gave it to me. And I'm going to try out this
Vindaloo magic thing…”
“Whatever…” Joey snapped irritably. Searching through his bag, he pulled out a stuffed doll with blue button eyes and bushy brown pipe cleaner hair. “All I need now are the ~real~ hairs… ah hah!!!”
”Don't tell me that's who I ~think~ it is…” Téa squeaked staring at the small trench coat wrapped around the doll. Had it been not been for the fact that Joey had made a voodoo doll of Kaiba; Téa would have been really impressed with his textiles skills.
“Why ~else~ would I go through all that trouble just to get a black eye from that rich git, Téa?” Joey replied. “All I needed to do was to write down his date of birth on the voodoo doll and to grab some of his hair.”
“Joey you can't jus-”
“Relax Téa,” Yugi assured as he watched the blonde work Seto's hair into the doll.
“Yugi, you're not seriously going to let Joey continue with this, are you? I mean I know that Kaiba can be a jerk and all, but…” Yugi pulled her to one side.
“Come on Téa, do you really think that this would work?”
“It might…”
“No it wouldn't,” Yugi replied. “I talked with Yami; he's assured me that this voodoo doll stuff is all fake… It won't work.”
“It doesn't?”
“Uh, uh… but I think it'll do Joey some good; even though he'll be
disappointed that he can't actually ~hurt~ Kaiba, if he gets angry over something he does, he can take it out on that doll rather than get himself hurt by the real person.” the brunette looked sceptically at the optimistic boy.
“I suppose…” she replied reluctantly, turning back to watch and cringing slightly at the resemblance of the Kaiba doll.
“I'm finished. He'll be in a world of hurt when I see him again in Maths,” Joey smiled triumphantly. Never before had the blonde been ~this~ excited to go to his maths class. As soon as the other students came pouring in, he whipped out the Kaiba doll and the voodoo needle. Glancing over at the brunette when the teacher finally turned his back to write the math problems on the board, Joey drove the needle deep in the doll's gut and then watched for the reaction. The young CEO was completely absorbed in his book… no screaming, no yelping, not a hair out of place, not even a twitch. Joey frowned as he pulled the needle out and poked it in again, this time on the Kaiba doll's back. When there was yet again no reaction he growled. Trying a few more times and still not getting a response, Joey glared at the poor doll and pouted, resting his chin on his fists. The prospect of excitement in maths faded away, leaving Joey with nothing but another hour of boredom.
“Stupid doll” Joey growled, stabbing at the thing relentlessly when the class was finally over. The sharp tip of the needle pulled in and out of the cotton flesh before gouging at the blue button eyes like the a Hitchcock movie.
“Didn't work then, Joey?” Yugi chirped, only to cringe under the fury of the blonde's frustration. Joey turned back to the defenceless doll.
“I hate this stupid doll, I hate that stupid cheap book, I hate Kaiba… I ha- OW!!!” he yelped as, in his anger, he inadvertently stabbed his finger. A drop of blood smeared on to the doll's chest and Joey whimpered as he suckled his bleeding finger. “Damn it!” he yelled. “Just a doll and it ~still~ manages to get the best of me!” he stabbed the doll in the head, and then at the arm, the stomach, and the thigh before hovering over the groin area. “Even though you're just a doll and I'm pissed off, I will not sink that low t-“
“HEY JOEY DID IT WORK!?!?!?” Tristan yelled.
“GAH!!” Joey yelped in surprise, his hand stabbing the doll out of reflex.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Everyone froze as the blood curdling scream rattled their ears. Following the agonized groaning and the chatters, Joey pushed through the crowd of students that was gathering around the victim. They watched in amazement as the CEO laid on the floor in pain. The blonde blinked a few times before staring at the doll in his hand and then back at the brunette.
“Whoa… it works…” he said with a smile before cringing when he saw where needle was impaling the doll. “Oooh…”