Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wait for Me Along the Shore ❯ I took a walk a long the shore ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

`Wait for Me Along the Shore'

By: Ravenwings14/RavenWings

Dedicated to: DevilKid

Thank for talking to me and being there when I needed someone.

You helped me more than you know.

You helped me look at things a little brighter,

keeping the darkness of my damned depression from me

and keeping me from doing something stupid

that might have ended my life.

Thanks to you,

I can talk to others about their problems

and help them through it like you did for me.

Thank you again.

I hope you like my flic for you.

^ ^

Raven: Is it true… you were thinking of that while you were staring up at the ceiling? You were in depression?

Dove: Yah… Thanks DevilKid. You helped me not only that but get my attitude back, my will for more days to see and you made me laugh.

Raven: Thank you for helping my strange hikari. I don't know what I'd do without her.

Dove: ^ ^ I feel loved again. Love is so fluffy and light.

Raven: Please give my hikari some more love by reviewing and giving her your opinions.

Dove: Yes! Please review!

Raven: And DevilKid… I hope you like here flic.

Chappie 1~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"I took a walk a long the shore

To clear my mind about the day

I saw a man I've seen before

As I approached he slipped away"

Yugi walked slowly along the beach, alone. The ocean breeze letting his open, button up shirt float gently around him, allowing his softly built chest show as it glowed tenderly from the early sun.

Yugi frowned slightly, he wrapped his arms around himself and held onto his elbows, as he paused and turned to the raising sun.

Yugi's eyes were brimming with light tears that refused to drop because of his long lovely lashes. His eyes were the same color that the sun was showing before him. They appeared to be a deep, dark purple but yet were soft from his thoughts and the pain in his chest.

Yugi blinked slowly as he continued to walk along the shore, closer to the water and allowing his bare feet touch the cool, crisp water. He didn't mind that the ends of his jeans were getting slightly damp from the water.

Yugi has been getting dreams for a long time now. All of them along the shore of the ocean and a man having him promise to wait for him along the shore.

Yugi listened to the sea birds calling in the background as his they were flying away or coming back. No one could tell.

Yugi dropped his hands and continued to walk lightly forward as he took in a breath of the fresh salty air, closing his sunrise eyes.

Yugi opened his eyes and watched the waters, the birds flying off in the distance, the sun lazily rising for a new day.

Something caught Yugi's attention in the distance on the beach. He continued to walk forward, toward the man.

The man looked up at Yugi as he approached but the man shook his head, slowly and sadly, and faded away, into nothingness.

"I knew a place from years ago

His smile stays with me ever more

His eye, they guide me through the haze

And brings me shelter from the storm."

Yugi sighed again as he watch the man from his dreams disappear out of sight again for what seemed to be the millionth time in his life.

Yugi has been coming here everyday at dawn and a dusk, waiting.

Yugi stopped and faced the ocean again bitterly. Yugi breathed in and bit his lip, thinking of the man some more.

His smile was what Yugi seemed to live for. His smile was always soft and true upon light and soft pink lips that hid his perfectly white and straight teeth.

Within the mouth was a supple yet rough tongue that Yugi wished he could experience with one last time, the first time in this life.

His eyes are what Yugi first fell in love for. Even though Yugi's eyes were that of a rising sun. His, his was that of a setting sun.

A crimson blood red that at first sight you would be afraid of but if you looked closer.

They were held with a passion, wisdom and caring nurture that you would need to live many lives to get.

Yugi always imagined his lost love, glowing and waiting for him to find him to never part again.

Yugi licked his lips slowly, tasting the clear salt mist upon his delicate lips.

Yugi rolled his head slowly to rid himself of the stress of his new life. He was not one to break a promise even if he has never seen the one he promised to.

He only remembers bits and pieces of his past life. He's had many lives and can tell which was which. That life though, that life he promised to wait. Wait by the shore. Yugi was more than willing to wait.

Yugi hoped to all hope that the promise would give him his soul mate. His soul mate has always been able to find him. Every time one of them had to leave, the other would wait for their return.

Yugi slowly opened his eyes and whipped the tears that threatened to spill. Yugi could feel a pain. It was in his chest.

His heart felt as if it was either not beating or every time it did beat a pain would shoot to his lugs and up to his throat making him want to break down and cry.

Yugi believed that the ocean was the tears of his love and his from all the times they needed to live each other but would always wait. They made a promise to wait for him along the shore.

So he continued to wait, continued to walk along the shore.


Dove: How was that? Did you like it DevilKid? There's going to be more.

Raven: It's a sad story; Yugi waits forever along the beach for the return of his love.

Dove: I don't think I did as well as I should have.

Raven: Ask the readers…

Dove: How did I do?

Ja ne!