Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wait for Me Along the Shore ❯ As I walk I can feel him ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

`Wait for Me Along the Shore'

By: Ravenwings14/RavenWings

Dedicated to: DevilKid

Dove: Hi! You liked it! ^ ^ A little…

Raven: *shrugs* At least you got positive reviews and DevilKid liked it.

Dove: Yah, as long as DevilKid liked it…

Raven: Yes, she liked it, so you should be happy!

Dove: I am! ^ ^ I happy that she likes her flic from me!

On with the flic!

Chappie 2 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"As I walk I can feel him

Always he watches over me

His voice surrounds me

My Spirit of the Sea"

Yugi continued to walk in the shallow water of the waves that hit his bare feet gently.

Yugi licked his lips again as he stopped and closed his eyes, imagining the man's voice.

Yugi could hear him whisper his name.


He could actually feel the man wrap his arms around his slim shoulders.

He felt his lover place his hand on his neck softly and tilt his head as he placed butterfly kisses Yugi's neck.

Yugi moaned at the feeling of his lover.

Yugi reached up to hold his lover.

But when he did…

He disappeared.

"He went away so long ago

On a maiden voyage far away

A young man then I did not know

His life was taken that same day"

His last life was when his love needed to leave him to search for work across the sea. He didn't want him to go. He begged him not to leave him alone.

He remembered that time clearly, as if it happened this life.

He had collapsed on his knees, crying. When his love told him he must go. He held onto his lover with shaking hands around his slim, strong hands, begging him not to leave.

Yugi barely knew his love. He was mad with Yugi that he was acting the way he had, but didn't show it. He kneeled down and held Yugi tenderly. Allowing him to cry into his loose shirt.

It took a long time to calm Yugi enough to talk to him. Yugi was trembling uncontrollable the whole time.

His love held him tightly, telling him silently that he was going to come back for him.

Yugi had closed his eyes and rested his head on his love's strong chest. Wrapping his arms even tighter around him. His love only sat there, holding him closer.

Yugi was murmuring, saying that he was too young to work, too young to leave his home. That he loved him too much to let him go.

His strong love just picked up his tiny lover and walked, holding his head to his chest.

When his love allowed him to see he saw that they were at the beach. His lover's boat was getting ready to leaving back to the ship.

Yugi began to cry again into his love's chest.

"Then it was almost like he knew

He wouldn't see me anymore

He looked so deeply in my eyes and said,

`Wait for me along the shore.' "

His love hushed him and told him to calm. He gently lifted Yugi's head with his slim, strong hands and kissed his softly, passionately.

The kiss was tender but deep.

They broke the kiss softly, savoring it forever in their minds.

Yugi slowly opened his eyes and fell into the eye's that of color of blood. The color that he had fell in love with.

His love looked just as deeply into Yugi's eyes as softly whispered into Yugi's ears, "Wait for me along the shore."

Yugi's eyes had brimmed with tears again and his love kissed them away slowly.

His love gracefully stood up and backed away from Yugi, never braking eye contact, as if dreading something was going to happen.

His loose shit blowing toward Yugi as if telling him he will return, his tight working pants, moving to show the strong muscles of his legs.

Yugi just stood there, his tears slowly going down his cheeks again.

"Wait for me along the shore." His love's whisper echoed in his mind.

The last of the memory was that of Yugi running into the ocean, yelling to his love that he will wait. He will wait everyday of his life and future lives; he would always be waiting for his love's return.

"Wait for me along the shore." Yugi could still see how the words would leave his beautiful lips and still hear his deep and rich voice surrounded him in the present day.

Yugi got word five months later that his love's boat crashed in the unforgiving waters of the ocean and onto the sharp and jagged rocks below, that have proved to be fatal every time.

Yugi wouldn't believe it he refused to. He has kept his promise to this day. He came to the shore everyday, the rest of his past life, until he died of starvation and heartbreak.

And now he was spending everyday of this life to wait for his lover.

He promised to wait by the shore for him. So he shall, for the rest of all his lives he was meant to live. He will wait forever if need be.


Dove: I'm still not done! ^ ^

Raven: Oh good, because I would have straggled you if it was.

Dove: Oh SO much love!

Raven: Uh-huh.

Ja ne!