Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wait for Me Along the Shore ❯ My Spirt of the Sea ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dove: Straight to the flic.


On with the flic!


Chappie 3 ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

"As I walk I can feel him

Always watching over me

His voice surrounds me

My Spirit of the Sea"

Yugi started to cry. He was starting to have doubt. `No, he WILL come back. I promised to be here when he comes back.'

Yugi took a deep breath, regaining his composer.

Yugi sighed dreamily at the day his love will come back for him.

Yugi started his way down the shore again. Behind him his footprints were the only ones on the beach.

Out of the ocean another set of footprints were being made. The maker. Unseen. As they continued to walk behind Yugi, walking closer.

Yugi heard whispering. "Wait for me along the shore." These words were said as if not meant to be heard by anyone, as if carried by the winds.

Yugi turned around quickly. Expecting to see someone, anyone. No one was there.

Yugi sighed sadly again, looking down. Yugi's eyes widened when he saw there were two sets of footprints in the wet soft sand of the shore. He's eyes widened even more and smile as he watched the footprints continue toward him.

The footprints when behind him, Yugi didn't move. Yugi closed his eyes as he felt warmth wrap around him. Yugi moaned softly as he felt his ear being nipped. The whisper came again. "Wait for me along the shore."

Yugi smiled more. "I did, I still am and I will wait longer if it means to see you again, to feel your touch, to be kissed by you, to be taken by you once again."

"Wait for me along the shore."

"Yes." Yugi said softly.

"And so I come almost everyday

To watch the waves rise and fall

And as I sit here on the sand

This ocean makes me feel so small"

Yugi knew that those dreams weren't dreams. This is proof itself. Those dreams were memories, reminders to never forget his love. He true love, his only love.

Yugi sat down on the sand, watching the waves move gracefully up and down on the shore. Crashing into the rocks and mountain that surrounded the beach.

Yugi looked down the shore and saw it seem to go on forever. He looked the way he came. It too, seemed to go on forever.

Yugi looked back at the sunset. There was only about fifteen minutes until it was down. Yugi looked as far as his sight would allow. Yugi sighed as he noticed that no one was around and that the ocean seemed to just be his tears that were no longer going down his face.

The ocean was beautiful yet it seems to be his tears of the past and his present of him and his love.

As love was said: Love is like a wild rose, beautiful and calm. But willing to draw blood in it defense.

Yugi didn't look at love that way. His lover did, he used to too but he changed it after the death of him.

Love is like the ocean, calm but siren. It looks beautiful but it can take many lives that want safe passage over it. One or both.

In Yugi's case the ocean has killed his love once but it has killed him multiple time in the wait for his love.

Yugi shed another tear, letting it slowly go down his soft and unmarked face.

Yugi was getting sick and he knew it. He needs to eat more but he can't get himself to the more he thought about his love.

"But I feel my lover by my side

It makes me follow my heart

We'll be together some sweet day

When that day comes we'll never part

When that day comes we'll never part

`Wait for me along the shore.' "

Yugi felt his tear being wiped away. It wasn't by him and no one was in sight. Yugi looked down and saw the imprints of someone sitting next to him.

His love has been coming to visit but never this long. Usually he would leave clues here and there that he was with him and that not to give up hope. That he was going to return.

"Wait for me along the shore."

Yugi smiled again but the tears came faster.

"I'll never stop waiting until your home. Body and soul."

Yugi felt a hand softly cup his cheek.

Yugi sniffed and cupped his own hands over the non-existing one.

"Wait for me along the shore." The wind whispered.

"I will always be here love. Always be waiting for you along the shore."

A gentle wind pushed past them and it became cold. The warmth of the hand on his cheek. Gone.

Yugi looked around frantically, looking for footprints. They were gone.

"No, love, come back…" He whispered.

His warmth was gone and he needed it to survive, to give him hope.

"I shall wait for him. He has to come back."

Yugi stood.

"I shall wait all my life to have my love back! Wait all the lives that I'm forced to live without him!" Yugi yelled to the ocean.

Yugi's response was a gentle hit with the waves.

Yugi let out a sob and landed on his knees. He cried hysterically into his hands.

"Why… Why him… He was a good man… Better than any other…"

Yugi looked back to the ocean.

"I want him back!"

No response but the soft beating on Yugi's body by the gentle waves.


Dove: I'm continuing this so… *sticks out tongue*

Raven: Grow up…

Dove: I'M HAPPY!!! I MADE PEOPLE CRY!!! I'm so good a mushy stuff…

Raven: Yah!

Ja ne!