Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ In The Country ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome to the sequel for Anything For You, written by me. This chappie was a consolidated effort between my wife's twisted sense of humor and my tired, tired, brain.

Warnings for story: Yaoi, ANZU BASHING…lemons later.

In The Country

A sly smile crossed her lips as she approached her sleeping, snoring victim. The father waited in the bushes clenching his fists hoping the ignorant pharaoh would not wake up and ruin his fun. Aria, dressed in her purple dress with purple ribbons in her hair, crept slowly and carefully. Her spiky, white hair fluttered in the wind as she tip-toed to the other sleeping yami. Bakura tried not to break down and laugh at the chibi sneaking up behind his nemesis.

Aria reached Yami and giggled Yami Yugi was completely asleep. Not even a herd of elephants could wake him up.

Aria put her hands on the Puzzle and the chains rattled slightly. She carefully leaned Yami's head forward and lifted the puzzle. Bakrua held his breath as his daughter slowly lifted the puzzle over Yami's head. When the puzzle was snatched, she jumped up and down hitting Yami's knuckles with the chain.


Aria clutched the puzzle against her chest and Bakura held his breath, cursing in Egyptian.

Yami looked down and saw hi sPuzzle missing. Aria squealed happily and dashed off towards Bakura. The chain dangled as she ran. Yami dashed after her.

"Aria Kanika Itemri! Give that back!" Yami grabbed Aria by the waist. Her little hands and feet dangling as she swung the Millenium Puzzle like a pendulum.

"Auntie Yami! You catched me!"

Yami tried to pull the item out of Aria's hands, but she wouldn't release it. "Aria, who told you to steal my Millenium Puzzle?"

"Daddy! He's teached me how to teal stuff!"

Yami rolled his eyes and walked to the bushes. "Come out, tomb robber!"

Bakura stood and folded his arms defiantly. "What's so wrong with teaching your kid how to make a living?"

"This is not Ancient Egypt. Bakura, you shouldn't teach Aria how to do this!"

"Who's gonna carry on my legacy after I'm dead?"

Yami rolled his eyes and sighed. "Itemri…you are already dead."

Bakura avoided Yami's gaze. "Oh yeah…you're right. This is a good skill for her to learn. You never know when it will come in handy. This is a good skill for emergencies."

"Well, maybe you should have shown her the first lesson: How NOT to get caught." Yami put Aria on the ground and the chibi ran to her father. Bakura picked her up and brought her to his chest.

"Auntie Yami, did I supwise you?"

Yami pet the chibi's head. "You did, Aria, but stealing isn't nice."

"I have Unkie Seto to pwotet me if I need hewp."

Bakura looked around Seto's country estate. Seto invited Ryou, Malik, Yugi and their yamis to spend a day in the country. Seto was also convinced it would help aid Ryou and Aten's recovery from their abduction by Steven, Ryou's father. Aten was slowly returning to normal, but remained shy of strangers and refused to play with Aria's doll, Jesse. Bakura heard hoofbeats approach. Joey and Aten rode up on a chestnut mare.

"Unkie Puppy!" Aria ran up to Joey who dismounted. Joey gave her a big hug.

"Joey, you should see what Bakura is teaching Aria," Yami said surprisingly.

"I teal Auntie Yami's Minimum Puzzle!"

"Millenium Puzzle, Aria," her father corrected.

Joey helped Aten off the horse and Aten ran towards the patio where Ryou, Yugi, and Seto were having lemonade. Malik and Marik had wandered off and it was a pretty sure thing that they were up to no good. The group had learned the hard way not to go looking for them when they had disappeared. Seto saw more than he needed to when he found them in his library, and they were not looking in books. So, Malik was left to his own devices when it came to his yami.

Aten ran to Ryou and tugged on his shirt to be held. Aten sat on Ryou's lap reaching for the lemonade. Ryou poured a cup for Aten and gave it to him.

"Seto, are you really thinking about it?"

Seto nodded and leaned his chin on his hand. "Mokuba needs someone when I am working. And…Joey and I want this since we can't …do this like you, Ryou."

Ryou shook his head. "Trust me, I wouldn't want to go through the birth again. Carrying them was fine, but I had my fill of hospitals in the last month or so."

Bakura walked up to the group with Aria sitting on his shoulders. "What's going on here?"

"Seto and Joey are thinking of adopting a kid, Bakura," Yugi said happily. "I think you should, Seto."

Yami gave a sigh as he heard the conversation from afar. "Not another one.."

Joey pat Yami on the shoulder. "Why not? I love Seto and I think this would be a good idea."

"So another kid can steal my Millenium Puzzle?"

Marik and Malik walked onto the patio and Marik sat on a lounge chair. "Malik, get me some lemonade. I'm thirsty."

Malik poured his yami a cup and Aria fidgeted in Bakura's arms. Bakura let her down and she ran to Marik.

"Daddy Marik! Guessed what I did to Auntie Yami!"

"Talked Unkie Seto into buying him a personality?"

Yami let out an audible growl. Malik gave him his cup of lemonade and Joey gulped his own.

"No! Daddy Marik! Guessed what I did to Auntie Yami? I teal his Minimum Puzzle!"

"That's not the only thing on him that is miniumum!"

Yugi officially blushed 100 shades of red and the group exploded into laughter. Joey laughed so hard the lemonade came out of his nose. Seto handed him a towel and shook his head.

"Messy Puppy…" Seto said sympathetically.

"How would you know, Marik?" Yami said still growling deep in his throat.

"It's OBVIOUS, Yami…" Marik said trying to breathe from laughter.

Yami blushed and turned to Yugi. "What's so funny?"

"……….Nothing," Yugi said snickering with chibi eyes.

Yami shook his head. "I get no respect. (Yami's thought: especially from the author)"

Ryou held Aten close. "I think you both would be good parents. Being a parent is such a reward!"

Aria grabbed onto the cord holding the Millenium Ring and jingled it happily. She squealed loud and happily kicking her feet into her father's ribs.

"It can also hurt the ears a little," Bakura added.

"Fatherhood is great, Seto. I wouldn't trade Aten for the world," Marik said waving Aten to come to him. Aten jumped down from Ryou and ran to his daddy. Aten jumped onto his father's lap cuddling against him.

Aten hugged his daddy. "I wuv you, daddy."

Marik kissed his chibi's forehead.

Joey sighed and sat beside Seto. "Yeah. We're not sure how old or what we want."

"Get a girl…you can play with her hair," Ryou said playing with Aria's spikes.

"Get a boy…you can teach him how to be like daddy." Aten grabbed the Rod and began sucking on it like he always had since he was a baby. Malik didn't know why he insisted on doing that still, even though the chibi's were 2 years old.

Joey and Seto exchanged glances in unison. "I think we should get a girl."

Anzu jumped out of the bushes out of no where. "A GIRRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLL!!!"

The group gasped. "What are you doing here?"



Seto rolled his eyes and he sighed into his collar. "Security, can you remove Anzu AGAIN for the twentieth time today? NOW!"


Anzu ran to the horse and wrapped her arms around its neck in a tight hug. The horse galloped off with Anzu getting caught under his hooves. "GETTING TRAMPLED…OW…BY…OW…A..HORSE…OW….YEAH! …..IS LIKE…..FRIENDSHIP!....YEAH! I'M HURT! THE HORSIE WAS FRIENDLY TO ME!"

The group looked wide eyed at Anzu being dragged off by Security. The group shrugged and returned to their conversation.

"We haven't decided. We do know that we want to adopt a kid. We have to file the paperwork yet."

Joey cuddled beside Seto. "I'm glad we could do this."

Seto hugged his lover. "Me too."


Mrs. Flannery looked at the court order and flipped through the file from Child Services. The department head had ordered Aria and Aten to be removed from Ryou and Bakura's custody. The court order to remove Ryou from Isis' custody was already approved. This was the last approval that needed to be done. Ryou was not being supervised by his guardian, Isis. Flannery placed the court order copies in the file.

She hadn't found a home for Ryou or the children yet. She did, however, find a potential guardian for Malik.

She received a knock at the door. The door opened. A man in his early 40's entered.

"Hello, Mrs. Flannery? I was told you have a foster child waiting for me?"

"Yes,. Mr. Wheeler, please sit down."

Updates: I will update Monday or Tuesday, guys! Thank you to all those who reviewed for Anything for You. Keep up the good reviews, guys!