Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Guidelines ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Alpha Slave: Happy Birthday, babe! Thanks for understanding. Yeah, parents can be rough sometimes, but as long as you are happy, it's all good, right?

Shadow of Light: I thought about Joey's dad out of the blue. It sounded like a good and EVIL idea.

ssjgoddesschico: I'm glad it's good so far. Aria is priceless, isn't she?

Mystical Dragon: Hmm…that's a new phrase. I'm sure Marik could use that later.

Heather: Yeah, looking forward to tomorrow. We bought our pendants and we're hoping it doesn't rain in nova scotia. By the way, yes, it is Joey's dad.

Ryou's Mistress: We all love Malik and we all have a place for him, but I was thinking that he's in the same boat as Ryou practically.

Cyn: Yup. it was Joey's dad.

Gralnak: I knew you weren't laughing at me, babe.

Dragondreamer: Actually, you were sitting on the couch out of reading range. Besides, I know you enjoyed the surprises.


Marik's POV

Malik drove us back to the city. Seto and his Puppy took his helicopter back to KaibaCorp. If Seto and Joey were ready to adopt kids, I could only wish them the best. Aten sat in his carseat watching the cars and trees fly by. He's a good kid. Everytime I look at Aten, I can't help but thank Ra that he is ok.

With more patience than I ever had in my life, I helped reassure Aten that we were his family and that we loved him. He still clings to me and Malik, but considering what those bastards may have done to him without our knowledge, I knew I would give him all the time he needed. We conducted our lives as normally as possible. Ryou and Malik washed the children, Bakura and I played with them. We took turns feeding them and we all tucked them in bed together.

My hikari's sister had been gone for quite some time in Egypt, so it was decided to convert Isis' room into a room for the chibis. Aria and Aten were still young enough to sleep together in the same bed, so they shared Isis' bed. We put their toys in there and we had an automatic kiddie room for them. Aten does not like the idea of being separated from Malik and I when we sleep. Aria would squeal when she heard lightening and she would run into her parents' room. At 3 A.M. I would see a half-asleep naked Bakura carrying his shivering chibi back to her bed. Bakura would have to take her back to bed four times before she fell asleep. They're both good kids. We can't deny them anything.

We arrived home two hours later and the chibis ran immediately for their toys. Ryou and Malik carried them and their toys upstairs to the bath. Bakura and I made snacks and sat on the couch waiting for our hikaris. When the chibis were done their bath, and their little bodies were still wrapped in their towels, they both scurried downstairs prancing and squealing happily. They ran to Bakura and I and hugged both of us.

"Good night, daddy!" Aria said kissing Bakura.

"Laila Tiaba*, daddy," Aten said kissing me on the cheek. His knowledge of a foreign language was going quickly…much more so than I had expected.

Aria kissed me on the cheek. "Night, Daddy Marik."

Aten kissed Bakura on his forehead. "Laila Tiaba, Daddy Bakura."

Bakura pat Aria softly on the butt. "Get to bed now, baby girl. Sweet dreams."

Aria skipped off grabbing her dolly. She ran back to us holding up Jesse.

"Daddy, kiss Jessie good night." Bakura kissed the doll.

"Go to bed, girls. Good night."

Aria climbed…rather, crawled, up the stairs. Aten stopped at the foot of the steps and waved to us timidly carrying his Change of Heart plushie under his arms and his toy Millenium Rod to bed. My boy…..

"Night, daddy,": he said waving and crawling up the stairs where we saw Malik and Ryou waiting to put the chibis to bed.

We both heaved a sigh of relief when we were alone. When Ryou and Malik returned downstairs, we clutched our hikari's close. When it was time for us to go to bed, we checked on the chibis. Aten had curled up against his teddy bear in his fetal position sucking his thumb. Aria's arm was sticking out of the bed dangling. Bakura tucked her arm back in the bed and let her sleep. I took Malik in my arms as we watched Aten sleep. I turned his head and gently kissed him on the lips, running my fingers through his hair. Bakura took his hikari and kissed him too. As we kissed our hikaris and heard the soft breathing of the chibis, everything seemed to be complete….content….


Seto's POV

My Puppy and I returned home from the estate. Aten seemed to cheer up when he saw the new horse I bought for him. It meant a lot to me and Joey that Aten recover as quickly as possible. Staying with me and Joey seemed to make him feel better, so I couldn't resist keeping him and Aria around.

Joey seemed happier with Aten around him. Joey played with him while I had boring business meetings, tedious banking, and employees to supervise and order around. Aria's so much like me, it's scary. She orders my employees around and they obey her! Partially because I tell them to obey her. Her orders are as good as mine. I hoped that she would take over my company one day. I think she could make a good businesswoman. She knows how to get what she wants when she wants. Just like me.

I was so happy when Joey said he wanted to adopt, too! This was going to be perfect!

"I think we should adopt a boy for Aten," Joey said brushing back my hair.

"I think Aria needs a playmate. A little girl would suit us nicely."

My puppy shifted uncomfortably. "Aten needs a BOY playmate."

"Aria needs someone to play dolls with," I said shifting over a few dolls my little girl left behind.

"Aten plays dolls with her. I swear that boy's gonna grow up like his dad."

I shrugged. "The kid is happy. Isn't that important?"

"Yeah, well…it's up to you," he said jumping out of the helicopter.

I took his hand, his blonde hair fluttering in the night wind, "I want to make you happy, Puppy."

"You have, Seto."

I hugged my lover when my Chief of Security approached me. "Master Kaiba, you have someone in your office. She wants to speak with you immediately."

"Tell her to make an appointment to see me tomorrow. I have my Puppy right now."

"She's been here for hours waiting for you, sir. She's from the Department of Child Services."

I grunted. This was NOT a time to be disturbed! "Fine. I'll groom my puppy later."

Joey followed me to my office where a woman waited for me. To wait four hours for me took patience. Maybe I should at least hear what she has to say.

"Mister Kaiba? Mrs. Flannery from Child Services. Could I have a moment of your time?"

I nodded and sat behind my desk. "Puppy, sit." Joey came and sat on the edge of my desk like a good little puppy.

"Mr. Kaiba, I have a report here saying that you intend to adopt?"

I nodded again. "Joey and I want to adopt, but we haven't decided if we want a boy or a girl yet."

Flannery looked at me and then Joey. "We have some…concerns regarding your request. You and Mr. Wheeler intend on being the foster…fathers?"

I nodded. What was with this woman all of a sudden? "is that a problem?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, you and Mr. Wheeler are…..a….couple, are you not?"

I wasn't ashamed to admit it. "Why do you ask, number one? Number Two: Why do you care? Number Three: Why does it matter?"

Flannery shifted in her seat. "Well, Mr. Kaiba, we do have two children who will be available very soon. A boy and a girl. They are only two years of age."

Just like Aria and Aten! This would work out well.

"They will be available tomorrow, as a matter of fact. We normally would offer these kids to those who have been waiting the longest. But, under the circumstances, I think it would be safe to put them in a home as soon as possible. would you be hesitant to take both of them?"

Joey turned to me. "I think Aten and Aria would enjoy themselves with both."

Flannery looked in her file and shifted uncomfortably. "Aten and Aria? Are you talking about Aten Ishtar and Aria Itemri?"

Joey shifted closer to me. "Yeah, they are our friend's kids."

"I know. That is why I needed to see you in private. How good of a parent is Ryou Bakura?"

"Parent? He's a great Mom. Why?"

Flannery sighed. "I cannot divulge any information at this time, Mr. Kaiba. This information is strictly confidential."

My Puppy began to get more flustered than myself. "What's this all about?"

Our eyes widened as we suddenly realized what Flannery was saying. Well, she wasn't saying it directly, but….Aria and Aten were being put up for adoption. Why? Ryou loved his kids! How could he get rid of Aria like that? Or Aten? Granted…Aten still is recovering from the incident in Brackenridge, but that is not a reason to give up on the kid!

Joey jumped off the desk. "Aria and Aten are going up for adoption, aren't they?"

"I cannot reveal anything regarding that case."

"If Aria Itermi and Aten Ishtar are going up for adoption, I demand that they be put in my custody!"

Flannery shook her head. "That is a problem, Mr. Kaiba. The City of Domino will not allow your….partner to live here while you have these foster children in your custody. Mr. Wheeler will have to leave."

I looked at Joey. Joey put his arms around my shoulders defiantly. "I'm not leaving Joey and Joey is not leaving here."

"Then you will not be able to adopt, Mr. Kaiba. The City of Domino has strict guidelines that must be followed. Your lover is not permitted to stay here for the duration that the children live with you."

I stood up and leaned my weight on the desk."Joey…is…NOT…leaving……..PERIOD."

"Then I must leave to find Aria and Aten another foster home." Flannery stood up and grabbed her suitcase.

"Wait.." Flannery stopped. "Surely, we can work this out."

"Mr. Kaiba, you can either obey our guidelines or not, but I want to work for the best interest of the children."

Flannery stood up and handed me her business card. "If you need anything, sir, or change your mind, you let me know."

"Is Ryou putting the kids up for adoption?"

"It really is late, Mr. Kaiba. I must be going." Flannery gathered her papers. "Besides, I cannot release any information regarding this case. I'm sure you understand."

"No, I don't understand! It makes no sense to tell me that I cannot adopt a kid unless I force my lover to leave! It makes no sense to tell me that because I have a male lover living with me that I am less capable of caring for those kids than a traditional couple!"

"I never said you were incapable…"

I circled around my desk, giving Flannery my patented icy stare. "No, but it's implied that I am less qualified to care for them. Let me tell you, Mrs. Flannery…I have every resource to care for those kids and for me to kick out Joey, whom I LOVE…Mrs. Flannery…you are breaking apart a family. The City of Domino shouldn't have to put up with such ignorance as forbidding a couple to adopt a kid just because they are gay. There's no reason to refuse me if I am willing to provide a home for kids who need it."

Flannery locked her suitcase glaring back at me. "I cannot allow guidelines to be violated, sir! You may be able to buy your way through life, but some things money can't buy! Good day, MISTER Kaiba." Flannery walked out of the room quickly before I could react.

I grabbed the phone and began to dial Malik's home. Joey pushed down the receiver. "It's too late to call them, Seto. We'll talk to them in the morning."

I brought my arms around Joey's waist feeling his soft body close to me. I wanted to say something….but the words were failing me.

Update: I will update on…thrusday.


* It means `good night' in Arabic.