Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Good Parents ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well guys, for many circumstances, the wedding will be today. Well, the hubby had a headache and last night, we were all too tired to do anything.

Mystical Dragon: No..not angry Yamis…PISSED- BEYOND- BELIEF YAMIS!

Cyn: She's just following orders, unfortunately.

Ryou's Mistress: Yes, I did hear the sarcasm and I agree. Just because they are gay, does not make them incapable.

Dragondreamer: Hey, tenshi, you're jumping ahead of the story! And yes, when the time comes, implements of destruction may be required.

Falling Leaves: My wife has to break me of my chewing my fingernails habit. Old habits are hard to break.

Starfire: Yeah, it's a real shame. Some people should not reproduce.

Lady Elfsyke: I saw you reviewed another one of my stories, too! Thankies! Wiccan is cool. My sis is Wiccan. There is a term for screwing trees..but, what you said was true…as long as the kids are cared for, there's no crime being committed. I agree fully there.

Gralnak: hehehehe….Mel and I think you are so cute!

Good Parents

Ryou nuzzled into the pile of white, spiky hair in front of his face. He expected to see Bakura nestled against his body. Instead of his yami's head, he felt a tiny skull beneath him. He looked down and Aria was cuddled against his chest.


Aria looked up with large chibi eyes. "I had a bad sweep, mommy. I cwied and cwied and wan in here."

Ryou wrapped his arms around the baby girl. "It's only a dream, sweetheart. Dreams cannot hurt you."

"But what about Fweddy Kugger?"

Ryou sighed. "Who let you watch "Nightmare on Elm Street"? Daddy or Daddy Marik?"

"Daddy Mawik, mommy. I sneaked downstaiws and taw it from behind the coush."

"When did you see this?"

"A wong time ago."

Ryou squeezed the chibi. "Those movies are too scary for you, baby girl."

"But I wanted to see what Daddy Mawik and Daddy were watching."

Ryou nodded and wiped her hair back. "I don't think you can handle that movie now, sweetheart."

Bakura walked into the room with the video rental in his hand. "Aria! My little chibi is awake!" Bakura threw down the video and picked Aria up from under her arms. Bakura covered his child's hair in kisses.

"Bakura, did you know Aria watched this movie?"

"But it's a good movie! Who's got daddy's blood lust?"

Aria squealed happily. "I do! I do! Meeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"It gave her nightmares, Bakura."

Bakura cuddled his daughter to his chest. "My wittle chibi gots scared?"

Aria nodded with a pout. The yami stroked his child's hair and put her on the floor. Aria scampered off to her room.

Ryou crossed his arms holding the video. "Yami, Aria can't watch this."

"I….We only rented it for a few nights. Marik and I want to pick up another movie today at the video store."

"Pick something APPROPRIATE for Aten and Aria while you are gone."

"Ok." Bakura sat on the bed. "We didn't mean for her to see it."

Ryou put the video on the bed gently. "I know, yami. It's ok."

"We know you're protective, Ryou. We promise we won't let Aria or Aten see another movie like this until they get a little older."

Ryou smiled and kissed his yami's cheek. "That's a good yami. We need more vitamins for Aria and Aten. Can you get some more at the store?"

"Sure thing, lover. Should I pick up a video for us later?" Bakura snickered winking at his hikari.

"Get something….nice."

"Define `nice.'"

"No one gets blown up, shot, stabbed, raped, tortured, hung, drawn, and quartered. You think you can find a movie without that stuff in it?"

Bakura sighed and his shoulders dropped. "Not even a little blood?" Bakura's eyes widened and filled with false tears.

"No..Not even a prick of a finger."

"What about just a prick?"

Ryou rolled his eyes. "You and Marik are such hentais, yami."

Bakura gave a low growl and threw himself on his hikari. "It's not my fault."

Bakura brought his lips to Ryou's neck kissing the warm skin gently. Ryou wrapped his legs around Bakura to bring him closer. Ryou leaned his head back as his yami nipped lightly at the skin. Ryou turned his head when he saw Marik standing at the door leaning against the post.


"Don't mind me, Ryou. I can watch."

Ryou pushed Bakura's shoulders and Bakura looked towards the other yami.

"Can I do this once without you wanting to watch?"


Bakura slid off his hikari. "Fine. Ryou says we need more vitamins for the kids. You got money?"

"Yeah, Isis sent some yesterday."

Bakura straightened his shirt and kissed Ryou on the cheek one more time. Downstairs they heard Aten squealing and Aria laughing. Bakura stood up and walked downstairs with Marik.

"Ryou wants us to get a movie for the kids while we're out."

"Terminator 1?"

Bakura sighed. "No…it can't have violence in it…or blood."
Marik rolled his eyes and sulked. "Please don't say we have to get Happy Bear Jamboree!"

"No. We'll get them something normal…Terminator 2 or something."

Malik came out of the kitchen with a bowl of Cheerios and Aria running around his ankles waiting for the bowl.

"I wan the ball of Cheeos! Gimme! Gimme, mom!"

Malik put the bowl down and Aria pounced on the bowl rubbing her hands together. Bakura ruffled her hair and kissed her forehead. "Daddy's going out to the store, baby. You be good for mommy. I'll see you when I get back."

"Daddy, when..when you come home…can we go to the pawk? Pwetty pweasssssssseeeeeee????

"If you want to, sweetie. We'll let mom and mommy have some time alone."

Marik went into the kitchen to kiss Malik goodbye. He wrapped his arms around his hikari from behind and gave a playful little nip on the back of Malik's neck.

"We'll be back."

"Ok, Terminator." Malik snickered as Marik released him shaking his head.

Bakura and Marik left for the video store.

*** At KaibaCorp***

Seto tossed and turned all night in his sleep. When Joey opened his eyes, he saw Seto wide awake on the bed beside him. His bare chest rose and fell with each quiet breath.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" Joey asked as he nuzzled his neck into Seto's chest and wrapped his arm around his lover's stomach. Joey's thin fingers brushed lightly across Seto's side.

Seto heaved a sigh and rubbed his tired right eye. "I couldn't sleep. I was up thinking about last night. Ryou and Bakura have always been good parents. Why would Child Services intervene?"

Joey kissed Seto's chest. "I know they are good parents. But, Seto, we have to do this for Aria and Aten! We have to do this for them!"


"If we don't take them into our custody, then think of where they could be placed! They could be placed with someone like Steven. At least here, they know that they are with someone who cares for them."

Seto turned to Joey with tears in his eyes. "But, Puppy….I don't want to let you go." A tear fell from Seto's face. His icy stare melted into river of tears. "I don't want you to leave me. My parents left me. All I have left is Mokuba. I don't want to lose the one I love, too. Don't make me do that, Joey." Seto's arms wrapped around Joey in a tight grip.

Seto cuddled into Joey's blonde hair. "I can't let you go…where would you go?"

"I'm NOT going back to dad, so don't worry about it. Maybe Yugi can let me crash at his place until we clear this mess up. It shouldn't be long."

Seto kissed Joey's forehead. "I can't sleep in this bed alone! I need you, Joseph! I need you beside me."

Joey's eyes widened and he gripped his lover tighter. Joseph? Did Seto just call him…by his full name? When Seto called him Joey, it was rare. This was the first time Seto called him Joseph. Seto must have been extremely upset.

"Seto, It won't be forever. We have to do this. You know, we want to adopt kids of our own someday? You want to be a parent? A good parent?"

Seto nodded.

"Part of being a good parent is putting your needs aside for the child. Right now, Aria and Aten need us. I don't want to see them placed in a strange home with a strange family. Aten, especially, needs people who know him to take care of him. He's still not completely recovered yet. Look, removing Aten and Aria will be stressful enough on Ryou. If the kids are with you, then Ryou will feel better knowing they are with someone who will care for them properly."

Seto's eyes tightened and he hiccupped. He kissed Joey's forehead again. "You will have to visit me, Joey."

"I will, love. Don't worry about that."

Seto leaned over and grabbed his dragon ring. He removed the dog tag on Joey's necklace and replaced it with the dragon ring. Seto placed the necklace on Joey and kissed Joey gently on the lips. "Never forget me, Puppy. Please."

Seto kissed Joey's neck and climbed on top of his lover. The sniffling CEO nuzzled his cheek into Joey's chest and wrapped his arms around Joey's back. "Please, puppy. Never leave me. Promise me you will come back. Every minute away from you is going to be torture. I love you, puppy."

Seto kissed the juncture of Joey's neck and shoulder. "I'll miss you, puppy."

"I'll miss you, too, love."

"Hold me, puppy….just hold me…Never let me go."

"I never will, my blue-eyed dragon."

Joey stroked Seto's brown hair lightly and planted a kiss on Seto's neck. "Never."


Malik returned the empty bowl into the kitchen. Aten took the monkey with the cymbals up to Malik in the kitchen.

"Mom? You wanna pway with my money?"

Malik snickered and carried the boy and his toy into the living room. Malik sat on the couch winding the toy. Aten giggled as the monkey clanged its cymbals together. When it was done, Aten smiled and leaned into Malik. Malik caressed the chibi's white and blonde hair.

Aria had energy. She and Ryou were rough housing on the floor. Aria lightly bit Ryou's finger as Ryou put her on her back. Ryou kissed her belly and blew on it tickling her.

"I wonder what movie the yamis are gonna pick up."

"Aria saw that Nightmare movie."

"Oh dear…not good."

"She ran into my bed last night. I didn't even notice."

Malik brought Aten onto his lap and rocked him. "We shouldn't have sent them out together. Ra only knows what they are gonna pick up there."

"I told Bakura no violence."

"We'll see what they come home with."

"I just hope they come back with something good for the kids."

Ryou and Malik looked up when the doorbell was rang. Ryou went to open the door……..

Ok. I know..bad cliffie. I'm going to PEI Friday and Saturday with the wife and husband. So, updatingness will happen on Sunday. Bye, guys! Loves yas all!