Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Poor Dark Mishin.... ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mystical Dragon: Email Melissa with your requests for Fresia stuff. We can do everything with Fresia but candles.

ssjgodesschico: Gotta love Rod jokes.

Iyashi: I don't know why I have another evil dad. I dunno. It's the circumstances that are determining the bad guys at this point I think.

Cyn: Marik is pretty pissed, but I'll have to let Marik come out when he wants to.

Gralnak: poor Dark Mishin….

Star: thanks star. Gotta fit in rod jokes when I can.

Dark Beloved of Light: I will do something to Joey's dad. I haven't decided yet…rather…Marik hasn't decided yet.

Lady Elfsyke: I'll email you a list when we get everything up. We moved in completely today which is nice. Tomorrow we have to shift and organize.

Poor Dark Mishin…….

Ryou sat down with his new family to dinner. The dinner was quite pleasant without Anzu to talk about friendship and her other delusions. Bakura sat relaxed in his ring listening to his hikari laugh and make jokes with the family. He smiled as he relaxed in the soulroom.

Bakura was afraid that Ryou wouldn't laugh anymore and would sink deeper into depression since Aria and Aten were taken away. Ryou was still lonely and missing them terribly, but his yami was there to hold him during his times of grief. Bakura looked at the large stone tablet by his soulroom door. Mrs. Flannery wants proof of how old he was, she was going to have it…the hard way. The inscription on the large, two ton stone tablets


Bakura Osiris Itemri. Born on the Third Moon of King Horakun's Reign under the

eye of Ra at High Sun to Keket* and Abasi* Itemri.

Bakura stood up and went to the door of his soulroom and opened it a little. Inside, Bakura saw Ryou with his new family happy and laughing. Ryou was laughing so hard, tears were coming out of his eyes. Bakura shut the door and returned to his bed. He leaned over and grabbed a necklace from his bedside table. The necklace was silver with hieroglyphics reading, "My angel" and inscribed on the back with `Aria Kanika Itemri, my daughter.' Bakura smiled at the pendant he wanted to give to her when she reached her 16th birthday. He knew Marik had a gift for his son already being planned: a silver Millenium Rod, much like his own, hidden dagger and all. When his son came of age, he would give it to him knowing how much he loved the Millenium Rod as a baby.

Bakura replaced the silver necklace inside the drawer beside the table when a knock on the soulroom came.


Ryou walked in sighing to Bakura's bed. Ryou said nothing, but laid beside his yami on the bed cuddling up into him. He knew Ryou had once again withdrew into himself as Bakura felt a flood of sadness overwhelm him.

"Bakura, I want to go to Seto's now. I want to see my babies. Please. I want to go now."

The laughter outside the soulroom ceased.

"Ok, Ryou. Did you tell the family?"

"They think I'm going out to be with a few friends. But, I want to go see my baby girl and my baby boy. I miss them."

Bakura hugged and kissed his light. "Grab your jacket and let's go."

Ryou squealed as sharply as Aria. `So THAT'S where she got it,' Bakura thought.

Ryou happily grabbed his jacket as his foster father hugged him goodbye. As soon as Ryou closed the door, Bakura separated from Ryou.

"Come on, yami! We're gonna see our kids!" Ryou darted down the streets happily. Ryou started down the street in a sprint. "We're going to see our babies!"

Complete joy spread through his hikari as he ran to KaibaCorp. Suddenly, Ryou stopped. Bakura caught up with him.
"Ryou? Why did you stop?" Bakura huffed and puffed from the sudden burst of energy.

Ryou turned to Bakura with a straight face. "He….he hugged me. My foster father hugged me."


"He must really care for me. My own father only hugged me at his convenience. My foster father was actually concerned about my well being when I left."

Bakura sighed and put his arm around his hikari. "I'm glad you finally feel at home there."

Ryou nodded. "True. But, I still miss my children."

"I know. Well, tonight, we're going to pretend for one night that we are together as a family again. And we're not going to think about us being separated. Ok?"

Ryou smiled and hugged his yami not caring who saw them. "Thank you, yami! We'll have a lot of fun tonight! I'm so excited!"

Ryou ran faster than Bakura to KaibaCorp. Security saw them to Seto's Private Dueling Arena. Yami, Yugi, and Seto were waiting for Ryou and Bakura. Aria and Aten saw their mother run down the hallway and both let out an ear piercing squeal.

"MOMMY! MOMMY! YOU CAME BACK!" Aria squealed, tears running down her chibi eyes.

"MOMMY!!!!!!!!!! MOMMY! YOU COME! YOU COME!" Aten screamed crying the entire way down the hall.

Ryou collapsed to his knees unable to stand anymore as the chibis ran into his arms.

Seto and Yugi smiled as they watched the teary reunion.

Ryou broke down crying, kissing their chibi faces. "My angels….my babies….I love you….I missed you so much…"

Ryou hugged them tightly, inhaling Aria's blueberry-scented hair and Aten's cherry-scented white and blonde locks. Seto must have given them a bath not too long ago.

Aten cuddled close to Ryou's chest, nuzzling it desperately to get near the comforting sound of Ryou's beating heart. Aria ran to Ryou's back and climbed up on Ryou's back, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, and kissing the back of Ryou's neck. Bakura smiled as he picked up his daughter by her waist and carrying her under her arms, letting her arms and legs dangle. Aria' let out a chibi squeal as she played with her feet and hands dangling in mid-air.

Ryou picked up Aten and walked towards the dueling arena. When he approached Seto, Ryou stopped at the CEO.

"Seto." Ryou bowed in deference to his friend. "Thank you for caring for Aria and Aten for me. You don't know how much it means to me that they have a good home with you here."

Seto looked at his friend bowed before him. "Ryou, you don't have to bow before me. Get up."

"But, Seto…you took care of the children for me. When all this is done, I owe you."

"You don't owe me anything, Ryou. I wanted those kids with me instead of someone else."

Bakura looked around the arena. "Seto, where's your mutt?"

Yami shifted uncomfortably, but maintained his external calm. Seto turned to Yami and Yugi.

"Yeah, I thought you said Joey was coming. Why isn't he with you?"

Yugi inched towards Yami. "Well, Seto, Joey kinda….went home."

"Is he sick?"

Yami shook his head and shrugged. "No, he went home…home as in his dad. He went home to his dad after Bakura told us---."

Seto's face grew beet red and his fists clenched. "WHAT?! WHO'S INTELLIGENT IDEA WAS THAT?"

Yugi ran behind Yami. "Joey left of his own decision. Yami and I had nothing to do with it!"

"Why did you let him leave? Do you know what that means? We may never get Joey OR Malik back!"

Aten clutched onto Ryou whimpering and Aria watched with interest. "Unkie Puppy? Where's my Unkie Puppy?" Aria asked.

"This dolt of a pharaoh let Unkie Puppy loose! You know, Yami, I was going to duel Bakura and let you watch as I pulverized him--."

"You couldn't beat me with one hand tied behind your back!" Bakura roared at the top of his lungs.

"I was going to let you watch as I beat him with my Blue Eyes, but I want you, pharaoh! I call you out! Duel me and I'll show you to let my puppy go back to his father! Or are you just a sniveling little coward, hiding behind Yugi?"

Yami's lip curled in fury as he pulled out his deck. (I said DECK, people.) "No one calls me a sniveling little coward and lives to tell about it…don't they, Bakura?"

Bakura's lip curled and he let out a deep growl along with Aria. "I changed my mind….Seto, kick his ass!"


"Aria, don't say that," Ryou chided calmly. "That's not a nice thing to say."

Seto growled and pulled out his deck shuffling. "I'll show you to let my puppy go free!" Seto and Yami went to opposite sides of the arena.

"GO UNKIE SETO!" Aria cheered clapping her tiny little hands.

"GO AUNTIE YAMI!" Aten said jumping up and down in Ryou's arms.

Seto held up his cards. "You go first, you coward!"

"Hmmph…I'll show you! Celtic Guardian in attack mode!"

The Celtic Guardian appeared on the dueling field looking tired and weak. He turned to Yami and threw down his sword. "SWEET RELEASE!" Celtic fell down on his sword, the metal driving through his body. Celtic exploded on the field and disappeared.

The spectators and the duelists' eyes widened at the spectacle.

"Ooooooooooooooookayyyyyy….Seto…your…turn?& ;rd quo;

Seto raised an eyebrow and put a card on the field. "You have no monsters on the field! I can attack! WOOHOO! Battle Ox!"

The Battle Ox was revealed on the field. It turned to Seto growling. "KILL ME NOW!" Battle Ox took his ax and swung it behind him digging the ax into his back. "SWEET RAPTURE!" The Battle Ox disappeared on the field.

Everyone: OO

Bakura's eyebrow raised and he scratched his head. "What in the name of sweet Isis is going on?"

Seto shifted uncomfortably at his podium. "Your turn, Yami."

Yami picked up a card and smirked. "I'll defeat you with Gaia The Fierce Knight!"

Gaia appeared on the field off his horse. His horse came out of no where trampling over him. "I'M NOT DEAD YET! DAMN!" Gaia disappeared on the field.

Yami picked up a card and put down a card on the field. "I play Kuriboh!"

Seto picked up a card and chuckled. "Ok….I play the Blue Eyes White Dragon!"

The Blue Eyes appeared on the field. Aria's eyes lit up. "Oooooooo….pretty!"

Ryou held Aten close to him. "Seto, I don't think that is such a good idea."

The Blue Eyes turned around to Seto growling, snarling, and seething.

Seto's eyes widened at the beast before him. HIS Blue Eyes was snarling at him….HIM! SETO!

The Blue Eyes raised its head and lunged for Seto. Its razor-sharp teeth slashed into Seto's shirt and Seto fell back. The Blue Eyes raised its head again and it roared angrily. The Kuriboh's eyes widened at the sight of the Blue Eyes. "BLUE EYES!"

The Kuriboh jumped into the Blue Eyes' throat, its feet kicking and it's screams of "DON'T FIGHT IT, BLUE EYES!" filled the room. Aten hid his eyes at the Kuriboh trying to shove itself down Blue Eyes' throat. The Blue Eyes turned to the spectators growling with the hairball of a Kuriboh making its way down his throat.

The Blue Eyes raised its head and lunged at Bakura and Aria.


Seto removed the Blue Eyes card from the field and it disappeared. Seto growled and opened the panel on his dueling area. "This isn't supposed to happen!"

"That's it! I'm going to find out what's happening once and for all!"

Yami went through his deck and the Dark Magician appeared. It turned to Yami and saw Yugi by the arena. The duel monster jumped over the side of the arena much to everyone's surprise, but Aten. Aten screamed in fear and clawed at Ryou trying to get down and run away. He was always afraid of the Dark Magician and its power.

The Dark Magician clung to Yugi burying his face in Yugi's chest. "MASTER YUGI, MAKE IT STOP!"

Tears coursed down the Dark Magician's eyes. Seto looked up from the panel to see the Dark Magician shaking and crying on his little master's chest..

"That's not supposed to happen."

Seto ran up to the Dark Magician and touched his back. Solid.

"Good graphics."

Yami stepped down from the podium and ran back to Yugi.

"Dark Magician, what is wrong?"

The monster saw Bakura and burst out into a river of tears. "It's all Bakura's fault!"

Yami turned to Bakura holding Aria sympathetically looking down at her favorite monster. "What have you done to the Dark Magician, Tomb Robber?"

"I wish I knew…."

Yugi removed Dark's hat and caressed his hair. "What's wrong, Dark Magician?"

Aria jumped down from her father's arms and cautiously approached the Dark Magician.

"Dark Mishin?" The monster looked at the little chibi cuddling her Dark Magician doll and her spiky hair up in ponytails. She handed Dark the Dark Magician doll and he wept harder.

"Dark Mishin, tell us what is wong." The little chibi girl hugged the monster and kissed its arm. "Pwease? If you say it, you will feel beeter."

Aten saw the Dark Magician sobbing his little heart out on Yugi's arm and he struggled with Ryou to let him down. Ryou put the little boy on the floor and it crept slowly to the Dark Magician. Ryou was stunned as the boy extended his hand to gently brush Dark's arm with his fingertips.

"It's ok, Dark Mishin. Pwease no cwy. Ra no wike cwying dull monners." Aten paused. "Maybe he misses Unkie Puppy like I do."

Yugi kissed the Dark Magician on the head. "What upset you so much?"

Dark shook his head as he gasped for breath only to cry harder. "I CAN'T TAKE IT!"

"Just tell us, Dark Mishin," Aria said tucking the Dark Magician doll into his arms.

Dark sniffled. "It's a long list."

Yami folded his hands. "Just tell us."

Dark took a deep breath. "Anzu…Bakura brought Anzu into the Shadow Realm! NOTHING HAS GONE RIGHT! The Celtic Guardian keeps falling on his sowrd because he can't take Anzu anymore!"

Seto snickered. "That explains that."

"The Battle Ox keeps trying to dig his ax into his back."

Yami snickered. "Well, that's one way to escape her hideous self."

"The Flame Swordsman is telling Salamandra to chew him up and spit him out! Alligator Sword keeps trying to hang himself with Kunai with Chain! The Summoned Skull is standing in Umi and is trying to electrocute himself! The Red Eyes Black Dragon has completely cut off Blue Eyes White Dragon and keeps trying to swallow Kuriboh!"

Bakura laughed falling onto the floor. "Your monsters can't take Anzu!"

"The Man Eater Bug went vegetarian!"

Bakura grunted. "Well, that doesn't help me!"

"Marie The Fallen One fell off a cliff! St. Joan built a pyre and is looking for the Fire Sorcerer for a flame! Big Eye poked his eye out! Invitation to a Dark Sleep hasn't slept in days! Baby Dragon visciously attacked Time Wizard screaming, `Put me back in the egg!' The Dark Magician Girl locked herself in her room and everytime I try to get close to her…she says she has a headache!"

Yami sighed, "I knew I should never put your cards together in my deck."

"Jigen Bakudan keeps exploding himself on purpose. SwordStalker is looking for the largest sword in the Shadow Realm so he can stick it down his throat. La Jinn won't come out of his lamp! The Shadow Tamer gave up on taming shadows. Wingweaver and the Knight of Twin Swords try to kill each other hourly. And the Lady of Faith….she just gave up."

Everyone exchanged glances and shifted uncomfortably. No wonder the Dark Magician was so distraught!

"That's just a few of the things that are going on, Master Yugi. Make it stop! Please! For the love of Ra make it stop!"

Yugi held the Dark Magician in his arms. Aria hugged the Duel Monster. Aten ran behind Ryou's leg watching the man cry.

The Dark Magician replaced his hat on his head and looked down at Aria. "Thank you, little one. We meet again."

Aria picked up her Dark Magician doll as the Dark Magician rubbed his eyes. The Duel Monster stopped his crying. He looked up at his Master Yami. "Keep an eye on her, Master Yami and Master Yugi. Keep a close eye on her."

The Dark Magician disappeared before they could ask him why. Seto held his arm.

"I can't believe my Blue Eyes attacked me!"

Ryou looked at the injury. "Let's get you a bandage."

Upstairs, they bandaged Seto's arm. Ryou helped then kneeled on the floor to play with his children. Aria threw herself at him, clinging onto him with her nails. Aten was rolled onto his back and Ryou kissed him on his chest and his belly.

He squealed happily as Ryou kissed him. Ryou was able to roughhouse with his daughter, but Aten didn't like to play rough.

It wasn't before long that Aria and Aten fell asleep on the Oriental Rug. Aria curled up with her Dark Magician and Aten curled up at Yugi's feet sucking on his thumb.

Ryou picked up Aten and Bakura picked up Aria. Yugi and Yami followed them to the chibis' bedroom.

"I wonder what the Dark Magician meant, aibou," Yami said warily.

"He was acting awfully strange, Yami," Yugi nodded.

"Hanging around Anzu will do that to anyone."

Aten whimpered as Ryou released him. "Mommy…don't go…"

Ryou bit his lip. "I have to, sweetheart. I can't stay."


"Because….I can't even hold you in my arms without permission from Child Services. I'm not even allowed to see you or hug you." Ryou's lip began to bleed. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. We have to go see Child Services tomorrow. We'll get you back. Then we will be a family again."

Aten rubbed his tired purple eye. "But when you are gone from me, I feel bad."

"I'm sorry, angel." Ryou thought for a minute and removed his wedding band. He turned to Seto. "Do you have a necklace?"

Seto returned from his bedroom with a silver necklace. Ryou threaded the chain through the ring.

Ryou showed it to Aten. "This is my ring from when I married Daddy Bakura."

"You and Daddy Bakura are mawwied? What's that mean?"

"This ring stands for our love. Daddy Bakura and I love each other and care for each other."

"What about my daddy? Do you love and care for him?"

Ryou looked over at Bakura and back at Aten. "I love Daddy Marik differently than I love Daddy Bakura. I care for Daddy Marik." Ryou held up the necklace. "When you wake up in the morning, I want Unkie Seto to put this on you. Keep it with you always. This way, a piece of me is with you no matter where you are."


"Really, sweetheart."

"Where's my daddy, mommy?"

Ryou suddenly went pale. "He's….somewhere else, baby. Go to sleep."

"Can you stay with me until I fall asweep?"

Ryou nodded and stayed with Aten until his breathing regulated and became shallow. The little chest rose and fell as the little lungs gulped in air greedily. Ryou checked his heartbeat.

"I had some medicine of his here already. He's in good health here, Ryou."

Ryou leaned over and kissed his son's forehead gently. A crystal tear christened his forehead. "I'm sorry I have to go….this is the hardest thing I ever had to do, Aten. Please don't hate me for it."

Ryou went over to the other side and kissed Aria. "I have to go, my angel. I'm sorry I had to leave you. You are my flesh and blood and I love you dearly." Ryou kissed her forehead and left.

While walking back home, Ryou turned to KaibaCorp. "I love you, my little ones. Take care and be good…until I can be with you again.." Ryou took Bakura's hand and they walked home in the night.

*Abasi= stern (father's name)

* Keket= (myth name) goddess of darkness

Update" Well, Saturday is my wife's daughter's b-day party, so count on updates to happen on Saturday or Sunday.