Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Live or Let Die ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Live or Let Die

Malik curled up in the corner of the bed against the wall. In his hand, the Millenium Rod was gripped loosely. A tear fell onto the golden treasure and slid down the golden handle.

/Marik….please hear me./

\\ ……………..\\

Joey brushed away Malik's tear making him almost jump. "My dad really socked you one after dinner, didn't he?"

"You call that dinner? It was nothing more than toast and a bottle of gin!"

Joey shrugged. "I'm used to it, Malik. You'll get used to it, too…in time."

Malik shook his head. "But, I don't want to get used to it! I want to go home!" A sudden burst of tears spilled forth from his purple eyes. "I want my yami to talk to me again! But, he won't talk to me!"

Joey sighed. "I miss Seto. What I wouldn't give to hear his voice for one second…even if he only calls me his puppy once…I'll be happy just to hear him."

Marik brushed back his blonde hair. "I miss Ryou. Some nights, we would just lay awake in bed and talk. We'd cuddle up together and just talk. Ryou was my best friend. I never realized I would miss him this much."

Joey pulled out his wallet from his pocket. In the wallet was five dollars and a picture of Seto with Mokuba. In the other side of the wallet was a picture of Joey and Seto hugging each other on the lawn of Seto's country home. `I miss you, my dragon."

Malik sighed and laid down in the bed under the covers. He shifted uncomfortably. "I miss Marik. He hasn't spoken to me all day. He's never been this angry at me. I really should try to make it up to him."

Malik's POV

I closed my eyes in the real world and opened them in my soulroom. My room was plain. In my room, I had a bed similar to my yami's. The only exception was that the corners of the bed were sharp spikes of iron, which my yami would use to tie me to the bed. I never resisted them, but rarely did I care for them. I stepped out of my soulroom onto a hallway covered in sand.

I turned on my light, his soulroom was decorated as per my yami's instructions. The bed was covered in the finest white satin and long white pillows. The canopy above the bed held long white, sheer curtains which surrounded the bed on all sides. Flowers surrounded the bed on all sides but one and in the middle of the room was a large fountain. In the corner of the room was a sand pit.

My yami was lying on his side against the white satin sheets. He was shirtless and his feet were bare. He wore his blue jeans as he watched me with his purple eyes.

"Marik?" I approached my yami quietly. "Marik, please talk to me. Please."

Marik brushed back his hair. "Yami. Speak. Say something."

Marik's eyes narrowed and he jumped off the bed quickly. Before I knew it he was nose-to-nose with me. "I am not some kind of puppy, hikari. I do not speak on your command. You speak to mine. What are you doing here?"

Was this MY Marik? After our fight this morning, he said that he loved me. He brought me back from the dead. He would do anything for me. Why the sudden change?

"I came to speak to you."

"Your words will fall on deaf ears, hikari. I figured I'd tell you before you began….so don't waste your mortal breath."

I fought back tears. My yami was still upset. "Joey is my friend, Marik. But, you are my yami. I never wanted to make you upset."

"Well, tenshi, you messed up. Big time." My yami returned to his bed.

Me? "I messed up? You killed my dad! I didn't have a family because of you!"

"You should be grateful I did what I did to him. He would not have hurt you. You would not have to be his personal toy anymore."

"How can I be grateful for what you did? You and Bakura killed my father and dismembered his corpse and scattered him throughout the city! That man, though he may not have been the best, gave me life! If it weren't for him, I wouldn't exist and I would not have been cursed with this god-damned Ra-forsaken Millenium Rod!" I heard a low growl come from my yami.

"If you don't want the Millenium Rod anymore, Malik Ishtar, sell it. Give it away." I heard my yami's voice lower and his voice crack.

My eyes opened and Marik reached for the Millenium Rod. "You really want to sell it? You do realize that if you sold this, then you would lose me forever." He sounded serious.

Lose him forever? Is that what I really want? After all that he and me had been through together….can I really let him go? Yes, he did kill my father. But, he was doing his job to protect me. Everything he did…..was to protect me and keep me from harm.

I can't lose him. If I lost him, I wouldn't have anyone else but Isis…and she is never home. I wouldn't have anything left.

My yami laid on the bed gripping the Millenium Rod tightly in his hands. I lowered my eyes to the ground and I fell to my knees before my yami. Falling forward on my hands, I lowered my head in complete submission to him.

"Yami…..I cannot live without you. I love you." Raising my head to my yami enough to look into his purple eyes, tears flowed out of them like the Nile. "But, if you do not love me anymore….then you may as well end it for me now." I lowered my head completely to my yami, my blonde hair parting at the base of my neck. One hit from my yami here….and it would be all over for me.

Marik's POV

My hikari falls before me? He says he loves me and he exposes the back of his neck to me. Does he have any idea how vulnerable he is? I jump off the bed quick enough to scare him, but he doesn't move. Below me, my hikari knees silently. Though I cannot see his eyes, I know he has them closed tightly waiting for me to strike.

My hand flies to my hip and the other one grips the Millenium Rod tightly tapping it against my room contemplating my move. I had two options:

Do it. Take him up on his offer. It would take little effort to use the Rod and hit him just below the skull. He wouldn't feel a thing. Or take the hidden dagger and simply sever the connection between the two vertebras poking through the back of his neck. Then I wouldn't have to continue this Ra-damned argument! I could end this argument right here right now! I would get the last say, but Malik would have said his last words.


Let my hikari live. He is mine no matter what. I do love him. Not just for the sex, but I love him entirely. I can't bear to see him hurt. How could I kill him after all the danger I went through to keep him safe? I promised to take care of Malik…..not to end his life.

My hand trembled. It wouldn't be the first time that I would have to murder someone by this method. His father died the same way. How interesting would it be to kill the son the same way as I killed his father? My hand wanted to raise this Millenium Rod above my hikari's head and bring it down with a crash, ending Malik's life as violently as mine was ended, shattering my lover's skull in two…

I didn't die an old man in my bed….if I killed Malik now….neither would he. I don't want that for him. Malik shouldn't have his young life snuffed out in the blink of an eye by an act of violence, an act of hate. I always said I wanted to be by Malik's side in his last moments of life, but never did I believe that I would be the instrument of his death.

But the thought of Malik gone from my side….scares me. I can't have him leave me. He had a point, though….I never gave Malik a choice. Bakura didn't give Ryou a choice about his father's fate either…and I know Ryou regretted not having the choice to let his father live or die. Steven deserved what he got….just like Malik's dad deserved what he got.

What should I do?

Normal POV

Marik dropped the Millenium Rod on the ground. Malik opened his eyes to see the metal treasure fall to the ground. What was Marik waiting for? Was he going to use his bare hands instead of his Millenium Rod?

Eyes closed and breath halted when Marik put his hands on his shoulders. Marik picked him off the ground. Malik stood uneasily on his feet, his knees weak as he was unsure of his yami's ideas: live or let die?

Marik's thumb traced the outline of Malik's jawbone and circled over to the back of the neck rubbing gently. "Hikari, tenshi. I'm sorry. We were both in the wrong. I should not have robbed you of your right to attend to your father's fate. You were wrong by to say that I hated you. Malik, I love you. Why else would I do anything for you? Whatever I do for you, I do it because I love you…not to fill your life with pain and regret."

Malik squinted his eyes and tears fell like soft crystals on his yami's chest. "I love you, too, Marik." The beads of tears coursed down Marik's chest slowly leaving their trail behind them on his skin. "I just…..I miss……I miss Aten, Marik……"

A spike drove itself into Marik. Aten. Marik missed his child, not knowing where he was in such a big city. Aten must be so scared, he thought. He could see Aten on a corner somewhere…alone. No one to cuddle him. No one to hold him. No one to give him his life-saving medication. He couldn't think of anything else but Aten lying in the street….hungry…or worse. Marik gave a sniffle and his hikari held him close.

"I miss my son. I miss him. I don't know where he is…..my little boy. He must be so scared."

Malik kissed Marik's chest. "I don't know where he is either…..I miss him so much."

Malik and Marik looked at each other in the eyes before pressing their lips together, kissing each other hungrily. The yami unbuttoned Malik's shirt as he ran his tongue over the front teeth and lapping at the lips of his luscious lover. Malik's shirt was tossed away and Marik's hands moved to the back of Malik's neck where he had planned to strike him. The fragile bones shivered with preliminary passion. The muscles contracted and relaxed under his touch. The hikari kissed his yami's chest and lapping and the tiny nipple rousing it. The yami's head flew back, but continued to rub the skin of his lover, warming it and brushing it lightly with his fingertips.

Marik picked up Malik with a single, swift motion and placed him on the bed. Marik's hands reached for Malik's boxers pulling them down slowly. Malik removed his yami's jeans fast enough to get into the Guinness Book of World Records. Marik laid on the bed and before he knew it, Malik was on top of him kissing him frantically on the lips. His light's squirming made him more aroused.

"Marik….I need you. I want you so badly. All I have is you, yami….please….I love you.."

Marik sat up brushing back his light's blonde hair. He smiled and flipped Malik into the uke position. The yami suckled on his lover's nipple as he slipped a finger inside his lover. Malik arched his back whimpering from the intrusion by his yami.

"Hikari…..love you," Marik said moving to Malik's neck kissing him and tasting his hikari's warm skin.

"Love you, too, yami…" Malik's chest rose and fell with his deep breath as Marik was almost terrified to think he almost stopped his hikari's breath forever. "Yami, please never leave me. Even if I had no one else in this world, I would want you by my side."

"Me, too, love."

Marik placed another finger making Malik stretch to his limits. The yami kissed down his lover's body coming to Malik's waist. "My tenshi…..my koibito." Marik slowly lapped his tongue around the tip of his lover. Malik whimpered at the touch, moving his hips impatiently.

"Mine…" Marik engulfed his lover's silky flesh in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it. Another whimper escaped Malik's lungs. The hikari looked down to see his lover deep throat him. "Yami….gonna…..I have to…"

Marik removed himself from his hikari and returned to his lover's mouth. "I want you, Malik Ishtar…..because I love you more than anything. We never should have fought in the first place."

Malik flipped his yami on his back and straddled his yami's hard, weeping flesh. Marik sat up and grabbed the boy's hips. The yami kissed his lover as Malik's body encased his manhood.

The boy remained still for a moment and began to thrust into his yami's body, the boy's hardened flesh poking against his yami's stomach. Marik grabbed Malik and pulled him against his body causing Malik's already aching flesh to be pressed and heated by their friction. Marik thrust up into his hikari finding Malik's spot within him with ease that made him beg for more. Marik pressed Malik against him and thrust up slightly to the left. Malik's back arched and his body crashed down onto Marik's manhood harder.

The yami grinned and grabbed Malik's flesh, stroked it, and pumped it. The hikari's head flew back as his body responded with only one idea in mind: thrust up as quickly and as hard as possible into that hand. That is all his body would let him do…whimper, whine, moan, and thrust. His blonde hair slowly soaked with his sweat at the physical sensations coursing through his body.

Both yami and hikari ground their teeth, let out minute growls of their savage lovemaking. The yami pumped his hikari desperately trying to make his hikari explode with passion. The hikari thrust into his yami's hand hoping to make his yami climax.

Their heads flew back as one rode the other and the other thrust in deeper and harder.

"I can't live without you, hikari…"

"I'm so sorry, yami……so desperately sorry…"

Marik's hand moved from Malik's back to his hips to bring him closer.

"Come for me, Malik…..come for me….that's it, hikari……gods……..come, Malik….."

Malik thrust hard up into Marik's hand and his head flew back. Marik could feel Malik tensing and sure enough, tiny drops of release came from Malik. Malik's body continued to thrust as it contracted around Marik's length.

"Yami……..please….I need you….I want to feel you release inside me…..please…"

Marik put his head on Malik's shoulder and pulled Malik close to him filling his body with a steady stream of fluid. Malik thrust into Marik and releasing his own stream of love. Marik fell backwards onto the bed, tears coming out of his eyes. Malik collapsed on his yami, his body struggling to keep air in his lungs.

"Yami…you ok?"

Marik nodded and wrapped his arms around Malik. "I almost lost you. I love you, tenshi…..I always will…..even when I'm a bastard…I still love you….no matter what."