Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ My Dragon Lover ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I do not own the song "Sweet Dreams" by Air Supple…but I do own Aria and Aten. They are my chibis! MINE ALL MINE!


Me and Dragondreamer open our shop tomorrow. We are offering a special deal for our reviewers. We will forgo shipping charges if you guys order our stuff. Shipping to the states would cost about five bucks or more, but we wanted to offer this to our special reviewers….THAT MEANS ALL OF YOU! We'll have a list of available stuff by the end of next week. LOVE YOU, GUYS!

Ryou's Mistress: Talk about suspense, huh?

IYashi: Glad you liked Servant Yamis. I don't think they remember calling Anzu their mistress. I hope Marik didn't remember kissing her.

ssjgoddeschico: they were working on the script to mmorg I think. If you haven't been on it, they gave it a face lift.

Cyn: I think that was one of my faves, too. Especially the marik and malik tense moment.

Dragondreamer: mmm…make up sex

Lady Elfsyke: Joey didn't have time to tell Malik anything about the kids. He was automatically thrown up against a wall and was too busy protecting Malik than telling him about Aten.

Gralnak: You're jumping ahead, kiddo. I already planned that for a soon chappie.

My Dragon-Lover

Joey's POV

I sat by the window wanting to give Malik some time alone with his yami. The door was locked when my dad left us last, and though I was an expert at picking locks on my door, I decided to stay. The last thing I wanted was my dad coming in here and hurting Malik the way he used to hurt me as I slept…or when he thought I was sleeping. I was usually awake through the whole thing, believing it was in my best interest to keep my eyes shut and feigning sleep. I knew what I would find hovering above me as I slept and it was a miracle I could keep my composure.

If I ever did open my eyes to the person hovering above me, his breath smelling like alcohol and cheap perfume, I knew I would never be able to come to grips with it. I know if I had seen who was hovering above me, I knew I would not be able to be in my relationship with Seto now. I would never have been able to imagine a man's touch as being pleasant. But with Seto….everything is pleasant. Man, I miss him.

I look over and I see Malik, his body under the sheets. His back was arching and his two arms were up by his head. His legs were spread under the sheets and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what he and Marik were up to. A tiny whimper fluttered out of Malik's throat. As he began to shift his hips uncomfortably. I put on my headphones trying to block out the sound of Malik moaning.

This is the time when you need a friend
You just need someone near
I'm not looking forward to the night I will spend
Thinking of you when you're not here

It's been a long time since I was left without Seto. Seto always took me with him on business trips. I miss him. I look over and see Malik shifting and whimpering. I just want to go over to him and hug him tightly. I just need to feel an embrace, even if it isn't Seto's. Sitting watching the night, I try to imagine Seto behind me, wrapping his arms around me. So soft. So gentle. So confident. No one thinks Seto can be gentle, but he can.

How many times will I think about the things
I'd like to do

Seto, I want to hug you, to kiss you, to feel you. I'd like to stand outside our balcony watching the night sky, staring into infinity with you. I can't tell how many times since the short time I've been home that I've thought about Seto. He was my savior from this life. He was my liberator. For a year on the streets, I learned how to survive on nothing. I would have made Bakura proud. However, after I lived with Kaiba, I paid back the money to the places from where I took bread without their knowledge. I didn't want to resort to theft, but a growling stomach is very persistant. The pain never stops until you satisfy it. I only had to resort to such drastic measures a few times in the entire year.

Always denied the right to live my life the way I want
I want to share it with you

Seto….my father will never see me for who I am. He always thought I would be nothing more than a beggar. In fact, that was too good of a profession for me, at least in my father's eyes. Every night it was the same ordeal….he'd lock the door….have some cheap whore….then would come in for the cheapest whore he could find available….me.
But, I don't care what he thinks! I want to spend my life with you! Where I will be loved…no matter what.

Close your eyes I want to ride the skies
In my sweet dreams
Close your eyes I want to see you tonight
In my sweet dreams

Tonight, I want to dream of you, my dragon. I want to lay on my bed in our room at KaibaCorp, the warm spring air gliding over my exposed flesh. I want to see you walk from the balcony, the white curtains gently caressing your creamy, silky skin. I want to see you walk slowly to the bed…your body tingling in the moonlight. Come lay with me in the moonlight. I want to feel you…flesh against flesh…heart against heart….soul to soul. Melt into me. Your body presses against mine and I can feel you . I want you. I need you. I love you. I adore you. I am yours. Your servant. Your puppy. I love you. I miss you.

I'll think of your kiss as the days roll by
And I'll write the words you love

I can almost feel you kiss me on the lips. So gently. Your passionate lips brush against mine gently. You're always such a damn tease! Nobody could kiss like you. After my mother left, all I was left with were alcohol-bitter kisses. Your kiss…so sweet. Not filled with a violent lust, but filled with controlled passion. I never told you what happened between me and dad. I never wanted to keep secrets from you. But this secret is too dark. Too scary to relive and remember.

And what I can't say in a letter
Will just have to wait till I get home

I wish I could let you know where I was. I could never tell you how much I love you in a letter. The letter would be too long. What words can I say to convey the limitlessness of my love for you, my dragon? There are no words to tell you.

Ooh there's not much time to tell you half the things I should
Only that I'm so glad I fell in love with you
And I'd do it again if I could

A lifetime isn't long enough to tell you, Seto, what you mean to me. No words can describe how I feel. No matter what my dad says or anyone else, I would do it again. Seto, you did more for me than anyone else. I'll never forget that night you brought me home.

I hadn't eaten in days and I was walking the streets at night looking for food in cans. You hated my guts and I was too proud to go to one of my friends and ask for a meal. Everyone believed I was still living at home with the perfect family…a mom, a dad, and a sister. No. All I had were the clothes on my back, an alcoholic father from whom I was running, and an empty stomach. You found me and recognized me from school….when I used to go. You pulled up beside me and the next thing I knew, I opened my eyes and you were looking over me.

Why did you bring me home? Me? Why not someone else? You hated me! You were always so proud, thinking you were incapable of loving anyone except yourself, at least that's what I thought. What made me so special? Why me? Why didn't you just leave me on the streets? I wouldn't have lasted another week on the street. Probably not even another day. I'm glad you did take me in. If you found me on the street again, hungry and beaten, would you take me in again? Would you find me again and take me away from all this?

Close your eyes I want to ride the skies
In my sweet dreams
Close your eyes I want to see you tonight
In my sweet dreams

I know you would. I want to go home to you. To OUR home.

Sleep like a child resting deep
You don't know what you give me I keep
For these moments alone

My eyes moved to Malik on the bed. He let out a strangled cry and his head fell back limp on the bed, his eyes still closed. His hand under the sheet finally stayed still. Marik and Malik were finished their soulroom fun…..for now. One thing is for sure: those sheets were now dirty. I wondered if it would continue all night. But, Malik looked tired. I walked over to Malik and pulled the covers over him more. Malik was on his back, his head on his side, his head tilted upwards. His chest and his face were beaded with sweat. His lungs forced air out faster than they could hold it.

Close your eyes I want to ride the skies
In my sweet dreams
Close your eyes I want to see you tonight
In my sweet dreams

My headphones were turned off and I looked at the bed. I think it's a bad idea for me to sleep in my bed tonight….at least until Malik has a shower. But, since the bedroom door is locked and he is fast asleep, it would be stupid for me to interrupt him. A smile flickered on his face. He must be holding his yami in his soulroom. I didn't have my dragon to hold. Instead, I sat myself in a chair and borrowed a blanket from my closet. I took one last look at the sky.

"Goodnight, my dragon," I whispered, and I fell asleep in my computer chair.

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