Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Don't Ask, Don't Tell ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thanks to the lousy hurricane that hit Shubenacadie, me and my wife were able to write yesterday! We made one sale…but the weather was so shitty, it didn't surprise me. Our landlords gave us flowers which was very nice of them. GO US!

sliderkta: I wish my Anzu was the Anzu in the show! That would be sooooooooo funny! Of course, Bakura would have probably killed her a million times by now.

Lady Elfskye: I got the comic you sent me! That was so priceless! I can so see my Bakura writing that on the bathroom wall! I tried emailing you before, but my email didn't go through. I'll try again tonight.

Evil MJ: Married Life has done a lot of things to me…but, I've always had a mushy spot.

Gralnak: *glomps gralnak until he can't breathe again*

IYyashi:At least Joey has Malik. I won't separate them.

Ryou's Mistress: Hmm…I never thought of it that way. However, I do have my dragon *hugs Dragondreamer* But, I guess I was thinking about her when I wrote that. I was sleeping alone in my room that night that I wrote that.

Dragondreamer: OO…….*hugs naked snarling Bakura and bipolar Tris and hugs drugged up Chibi Joey*

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Bakura opened his eyes to see his lover sleeping quietly beside him. In his sleep, Ryou smiled. Last night, they had made love again after Bakura had locked the door. The last thing Ryou needed now was to be caught making love again.

The yami smiled as he brushed his lover's hair back, the white hair covering the hikari's closed eyes. Bakura was convinced that if he wasn't there for Ryou, Ryou would not be sleeping. Ryou's depression would have returned and it was possible that his other yami, Aku, would have escaped the prison of his sealed soulroom. The hikari sighed in his sleep and his eye twitched. He was waking up.

Bakura smiled and kissed his lover's head gently, applying as little pressure as possible to the boy's skin. Ryou let out a little moan and opened his eyes. Bakura kissed his temple again gently.

"Morning, sweetheart."

Ryou cuddled into the other boy close. "Morning, yami."

Bakura ran his hand along Ryou's chest to feel the heartbeat. It was as steady as it could be with the heart medication.

"Yami, what are you going to do today? We have to get our kids back somehow."

Bakura kissed his cheek. "I'm going to Child Services to give them what they want…my birth certificate."

Ryou's eyes widened. "YOU have a birth certificate? What is it? A scroll?"

"Nah….my parents were poor, Ryou, remember? They couldn't read or write! Think….my father was a tomb builder."

Ryou scratched his hair. "I give up."

Bakura snapped his fingers and a large stone hovered in the middle of the floor. It was a black stone with hieroglyphics carved into the rock. Ryou jumped out of bed and brushed his hand over the rock.

"That is amazing, yami!"

Bakura shrugged. "Hmm…it never meant much to me. I don't even know why I keep it in my soulroom. I really should have destroyed the stupid thing centuries ago." The yami stood up and went to the certificate. "I have a birth certificate to a man who never considered me his son. A death certificate would have suited me better." Bakura turned to Ryou. "But, I didn't even get that. Marik and I had planned to build each other a tomb that we could share in the afterlife. It would have been filled with the treasure we stole from our exploits. We would share a tomb just as we would have shared life together. Yami's father's tomb was filled with treasure. When we heard of the riches inside, how could we resist? But, we had already carved our names on the rock of our tomb. We stole ancient books and carved our spells and prophesies on the walls from those books. It may not have been a pharaoh's tomb, but, we would be buried together, Marik and I. That would have made it our paradise…to be buried side by side…together forever."

Ryou sighed and looked back on the floating giant slab of rock. "You and Marik really did love each other, didn't you? Well, how come you're not with him instead of me?"

Bakura looked up into his lover's eyes. "I loved Marik very much, Ryou. He was all I had. But, you, Ryou…" Bakura took Ryou's cheek in his hands. "Marik is not you. We are two halves of a whole. You complete me, Ryou. Malik is Marik's other half just as you are mine. Besides, I love you. I can't picture this life without you."

Ryou smiled. "Really?"

Bakura smiled. "Absolutely. I love you, Ryou. And while Marik and I loved each other very much, my life has never been the same since I met you."

"You mean that, yami?"

Bakura nodded. "I'd never lie to you, hikari."

Ryou put his arms around Bakura's neck and kissed him on the lips. "I love you, Yami Bakura."

Ryou and Bakura shared a kiss on the lips, their tongues twirling, rubbing, and caressing the other's. Bakura slowly broke the kiss and with much hesitation, released his hikari.

"I have to go, Ryou. I'll be home as soon as I can."

"Where are you going?"

Bakura snapped his fingers and the stone disappeared. "To Child Services to give them exactly what they requested."


Mrs. Flannery came into the office and shut the door behind her. When she turned around, she saw Bakura sitting in her chair, his legs folded on the top of her desk, and shuffling his dueling deck. His shirt was half open and his spiky white hair fell about his shoulders as he chuckled at her entry.

"You're thirty seconds late, Mrs. Flannery. That will never do."

"Bakura Itemri? What are you doing here?"

Bakura raised an eyebrow to her. "I may be dead, but even the dead have a schedule to keep."

Her eyes opened wide and she put her briefcase on the chair beside the door. "I didn't see you in my appointment book, Bakura. I'm sorry. You'll have to make an appointment."

Bakura rolled his eyes. Obviously the fact that he told her he was dead had no effect on her. He wondered why. Bakura brushed it off as she went to the coffee machine in her office. That would explain it….she didn't have her coffee so she wasn't wide awake. `These mortals and their coffee!' Bakura thought.

"Life is too short for appointments, Mrs. Flannery. Besides, if I had to wait to make an appointment to talk to you, I would have to wait another five thousand years, and I want my children back immediately if not sooner."

Flannery turned to him and moved her brown leather briefcase to her desk. "Please take your feet off my desk. It isn't a footrest, you know."

Bakura chuckled. "My feet go no where. I'm here to talk to you. Give me my kids back, Mrs. Flannery. You had no right to take those kids away from me and Ryou. We are good parents."

"We cannot allow unsupervised minors to care for other children. If Ryou's guardian was available, then there would have been no issue. Besides, we are still investigating possible criminal charges against Ryou."

Bakura's eyes narrowed as he thumbed the Man Eater Bug card in his desk. "Criminal charges? What criminal charges? He already testified against his father who beat him, poisoned him, and also, possibly raped him?"

Flannery's eyes went wide and her face went pale. "Raped? How would you know?"

Bakura avoided her gaze for a second and stood up. "Mrs. Flannery, Ryou is my lover and you know it. Don't you think I would know enough about Ryou's body to know if something like that had happened to him? I know Ryou inside and out."

"You have had forced intercourse with him?"

"I admitted to it in court to protect Ryou, Mrs. Flannery. What criminal charges are you investigating against Ryou?"

"That is privledged information."

Bakura's lip curled. "And I'm not privildged enough? He is my lover, for Ra sakes. You mortals and your rules and `privledged information'! I'm his lover and I'm not even entitled to protect him?"

"Child Services is dedicated to preventing crimes against children. If there is a slight chance that you, as Aria and Aten's parent---."

"I am Aria's father! Aten may not be my son, but that doesn't mean I don't love Aten."

"Who is Aten's father?"
"Marik is Aten's father. But, we take care of each other's child."

"If there is even a slight chance that you, Marik, Malik, or Ryou committed a crime against them, I want to be absolutely sure that you do not have them within 50 feet of you, Bakura. I'm doing this for the children's sake."

Bakura walked around the desk. "My child means the world to me, Mrs. Flannery. If I ever wanted to raise a hand to my kid, I would chop off my hand before I could get near her."

"You probably are a good father, Bakura, but I have to make certain that those children are not in danger in your custody."

"Well, have you even talked to our children?"

Mrs. Flannery opened her briefcase and removed her appointment book. "I have an appointment to talk to the kids today at their foster home."

"Hmm…did you place Malik Ishtar in his foster home?"

"Yes. I did."

"I see. Well, you may want to reconsider his assignment."

Flannery moved to her chair and sat down. "Why is that, Mr. Itemri?"

"Because Joey's father has a history of abuse and he's a no-good jackal. Malik has a better chance living with a pack of wolves."

"I checked…..Joey's father? I don't know what you are talking about."

Bakura leaned over the desk, his eyes glazed red. "You know EXACTLY what I am talking about. You put Malik Ishtar with Joey Wheeler's father. Joey is Ryou's friend…and I know what kind of sleaze-ball Mr. Wheeler is."

"We performed all the necessary background checks."

Bakura stood up. "You did, huh? Hmm….well…ok. If you say you performed the necessary checks, then I guess that means Malik Ishtar is safe. Right?"

"Mr. Wheeler has undergone intense interviews and has provided the necessary medical and police background examinations. There is no reason to doubt that Mr. Wheeler is taking care of Malik Ishtar."

Bakura grinded his teeth. "Ok, Mrs. Flannery. You win. If you said you did the necessary checks, Malik should be fine. I would like to give you a piece of advice."

Flannery folded her arms. "Yes?"

"I suggest you save money away for a rainy day. After all, if Malik Ishtar death is caused by his foster father, I guarantee you will need the best lawyers in the business because I will not be the only one here in your office threatening to take you for all the money you have. Seto Kaiba will be here, too, and you'll need the best lawyers in the business. Seto will buy your job and all you will have nothing left. So, take my advice, Flannery. Save your money…..you'll need it."

Bakura turned away and stopped. "There is one more thing I forgot. Mrs. Flannery, stand back from your desk for a minute."


Bakura snapped his fingers and the large stone tablet appeared over her desk. "That's why."

Flannery jumped back and Bakura snapped his fingers again. The tablet came crashing down on her desk, shattering it into thousands of tiny pieces. Her mouth gaped wide and she looked up at the spirit.

"You said you wanted proof of how old I am. There's my birth certificate. Keep the wretched thing for all I care. I don't need it. And as far as the desk goes, bill Kaiba for the damages."

Bakura disappeared into thin air.


Joey opened her eyes hearing Malik yawn. The Egyptian boy sat up and rose slowly from the bed. He threw his legs over the side of the bed with a groan.

Joey rubbed his eyes and chuckled. "So, umm…..I heard that you and Marik made up last night."

"You heard us?"

"No, but it was obvious you were doing something with him…moaning and whimpering."

Malik's eyes went wide and his hands covered his mouth. "Did your dad hear me?"

"You weren't that loud. Besides, good ol' Jack must have helped him sleep well."

Malik shivered as a cool wind came from the closed windows. He turned to the closed window. "Where did that breeze come from?"

Joey covered himself more with the blanket. "Dad never kept up the maintenance on the windows in my room. So, this room is blistering hot in the summer. He never gave me fans and told me not to complain or--." Joey's face went pale.


"Or he'd find a way to cool me down himself. I don't wanna talk about it."

"What would he do to cool you off?"

[Sweat makes you cooler, boy. Let me help you cool off a bit….you just sit there quietly and not make a sound.] "Nothing."

Malik raised an eyebrow and walked over to Joey, kicking aside the boxers he mysteriously removed during the night. Malik walked to Joey and wrapped his arms around Joey's shoulders. "Joey, what's wrong? Please tell me."

Joey shook his head. "I can't, Malik."

Malik sighed and snuggled against Joey. Joey brought Malik onto his lap and wrapped the blanket around Malik. The boy snuggled into Joey who was still dressed in his clothes from the day before. Malik nuzzled and sighed in contentment.

The lock on the door clicked and Joey's eyes went wide. Malik was still naked (mmm…)

The father stepped in holding a bottle of Rum. Joey held his friend tightly.

"Boy, it's time for my breakfast," the father grumbled. "Get up this instant!" Joey's dad tore the blanket off of the boys and his eyes opened wide.

"What is this?!"

/Yami! Wake up!/


/Marik always sleeps late after a night of sex! Dammit!/

"It was cold in here and--."

"Why are you butt-ass naked, boy?"

Malik closed his eyes and whimpered. Joey's dad stood there with his arms crossed. "You two aren't fucking each other's brains out, are ya, boy?"

"Answer me!" Joey's dad backhanded Joey out of the computer chair sending Joey and Malik to the floor. "Are you two screwing each other senseless or what?"

Joey shivered on the floor, his fists tightly clenched. Malik saw Joey trembling on the floor.

"We aren't lovers, Mr. Wheeler. We're just friends."

The man grabbed Malik's wrists yanking him off the floor and tossing him on the bed. He grabbed his son and also threw him on the bed. "I find you both in the chair, one of you is naked, and you are both telling me that you aren't banging each other? Joseph, I thought you were much better than that. Here I thought you would be the only one for me."

Malik shot a terrified look at Joey. "Joey…….did he…..did you..?"

Joey bit his lip. "I can't, Malik….I can't tell you."

"What did you do to him?" Malik asked Joey's dad with a quiver in his voice.

"None of your business, boy."

"Malik is not my lover, dad!"

The man looked his son in his brown eyes. "So, is this what you have been doing the past year? Picking up little boys like your friend here? You like that, don't you?"

Joey grabbed Malik's hand. "No, sir."

"So, you love little boys, hmm, Joey Wheeler? Maybe you would love to pound Malik right here right now…."

Malik's lip trembled as he tried his link to his yami. Marik was still asleep. /Lazy yami of mine./

"I'd love to watch…take it nice and slow, boys." The man sat on the computer chair and took a quick gulp of Rum. "Get to it, son. Don't forget all I taught you."

Joey looked at Malik, his body quaking with apprehension. His brown eyes scanned the tan Egyptian boy's body. He was beautiful, exotic. But, he was his friend.

Yet…..his father was watching them with dazed eyes.

Joey leaned into Malik's ear and took it in his mouth. "I'm sorry, Malik."

Tears streamed down Malik's face as he grabbed Joey's shirt. "Joey, what do we do?"

Joey pressed his lips to Malik. "I don't know."

"Slower, boys….oh yeah. That's better. My son uses his tongue like a pro. Doesn't he, Malik?"

Malik suppressed a sob and his fists clenched. Joey moaned into Malik's mouth with a stifled cry.

"I'm so sorry, Malik."


"Now, Joseph. Do to Malik what your daddy taught you."

Joey took Malik's shoulders and pinned him to the bed. Malik arched his back, his body already reacting to Joey's kisses against his will.

"Malik, give me a moan, boy."

Malik whimpered and Joey's dad stood up grabbing the scissors on the desk. He walked over to the boys and grabbed Joey's shirt cutting it off of him. A tear fell from Joey's face as his father rubbed his hands over Joey's back.

"That's it, Joseph. Good boy. Lower….show Malik what I taught you. Show Malik what a great whore you can be."

Malik looked down and could see Joey's jeans now extremely tight. Malik turned his face, his tears bathing the dirty sheets. Joey christened Malik's belly with his own tears, hating himself for doing this to Malik and hating himself for getting aroused like this!

"My boy is such a good boy….you know, Joseph, this is much better when you are awake. I see you are enjoying this."

Joey's dad moved from behind Joey to Malik. He held Malik's head in place looking towards the ceiling.

"I want to look into your eyes as my son gives you the best blowjob of your life."

Joey looked up from Malik's stomach. "I can't do this to Malik…he's my friend."

Malik looked up as the scissors pointed at his throat. A wave of panic gripped him shaking him and making his heart race. This shook him deeper than Joey's kisses.

"Do it….or Malik and you will pay for disobeying my orders."

The blade pointed to Malik's skin as Joey buried his face in Malik's warm belly.

Malik looked up at Joey's father and cried.

"Stop crying!"

Malik gave a gasp as he saw Marik standing above him growling. The Millenium Rod was gripped in his hand and his sharp white teeth were grinding. His hikari had sharp metal stuck at his throat. He and Joey were crying.

"I'm not going to do this to Malik!" Joey screamed trying to pull his face away from Malik's skin.

The man raised his hand to his son and Marik caught it. The man turned around and dropped the scissors. Marik took the Millenium Rod and hit the man's forehead knocking him onto the ground unconscious.

Marik watched the man fall and wrapped his arms around is hikari. "Tenshi….tenshi…breathe."

Malik sobbed into his yami's chest. Joey looked at his father on the ground in shock.

Malik opened an eye. "Why didn't you tell us, Joey? We could have helped you."

Joey covered his eyes. "Nobody knows. Not even Seto. I couldn't tell him. I couldn't tell him or anyone anything."

Marik looked at Joey also sobbing and brought the other blonde into his arms. "I hate to break this up so quickly, but I don't want this snake to find you two here. Malik, grab your clothes and get dressed."

Malik gripped onto Marik whimpering. "Can't….."
"Hikari, please grab your clothes."

Marik grabbed a shirt for Malik and put it on him. Joey grabbed a shirt and hurriedly put it on. The yami pulled Malik off of the bed and put his arm around him. Joey took Malik's other hand and they ran out of the house into the rain.

"Where are we going, Marik?"

"Anywhere Malik can't get hurt by that madman."

Updates: Sunday or Monday…We're closed on Sunday.