Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Chibi on a Sugar High ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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Chibi on a Sugar High.

Seto's POV

I look at my newspaper, but I don't really see it in front of me. The only thing I see in front of me is my Puppy in the hands of his father. He went there for Malik's sake. He knew what he was getting into. DAMN IT! My puppy should have known better that that. My puppy needs more than obedience training….he needs a training in common sense.

I heave a long sigh and hear a rustle of the comics page that Aten was reading. He looks up from his comics with his sparkling brown and purple eyes.

"Unkie Seto, how's your paper?"

"Fine. Stocks seem to be doing well. How's your comics?"

Aten shook his head. "No. I no wead comiss. I wead paper same as you."

I sipped my coffee and Aten sipped his chocolate milk the same way as I did. We put our cups down and I looked up at the chibi dressed in his happy duck sleepwear. "How is your paper, Aten?"

Aten nodded slightly. "My tocks are foo the woof. Tis keep up I be as wich as you!"

I hid my face behind my paper turing red trying to laugh at Aten's attempts to .mimic me.

"What is the headline of the paper?"

Aten turned his `paper' to the front page and folded down the corner of the paper slightly like me. "The headwine tays `KaibaCorpis da best corpication in da world. Unkie Seto wuns da compony and he's dee best unkie ewer! He is nice and funny. He tucks me and my sisser in bed and kisses us wike mommy, Mommy Mawik, Daddy, and Daddy Bakuwa do. Yes. Kaiba Corpication is dee bestest pwace to be in dee entire world. Eweyone in da world woves Unkie Seto."

I bit my lip trying desperately not to throw my paper down and jump over the table and squeeze him with a hug until he stopped breathing.

"What else is in your paper?"

"The Opinin Page has a tory on Unkie Puppy! It tays `Unkie Seto should not miss Unkie Puppy because Unkie Puppy is a big boy wike me! When I get to be a big boy, I want to be wike Unkie Seto and Unkie Puppy when I gwow up!

"Well, at leas you won't be like your father and obessed about the Millenium Rod." I must have said it loud enough for him to hear.

Aten put his `paper' down and folded his arms and turned up his nose proudly. "Us Istars are vewy vewy pwoud of our Wods, Unkie Seto." Aten sipped his chocolate milk. "My daddy bwags about his Wod to Daddy Bakuwa. He once told Daddy Bakuwa that Daddy Bakuwa's Wod could newer be as big as his. He says his Wod is huge-er than Daddy Bakuwa's."

"Ok, Aten."

"One time dey were arguing about who's Wod was bigger. Daddy told Daddy Bakuwa to pwove he had a bigger Wod--."

"Ok, Aten."

"I no know why, but my mommy came and took me out of da woom and took us out for ice cweam! I assed what my daddies were doing and my mom said they were Wod compawison contest. It must have been a wong contest because when we came back from hawing ice cweam, my daddies were aww sweaty and wet. Daddy Bakuwa was tore for a foo days. Dey must have taken a bath since dey were wet. Da water must have been hot because dey were beething hard."

Ok…Aten was giving me more information than I needed to know.

"I asssed who won the contest and my daddy told me dat Daddy Bakuwa could newer mash the powa of his Mimimum Wod."

I dug into my shirt pocket. I had to give him something to stop him from giving me details. "Here, Aten. Here's some M&M's for you."

He took it into his tiny hands and I expected him to eat them. Instead, he nodded to me and put them in his picket. "Tank you, Unkie Seto." He pat his pocket and continued to read his `paper.' Aria ran squealing into the room, her hands waving excitedly.

"Unkie Seto!"

I looked at my watch. Aten pretended to look at a watch on his arm. "Aria, you and Aten woke up at the same time. Breakfast was waiting for you."

"I went wooking for my sword to pway with and I found something better! I found a dancing egg in your woom!"

Uh-oh. I thought I put that thing away after I used it last night!"

"It also had a wemote wike the TV! It danced for me when I turned it on!"

I dug into my pocket quickly and removed a sandwich bag full of M&M's. "Here, Aria."

Aria's eyes lit up and she emitted a shriek of joy. She grabbed the bag and hugged it.

"I got M's!" Aria ran around the table. All I could see was her spikey little head go up and down as she ran around the circumference of the table. "I got M's! I got M's! I got M's! I got M's! I got M's! I got M's!"

Aten looked up from his `paper.' "Unkie Seto, I'm out of cawfee." Two year olds don't like coffee, but he wanted to be like me. He called chocolate milk `coffee.' I rang the bell and my servant came out. Aria turned to him and said, "Get my bwudder anutter cup of cawfee."

I turned to Aria. "Aria, what do we say when we want something immediately?"

Aria turned to the servant and stamped her foot. "Now, pwease!"

I handed Aria another bag of M&M's. "That's my girl!"

Her eyes lit up and she squealed again. "I got more M's! I got more M's! I got more M's! I got more M's! I got more M's! I got more M's! I got more M's!" Aria continued to run around the table in circles. She is so Bakura's offspring it's scary. Chibi yami on a sugar high.

The servant returned with more chocolate milk. Aten opened his arms to the servant and hugged him. I can't count how many times I told him it's not necessary to hug the employees. I nodded and the servant hugged the boy. "Ok, I love you, bye bye!"

Aten took a sip of his chocolate milk. "You make weawwy good cawfee, Unkie Seto."

Aria ran to her brother. "Wook at all my M's! WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Aten sighed and rolled his eyes. "My sisser aways on suga high. One time, my daddy give her Pissie Ticks and was wunning awound wike cwazy! Daddy Bakuwa was not happy. He called it.." Aten scratch his white and blonde hair. "He called it…umm…umm….Oh Yeah! A Wa-damned Suga High."

Aria ran around excitedly and stopped suddenly in front of me. "The egg shakes wike my sword. Where's my shaky sword?"

I reached into my pocket and brought out more M&M's. Aria automatically ran to me and I gave her the bag. "M'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

With the amount of M&M's these kids eat, I'll have to buy my own M&M factory just for her. She must eat her weight in M&M's.

I looked at my paper again missing my Puppy. I wanted to rescue Joey, but I had Aria and Aten to care for. I trusted my servant, but not enough to leave the kids with them. Ryou is counting on me to care for the chibis in his ansence. I can't leave them with Yami. He'll lose them like he lost Aria before.

Mokuba ran into the room. "Big Brother, has anyone found Joey yet?"

"Yami told me he's with his father."

Mokuba jumped back, worry plain on his face. "Why aren't you out of here yet? Go bring Joey back home where he belongs!"

I put down my paper and pointed to the kids. "I can't leave them alone."

Mokuba grabbed Aria as she ran by him. The chibi laughed and giggled swinging the bags of M&M's in her hand.

"You have to go for him, Seto, before anything bad happens to him."

I pointed to the chibis again. "I can't leave them!"

Mokuba picked up Aten from his high chair. Aria giggled and waved her hands while Aten cuddled happily into Mokuba wrapping his arms around my brother's neck.

"I'll take care of them, Seto. Bring Joey back. I miss him a lot."

Aten raised his head. "Bing back my Unkie Puppy, Unkie Seto. I wanna cuddle with my Unkie Puppy."

Poor little chibi.

"Unkie Puppy! Where's Unkie Puppy? Unkie Puppy, I got M's! I got M's! I got M's! I got M's!"

Mokuba looked up at me. "You shouldn't give them so many M&M's, big brother. Aria's wired."

"Wa-damned Suga High!" Aten grumbled.

Mokuba was right. My little brother could care for the kids. He's reliable. I stood up and kissed Mokuba on the forehead. "Be good. I'm going to bring home our Puppy."


&l t; p>

Normal POV

Marik held onto Malik's hand as they ran through the rain. Joey held onto Malik's other hand wiping the rain from his face. Malik's feet could hardly touch the ground as Marik pulled him to safety.

They passed an alley and Joey tugged on Malik pulling Marik back suddenly.

"Down this way!"

"Why that way?"

Joey tugged and shook his head freeing his hair of excess water. "Trust me. With a year of living on the street, you get to know your way around rather quickly."

Marik and Malik followed Joey to a balcony where he and Malik found shelter. Malik gave a hoarse cough and his yami turned to him. "Hikari, are you ok?"

Malik looked unsteady on his feet even with Joey's support. "I need to sit down for a minute."

Joey helped Malik sit by the door. Marik checked the door. If he could open it, Malik wouldn't have to sit outside in the pouring rain. The lock had a numerical combination. Bakura had a better chance of opening a lock. Bakura could eventually even open a numerical lock….given a hammer and a bunch of swearing.

"You can't open it?" Malik asked him.

"I can't open this stupid thing."

"Why not picking the lock with your Rod?" Joey snickered.

Marik raised an eyebrow. "My Rod was not made for picking locks, Joey."

"So tired, yami." Malik coughed again and closed his eyes falling asleep as the rain beat hard upon the balcony.

"Sleep, my hikari." Marik noticed the balcony could only hold two people, so he backed out standing in the rain so the mortal boys could have much needed shelter from the elements. The yami turned to the other blonde. "Joey. Wheeler. Joey, why didn't you tell us? Why?"

Joey folded his arms and looked down as tiny droplets of rain trickled down his hair. "I was afraid. It isn't something that would come up in conversation, you know."

"But, we would have helped you, Joey."

"No one would have helped me. Besides, I didn't want anyone to think I was a loser."

"You wouldn't have been a loser, Joey. You couldn't help the kind of family you were born into."

Joey looked down. "I know I couldn't. But, hurting me is one thing. Hurting one of my friends is worse. I tried to fight him. But I couldn't."

Marik turned to Joey. "If you said something, we would probably not be out here in the rain hiding from your father. We would not be at your father's house at all! My hikari would probably have a decent home and not the whorehouse that you call your father's home!"

Joey narrowed his eyes. "It's not my fault, Marik! Child Services is to blame! If they did their job, then we wouldn't be here! I wouldn't be here with you and Malik!"

Malik gave another cough as a crash of thunder came from above.

"Child Services is also to blame! Who have you told about this?"

Joey looked down clenching his fists. "Nobody. I couldn't."

"You didn't even tell Seto? Joey, you both are lovers and should be honest with each other. Keeping something like this from him only hurts both of you."

Joey shook his head free of rainwater. "I didn't mean to. It's….It's very hard to talk about."

Marik put his head down. "Well, Bakura told me about his incarceration in Yami's jail. He put up with the same thing. He talked to me about everything, although it did hurt him. No…he was more ashamed that he let it happen. It did hurt him, but he had to talk to me about it. My point is you should tell Kaiba. He loves you, Pup."

Joey looked up at the yami. Malik began to shiver in the rain and cough.

"I can't let my dad get away with this! I'm tired of running from him! I'm going home to get even with him! He doesn't hurt my friend and think he's gonna get away with it!"

"What are you gonna do, pup?"

"What I should have done two years ago. I'll be right back, Marik. Stay here with Malik."

Joey ran back in the direction of the house. Marik looked down at his hikari and removed his own shirt. He put it around Malik's shoulders to shield him from the wind and rain. Another crash of thunder banged overhead as Marik stood in the rain with his arms folded against his chest.

**************************************************************** ****** < /p>

Joey ran back to the house. How dare his father make him assault Malik like that! Joey ran back to his house standing outside of the door. He had two years of anger….hate….sadness to convey to his dad. How could he tell his father how he felt? He stood in the rain, the rain clinging desperately to his blond hair.

The house was dark as he opened the door. The thunder crashed again as he took a soaking foot into the house.

"Dad! Where are you?!" Joey's heart raced as he entered the house slowly. A lump was caught in his throat as the rain beat furiously on the window panes.

"Welcome home again, my little whore."

Joey turned around as the lightening illuminated his father with a table lamp in his hand. The man shattered the ceramic lamp against the front of his son's head knocking him unconscious on the floor. "Just like old times, Joseph…Now for a little fun in the dark."

Author's note: You are all free to personally kill me for this cliffie. If you think my cliffie is bad, read Stronger Than Before by my wife…her cliffie is just as good…or bad..however you look at it. * looks at Dragondreamer Yami Dragon* You realize, dear, that we are both soooooo dead for these cliffhangers.

Updates: Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on how busy the shop is. I have my first successful series of soaps and I have to make more since they are selling so well.