Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Visions ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This chappie is much longer than my others. I guess I just got carried away. Love you, guys! I know I haven't said it often, but I REALLY LOVE MY REVIEWERS AND READERS ALIKE!

Caterfree: I want to continue on ffnet. I lost track of it. Sorry. I'll update it this weekend.

Angelic Mouse Girl: Yes, the Sennen Eye is important. That is the basis for the next chappie and is important for Aria's future.

Shadow of Light: I think the department couldn't get in touch with Isis. She is kind of elusive.

IYYASHI: Well, you got it, hon. You hit it right on the nose. *hands Bakura plushies* You earned these.

Dragondreamer: Did I adequately pay you for dumping the litter or do I need to pay you more???

Gralnak: No, Marik didn't make Aria attack. She was furious. The only time the Sennen Eye shows up is when she is furious beyond belief.

Ryou's Mistress: mmmmmmmmmmmmm…………M's…..

Lady Elfskye: He is too quiet for his own good. Good point.


Ryou made a quick dinner for Aria and Aten. He reheated some soup that Isis had made for her lunch. The kids didn't mind the taste of the soup. Aria was a picky eater surprisingly. Aria would often have the food her brother couldn't finish. Aten ate the soup as if it was his favorite.

"I wuv dis stuff! I no know wha in it, but it sure good, mommy!"

Ryou giggled. "Thanks, baby. Glad you like it."

The chibis were allowed to play with their toys that they had packed for a little while before it was time to take their bath. Aten and Aria had always had their bath together. Ryou was just waiting for the day when Aria or Aten would want to begin bathing separately from their sibling. Ryou knew eventually that Aria would begin noticing that she and her brother were different anatomically. He knew eventually that Aria would point to Aten and go, "I don't have one of those!" At their young age, he was just grateful that they didn't have that type of curiosity yet.

Aten was chasing Aria around the apartment. He let out a playful growl as he chased her under the table and behind Seto's legs. Aria slowed down her pace so Aten could catch her. Aten pounced on her smothering her face with kisses.

"Alright, kids, it's time for a bath!" Ryou announced as he entered the bedroom where they were caught.

Ryou took Aria and helped her get her clothes off for her bath. The chibi girl grabbed her Dark Mishin doll to play in the tub. Aten always had a rubber ducky to play with, but Aten was no where to be found when he had to start his bath.

"Aten?" Seto looked for Aten in the living room. He looked under tables, in cabinets, and anywhere a chibi could hide. Ryou eventually had to join the hunt for Aten. They eventually found him huddled under the bed with his toy monkey shivering and sniffling.

"Aten, come out, son, it's time for your bath," Ryou said softly.

Aten shook his head wildly. "No wan bath! No wan bath!"

"Aten, you have to get a bath," Seto said trying to remain calm despite frustration. Since Aria and Aten have stayed with him, he learned how to somewhat curtail frustration. He couldn't burst into a fit of anger at every little thing.

"But I know wan to," the chibi whined and began to sob.

Ryou reached for Aten slowly with an open hand and the boy cringed back.

Seto turned to Ryou and whispered, "That museum must have affected them more than we thought."

"Aten, I'm not going to harm you, sweetheart. I just want to hold you."

Aten closed his eyes tightly and whimpered. "That's what he said."

"That's what who said? Unkie Seto?"

Aten shook his head. "I no wan a bat, mommy….please…"

Ryou sighed. "Aten, you used to love having a bath with Aria. Would it make you feel better if I get in with you? We've done that before."

Aten shook his head again. "No."

Seto sighed again. "Ryou, let me take care of it."

"Would you feel better if Unkie Seto bathes you?"

Aten looked into Ryou's brown eyes and winced. "Yes…may-ee."

Aten crawled from under the bed. Seto went to help Aten with his clothes.

The little boy cringed. "I wan me do it."

Seto left the bedroom and Ryou stopped outside shutting the door.

"Aten's been acting strangely when it comes to bathing. He will only let Malik bathe him. He won't even let Marik bathe him anymore."

"His own father? That's not like him. When did this start?"

"It started after we brought him home from the hospital the last time. After we were kidnapped by my father, he has just been terrified of having a bath."

Aria ran out of the bathroom jumping up and down. "Mommy! Am I gonna get a bath today? I wanna pway with my Dark Mishin doll!"

"Can you bring Aten in when he's done changing? He may or may not let you carry him."

Seto nodded and Ryou ran up to Aria.

Ryou picked up the baby girl and held her over his head. "NAKED CHIBI ALERT!"

Ryou brought Aria down and brought his lips to her belly. Ryou let out a breath and it reverberated across her skin. Seto crossed his arms and laughed as Aria squirmed and squealed in her mother's grasp.

When Aten was done undressing, he slowly emerged from the room with his shoulders hunched over and his eyes were cast down. He wrapped his little arms around himself and walked to the bathroom as if he were on a death march.

Aten looked up at Seto with lare, chibi eyes. "But, Unkie Seto, I no wan a bat."

Seto couldn't help but hear the quiver in his voice and be reminded of Mokuba when he was a chibi. (AN: AWWW…chibi Mokuba.) "I know you don't want to, Aten, but you'll feel better."

Aten slowly entered the bathroom and hugged his mother. "Wuv you, mommy."

Ryou picked him up and held him. "I love you, too, sweetheart."

Seto looked into the tub and saw Aria face down in the water, her tiny, dimpled butt sticking up out of the water. She was "swimming" with her Dark Magician doll. Seto chuckled at the sight of the naked chibi playing in the water. Seto reached in and pat her on the butt lightly. Aria almost jumped out of the water squealing happily.

"Aten's coming into the tub, Aria."

Aria sat up and Aten was placed in the water.

Ryou bathed Aria like he always did. He dumped a cup of water over her head, soaking her mane of white hair. He rubbed some shampoo into it making Aria giggle. She played with the bubbles that floated off her hair. Aria splashed in the water as Ryou poured another cup of water over her head. Aria made the Dark Magician doll "swim" around in the water.

Aten sat quietly gripping onto Seto's shirt in the tub.

"Aten, I can't clean you properly if you're holding onto me. It's ok, Aten."

Aten released Seto and scurried over to Aria. He hid behind Aria.

"Aten, let Seto wash you, sweetheart. You'll feel better after your bath."

Aten looked up at Ryou with large, teary chibi eyes.

Ryou turned to Seto and whispered in his ear. "Aten hates taking baths anymore. He used to like them."

"Aten, why don't you like to be bathed? You always like it when Unkie Puppy washes you."

Aten looked over at the tile on the wall, avoiding Seto's gaze.

Ryou whispered again in Seto's ear. "He won't let any of us bathe him, except for Malik. He used to like it when his father bathed him, but not anymore."

Aten crawled to the other side of the tub. "No wan bath."

Seto tried to keep what small patience he had left. He knew Aria could be stubborn, but Aten? He thought there wouldn't be a stubborn bone in the boy's body.

Aria was washed and was ready to leave the tub. Ryou didn't like the chibis in the water for too long, fearing they could get sick. Ryou brought Aria out of the tub and dried her.

"I forgot Aria's comb in the bedroom. I'll comb her hair in the bedroom. Aten, sweetheart, let Unkie Seto wash you. I'll give you a piece of candy if you be a good boy."

Aten nodded timidly and inched back to Seto as Ryou and Aria left. Seto kissed the boy on the forehead and poured a cup of water over the boy's head. Aten closed his eyes tightly as Seto worked the shampoo into his hair. Another cup of water washed the shampoo away.

"See. Aten? This isn't so bad, is it?"

Aten stayed quiet as Seto lathered up a washcloth and soap. He washed Aten's back and his arms. The boy watched Seto closely as the teen washed his chest and his belly.

"Let me see your leg," Seto said. Aten hesitantly complied. "I won't hurt you, Aten."

Aten looked down at the water. "Dat's wha he taid, too."

"Who said? Who said what?"

"Dat's wha da daddy taid to me."

Seto wrung out the washcloth and lathered it up with more soap. "What daddy?"

Seto put the washcloth to Aten's belly. The chibi boy gave a whimper.

"Aten, what daddy?"

Aten grabbed Seto's wrist and pushed it away from his when the cloth ran under the water. "Dat's bad touch, Unkie Seto."

"Bad touch? Aten, I am only washing you. I am allowed to do this."

"Dat's what mommy's daddy told me."

Seto held his breath as he washcloth fell out of his hands. He took Aten under the arms and turned the chibi to face him. He looked Aten in the eyes as his final words to Joey echoed in his head. // Aten will never be exposed to that.//

"Aten, is that why you are afraid of the tub?"

Aten's head sunk to his chest.

"Why don't you want your mommy to wash you?"

"Mommy has mommy's daddy's eyes. I no can wook at dem in de bat."

Seto brought Aten to his chest ignoring the fact his $150.00 shirt would be covered in soap and chibi bath water.

"Aten, no one is going to hurt you. Unkie Puppy won't hurt you. I won't hurt you. And your mommy and your daddy wouldn't hurt you. Why won't you let daddy bathe you?"

"My daddy is a daddy like mommy's daddy. Dey are boath daddies. I miss my daddy, dough."

Seto gave Aten the washcloth. "Here, wash yourself good, Aten. I will turn around and not watch you." Seto turned his back trying to decide how to bring this to Ryou's attention. Should he even bother bringing it to Ryou's attention? Ryou probably already knew. Ryou had a right to know even if he didn't want to.


Ryou combed Aria's hair and braided it at the back of her head. She hugged her Dark Magician doll as Ryou tucked her into bed.

"Do you want to sleep with me or Unkie S--?"

"Unkie Seto! I wanna sweep with my Unkie Seto!"

Ryou smiled at her and kissed her forehead. "Ok. Unkie Seto will be in when it is time to go to bed. Ok?"

Aria's arms went up in a cheer. "SQUEE! I get to sweep with Unkie Seto night! Unkie Puppy hardee ewer wets me sweep with Unkie Seto!"

"You go to sleep, my baby girl. Pleasant dreams."

Aten walked into the room and ran right for Ryou. He hugged his mother's leg.
"I wuv you, mommy," Aten said squeezing Ryou's leg tightly.

Ryou picked up Aten and hugged him. "I love you, too, baby boy."

Ryou put Aten in the other bed. "I'll be in later, son. I want you to get right to sleep, ok?"

Aten nodded and cuddled his toy monkey.

Ryou left turning out the light and he sat on the couch in the living room. Seto stood by Ryou unsure as to what to do.

Seto's POV

Should I let Ryou know about the reason behind Aten's fear of the bath or to let it go. It wouldn't help Ryou or Aten if I kept it to himself, but I know that the truth would hurt Ryou more. Should I tell Ryou or should he keep it to himself?

Ryou is already still having difficulty dealing with the trauma from being kidnapped and being raped. If I told him, it would make his healing process much harder.

Ryou did all he can to protect Aten. If I tell him about Aten, Ryou would feel like he failed. Ryou sacrificed everything so Aten would not be subjected to Steven's cruelty. To know what he failed would destroy Ryou.

Besides, he misses Bakura too much for him to be alone and hear about Aten. I'll have to wait until I get home. His father deserves to know. I'll take it up with Bakura and Marik and let it up to their discretion if they want to tell Ryou.


Normal POV

Isis came home and she removed her sandals before sitting on a chair by the window. She fanned herself with a tiny handheld paper fan.

"Thanks for letting us stay here, Isis."

"No problem, Ryou. Where are the kids?"

"They're sleeping now."

Isis nodded. "I see. Did the kids enjoy the museum?"

Ryou shook his head. "Well, parts of it they liked. Some things they saw scared them."

"The Mummy Wing?"

Ryou leaned back. "No, Do you know that mummy with bracelets and covered in flowers? It had long hair."

Isis nodded. "Yes. That mummy was particularly interesting."

"How so?"

"The body was burned about 30% of it's body and there was evidence that the mummy was pregnant before she died. Our analysis shows that she had given birth within minutes of her death."

Ryou looked up at Isis. "How did she die?"

"There is a substantial stab wound in the lower back of the mummy's spine. There is also a wound on the lower portion of the mummy's abdomen indicating that the baby was either delivered by C-section before her death or she was stabbed and the baby removed from her belly after her death. Why so interested?"

"Aten called her `mommy.'"

Isis raised her eyebrow. "That can't be possible."

Ryou nodded. "It may be possible, Isis. What about reincarnation?"

"That corpse can't be Aten's mother." Isis closed her eyes and tapped into the power of her Millennium Necklace.

********Isis' Vision*********

A pregnant woman heard the screams of the men as a river of red trickled into her tent. Swords were heard clanging together and the squish of piercing flesh revealed the severity of the battle outside her tent. Smoke began to fill the tent as flames began to engulf the tent. Her baby stretched, kicked, as her water broke, sending a trickle of transparent fluid tinged with blood down her leg. Her baby was ready to be born.

She could not give birth in the midst of battle and in a burning tent.. She cringed when she heard the general's voice.

"Find the blond one! He's the one we're after!"

The woman peeked her eye out of the tent and ran for the desert.

"Halt!" A loud man shrieked following her into the desert. Horse hooves pounded behind her catching up to her. The woman fell onto the sand in front of the pharaoh's General.

She put her hand to her belly, the baby fighting his way out. "Please……don't hurt me…."

The General pulled out his long sword. "Where is the blonde? Where is Marik Ishtar? Your village is hiding him somewhere, where is he??"

The woman let out a scream as she fell on her back. Her back arched in pain as the new life was forcing its way into the world.

"Please….help me…"

"Tell me where Marik is and you will have a small chance at survival…TELL ME, FOOLISH WOMAN!"

The woman looked up at the General. Her people had been chased by the army for hiding Marik….he was a thief and a skilled one, at that. They had not given her a moment's peace. However, in the desert, alone, ready to give birth to Marik's baby, she was defenseless.

"We will not tell you anything! Gods!" The woman's face contorted in pain as she clenched her fists. "I love Marik. And you will not find him! We sent him away to escape you!"

The General scowled. "He may escape us, but you will not."

The woman looked up at the General, her eyes wide and pleading. "Please….let me birth my child! Have mercy!"

A lieutenant rode up to the General. "General Anubis, sir, Marik is no where to be found."

Anubis jumped off of his horse. "Lieutenant, show this woman some mercy!"

The lieutenant jumped off of his horse and walked over to the woman in labor. He removed his sword and cut into the flesh of the lower abdomen. Sinew, blood, and the baby oozed out of the wound. The lieutenant grabbed the uterus and cut it open, pulling the baby out. The man cut the umbilical cord and turned the child upside down, spanking its bottom hard enough to get it to breathe.

The baby let out a long squeal and arched its back. The mother's body began to convulse as her wound was left opened.

"What sex is the child?" Anubis asked calmly. "If it is a girl, mother and daughter deserve to die together."

"It is a boy, your grace."

Anubis looked at the mother whose face bore a smile.

"I gave Marik a baby boy. A boy……"

"A boy who will grow up in the Egyptian army and never know his father." Anubis took the squealing child. "Look on him for the last time, woman. It will be the last sight you will ever see."

Anubis held up the baby crying over its bleeding mother. "Take the baby back to the town. I must finish my job," Anubis said picking up the woman by the hair and raising his sword.. "This won't take long."


Isis' eyes widened. "It was……….Aten was the boy raised for the army. He was the son of that woman!"

Ryou and Seto stared at Isis. "Aten? You mean to say that that mummy really was Aten's original mother?"

Isis nodded. "Yes, Ryou. Aten is the incarnation of that child. Aten was Marik's son in the past. And so the cycle continues."

"You also have Anubis' mummy in your museum, Isis. Aria and Aten were very upset about seeing it."

Seto sat beside Isis with a frown on his face. "Aria was very upset today about another mummy in the exhibit. The mummy was holding a gourd in its hand."

Isis closed her eyes once again.

******Isis' Vision*******************

The man looked at the child standing before him. She could not have been more than four years old. Her tattered rags were just as disheveled as her white hair. The middle-aged man held onto the child's thin hand.

The other man shook his head. "She's very small, but her hair is quite enticing."

The man holding the child's hand laughed. "She may be small now, but when she gets to be a little older, she can earn her keep like the rest of your girls."

"My girls work hard for a living. She will have to pay her way through working. My girls need someone to wash their clothes properly and change the sheets. I like to keep my brothel clean."

The man released the child's shivering hand. "Well, she's lived with us for a few months doing our household cleaning at my place."

The man looked at the child's hands, mouth, and ears to check for any infestation of vermin. "Where did this child come from?"

"One of my best girls got pregnant by a paying customer. A regular customer, at that. I think I know the father, too. Very few men around here have white hair, and I remember that man. But, she's well behaved and she's already familiar with how to properly clean off stains."

The man opened the child's mouth inspecting the health of the gums and teeth. "You're asking a high price for her."

"She's already trained in how to keep a successful brothel clean! We've traded girls before, Annan. This is no different than those trades. Think of it, Annan. Raise her well now until her womanly flow has begun….sell her off to a rich aristocrat and make double your money back, even triple it! And, when she gets a little older, she can earn her keep like your other girls. Your youngest is just a few years older than she. She's worth your investment now, Annan."

"Well, I can't argue with you there, Salah," the man said grabbing the ghord off of the desk in front of him. "You've never given me a girl not willing to work for her daily bread." The man removed a pile of money from it and pushed it towards Salah.

Salah pocketed the money and looked down at the little girl. "He is your new master. May you serve him as well as you serve me." Salah pat the child's head and left.

Annan stood up from the desk and pulled the tattered red shawl from the child's thin frame. He kneeled down in front of her and stroked her chin with his finger.

"Such a pretty little prize, you are! You'll grow up to be one of my best girls…I can see that."

The child shivered, her thin clothes barely keeping her warm or covering her body.

A loud scream and a moan of pleasure were heard from the next room. Moments later, a man staggered out of the room arranging his clothing.

"Start earning your keep, girl," the man said giving her a towel, a wet rag, and shoving her into the room.


Isis opened her eyes and she sighed. "That man mistreated Aria. He bought her and kept her in his brothel as a servant."

Ryou covered his mouth and closed his eyes. He couldn't imagine Aria forced to live that type of life.

Isis' eyes opened wider. "Wait! There is more!"

*********Isis' Vision**********

Annan was bowing before the High Priest standing in front of him.

"I have come for one of your girls specifically. I want the one with white hair."

Annan rushed out and brought back a girl of sixteen with long, white hair. Her clothes accentuated her white, fair breasts and her slender figure.

"You wish to rent her for the night, your Highness?"

The High Priest looked at the girl and smirked. "No. I'm taking her for my own." Seto took her hand and was leading her out.

"But, with all due respect! She is a profitable girl! If you take her, all of my business goes! Where are the men around here going to find adequate female companionship if you take her away?"

Seto turned to his guards. "Give him his payment and get rid of the evidence."


Isis shook her head. "You took her for your own, Kaiba. You bought her from the man. That explains your close relationship with her!"

Seto stood up quickly. "NOW WAY! I would never lay a hand on Aria like that! How DARE you imply that I would lay a hand on her!"

Isis remained calm despite the fury before her. "But, you did, Kaiba. You did lay a hand on her, but not in violence. You loved her very much. She meant a lot to you and you meant much to her."

"What did I do with Aria?"

"You rescued her from the life that she was forced to live. But, you fell in love with her and treated her like your own from the time she was a teenager."

Seto brushed his brown hair back, fisting it in his hands. "This can't be!"

"My Millennium Necklace does not lie, Kaiba. Never doubt the power of a Millennium Item. That is a costly mistake. It cost you in the past."

Seto clasped his hands into fists and walked into the room where the chibis slept. Ryou looked at Isis and walked into the room. Seto was standing over Aria crossing his arms and looking down at her biting his lip. Aria was sleeping with Aten cuddled against her. The little boy twirled his finger around Aria's hair fast asleep. Aria's arm was wrapped around Aten's thin waist.

Ryou looked down at Aten, his eye twitching

"I can't believe things used to be that way between Aria and myself, Ryou. I can't see that! I love her like a daughter."

Ryou nodded and looked up at Seto. "It's ok, Seto. I know it was.."

"It's not ok, Ryou! I can't imagine Aria and I ever having that type of relationship! It's morally wrong! I could never touch Aria that way!"

Ryou looked down at the sleeping chibis. "The past is just the past, Seto. Things have changed. Aria and Aten are my children. Bakura is my husband. I know you could never harm them. I trust you with their lives, Seto. That is why I am so grateful that you offered to care for them."

Aria gave a yawn in her sleep and nuzzled her body closer to her brother's.

"Well, I don't want to wake them, Ryou. I'll let you stay in here with them tonight. I can stay on the couch."

"Are you sure?"

Seto shrugged. "I can't sleep in the same room with Aria tonight. I think I …..need some time to think about what I just saw. I'll be fine in the living room."

Seto left and Ryou sat on the bed rubbing Aten's white and blonde hair. Aten yawned and turned around to Ryou rubbing his tired brown eye.

"Mommy? Dat you?"

Ryou smiled. "Yes, baby. Unkie Seto and I came to check on you."

Aten yawned and smiled sleepily. "Mommy, can we see a pee-mid towawwow?"

"That's up to Unkie Seto, baby boy."

"I wanna see a pee-mid. I wanna tee Auntie's Yami's daddy's pee-mid."

Ryou tried his best not to squish Aten in a deathly-tight hug. "Are you feeling better from the trip to the museum?"

Aten's eyes began to close. "Me tired, mommy….the moosum was fun."

Ryou watched as Aten's arm slowly dropped to his side. His brown and purple eye closed. Ryou pulled the covers over Aten's thin body and kissed him on the forehead.

"Goodnight, my angel."


Seto laid back and thought about Isis' vision. He couldn't imagine thinking about Aria that way. There was only one person he could think of touching…holding…


He closed his eyes picturing his puppy below him. His blonde hair soaked with sweat as his eyes glazed over with unrestrained lust. His brown eyes looking into his sapphire gems, pleading Seto to bring him to climax. Joey pulling Seto's face down for a kiss as his whimpers grew more high-pitched. The blonde biting down on Seto's shoulder as his hot-white release christened his lover's flesh above him.

Seto wiped the bead of sweat trickling down his cheek. Isis was right. He was not the same man in he used to be in ancient Egypt. The thought of having a woman under him calling his name sent a shiver of repulsion through his spine. Maybe in the past life he wouldn't mind, but in this life, all he desired was the screams, pants, and body of his puppy.

Seto reached under the covers quickly to dig into his pants and wrapped his fingers around a hard object. He removed his cell phone from his pockets. (What else did you think he was reaching for???????.......hentais, the lot of you!)

He dialed the number to the mansion and Joey answered the phone.

[Joey Wheeler here.]

"Hey, pups. How are you doing over here?"

[Well, not bad, I guess. I really miss you, Seto. I wish you were here with me.]

"I do, too, puppy."

[Seto? You sound…..upset. What's wrong? Can't Isis come back with you?]

"No…it's just……nothing. It's nothing."

A groan was heard on the other end. [You're lyin' to me again, Seto. You sound like someone took your Blue Eyes from you.]

"Did the lawyer come to see you?"

[He just left.]



Seto brushed away a tear from his eye. He wanted to cry…he missed Joey, he was upset about Aria. "Puppy, I love you. I love you so much, and I miss you even more."

A sniffle was heard on the other end of the line. [I miss you, too. Seto, this isn't like you. Are you sure you're ok?]

Seto shook his head. "Yes, I'm fine, puppy. Did you find what we were looking for with the lawyer?"

[I think I found the perfect one for us, Seto. We'll discuss it when you come home.]

Seto nodded. "Ok. We'll discuss it then. Have you heard from Marik?"

[Malik needed the doctor again, so Zira went out. Malik's fever went up again and Marik is beside himself. Zira said he has a case of Walking Pneumonia. He'll be ok, but he needs to rest. All Marik hears is "Pneumonia" and he panics.]

"I don't blame him. Keep me up to date."

[Ok, Seto.]

"Love you, my puppy."

[Love you, my master.]

Seto pressed the button on his cell and returned it to his pocket. Seto relaxed and closed his eyes, yet he couldn't go to sleep. //Why couldn't I tell my puppy?//

Updates: I know this chappie was really really long. The next chappie will be what Seto finds that will change his life forever and his relation to the two chibis he loves so much. Yes, Seto will still love them to death, don't worry. I will update on Sunday or Monday. Love you guys!