Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Sweet Desire ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]







*Review Responses next time due to the authoress' inability to form a coherent thought after typing this chappie*

Sweet Desire

Joey's POV

I never expected to see this ever. It was like something from my deepest fantasies. Seto was lying on his back, the moonlight pouring in from the window and falling on his thin form. His eyes were closed and his knees were bent ever so slightly. Underneath the sheer white material, I saw motion.

"Joey…I love you…please…," Seto moaned as his hips began to thrust up. Seto was on his back…stroking himself under that white sheet. The moonlight illuminated a single drop of sweat which pathetically tried to cling to the pores of Seto's handsome, passion-filled face.

Seto let out another groan of pleasure as he stroked himself. A whimper signaled his sweet desire for release…to come for me.

My lover's erection soon became so prominent, that it began to cast a shadow even under the soft sheet.

I couldn't take it anymore. I removed my pants and underwear before they had to be pried off from my body. They were becoming too confining. I removed my shirt and opened the door further. Seto stopped when he saw me walk into the room…naked…erect, and panting like a dog in heat.

"Joey!" He gasped, pulling his hand out from the sheets.

I sat myself beside him. His face was flushed and his breathing was still uneven. He reached up to stroke my face.

"Why are you so shocked that I walked in on you?"

"Well….umm….I didn't want to upset you."

"You think watching you masterbate would scare me? Why?"
"I didn't know if your father……" His sentence trailed off into oblivion. Yeah, sure, my father did this..hell, I've done it thinking about Seto, too.

I shrugged it off. This wasn't my dad. This was Seto. My lover. "It doesn't matter, Seto."

"It matters to me, puppy!" Seto sat up, exposing his fully erect and twitching member. Seto cupped my face in his hands. "I don't want to hurt you, Joey. I want to make love to you. I always wanted to make love to you."


"I know you do, Seto. But, I know you wouldn't hurt me. It just takes time to heal from all that. And my hopes is that we can make Hayden feel better, too. You can never heal the scars from abuse, Seto. All you can do is take away the pain…the hurt….the betrayal. That is all one can really do."

Seto leaned close to my face. "Then let me help you heal, Joey. Let's heal together."

Seto pressed his lips gently to mine. His lips were still wet and they were warm. His soft tongue stroking my teeth and my tongue, exploring cautiously. His hand lowered to my neck. His thumb traced my jawbone and trickled down feeling my pulse. With every beat of my heart, the vein throbbed under my lover's touch. My fingers found their way to Seto's hair and taking a handful of the soft strands. Moaning into the kiss, I saw him squirm with my kiss.

Damn the need for air! Seto and I broke the kiss before we could pass out before our fun would begin. We looked into each other's eyes deeply, savoring each moment we were exploring the other's gaze.


"Yes, love?"

"I…I want you to take me tonight. I want you to make love to me without the toys."

How can I? I don't know how!

"Joey, I want to show you that you are capable of love without the aid of toys. Tonight, I want to make love to you the way you should be loved."

I nodded. "I want to make love to you, too. So very badly."

"I want you to take me, Joey. Please."

"Actually, I had other plans…." I cracked a devious little smile.

"Ok. What do you want to do?"

Seeing Seto on his back moaning and groaning was such a turn-on! I leaned over to him and said in a low, husky voice, "I want you to continue what you were doing."

His eyes widened and his mouth dropped about ten feet. "What?"

"I want to watch you touch yourself, Seto."

Seto shifted a little. "Are you sure, Joey?"

I nodded and smiled. "I do."

Seto leaned up to kiss me. "Whatever you want, puppy. You are the master tonight."

Normal POV

Seto returned on his back and kicked the sheets away from him. Joey turned on his side and leaned on his arm watching Seto. The blue-eyed boy closed his eyes as his hands slithered down his silky, white body. The thin fingers moved from his chest, delicately pinching and rolling a nipple between each one. His eyes closed as soft waves of pleasure coursed through his body. The hands moved to stroke his chiseled, muscular, but thin, abdomen. Goosebumps appeared on the skin as chills of anticipation flooded his senses.

His fingers came to the thick tuft of wiry, black hair covering his groin. Small, sharp breaths escaped his throat as he slightly opened his eyes.

Joey smiled and stroked Seto's face. "Do it, Seto," he whispered.

The CEO's fingers brushed across the stiff flesh, feeling the veins which lined its surface. The fingers closed around the flesh and slowly began to stroke his sex. Joey grew breathless at the sight of his lover squirming under his own touch. The CEO arched his back and moved his hand closer to the base stroking harder and moaning louder.

A husky sound between a plea and a grunt escaped his throat. Joey turned on his back.

"How does it feel, Seto?" Joey asked.

Seto's eyes squinted as the slapping of flesh was heard. "Joey…..uh….gods…please.."

"Does it feel good?"

Seto nodded, his hand moving quicker as a drop of translucent pre-cum oozed free.

Joey leaned over and lapped it up and returned to his reclined position.

Joey closed his eyes and arched his back as he came without even touching himself once. "Come for me, Seto. Come for me, love."

Seto threw his head back, milking himself for all he was worth. Seto's back arched and his body began to tremble with the increasing pressure building in his abdomen.

"Come for me, Seto…..that's it….I want to watch you come for me. Do it….that's it…"

His body went rigid, and with a scream, he thrust his hips up once more and spilled his seed over his belly and the white sheets. Seto fell back on the bed gasping for breath.

Seto lay back panting and whimpering as the last shivers of orgasm coursed through his body. Joey leaned over and kissed his lover.

"Did you enjoy that, master?"

Seto nodded, kissing the blond's neck.

"Good. Look at the mess you made on yourself, love. I guess I have to…clean you up myself."

The blond turned around and straddled Seto's chest and pressed his weight on his lover's body. Seto cleaned the white, sticky fluid from his lover's belly. Joey licked his lover's luscious body free of his essence. Joey licked down to his lover's limp flesh. Teasing it with his tongue, Seto did the same around the Joey's tip. The muscles inside of them began to tighten with more waves of pleasure.

Seto took Joey's manhood into his mouth, creating a suction around his lover. Joey repeated the motion on Seto, creating a pleasurable vacuum around Seto. The CEO's hands crawled up Joey's back rubbing it tenderly, feeling the sweat pour from Joey's writhing, squirming body. A moan from Joey vibrated around Seto causing the brunet to arch his back and plunge himself deeper into Joey's hot, wet…and moist cavern.

Joey couldn't help but plunge himself deeper into Seto's orifice. A gasp of surprise sent vibrations around Joey.

Joey leaned over and gave a gentle lick at Seto's entrance. Seto bucked up higher into Joey. The blue eyes opened wide at the sudden burst of animalistic lust from his lover. A burst of air hitting the now-wet skin sent shivers through his body. The blond ran his tongue around Seto and deep-throated him. Joey slipped another finger into his lover and began to massage Seto's twin mounds at the base of his manhood.

Seto whimpered and mimicked the action on Joey. He rolled the globes between his thin fingers. Joey added a third finger and plunged deeper and quicker into the mouth surrounding him.

Between their ministrations, the mattress creaked and the headboard crashed against the wall.

Joey added a third finger as Seto created a vacuum around one of Joey's spheres.

The blond gave a whimper.

"Seto……gods…..so good."

Seto sucked harder almost making Joey come, but Joey moved off of Seto. The CEO turned around on his hands and knees and Joey gave Seto's buttocks a little kiss.

Joey kneeled behind Seto and leaned over him. The blond kissed Seto's back as he pressed his manhood inside Seto's channel. Seto's body stretched at the intrusion, greedily accepting the familiar organ.

"I love you, Seto. I love you so very much."

Seto turned his head, his face contorted in discomfort. "I…love you, too, Puppy."

Joey could feel the frantic pulsing of Seto's blood and the quivering of Seto's muscles. Joey pulled out of Seto and gently pressed back inside to get him used to the feeling. Joey could feel every muscle of Seto tense and relax as his body hugged onto Joey inside of him.

Joey kissed Seto's back again as he slid deeper slowly into Seto, filling him completely.

"Joey….I love you….Take me…..please."

Joey moved in and out of Seto more confident that he wasn't hurting Seto. Joey shifted closer to Seto's body and plunged inside looking for that little spot that would make Seto whimper with every passing moment. Joey bent his leg slightly making their bodies crash together….flesh against flesh.

"Joey….I need you…I need you so bad."

Joey gripped Seto's hips and pulled him closer. "Seto…..I want you. I love you."

Joey plunged in again poking Seto's prostate. Joey lifted his head as he plunged into Seto with such a force that it crashed against it.

Seto's head flew back and he moaned. Joey plunged in again crashing into it, urging it to stimulate Seto even more. Seto's arms could no longer support him and he slid down to the mattress, supporting himself on his shoulders and turning his head enough to see Joey's sweat-covered body pounding into him harder and harder with more need.

Seto whimpered as Joey crashed into his prostate again.

"Joey, oh gods!"

Joey crashed into him again.

"Oh yes, …oh…gods…yes…"

With every penetration, Seto continued his mantra. Joey could feel Seto getting close and he stopped.

With a grunt, Seto turned around. "Why…stop?"

"Lay on your back, Seto."

Seto painfully obliged. Joey looked into Seto's eyes.

"Why did you want me on my back, Joey?"

Joey looked into the blue eyes as he began to move inside Seto once more. "Because I want to look into your eyes as you come for me."

Joey grabbed Seto's stiff arousal and pumped it with his motions. "I want to feel you as you come…I want to feel your warmth against my skin…I want to fell your essence."

Joey looked into the blue eyes deeper. "Because I want you to scream my name as you give yourself to me."

Seto's back arched as Joey plunged into him urging his body to release his essence.

"Seto……come for me."

Seto looked into his lover's eyes and could feel the sweatdrops pouring off of Joey's body. Joey was close, but was holding back for him, and Seto knew it.

Seto threw his head back on the pillow and his body went rigid.

"Come, Seto. Come for me, baby."

His body stiffened and Seto's muscles tensed, forcing out Seto's bittersweet substance. The piercing scream rang through KaibaCorp as Seto christened his stomach and Joey's chest with his essence.

Joey penetrated Seto once more and tensed his body against Seto, filling him with his own essence until some of the substance began to leak from Seto's orifice.

Seto cupped Joey's face in his hand. "That's it, baby….let it all go…..give it to me.. I want it so badly. I need it."

Joey went rigid again as he offered more of the liquid to his lover. Joey collapsed on Seto as the CEO wrapped his arms around Joey hugging him.

Joey's body twitched with the last throes of orgasm.

Seto kissed the blond hair and tilted up the blond's chin so he could look into the face of his lover.

Transparent tears lined Joey's eyes.


Joey wrapped his arms around Seto and laid his head against Seto's chest. The brunet's heart was pulsing as his body greedily held onto Joey's arousal inside. "You've made me so happy, Seto. I love you so much. Every inch of you."

Seto smiled at Joey. "Love you, too, puppy."

"I could stay like this forever…wrapped in your arms."

The CEO wiped away a tear before Joey could see it. "Me, too, Joey."

Joey removed himself from Seto and cuddled up beside him. Within minutes, they were asleep wrapped in each other's arms.