Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ THE Question....Poor Marik ( Chapter 28 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Shadow of Light

Lady Elfskye

Dragondreamer: Thank you for the birthday present, babe! more to come, I guess, huh? *snicker*

Stwawbewwy cotton candy: SQUEE! thanks for the plushies! I'll need them.

Mystical dragon: another lemon next chappie.

THE Question…….Poor Marik and Bakura…..

When the family returned home, Aria ran through the house hugging every piece of furniture. She ran to her toychest squealing at the top of her lungs. Every doll she owned, which was many, was pulled out of the toybox and hugged intensely.

"Angelica! I'm home! Jesse! I'm home! Candy! I'm home!" Aria squealed as she kissed and hugged her dolls.

Aten carried his monkey and crawled into his playpen. He laid on his side and curled up with his toy Millennium Rod. He hugged it and once again tried to nurse from it.

Marik and Bakura watched him fall asleep.

Malik cooked dinner and the kids played with the dolls.

Bakura found Ryou upstairs with the photo album filled with the chibis' baby pictures. Ryou ran his hands over the picture of a diapered Aria on her stomach smiling into the camera. "My baby girl….."

Bakura sat beside him and took his hand. "What are you doing, love?"

Ryou looked at his husband with large, chibi eyes. "Do you…..think Isis' predictions will come true?"

Bakura sighed and brushed his hair back. "I honestly don't know what to think anymore."

Ryou turned the page and smiled at a picture of Aria sleeping on her father's bare chest. Bakura had just given her a bath and it was a particularly hot night. The naked chibi had fallen asleep on Bakura, who was also asleep and had little more than thin, almost see-through underwear on.

"You know, Ryou, you could have put a blanket over me for that picture," Bakura joked trying to relax Ryou a little.

"Yami, it's nothing for her to see us wearing nothing. She used to sleep between us and we never wear clothing to bed!" Ryou leaned over to Bakura. "Besides, Bakura, you have nothing to hide."

Bakura pressed his cheek to Ryou's soft hair and Ryou turned the page. It was a picture of Aten and Aria in the bathtub. Aten was playing with a rubber duck and Aria was playing with her rattle.

Bakura smiled. "Look at our little girl, Ryou. Just look at how beautiful she is. She's perfect…just like her mother."

Ryou turned to Bakura. "Really? You think I did a good job on our daughter?"

"Both of them are just perfect. My little girl is the most beautiful girl in the world. My little angel." Bakura smiled and kissed Ryou's hand. "I know you are worried about Isis' prophecy. But, Ryou, maybe we can change all that. We can find a way to stop it somehow. I wouldn't let the pharaoh get near Aria."

"But the prophecy doesn't mention anyone interfering."

"Ryou, I would do anything to keep our daughter from harm. Aten may not be my son, but he is part of you. And so, he is just as special to me as Aria. I only wonder what her future will bring." Bakura and Ryou looked at the naked chibi in the bath. "What will her future be like?"

Ryou sighed. "I want her to have her own future. I want her to fall in love. I want her to eventually have a family of her own if that is what she wants. I want her to succeed in life. That is all I wish for her. I just……I just don't want to bury our dead daughter."

Bakura wrapped his arm around Ryou. "I know, love. I know."

Marik knocked and opened the door. "Ryou, I'm going to give Aten his bath separate from Aria tonight."

Ryou turned around. "Why?"

Marik bit his lip trying not to tell Ryou the real reason. "Aten and I haven't spent a lot of time together since we were separated. When I saw Aten again, Malik was ill and I haven't spent time with my son."

"Oh. Ok. I know you miss Aten."

Marik approached the photo album and saw the picture of Baby Aten smiling with his toy monkey. He was cuddling the monkey and kissing it. "My boy…," Marik said smiling at the picture of his baby boy. Marik leaned down and kissed Ryou on the forehead.

Marik returned to the children's room where Aten was sitting on the bed cuddled up to Isis, clinging onto her tightly. Isis stroked the boy's cheek lightly.

"Don't worry, Aten Bakari. Marik won't hurt you."

Aten's purple and brown eyes looked up at Marik with a glimmer of fear.

"Aten, I am your daddy. I would never harm you."

Aten buried his face into Isis' breast and whimpered.

"If Isis sits in with us, would you feel more comfortable?"

Aten looked up at the Egyptian woman wearing a comforting smile. "Auntie Isis? Come in bat wif me?"

Marik smirked. "If you want Isis in the bath with you, Aten, I have no objections."

Isis curled her lip. "Shove it, Yami Marik."

Marik's face sported a grin. "I plan to and I do a good job of it, too, thank you very much. Your brother doesn't seem to complain."

Isis narrowed her eyes to the smug yami. "I have no desire to discuss you and my brother's sexual exploits together in front of my nephew."

Aten closed his eyes and nodded. "O-tay. I tack a bath. But on-ee if Auntie Isis comes in the bafroom."

Isis carried him into the bathroom while Marik drew his bath. He put in Aten's rubber ducky, a few dolls, and a toy shark.

Isis helped undress Aten and put him in the tub. Aten looked up at his father cautiously.

"Daddy, you no hurt me, will you?"

Marik's heart nearly broke at the sight of the tears welling in the chibi's eyes. "No, son. I promise not to hurt you."

Aten looked at the rubber ducky and made it "swim" around the tub. He took the shark in his hand and the rubber ducky in the other. The shark "jumped" out of the water and "fell" on the duck. Aten made little chewing sounds as he hid the ducky behind him.

Aten raised the shark out of the tub. "I got rid of that mean rubber ducky! Ahh! The rubber ducky returns!!!" Aten brought the rubber ducky in front of him and made it attack the shark. "Quack! Quack! It's my Quack Attack! Hehehehehe!!! Daddy, that's funny! Quack Attack! Take dat, Misser Sark!" Aten put the shark behind him and grabbed a doll and held it in front of the duck. "Oh, Misser Ducky, tanks for hewping us! You safed de Dolly Vilge (Village)! Cause you so nice to us, you can tack a dolly wif you on your wong twip home to Ducky-Land!" The rubber ducky was splashing in and out of the water. "Ducky-Land! I miss my famwy! Howway for Ducky-Land!"

Isis smiled at her nephew playing.


Aten looked up at Marik. "Yes, daddy?"

Marik reached out to Aten. "Time to wash."

Aten's tanned face went pale and he scurried to the other end of the tub. "No! No wash! I no want to wash!" Aten's body went rigid and he curled up into a fetal position at the opposite end of the tub.

Isis bent over to Aten. "Marik will not harm you, Aten. Just because Ryou's father touched you, it does not mean that your father will harm you."

Marik stood up and looked into Isis' eyes. "You knew about Steven?"

"Aten didn't have to tell me anything. When I held him, I could feel it from him."

Marik looked back down at Aten. "Aten, mommy's daddy was a very bad man. I know he scared you, but I am your real daddy. I would never hurt you like he did. What mommy's daddy did to you, Aten, was not love. He did not love you. I….love you. I am your father who would never hurt you and who will never hurt you."

The chibi uncurled and crawled closer to Marik cautiously.

"That's my baby boy. My baby."

Aten looked up at Marik with large eyes full of tears. "Daddy, I wove you."

Aten pulled himself up by his weak arms and wrapped them around Marik. Marik closed his embrace around his son and kissed his baby's neck gently.

"I'm sorry, Aten. Nobody is going to lay their hands on my baby boy again. I won't let anyone touch my boy like that." Marik rubbed his son's hair gently. "Daddy loves you very much, my son," Marik said wiping a tear away. "Let's get washed and then we can sit and have a cuddle. How does that sound?"

Aten looked up at his yami father. "A cuddle?"

"Yes, a cuddle. Just you and me. But, Aten, if it makes you more comfortable washing yourself, then that is fine. We just don't want you to be afraid to take a bath because you think that one of us are going to touch you the wrong way."

Aten nodded. "Otay, daddy."

"Do you want me to wash you?"

Aten nodded. Marik wrung the washcloth over Aten's body. His tan skin glistened in the light. Marik lathered up the cloth and Aten turned to Isis.

"Auntie Isis, can you hold my hand?"

Isis smiled and sat by the tub holding Aten's hand. Marik washed Aten's arms first. The cloth washed his back and his chest without incident.

"Let's clean your tootsies, Aten," Marik said causing Aten to raise his legs out of the water. Marik cleaned his feet well and his legs.

"Let me clean your belly, baby boy," Marik said. The little boy exposed his belly and Marik tickled the boy's belly. The happy chibi squeal filled the room. Marik poked at the belly gently. Aten continued to have a sensitive stomach and his diet was limited.

"Look at this belly! Look at this!"

Aten twisted in the tub laughing. "Dat tickles!"

Isis watched the yami play with the baby. This was a side of Marik that Isis never seen. She knew Marik as a sex-crazed, blood-thirsty, domineering, pain-in-the-ass to her brother. Here was the careful, playful Marik.

"My *poke* boy *poke* is *poke poke* so *poke* cute!" Marik leaned over the tub and pressed his lips to the exposed belly and blew. Tiny bubbles rose from the tub.

Marik brought the washcloth under the water while continuing to tickle Aten. The chibi continued to laugh and writhe squealing with joy.

When Marik was done, he removed the cloth and allowed Aten to calm down. Marik rubbed the chibi's back until his breathing and his pulse returned to normal.

"Isis, can you give me the towel?"

"Daddy, you no wass me yet."

"I already did."

"You did?"

Marik nodded and helped Aten to his feet. He wrapped the dry towel around Aten's thin body. Marik lifted Aten out of the tub as Aten looked at Isis with large, chibi eyes.

Marik handed Aten a dry face cloth. "Here, son, dry yourself."

"Auntie Isis, can you turn awound? I no wan you to tee me nakie."

Aten grabbed the face cloth and began to dry himself. With a raised eyebrow he looked up at his father.
"Daddy? I have a kession."


Aten removed the face cloth and pointed to his groin. "Daddy, how tome Awia no have one of dese?"

A snort of laughter was heard behind him and Isis' face turned beet red to keep herself from laughing..

"Yes, Yami Marik, how come Aria doesn't have one of those?" Isis winked at Marik looking over her shoulder.

`Revenge is so sweet,' she thought to herself.

"Well…..ummm…" Marik stammered, scratching his head. "That's …umm…Because you are a boy….you have….umm……that."

"I do?" Aten said bending over forwards. "Vat I do wif it?"

Marik couldn't count the shades of red on his face if he tried.

"Did Awia's bake off or somefin?"

"Umm…not exactly."

Isis snickered with her back turned. "Yes, Yami Marik, explain why Aten has a penis."

Only Isis heard the low growl emanating from Marik's throat.

"Penis? Vat's a penis do?"

"It's where you go….potty."

"I know dat! Vat else is it for?"

Marik nearly fainted. He couldn't find a hole to crawl into, so he had to answer. "I'll tell you when you're older…..much older…how's thirty sound????"

"Is it portent?"

"Yes, it is important, Aten. I'll tell you when you're thirty, don't worry."

Marik opened the door and Aten walked out of the bathroom.

Aria ran down the hallway wiggling her naked little chibi butt all the way to the bathroom holding her bath toys.

Aten ran to Aria and took her by the shoulders. A look of seriousness crossed his face. "Awia, your penis broked off!"

"It did? OH NO!" Aria's eyes went wide and became watery. "Wait! What's a penis?"

Aten removed his towel and pointed to his groin. "Dis! You wost dis! You may wan to wook in the baftub. I hope it not go down de dwain!"

Aria bent down to look between her hips. Tears welled up in the little girl's eyes.

"It's weawwy portent! You muss be tick if your penis broked off!"

"DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" Ryou and Bakura ran out of the bedroom shirtless.

"Aria! What's wrong?"

Aria wrapped her arms around Bakura's leg and cried. "I wost my penis and Aten said it went down the dwain! Daddy, you haf to det it back for me! I wost my penis! Mommy, I wost my penis!!!"

Bakura growled at Marik. "What have you been telling my daughter, Ishtar?"

"Hey, I just got THE question! I didn't tell her anything!"

"I'll hewp you wook for it waiter, Awia," Aten said hugging his sister.

"But Aten said I muss be sick if I no haf my penis! Hewp me wook for it, mommy! Please!"

Ryou kneeled down to Aria and brought her into his arms. "Sweetheart, you are a girl and girls don't have a penis."

"But Aten said I wost it!"

"Aria, you do not have a penis. Trust me. You never did."

"But mommy……."

Ryou picked up Aria and her bath toys and carried her into the bathroom. Bakura passed Marik cursing at him in Egyptian and shut the door behind him.

Marik wrapped Aten in his towel and picked him up.

"I hope Awia fines her penis."

"I told you, Aten, you have one because you are a boy."

Isis went downstairs and Marik took Aten to his room. Marik powdered him and placed a clean diaper on Aten and helped him dress.

"Lift your right hand, son." Marik held the open sleeve by his right hand.

Aten lifted his left hand.

"No, son. That is your left hand."

Aten shook his head. "Dis is my wight, daddy."

Marik put down Aten's left hand. "No, son. The other hand is your right hand."

Marik put Aten's hand through the sleeve. Marik took the pyjama bottoms and opened the left leg so Aten could put his leg through.

"This is your left, son."

Aten stood unsteadily on his left leg and put his right leg just outside of the opening.

"No, your other leg, son."

Aten lifted his other leg and once again missed the opening.

"Hold onto my arm, baby boy. You can do it."

Aten weakly held onto Marik's arm, but could not put his leg in the opening. Marik used his hand to guide Aten's leg into the pants.

Marik put clean socks on Aten's tiny feet and brushed his hair. He laid down in Aten's bed with Aten cuddled up beside him cuddling his Change of Heart plushie. Marik held him close and smiled. His son cuddled as close to him as possible, his white and blond hair falling over his shoulders.



"How did you meet mommy?"

Marik took a deep breath. "I met mommy through Bakura who has been my friend for a very long time."

"How did you meet Bakura?"

Marik sighed and smiled. "We met in Egypt. Before cars and trains were made. I met Bakura in the desert while he was asleep. I shared my food with him and he followed me to Saqquara, the town where I was going to get food and medicine. Ever since then, Bakura was always with me."

"You wived in Eshipt? What was it wike?"

Marik smiled as he leaned against the pillow. "The sand was hot during the day. At night when the sun went down, the sand became cold. The sunsets and sunrises were beautiful. They were full of reds and pinks and purples. It wasn't like today where you could go down the street for different kids of food. We didn't have many foods you and Aria ate today."

Aten wrapped his arm around Marik. "I wove you, daddy," he yawned.

Marik kissed the chibi's forehead and the chibi closed his eyes. Aten fell asleep beside his father.

Marik closed the chibi's' bedroom door. Bakura left the bathroom and walked up to him.

"I hope your proud of yourself, Ishtar. My daughter now thinks that her penis is lost forever."

"It's not my fault Aten asked about his…..reproductive organs! It was bound to happen sometime!"

Bakura gripped Marik's shirt. "I wasn't ready to explain to my almost-3 year old baby girl why she doesn't have a penis!"

"Calm down, Itemri. It had to happen sometime. Besides, we want them to feel they can ask us anything."

Bakura covered his face with his hands still growling. "I wasn't ready for this, Ishtar. I almost had Ryou screaming my name when she called for us!"

"Relax, Itemri. You'll have every opportunity tonight. Besides, I'll be going out later and I don't want Ryou to know where I am going."

Bakura narrowed his eyes. "And just where do you think you are going, Ishtar?"

Marik gripped the Millennium Rod tightly. "I cannot tell you where I am going, Itemri."

Bakura gripped Marik's shirt and pinned him to the wall. "Where the hell are you going, Marik?"

"I cannot tell you here."

Marik went down the stairs followed by Bakura. Isis approached Marik.

"You know, Marik, I just wanted to let you know that my respect for you, if I had any at all, just went up tonight. You are a good father to your son."

"Thanks, Isis, that means a lot to me. So…..," Marik looked at her dead-pan, "Do you want to sleep with me now?"

Isis rolled her eyes. "If I said it once, I said it a million times…Shove it."

"But, isn't that the point you were trying to make? Come on, Isis……how about it? Wouldn't you like to have a little chibi of our own???....Come on…..Chibi Isis!!!"

Isis sighed and turned away, "Excuse me, Yami Marik, I have to go throw up now."

Isis went up the stairs and Marik yelled after her laughing his ass off. "Hey! I didn't get a chance to sleep with you yet!"

Malik walked in the room looking down the hallway. "Marik, what did you just do to my sister?"

"Nothing! That's the point!"

Ryou called out from the bathroom. "Malik! I need your help up here!"

"Mommy Malik, I don't have my penis anymore!" Aria cried from the bathroom.

Malik looked at Marik. "What have you been telling Aria?"

Marik rolled his eyes. "Aten asked me about it and…nevermind, go help Ryou."

Malik ran up the stairs and Marik went into the kitchen.

He went into the knife drawer and sifted through bringing out a small paring knife.

Bakura leaned on the counter. "Where are you going, Ishtar?"

Marik pointed the blade at his finger and pressed it against his flesh without cutting it.

"Where am I going?"

"Yes, Ra-damn it! Where do you think you are going in the middle of the night?"

Marik tucked the knife into a leather pouch. "I am going to the graveyard. I am going to dig up Steven's body."

Updates: Wednesday

Note: Sorry for the slight delay in updates, guys. This week is going to be emotionally and physically exhausting. I'm helping my wife come off the medication and it will consume most of my time and mental energies.