Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ From Tomb Robbers to Graverobbers... ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

WARNINGS FOR CHAPPIE: LEMON! MARIK X BAKURA. …this one just came to me…actually, blame the characters, not me…they went a little out of hand.ALSO, BLOODLUST in this chappie!

Thank you for all your support and patience regarding my lack of updating this wek, guys. What can I say, but……the fact that you guys are there for me makes all the difference. We are far into withdrawal here, but it will be a while yet before my wife can even get out of bed, let alone write. Well, thanks again, guys, and I love you all!!

Mystical Dragon: *Aten and Aria fall asleep* Awwwwww……..

ssjgoddesschico: Yup, Dragondreamer Yami Dragon is my wife and she's not doing too hot. You know withdrawal…some days are better than others.

Super JM: They will have their revenge…hehehehehe…*evil grin*

From Tomb Robbers to Graverobbers…..

Bakura's POV

Marik grinned. "I am going to dig up Steven's body."

I couldn't believe it! "You are what?"

Marik closed the knife drawer and hid the blade. His face grew serious and angry.

"Bakura, you may not have been listening to moneybags, but he fucking touched my little boy! He touched my baby boy! There was no need for that!"

It wasn't hard putting myself in Marik's shoes. I know if Steven had touched my baby girl the same way, that Steven would be lucky I only mummified him alive. Nobody better take my little girl's innocence away like Aten's! I pity the boy who thinks about touching my little girl at all!

"What are you going to do with the knife?"

"My hikari has the ancient scriptures carved into his back. For what Steven has done to my son, I will curse his soul to our eternal spiritual hell. I'm going to send him to the Shadow Realm for an eternity of torture…never to return to earth. He will be mangled beyond recognition. I am going to carve the ancient curses onto his charred flesh."

Marik was serious about this. Death was too good for Steven anyway.

Every time I think about Steven, I keep thinking about how I found Ryou at the cabin. His father held his son's wrists against the bed as Jessica rode him and Tim raped him. His own father watched and Ryou told me that Steven even raped him.

How could I not want to join in Marik's plan? I owe Steven revenge for all he did to my love. Steven deserves to be paid back for raping his son, for sending him into a depression, for sending his son into shock! He didn't deserve one death. He didn't deserve one hundred or one thousand deaths! He deserves an eternal death…a death in the Shadow Realm.

Marik and I were forced to live an eternal death in the Shadow Realm and it was not pleasant. Our spirits were contained in the Items, but, we wandered the Shadow Realm searching for each other. We never did find each other until our hikaris received our Millennium Items containing our spirits.

"Sounds like a plan. I'm tagging along."

"I don't need to risk you getting caught, too, Itemri."

I folded my hands indignantly. "Hey, we made a pact, Marik. We watch each other's backs! Besides, I have a grudge with Steven, too! He hurt my husband! Steven is the reason that Ryou was so traumatized after the abduction! I think I was too lenient on him."

"I don't think so. He deserved every second of it!" Marik nodded. "Ok. You want to come along, fine. It wouldn't be the same without you, Itemri."

"We'll wait until Ryou and Malik go to bed. Maybe I can talk Ryou into staying with Malik tonight for some time alone."

He cracked a grin. "That's one way to keep them distracted. We'll be back before they even know we are missing."


So, we did just that. I talked to Ryou about spending the night with Malik. He asked me why and I told him Marik and I were going out for a little nighttime fun. Ryou knew about Marik and my own escapades at night. It's nothing for us to go steal gifts for our hikaris at night. They were always afraid of us being caught, but, as they knew, no mortal weapon can destroy us yamis. There is just one thing that could possibly kill Marik, Yami, and myself. It is a secret that has been locked away for centuries.

Ryou agreed to stay with Malik as long as Marik and I weren't going to come home in handcuffs. He made me promise we wouldn't get caught no matter what we did.

With a reassuring deep kiss, I put his mind to ease. I love my precious Ryou.

Marik and I ran away from the house focused on our plan. Almost there, Marik stopped and jumped onto a gate and climbed it. With his knife, and some help from the Millennium Rod, he removed a small section of razor-wire. The jagged spikes looked sharper than the knife. I had no idea what he chose to do with it.

We climbed over the gate of the cemetery and ran to Steven's grave. On the stone was carved: Rhea Bakura 1961-1989. Below that carving was written: "Beautiful Mother." Beside that carving was the carving of the waste of skin that never deserved to father my husband: Steven Bakura: 1955-2003. Someone had the audacity to carve "Father" below Steven's name! Much to my surprise, Ryou's name was already carved on there: Ryou Bakura: 1987- . If there was blood running through my veins, it would have ran cold at the sight of my husband's name on that stone. It almost hurt to look at it. Who would carve Ryou's name into the gravestone when he wasn't even dead yet?

I kneeled in front of the stone and put my hand over Rhea's name.

"I'm sorry, Rhea. I don't have a choice." I kissed the stone and turned to my cohort.

"Steven is buried on top of Rhea."

Marik growled and pointed the Rod at the ground. "Earth split apart, I demand! Show me the casket of the buried man!"

The ground quaked and the earth split in two revealing Steven's coffin. With my Ring, I levitated it out of the ground and set it beside the grave. The coffin was made of black polished pine. It's gold handles twinkled by the artificial lights of the graveyard. I gripped my Ring and I opened the coffin.

The half-charred body of Steven was revealed to us. The familiar look of horror was plastered on his pathetic face. His hands looking as if he were about to claw me. This lifeless, worthless shell was going to pay for the crimes his body committed in its lifetime.

Marik removed the dagger from the Millennium Rod and stood over the stinky corpse. Marik's lip curled as he looked at the hands that violated his son. He took the razor wire and wrapped Steven's wrists and hands together. In a fit of rage, I grabbed its clothing and tore it off. Steven didn't deserve clothing after what he did to my Ryou!

Marik growled and dropped the Millennium Rod and broke every single finger on Steven.

"You sick, twisted bastard! I'll teach you to lay a finger on a helpless child!"

I grabbed the Rod and proceeded to remove the very thing which had violated my Ryou. That bastard didn't deserve to take that into the afterlife!

With his Rod, he levitated the body.

"Where are we going to put it?"

Marik looked around at the spiked gate. He walked over to it and broke a spike off of it with the Rod's magic.

"You shall see, Itemri."

Marik took the body and headed for a hill. When we reached the hill, he told me to put the spike in the ground with the point facing up. I drove it into the ground and stepped back. Much to my surprise, Marik levitated the body over the spike.

Marik brought the body down upon the spike, driving it through an unmentionable place. As the body came down on the spike, the point eventually emerged from the skull.

"Dark Anubis, hear my call, give me back this wretch's soul. From the underworld, his essence I stole! Give him to me, with his dark, black heart, so that I may rip his shell apart!"

With a scream, Steven's body began to twitch! I gripped what hair Steven had on his head and I muffled his screams with my Millennium Ring.

"You son of a bitch! How dare you put your filthy hands on my hikari!"

Marik stood behind Steven and picked up the knife that he took from the drawer. I saw him stab Steven in the back and I could hear him chanting quietly under his breath. I stood up and watched Marik carve ancient curses into Steven's back.

I kneeled beside Marik and took the knife to continue the carvings. Marik went to Steven's front and lifted Steven's arms. With more razor wire, he tied Steven's wrists to the top of the spike. Blood from my carving oozed down Steven's back. I leaned into it and licked off a trail of blood. They must have not embalmed Steven when he died. Otherwise, I'd be tasting embalming fluid.

Blood…..fresh blood……..tasted so good…..I haven't tasted fresh blood in a long time.

"Your blood is sweet like your son's, Steven. Both of you taste so…..good when you're bloody," I said beginning to pant heavily. Blood is intoxicating…..and right now….I think I'm a little drunk…..blood-drunk. "Marik….you should taste him…so much like Ryou…"

Marik leaned into Steven's lips and bit him ferociously. More red liquid dropped from Steven's lip. He must certainly not be comfortable….a spike up the ass to the head and razor wire keeping his arms suspended above him, his skin is being carved with ancient Egyptian curses, and on top of that, he's been castrated.

Wow….he's not having a nice night, isn't he? Oh well…he brought it on himself.

Marik pulled back, panting as heavily as me. His eyes grew dark just like mine when I'm drunk on blood. "You're sweet like my hikari, Steven….and you're just like him," Marik said stroking his cheek. "You're so small…..so helpless……you taste sweet….and you writhe like he used to writhe for me. You and him are so much alike….tied up and helpless…bleeding for me. Such a fucking turn-on."

I read the curse aloud that Marik and I carved on his back. "The bearer of this mark shall never return, just waste away eternity in a fire to burn. In darkness and shadows shall he dwell, His soul to the Shadow Realm I sell. Banish his soul into that dreadful place, into that cold void of empty space. Never to return to this Earth, Never to have a second birth!" Marik gripped Steven's hair again and tugged it violently up. He joined me in completing the curse. "Dark Anubis, from hell's dark pit! Come from your throne, and take this black soul. Into the darkness and the Realm of Shadows!" The wind began to pick up and a purple haze began to surround us. "Never to return to this, our realm, banished forever into darkness and grief, trapped forever in the Shadow's Keep!"

Steven's body stopped twitching and finally went limp. Marik gripped the Rod and walked calmly away with me. I pocketed the dagger and we approached Rhea's grave again.

I gripped my Ring. "Earth return to cover the mother." The ground folded in on itself. Rhea's white coffin was once again buried beneath the earth. With the return of the soil, the grass had returned. I kneeled in front of the stone again and I put my hand on Rhea's name.

"Sleep well, my hikari's mother."

I kissed the stone and we ran from the graveyard hearing the mortals' police sirens.

We jumped out of the graveyard and saw them turning the corner.

"Halt, stop, police! You are trespassing!"

Oh shit! "Marik, we can't be caught!" Marik and I took off in the opposite direction. The police car sped after us and we darted down the street. Damn modern vehicles! Why did they have to be so freaking fast? Horses and camels were much easier to run from! We wiped our mouths clean of the blood from Steven's corpse. We ran down a familiar alley and we heard the car drive behind us.

"Stop or we'll shoot!"

Not good.

We saw the familiar fence in front of us. The police cars never went through that fence! If we could climb it, then we would be free! Marik and I climbed the fence. Marik's foot slipped, but I caught him in time. I pulled him over as the cops ran out of the car.

We jumped off the fence and we heard the clicking of metal.

Really not good.

The mortals fired their weapons and I jumped behind Marik to cover him from the projectiles I knew that would come from them. A hot, searing pain spread through my shoulder. I stumbled and nearly fell over when Marik grabbed my arm and pulled me off the ground.

"Ishtar, get out of here!"

"Bullshit!" he cried out pulling me out of the alley. "We watch each other's backs, remember?"

We darted out the other end of the alley and turned left, seeing more cops coming from the right. We ran into the park knowing we could hide from them there. That park has saved our hides more than once!

We sat in the bushes panting, sweating. I looked at Marik, his chest rising and falling heavily with every breath, his eyes glazed over with a type of lust I haven't seen or felt in a while. I felt the same type, too…..bloodlust.

We looked at each other, faces flushed, residuals of blood were still on his mouth.

Marik took my arm and rolled up my sleeve. Ra-damn wound was bleeding! Damn.

Marik leaned over and kissed my injury.

"Does it hurt?"

"What kind of a stupid ass question is that, Ishtar?"

Marik put the Rod on my shoulder and it burned! When I looked back, my injury had healed.

"Does that feel better, my dark angel?" Marik asked leaning into me.

Marik pressed his lips to mine and I could taste my own blood. Without even thinking, I gripped the back of Marik's hair and growled into the kiss.

Blood….so fresh….mine…….

Marik pulled back and he began to growl back. I went to his upper arm and bit him. Soon I could taste him, too.

I wanted more than just to taste him at this point……I needed more.

I pulled back and I pulled my body on top of Marik. Marik responded with a growl and gyrating his hips against mine. He was just as blooddrunk as I was!

It didn't matter now. This was like old times….commit a crime, run from authorities, and once we ran into the desert…we'd make love or just have sex. I'm glad to see that nothing has changed between us in all those thousands of years.

The thrill of the chase is what got to us, I think. It was a tension reliever for us to do this after our outings.

This outing was more about raw lust than love, even though both of us needed it. Marik needed release from being worried about Aten. I needed it after seeing Steven again. We both had our own reasons for doing this.

I lifted Marik's shirt and placed my lips around his nipple sucking it desperately. He suckled in air between his teeth and fisted his hands and twisted them into my white hair. Marik flipped me over much to my surprise and snarled at me taking my lips to his own. With one hand, he unfastened my jeans and pulled them down. I reached up and grabbed his own buckle, pulling, tugging at it with animalistic lust.

Both of us were surprised to find that we were already aroused by the night's activities. I knew that blood always turned me on. Watching it pour from a wound and trickle down tainted flesh turned me on more than anything else.

This is what scares Ryou about me…I am so easily aroused by the shedding of blood. It scares him more than anything else about me and he knows it.

I gripped Marik's face with both hands and snarled back at him. "Ishtar…..I want you…..now……take me…"

Marik's eyes narrowed and he leaned down and bit into my chest and slipped himself inside me.

You would think that I would need preparation! When me and Marik are like this, we don't have time for it. We're so desperate for each other that nothing else matters.

Marik growls into the flesh just above my heart. He always loved to growl above my heart. I wonder why sometimes, but right now, why he's growling is the furthest thing from my mind.

"Nek ni!" I growled. (A/N: Alternative Arabic Dictionary: Means "Fuck me!" in Arabic)

I return the growl and I bend my legs to bring him closer to me. Marik began to pound into me ferociously. I could feel him trying to get as deep into me as he could. I grabbed myself and stroked myself with his motions.

With every thrust of my lover, I growled and snarled. I looked at him between narrowed, lust-filled eyes. "Come for me, Ishtar…Now! I want you! Give yourself to me!"

Marik growled back at me and pressed his entire body weight on me. The way in which he laid on me pressed me into the ground and whatever he poked and prodded inside me was now stabbed viciously.

I could feel something wet around my groin….blood…the smell of more blood.

Marik pressed his hip closer to me and I felt him dig into my collarbone with his teeth. Marik growled into my skin again as I felt him release his fluids inside of me, coating me inside. His eyes squinted as he shot everything into me.

"Come on, Marik….don't stop……that's it….one more…let it go….give me everything…..one more…"

Marik collapsed on me, but I caught the scent of my own blood driving me wild. I flipped Marik on his back.

"One good fuck deserves another, Marik," I grunted as I drove myself into Marik who stiffened quite quickly under me as his body adjusted.

I drove into Marik once more smelling blood without preparation. I grabbed Marik's manhood and stroked it with my motions. We needed to feel each other. It was the only way around the anger and hatred we bore Steven. Marik needed me and I knew it. I needed him, too.

"A…A…Akoa, Itemri!" (A/N: "Akoa" means harder in Arabic. Probably not used in this context, but fiction can be fun!)

It wasn't long before I felt my stomach and my muscles tense. I lifted my head and screamed my release to the stars above us and announcing it to the heavens.

I collapsed on Marik when after-shocks pulsed through my body sending more of my passion into my lover.

We laid on the ground panting heavily. He wrapped his arms around me when I stopped trembling. Both of us reeked of blood and sex….thank the gods that Ryou was asleep back home. I could only hope Malik didn't wait up for us.

When we finally had the strength to move, I handed Marik his pants when a tiny box fell out of the pocket. He quickly grabbed it and shoved it back in the pocket.

"What was that, Ishtar?"

Marik shifted his eyes uncomfortably. "What was what? I didn't see anything."

"That box?"

Marik sighed. "I'll show you later. Let's get back home before our hikaris find us gone."

Marik and I walked home and we entered the home quietly. Thankfully, everyone was still asleep. Malik was sleeping with Ryou, so me and Marik would have to share a bed.

No problem there. After our lust-filled session in the park, I wanted and needed a little cuddle time with the other yami.

We returned to my bedroom and Marik removed his pants.

"Ishtar, what was in that box?"

Marik removed the velvet box from the pocket. He opened it to find a ring with two asps joined together around a black onyx.

"What is this for?"

"I bought it this afternoon while Malik was playing with the kids. It's for Malik."

I removed my shirt and my Millennium Ring. "Malik will enjoy it. What's the occasion?"

Marik closed the box with a smile and closed his eyes. "I'm going to ask Malik to marry me."

Updates: Friday or Saturday

This is where I got the naughty words for the chappie: http://www.notam02.no/~hcholm/altlang/ht/Arabic.html