Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Heaven Knows ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I do not own the song "Heaven Knows."

*review responses next chappie*

Heaven Knows

Ryou handed Aria a basket of tulip petals. She wore a long white dress with lace and a crown of roses and baby's breath around her spiky hair. Her white ribbons held up her front two ponytails.

Aria turned to Seto as he headed to the podium with the wedding blessings in hand. "Unkie Seto?" Her large, chibi eyes glistened as she bat her eyes at him. "Aren't I the pretty-fullest Fower girl you ever sawed?"

"Yes you are, princess. Bakura, are we ready?"

"I dunno. HEY, PHARAOH!" Yami turned to Bakura with onion dip dripping over the sides of his mouth. "Are you ready yet or are you going to continue to stuff your face?"

"Shuff-uf, tom rodder!" Yami said with his mouth full of chips and dip.


Yami swallowed his dip and chips. "I said, `Shut up, tomb robber.'"

Yami walked to the seats. "Why didn't I perform the ceremony?"

Marik poked Yami with his Rod. "Because you already messed up enough things for me. The last thing I need you to do is screw up my second wedding day! I'm ready, Bakura."

Aria threw the flowers on the ground and smiled. She looked up at Unkie Puppy and waved. "Hi, Unkie Puppy! Ain I pretty?"

Joey nodded and waved Aria on. Aria finished throwing the flowers down as Seto stood behind the podium. Aria sat beside Joey and Hayden on his other side. Hayden cringed as Aria sat on the other side of Joey. She turned to her and flashed her canines quickly to signal to Hayden to keep his mitts off of her Unkie Puppy.

Aten lead the party carrying the rings up to the podium. Bakura lead Marik to the altar. Then, Ryou lead Malik up to the wooden podium.

I know that we've had some highs and lows
And that it hasn't always been a bed of roses
And I know that it doesn't always show, but...

Marik's POV

I watched my Malik walked down the aisle with Ryou's arm hooking his. With the jewelry he was wearing and the wind blowing his hair around, it was almost like a dream. Malik wore a smile as Ryou paraded him closer to me. The wind blew his hair and Ryou's hair carelessly. It was like a dream. It felt like a dream.

When Ryou and Malik approached me, I looked into his purple eyes that sparkled. Dear Ra….his eyes and his body was as beautiful as the first day I saw him in that dark tomb in which he and his family had dwelled for so long. Even in that dark, damp, stink old tomb, Malik was still the best looking mortal I had ever set my eyes on…..besides Amunet…..Ra rest her soul….wherever her soul may be right now.

I wanted to do this for Malik. I wanted to wash away all of our past. I wanted to make him mine just as Bakura and Ryou. Now, Malik will be mine alone. He will be no one else's. Mine. Mine. Mine.

Heaven knows I couldn't live without you
Heaven knows I'm just as crazy 'bout you now
As that first day you turned my world around,
And heaven knows upon the stars above

Marik's POV

I looked at my hikari from head to toe. I cursed Yami for putting me in the Millenium Rod five thousand years ago. I hated him for it. I was caught in a world of shadows…I was cursed to live eternity alone…without anyone….without Bakura.

I remember seeing Malik for the first time in that old, dusty tomb. He was destined to have me…we were fated to be together. He picked up the Millenium Rod and I emerged almost instantly. My little hikari was but a child then…no more than 10. He belonged to me. He was my servant…that is, until someone believed he had a right to violate my hikari….

His father…..

I remember growling that no one touches what is mine. Bakura and I scattered the pieces of Malik's father around the city. As expected they found a piece here and a piece there…….

But they never found all of him. I know one part they will never find…..Where did I bury THAT anyway? It's been too long. I must have forgotten. Oh well…it's not important now.

I swear I'll never let you go,
What'd I ever be without your love
Only heaven knows.

Malik's POV

Marik poured a cup of wine for himself and gave it to me to have me taste it. We decided to do our ceremony like Bakura's. It was a nice Egyptian wedding. And so, we wanted one, too.

We could tell Seto was trying to console himself. He said he always did cry at weddings. Though I wonder how much of his crying is attributed to Marik's bachelor party. I think all of us are still in mental and physical agony, but some of us hide it more than others.

As far as hiding of mental and physical agony goes, me and Ryou are pros.

Seto did the blessing. "Ra,

We sometimes let the days go by
And forget to keep the flame
Of love's light burning,
And oh, sometimes we might
even say goodbye, but...

Malik switched Marik's ring from his left to his right index finer and took his yami's hand in his. He kissed the yami's flesh and looked into his yami's eyes.

"Set me as a seal on your heart,
a seal on your arm.
For love is strong as death,
passion fierce as Sheol*.
Its flashes are fire flashes,
a blazing fire.**

"I promise to be faithful to you, Marik. To be kind, gentle, and patient. I will always be yours. Forever."

As time goes by
We share the sunlight
And sometimes brave the cold.
But through it all
Through our trials great and small
We survived
And now we stand together side by side.

Marik took Malik's hand and removed the ring from Malik's left index finger and switched it to his right. He kneeled in front of Malik and pressed his lips to the warm, tan skin of his hikari. Malik bit his lips at the supplicating gesture of his yami. He stood up and placed Malik's hand over his own artificial heart beat. He put his hand over Malik's heart and recited his vow.

"Set me as a seal on your heart,
a seal on your arm.
For love is strong as death,
passion fierce as Sheol*.
Its flashes are fire flashes,
a blazing fire.**

"Malik, I love you with everything that I am. Every minute of your lifetime, I will focus on your happiness, your protection, and your welfare. You mean so much to me, hikari. And like the River Nile, my love is eternal. Never shall we part, my dear hikari."

"Malik, do you promise to honor, cherish, and love Marik for the rest of your life?"

Malik nodded. "I do."

"Marik, do you promise to love Malik, honor him, cherish him, and promise in the future not to use my new Oriental carpet as your own personal mattress?"

"Yes and no, Seto."

Seto looked up from the book. "Does anyone have any reason why these two should not be married?"

Aria raised her hand. "If you mawwy someone, then you have to kiss them. Kissing is yucky."

Ryou bit his lip trying not to laugh.

"Then I now proclaim you, Malik, and your bloodthirsty, sex-crazed yami--."


"Man and…..husband, I guess. You may kiss each other now and keep it in your pants until later."

Malik turned to his yami and stroked Marik's hair. "I love you, Yami Malik."

"Aishiteru, tenshi."

Malik and Marik pressed their lips together. Aten wrapped his arms around Marik's legs. "My daddy mawwied my Mommy Mawik!"

Marik picked up Aten and kissed his son's cheek. The walked down the isle. Marik stopped at Isis sitting in the back row.

"Does this mean you're going to stop bugging me for sex, Marik?" Isis asked him.

"No way. I married your brother, I could marry you, too! We're from Egypt. I can have more than one mate."

Malik narrowed his eyes at Marik. "Don't even think about it, yami."

"DAMN! Alright. In any case, tenshi, we have other matters to attend to now."

Marik scooped up Malik into his arms and carried him to the house followed by Bakura and Ryou.

Bakura and Ryou watched Marik climb the steps with his hikari-husband in his arms.

Bakura sighed. "It was a great wedding, wasn't it, Ryou?"

Ryou smiled and brought Bakura into his arms. "It was beautiful. ..just like our wedding."

"Do you remember our first time when we got married?"

Bakura smiled and wrapped his arms around Ryou's thin waist. "I remember how you looked. So beautiful. Your hair covered the pillow….your body was so soft. You were and will always be my angel….my beautiful gift from the gods."

Ryou smiled and rest his head on Bakura's shoulders. "I love you, yami."

Bakura smiled and pressed his lips to Ryou's. He took Ryou's hand and climbed a couple of stairs.

"Yami, where are you taking me?"

Bakura stopped and kissed Ryou on the lips once more. "I just want you to follow me, Ryou. Please."

Ryou followed Bakura up to their bedroom.. "What's this all about, Ryou?"

"I want to make love to you, Ryou. Watching the wedding was almost like watching ours. I want to make love to you now like we did our first night. I want to renew my vows to you now, Ryou."

Ryou looked into the desperate eyes of his yami.

"I need you, Ryou. Do you want me?"

Ryou brushed his yami's white, spiky hair aside and walked into the room with his yami, closing the door behind them.

*Sheol is the term referring to the underworld, the residence of the dead. Nothing can compare in power to love, and love even transcends death

** This comes from the "Song of Songs." I just thought it sounded perfect as wedding vows.

Note: I had to change the mention of Man and Wife for this song for obvious reasons.

Updates: Thursday