Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Comsummation ( Chapter 35 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Mystical Dragon: *chibis take M's and run* That should keep them busy.

Cynical Spirit: mmm…lemon.

Bwuebewwy sugar Princess: I know…..*hugs Malik plushies*

Joey's Gal: Yeah, he never gives up…Steven, I mean.

superJM: aww…thanks!

ssjgoddeschico:I couldn't help myself with the Bachelor party.

Elizabeth marie rose: I know…sorry…it was scary to write Anzu naked. *shudder*.

Lady Elfskye: Aww…thank you!

Shadow of Light: I know..I tried to make it nice, but not too mushy.

Gralnak: *Marik takes smiles* TIPPIE!

IYYASHI: there will be two lemons. Can't get enough of `em,.

Caterfree: Nope…not anubis. And I what can I say about the anzu chappie….I had to!

Ryou's mistress: Do you have AIM? You may love me now, but you will hate me for the sequel……*evil grin*

pharaohYamisPrincess: I was wondering where you were. I can do a special lemon in the sequel or a separate story for ya. I'll see what I can arrange.

Angelic Mouse Girl: I know lots of people are scarred for life because of Anzu….i apologize….but it was so freaking funny!


Marik carried Malik up the stairs to their bedroom. Once Malik opened the door, Marik carried him to the bed. He set his hikari on his feet and sighed. A hand rose to caress his hikari"s cheek.

"Yami. Love you."

Marik smiled and nodded. "Me, too, tenshi."

"You know, the guy wanted to throw me a bachelor part, too, but I told them I wanted to do something a little different. Me and you have an appointment at the place down the street from us."

"What place?"

Malik smiled. "The tattoo place. I wanted to do something different."

"What do you have planned, hikari? Tell me."

Malik smiled. "I'm not telling."

Marik grinned and took Malik's wrists. "Tell me!"

Malik turned his body around and threw himself back on the bed. He pulled his yami on top of him and giggled playfully. "I would think you would like to be surprised."

Marik took advantage of his position to turn his new husband into a puddle of hikari-ooze. Marik swayed his body up and down, placing as much pressure on his hips as possible. "What are you planning, hikari?"

Malik's fell back as he suddenly regretted getting playful with his yami. All the heat in his body was racing to that sensitive area right below his yami's hips.

Marik straddled his hikari's hips and rubbed his hips over Malik's growing arousal underneath the robe.

"Ok….ok…I'll tell you. Just promise me you won't stop what you're doing."

Marik smirked and pined Malik's hands above his head. The yami leaned over and lovingly licked the pulse point of Malik's neck. The whimpering hikari arched as the yami whispered in his ear.

"I promise nothing, tenshi. You should know that by now."

Malik opened his eyes and panted heavily as the weight of his yami on his waist was making it harder to keep still. The rocking of his yami made him feel that his arousal could burst through the material at any second. It was torture….but it was exquisite torture.

"Ok.I'll tell you……yami…Tomorrow you and I are going to the tattoo place to get our vows tattooed on our arms. They do a really good job."

Marik removed his hands from Malik's wrists. "Are you sure you want to go through another tattoo? Will you be able to handle it?"

Malik looked up at his yami and grabbed onto his hips. He pulled his yami close to him as he created his own gyration under his yami. "I have no reason to be afraid this time, yami. This is for our wedding vows….not some old ritual. I want to do this for you and for us. I would like us to be able to do this, yami. Don't you want a reminder of the second most important day in your afterlife?"

Marik brushed his hair back and rolled beside Malik. "You're right, tenshi. I do want something to remember this day. Ok. Tomorrow we'll go to the tattoo place to get our tattoos."

Malik stroked Marik's cheek gently. "Thank you, yami."

"My hikari…….All mine."

Marik looked down at Malik and ran his hand up his hikari's body from his abdomen, slowly rising up the ribcage, brushing lightly over the left nipple, and resting over Malik's heart.

"You are so beautiful, Malik. So beautiful, my mortal half."

Malik removed the Millenium Ring form his neck. The yami kissed his hikari's lips gently and down along the front of the neck, taking time to lick and kiss each pore.

He kissed Malik's chest and belly over the material and even Malik's arousal, becoming prominent even through the material.

The mortal blond writhed and shifted under his husband's affection.

Marik took his husband's robe and began pulling it over his hips and eventually over his head. the hikari took the liberty of removing his yami's robe, leaving him deliciously naked and vulnerable.

Marik leaned into Malik and continued to suck on the tan skin of his neck. yami and Hikari shifted to the headboard of the bed and placed the pillows against the headboard.

Malik leaned back against the pillow so he was sitting up half-way. Marik settled himself between his lover's bent legs and took one of Malik's nipples into his mouth. He rolled the little nub around his tongue, coating it with a thin layer of his saliva. A warm breath

on the flesh made Malik moan. Malik's other nipple received the same treatment.

Marik kissed down slowly to Malik's erection which was twitching with stimulation of being against Marik.

The yami kissed the tip of his lover and moved to the base of his lover's arousal. a lick along the vein from the base to tip of Malik made the hikari whimper.

His husband, already drenched in sweat, writhed against the pillows behind him.

Malik's hands wandered to Marik's spiky blond hair running his fingers through the strands.

The yami continued his heavenly torture on his hikari by engulfing his husband's manhood and creating a vacuum around the flesh. Malik threw his head back and whimpered pitifully.

The yami raised his head to see the effect his motions were having on his lover.


"Malik raised his head with a struggle. "Yami?"

"I need you to prepare me."

Malik's eyes widened. "You want ME to take YOU?"

Marik grinned, revealing his canines. He breathed out in a husky voice, "I want to ride you."

The hikari bit his lip and smiled. He sat up and kissed his yami, tasting his preliminary release on Marik's lips. He reached over and grabbed a bottle of strawberry-kiwi-scented lotion off of his side table. Marik turned around so he could continue his motions on Malik's erection. He opened his hand and Malik put some on the open, sweaty palm. Both boys rubbed their hands in the strawberry-kiwi concoction.

"Relax, tenshi," Marik said calmly as he ran a lotion-covered finger over his lover's entrance. Malik opened his legs further to give his lover better access.

Malik flicked his tongue over the protective ring of muscle covering Marik's entrance and subsequently eliciting a high-pitched whimper from his yami. The whimper began a husky groan as one finger was slowly pressed inside him.

Both of their bodies tensed for a moment as they became accustomed to the invading objects suddenly pressed inside of them. As Marik sucked harder on his hikari, another finger was inserted inside of him and stretched him. Malik raised his hips slightly as Marik placed another finger into him stretching him.

The yami shifted back as Malik took the opportunity to pump Marik's growing arousal as he prepared him.

The hefty pants increased and the bed continued to shift until Marik pulled away from his husband. Malik sat up a little further and rested his back against the pillows on the headboard. He straddled Malik's hips and kissed his lips. He slowly impaled himself on Malik's manhood.

Marik took each of Malik's hands and their hands clasped onto each other. The two boys looked into each other's eyes searching for the words to express what they felt for each other. The yami could feel his lover's throbbing flesh inside of him, begging to penetrate deeper into his body.

Marik brought Malik's right wrist to his mouth and licked at the vein and up the palm. The hikari closed his eyes and gasped as Marik licked his palm and sucked on his fingers. Marik raised himself up and buried Malik deeper into him. The hikari grabbed the yami's neglected arousal and stroked him with his movements. Sweat gleamed on Marik's body as he buried Malik deeper into his body and rocked on his lover's hips. A jab of his prostate made Marik whimper. Marik arched his back and his movements became more desperate.

Malik thrust up into his yami's tight heat. Marik crashed down. Malik pumped his husband more desperately.

The sound of the headboard crashing against the wall with their rocking was only interrupted by Aten squealing happily outside.

Bright smiles crossed their faces as Marik leaned down to kiss Malik. "Aishiteru, hikari."

Malik kissed his yami and thrust up harder. Marik straightened up and arched his back.

"Come for me, my love…..do it……please…I need to feel you!"

Marik tensed and christened Malik's hand with his release. Malik grabbed Marik's hips and held him close as his body released a river of release into his new husband.

Marik collapsed forward breathing heavily on Malik's chest.

Malik kissed the sweaty forehead in front of him as he felt some of the release drip from Marik's channel.

The yami kissed Malik's chest and licked any remnants of his release from his lover's skin.

Aten squealed again as Yami's voice called after him. "GIVE ME BACK MY PUZZLE! ATEN BAKARI! ISHTAR!"

Aten giggled happily. "Auntie Yami no haff puddle anymore! I haff de Mimum Puddle!"

Marik laughed. "Just like me, Malik….he loves to torture Yami."

Malik smiled. "Yeah….he'll sleep well tonight."

Marik looked up into the matching purple eyes. With a gentle hand, he brushed away a blond string of hair from Malik's face. "My life is complete, Malik. I have you and I have a child. My afterlife couldn't get better."

Malik blushed. "This has been the happiest day of my life, yami. I couldn't imagine my wedding day any differently. I have you….I have the sounds of Aten playing on the lawn. Nothing could ruin this memorable day."

Marik removed himself from Malik's body and rested between Malik's legs again. His yami had become aroused again in record time.

"Love….I want you."

Malik cupped Marik's face in his palm. "I want you now….yami."

Marik pressed himself into Malik, distracting him with a lick on the collarbone. Once inside, Marik shifted and pressed inside as far as he could go. He pulled back and shoved himself inside again jabbing Malik's prostate much harder and quicker than if he was lying flat on his back. Malik wrapped his arms around Marik whimpering with every movement. The laughter of Aten outside grew louder as Malik was slammed against the headboard by his thrusting, growling yami.

In no time, Marik released again into his lover, filling him with his essence. Malik released over his yami, but neither of them stopped.

Marik continued to thrust against his hikari and the hikari continued to thrust against his lover. Both boys were in a cycle of release and continue. The last time, Malik lifted his head to Marik's ear and whispered, "Love you…yami." Malik's body released and fell back limp and unconscious.

Marik released over his hikari again and collapsed. After struggling for five minutes to raise his head, he saw that Malik had passed out. He nuzzled his face into Malik's neck and sighed. "I will always love you, Malik Ishtar." The yami fell asleep.

Next Chappie: BAKURA X RYOU HOTNESS! They deserved their own chappie!

Updates: Sunday