Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Together Again ( Chapter 36 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Dragondreamer: mmmmmmmmmm……naps…..

Pharaoh Yami's Princess: I wouldn't have it any other way. every morning I read a lemon to get my day started.

Gralnak: yup…more lemon here.

Ryou's Mistress: Yup…Malik will be involved, but I am not giving anything away.

Shadow of Light: True, but Malik's not going to be the only one with a tattoo later on….*evil snicker*

IYYASHI: of course ryou and bakura lemons are hot! I wouldn't have it any other way.

Caterfree: You can always go on mediaminer to read my stuff. I also checked my site and I have yet to post this story on there…I am so behind working on that site.

Lady Elfskye: I missed my ryou x bakura lemons.

Bwuebewwy sugar princess: Glad you liked this chappie! More lemons here.

Mystical Dragon: Aria likes her M's….now she's hyper as hell.

Joey's Gal: A sure cure for PMS…is lemons. So, having said that, here's more lemon.

valea: I just missed ryou and bakura together. I needed to have a ryou x bakura lemon in here.

Together Again

Bakura discarded his husband's pants, the last piece of fabric separating himself from the

vision of a naked Ryou. Bakura rested between his hikari's legs and pressed his lips to

Ryou's soft neck. The panting hikari ran his hands along Bakura's sweaty back, feeling

every ridge of his lover's spine.

Ryou turned his head to give his husband better access to his sensitive throat. His legs

hooked around Bakura's hips to bring him closer. A low growl came from Bakura who

lifted his head.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

Ryou's smile was mischievous…almost like when Aria got caught with her hand in the

cookie jar when she wasn't allowed any more cookies. "What am I doing?

…..Oh….You mean this?" Ryou thrust his hips up and making sure to rub himself

against his yami and teasing him more.

Bakura buried his face in Ryou's neck. His panting and his hardening body was the

result of Ryou's torture. "Hikari…such a tease…."

Bakura struggled to reach over to the side table and grabbed a bottle of cherry -scented

lotion that he found in the top drawer the night before. `Does Seto and Joey keep a bottle

of this stuff in every room of the house or what?' Bakura thought as he looked at the

bottle. `Then again, this is Seto we're talking about. Who knows when or where he'll get

the urge to pull out his little Blue Eyes….or should I say, `Blue Eye?' Bakura chuckled

to himself as he placed a handful of the lotion on his hands and around his lover's


He slowly circled Ryou, returning the favor of being teased senseless. Ryou closed his

eyes trying to move his hips to get Bakura to take him inside.

"So, you like this, hikari?"

Ryou closed his eyes and nodded silently.

"Good. Let me make you feel even better."

Bakura kissed down to Ryou's right nipple and taking it into his mouth. He lightly

sucked on the hard, little nub and pressed a finger inside Ryou. A whimper escaped

Ryou, his hands beginning to run through his yami's white hair. Ryou's face became

flushed as his yami sucked on the nub harder and coating him enough inside to make

their lovemakiing as painless as possible. Bakura brought his teeth down gently on the

nipple and lifted his head to see Ryou tilting his head back and breathing fiercely.

"You are so beautiful when you do that, my angel."

Ryou lifted his head Bakura wiped a drop of sweat off of him. Bakura added another

finger, slowly drawing it in and out and caressing the soft inner walls of his lover.

"Ryou, you are so beautiful…my angel."

Bakura kissed down to Ryou's belly and lapping at the soft skin. Every pore under his

tongue tingled with anticipation. Ryou's arms lifted above his head and grabbed at the

headboard in a white-knuckled grip. Every breath that Ryou drew in, his stomach rose,

causing more of his skin to come in contact with Bakura's lapping tongue. The yami

drew his fingers up further, gently rubbing Ryou inside. His hikari arched his back and

whimpered louder as his yami rubbed him.

Bakura kissed down to Ryou's scar and lapped at it when his fingers encountered a slight

crevice deep within Ryou's body that he never noticed before. It was almost like Ryou

had been torn inside and his body had to replace the tissue. He never noticed this before,

but he knew Ryou did not have this before he was abducted by his father.

He knew where it came from….and who caused it…Tim and Steven.

Ryou lifted his head, noticing the feelings of rage fire through the mindlink. "Yami?"

Bakura looked up at Ryou. "Ryou….I….I didn't know it was this bad."

Ryou shook his head and reached down to cup Bakura's cheek. "It's over, yami. They

can't hurt me anymore."

Bakura buried his face in Ryou's scar on his stomach. "But they god-damned scarred

you, Ryou," he said with his lip trembling against Ryou's belly. "It wasn't enough they

humiliated you and tortured you…they had to do this to you, as well!"

Ryou whimpered at the memory, but remembered that this was Bakura….not Tim and his

father. "Yami, please. I don't want to think about it. Please, I want you to make love to


Bakura stroked the crevice gently, noticing Ryou laying on his back in his

earlier state of euphoria. Bakura kissed the scar on Ryou's belly gently as an ear-piercing

wail came from Aria.

"Auntie Yami no awwow to haff my M's!"

Seto's voice spoke calmly, but it was too low for them to hear. Another loud squeal was heard and Yami's cry pierced the air.


Bakura smiled and giggled into Ryou's stomach. "That's my girl! GO, ARIA!"

"Yami! Don't yell! Do you want security to burst in the room?"



"I gots you sannish, Annie Ami! Pickdles! Shees! Han! Mutrar! I wuv mutrar!"



Ryou chuckled. "I think Aten's going to sleep well tonight."

Bakura chuckled. "That will be good. We can have a nice long cuddle and a movie

tonight when they go to bed." Bakura removed his fingers from Ryou and came face-to-

face with Ryou. "Would my angel like that?"

Ryou smiled and nodded "Bakura, please. I want you. Please."

Bakura brought his lips to Ryou's ear and whispered, "I love you, Ryou." Bakura

pressed himself into Ryou slowly. Ryou let out a whimper by Bakura's ear. The yami

stroked his hikari's hair to calm him.

Bakura pulled away and looked into the brown chocolate pools of Ryou's eyes. He thrust

into Ryou further and pulled back, keeping his eyes fixated on Ryou. The two boys

stroked the other's face as their bodies thrust against each other. Bakura thrust deeper

into his hikari as far as he could reach. He poked Ryou's prostate inside and then noticed

when he hit Ryou the, he also hit the internal injury.

"Ryou, does it hurt when I do that?"

Ryou clutched onto Bakura tightly. Something told Bakura he was afraid to answer

`Yes.' Ryou's body was tensing up, but it was difficult to ascertain why.

"No," Ryou said with a whimper.

Bakura knew if he hit Ryou at a different angle, it would not touch the injury. "If I am

hurting you, sweetheart, I want you to tell me."

Ryou nodded. "Just don't stop, yami."

Bakura shifted trying to avoid the injury, but it was neigh onto impossible to avoid it.

When Ryou's body began to clench around him, Bakura could feel the injury more.

"Yami….please…..don't stop. I want you….I need you."

Bakura shifted his weight again and pressed inside hitting Ryou deep inside. Ryou

whimpered and continued to stroke Bakura's cheek gently.

"That's it, love," Ryou said reassuringly.

Bakura gave out another pitiful whimper as he crashed inside Ryou again, loosing control

of his thrusting motion. Ryou cupped his yami's face in his hands and relished in the

sensations of his husband inside of him.

"Bakura……I want you…..please…..I need this…so badly."

Bakura plunged inside his lover hitting Ryou's prostate again and again eliciting tin

whimpers of pleasure. Ryou removed his hands from Bakura and brought one down to

his neglected arousal. He stroked himself with Bakura's motion.

"That's it, Bakura……..come with me, Bakura……Please…"

Bakura arched himself backward as he collided with Ryou.

"Yami!" Ryou arched his back as his body climaxed, spraying on Bakura's stomach.

Bakura climaxed with a growl as he crashed inside of his husband, filling him with his


Bakura collapsed on Ryou panting heavily and whimpering into Ryou's neck. Ryou

quivered in Bakura's arms and covered his yami's face in kisses. Bakura removed

himself from Ryou and laid beside his lover. He pulled Ryou on top of him and held

Ryou's face close to his chest

Outside, Aria squealed loudly. "I GOT M'S! I GOT M'S!"

Ryou laughed. "You know, we better watch her or she'll get diabetes by the time she's 5,


Bakura shrugged. "She'll be fine, Ryou. After all, a few pieces of candy won't hurt her."

"A few? You see how much she eats! She's getting a little pudgy belly."

"It just means she's healthy. Look, we'll keep an eye on her, ok? If we have to put her on

a diet, so be it."

Ryou sighed. "I just don't want her eating just candy."

"Take her M&M's away and she'll go ballistic…..you do know that, right?"

"I know, yami. I guess…..I want the best for her and Aten."

Bakura kissed his cheek. "I know you want the best for them. So do I."

Ryou kissed his yami's collarbone and down to Bakura's left nipple. He licked and

kissed the flesh until it hardened under him. With a smile, Ryou was noticing that

wasn't the only part of Bakura that was becoming aroused….

Ryou kissed down to Bakura's belly and down to his arousal. Bakura arched as he felt a

warm, moist orifice surround him. He reached down and pet Ryou's hair, trying not to

fist into the white strands.

Bakura was coming close to the edge of his release when Ryou backed away. With a

growl, Bakura asked, "Why did you stop?"

Ryou turned around and straddled his yami's hips. Bakura sat up and pulled Ryou's back

to his chest. Bakura guided Ryou down on top of him until he was embedded completely.

Ryou threw his head back as his body adjusted once again. Bakura's one hand moved to

Ryou's arousal and pumped him. The other hand was placed over Ryou's heart as he

rode his yami.

Bakura moved the tuft of white hair to kiss the nape of his lover' neck. Ryou brought his

arm up to curl around Bakura's head and the other went to the hand that stroked him.

Ryou clenched his eyes as the pleasure of being taken from behind and the pleasure of

thrusting into Bakura's hand was becoming too much for him. He felt himself begin to


"That's it, Ryou…….," Bakura whimpered breathlessly as he moved higher into Ryou.

Bakura pressed Ryou close to him and tensed, sending his release into Ryou. Ryou

arched his back and whimpered, releasing onto the sheets.

Bakura and Ryou fell back on the bed noticing the squeak in the bed that wasn't there

before they started making love.

"Did this bed squeak last night like this, Bakura?"

Bakura chuckled. "Well, at least he doesn't have to replace an Oriental carpet this time,"

Bakura quipped.

Ryou chuckled. "Truth. Aishiteru, yami."

Bakura smiled. "I love you, my beautiful hikari."

Ryou turned his head to kiss Bakura's lips. The yami's hands rested on the scar on

Ryou's belly as he rubbed him gently.

The hand over Ryou's heart bean to pulse a little too quickly for Bakura's comfort. He

reached over to grab Ryou's heart medication, another consequence of Ryou's foolish

and cruel father.

Ryou swallowed the pill and cuddled close to Bakura. Ryou nuzzled up to Bakura as

they listened to Aria playing outside.

Updates: Tuesday

Note: This story is almost over. I know…I know….But the sequel should start at the end of this week. It's going to be called "Hostile Takeover" and will be rated NC17. Lemons and I will try to squeeze some anzu bashing in there like usual.