Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ In Shadow Realm ( Chapter 37 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Caterfree: I missed Ryou x bakura too. I know this story was lemon deprived…I'm sorry..The next one hopefully will be different.

Shadow of Light: Steven returns. Tim and Jessica don't. Well, Tim is kinda part of Aku and he's in my next story, so….well…does that count?

Lady Elfskye: I have the majority of the sequel planned out…that is unless Bakura or Ryou do something unexpected.

Dragondreamer: *Gives CPR from drowning in own drool.* Does any other part of you need oxygen??????? NO???? Merde……*pouts*

IYYASHI: Ryou x Bakura do that to me too…*eyes wife*

Joey's Gal: I fit the Malik and Aten bath scene in the first chappie of the sequel all for you!!!!

Bwuebewwy sugar princess: that's the last lemon for this story.

Mystical Dragon: Aria: IWANT M'S! I WANT M'S! I WANT M'S! Aten: ……I just wan my money.

Cynical Spirit Valea: I'll be sad, too, but with the coming of the sequel comes many more possibilities…*eyes Malik* Malik: *sweatdrop* Oo

In the Shadow Realm

Steven breathed in the cool, crisp air of the Shadow Realm. The purple haze of the Shadow Realm wrapped him in darkness and chilled him considerably. He looked at his hands and wrists bound by razor wire. his back stung from the carving of Egyptian curses.

He heard the roar of a dragon nearby as a Blue Eyes White Dragon flew overhead. The ground below his feet began to shake. steven jumped back before a pit was created where he had been standing. a skeleton emerged from the ground. "I knew I sensed a [resence in the Shadow Realm. I felt the spiritual energies of my lord, Bakura."

Steven curled his lips and clenched his fist. "Bakura…the sound of his name is vile…disgusting. I have been given a mark by our master. He is my master now, too. He has made me into the spectacle you see before you."

Steven turned and lifted his shirt on his back.. "I now bear the mark of our lord, Bakura. And I have become…dissatisfied with his treatment of me. I am nothing more than a disposable object to him….just like you and the rest of the monsters."

The monster growled. "Our lord has become a cause of concern. ever since he sent a horrible plague in the form of a moronic girl, he has angered many in the Shadow Realm."

"Our master has lost my respect entirely."

"I have always been faithful and have always defended my Lord Bakura.. Now, however, I feel…betrayed by his carelessness."

Steven pilled down his shirt and turned to the monster. he crossed his arms over his chest and bowed. "I am the Unfaithful Guardian."

"I am the Earthbound Spirit. I will take you to those who have become disenchanted with our master."


Dark Necrofear was surrounded by Bakura's monsters.

"We have to do something about Lord Bakura!" the Portrait's Secret shrieked angrily.

"But Bakura is our Lord. He would never intentionally harm his monsters," the White Magical Hat said calmly.

"He banished that menacing girl to the Shadow Realm Don't you think that is enough to incite anarchy?" the Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams cried out.

The Earthbound Spirit rose out of the ground in front of Dark Necrofear. "I have found a monster who has the energies of our Lord Bakura." Mumbling started around the group. "And he bears the mark of our lord in the glyphs on his back."

Dark Necrofear raised her eyebrow. "Bring him here. I will listen to what he says and judge for myself if he is to be trusted."

Steven approached keeping his eye on Bakura's most trusted monster. "I am the Unfaithful Guardian."

"You bear the mark of our lord, I hear."

Steven lifted the back fo his shirt for all to see. "He marked me….carried me…bound me….all because I failed to please him."

Dark Necrofear raised her eyebrow and stepped closer to Steven. "How did you fail to please him?"

"I was not strong enough to please him, so he marked me as his own. He bound my hands and wrists in wire and punished me."

"He punished us, too!" The evil part of the Change of Heart growled. "He wreaked havoc in the Shadow Realm because of that mortal girl!"

Steven growled. "What stops him from punishing you the next time you fail to please your lord?"

Monsters were heard growling low.

"Who knows what he plans to do to you next?" The razors around Steven's arms grew covering his entire arm slowly. "He may be hiding his next move from us, keeping his plans to torture us secret. I can see it now…he's going to pretend to respect us, then turn his back on us all. Look at the violence of which he is capable!"

The angel side of the Change of Heart sighed. "Lord Bakura has changed. He is not as cruel as he once was, especially towards our little Master Ryou."

"BEHOLD!" Steven tore off his shirt as the curses began to bleed more. The razor wire curled around his neck and encircled his head in a metal, pointed halo. "Bakura is capable of violence…we all know what he can and will do to us if we do not submit to him!"

"Look at what he did to little Master Ryou when he was cruel!" The Dark Dream Ghost growled.

"He could do anything he wanted to us because we are his monsters. we are his slaves and have been so for a long time. Well, not any more!" the Earthbound Spirit growled.

The White Magical Hat slammed his cane on the ground. "Lord Bakura is just and fair…always has been towards us!"

"Who will he strike next?" the portait's secret asked desperately.

Dark Necrofear lifted her hand as the monsters fell silent. She had a duty to her fellow monsters…she had to assure her own safety was well as the other monsters of Bakura. After all, she was his most trusted card.

"Fine. I will go see what our Master plans, if anything."

A smile crossed Steven's lips. "I knew you'd see it my way."


Dark Necrofear arrived in the hallway in front of Ryou and Bakura's adjacent soulrooms. the door to Ryou's soulroom was white with gold trim. in the middle fo the door, it was obvious that Bakura boarded up the metal bars which used to give Ryou's soulroom a jail-like appearance. she waled quietly to Bakura's soulroom. the cold metal door had a tiny barred window at the top. she lifted herself off the ground and looked into the room.

Bakura's soulroom was an exact replica of the jail cell in which he died. the soulroom had another barred window near the top of the wall. the damp air filled the room as the sound of trickling water filled the room. the single mattress in the room was won and tattered. on the stone walls, beside the bed, marks of fingernails cut into the stone along with dried blood. Bakura couldn't hide anything in this soulroom without her knowing.

She walked to the next door and opened it. Inside the room, Ryou was a child playing with his mother, Rhea. Ryou was no more than two years old as he squealed playing in the snow. The chibi Ryou laughed happily as his mother chased after him.

She walked to the next room and opened it. Inside the room was Ryou and Bakura's wedding day. They were married before sunrise. As the sun rose, so did their new life together begin.

The next room contained Ryou cuddled up to Bakura watching the sunrise together wrapped in each other's arms. Nothing menacing was hiding in this room.

She opened the next door and saw Bakura pressing himself into Ryou gently. Bakura cupped Ryou's face in his palms kissing his lover. Bakura rocked out and into Ryou gently kissing him deeply.

"I love you so much, love," Bakura cried as he whispered into Ryou's ear. Nothing was amiss in here.

Dark Necrofear proceeded to the next room. Bakura was holding his infant daughter. Bakura had Aria on her back and was covering her neck with kisses. "Who's my little girl? Who is my little baby girl?"

The baby squealed happily as it ran its fingers through her father's hair.

Ryou was at the changing table with Aten, kissing the baby boy's belly.

"Who's my little baby boy? Who is my precious baby boy?"

The baby smiled and reached to its mother. He grabbed a handful of Ryou's hair and smiled. "Mommy…"

Ryou kissed the child again. "My sweet baby boy."

Certainly no malice dwelt within this room.

She then came to a sealed door. Maybe what the Unfaithful Guardian said was true….maybe Bakura was hiding something. A low growl emanated from the sealed room.

"Help me! Somebody help me! Please!"

"Little Master Ryou?" The monster asked hearing her master's scream.

Ear-piercing screams shrieked out of the sealed room. The sound of yelling continued. An angry voice accompanied a slap of flesh.

"Be a good boy for us, Ryou! If you don't come for us, then your boy doesn't eat for another day! You don't want your baby boy to starve, do you?"

"SOMEBODY HELP ME! Please! Stop! It hurts! Bakura! Why won't you stop! I HATE YOU! Help! Somebody help me!"

Dark Necrofear put her hands on the sealed room. "Little Master Ryou, are you in there?"

"Why won't somebody help me!"

"You're just a slut!" Came the voice behind the sealed room. "Ryou, that's all you are to are…a slut! NOW, DAMMIT! COME FOR US NOW!"

Dark Necrofear growled. Someone was hurting Ryou. She stood back and aimed a beam of dark light around the door. The seal began to weaken as a dark energy trickled from the room.

"What is this presence I feel?"

"Don't stop! Get me out! Help!"

She stopped the beam of light feeling more dark energy seep through the weakened seal. "Oh no…what have I done? I must not proceed with this further. If my lord finds me here without his permission, he will surely become furious."

She disappeared.


Dark Necrofear returned to the others who flocked around the Unfaithful Guardian. The monsters crowded around her talking at once. She held up her hand and the monsters fell silent.

"What did you find, Dark Necrofear?" The Gross Ghost of Fled Dreams asked.

"I have searched the soulrooms and the halls of our little Master's mind. I have found a presence that I have not sensed before. Other than that I have found no apparent evidence that our lord and master intend on causing us pain."

The White Magical Hat stepped forward. "A presence? What kind of presence?"

"This presence felt…out-of-place. It was almost as if it didn't belong there. I don't know what it means. But this presence is secured behind a great seal."

Steven growled. "That presence may be what he is hiding. Why didn't you break the seal?"

Dark Necrofear. "I do not know. Even I was afraid of a dark evil which dwelled inside."

"We have to go and check this out for ourselves!" the Portrait's Secret shrieked.

"We can't," the evil Change of Heart sulked. "We cannot access the soulroom in question. Only Bakura's most trusted monster can access those soulrooms. That means Dark Necrofear must infiltrate the room and break the seal."

She shuddered. "I refuse to go near that door. I do not wish to anger our lord further."

The Earthbound Spirit growled. "You are afraid! That is not like you! But we have to know if something in that room threatens us!"

The monster shook her head. "I am not going there any further."

The evil side of the Change of Heart growled. "If you do not wish to go voluntarily, we will have to take you there."

The angel side of the Change of Heart remained still. "We cannot betray Lord Bakura further!"

The demon side looked over to the angel. "Do you want anarchy to spread even further? It's bad enough that the other monsters are still recovering from that moronic girl who came here! We need to know the truth!"

"But, Master Ryou would have no reason to hide anything from us. If Lord Bakura was hiding something that threatened us, his monsters, Ryou would be here in a heartbeat to warn us."

The White Magical Hat banged his cane on the ground. "I dare not deviate from our oath of loyalty to him. Lord Bakura has never given us a reason to question his loyalty to us. All you are doing is spreading lies and deception, Unfaithful Guardian. And I will not watch as you slander our Lord's good name!" The White Magical Hat disappeared.

The Earl of Demise gripped his sword tightly. "You have to go back in!"

The demon side of the Change of Heart growled. "You either go into that soulroom, Dark Necrofear, or I will make you!"

The Change of Heart disappeared and Dark Necrofear lost control of her body to the other duel monster.


The Change of Heart controlling Dark Necrofear stood in front of the weakened seal. The angel side of the monster hesitated. "Ryou will be very upset with us. You DO know this, right?"

The demon shrugged. "We have to find out what is behind that door. If there is something behind that door that threatens our Master Ryou, don't you think we should find out?"

The angel sighed deeply. "I do not want any harm to come to our master, but going behind his back is not the way to protect him!"

The demon growled in frustration. His other side would not listen to reason. His frustration was quickly interrupted by Ryou's screams from behind the seal.

"HELP ME! He won't let me go! Do it for Aten! Do it for Aten!"

[You worthless slut! Get back here!]

Ryou's piercing cry filled the hallway.

[Your son was more quiet than you when I did this to him, Ryou! He didn't put up so much of a fight when I did this to him! Admit it, Ryou…….you saw how he behaved….Like mother like son..]

"Master Ryou is in danger! We have to get him out!"

"Open the door, Dark Necrofear! Our master is in danger!"

Dark Necrofear emitted a ball of dark light, shattering the rest of the weakened seal.

The seal gone, the Change of Heart made Dark Necrofear open the door. The looked inside and saw Ryou sitting in the corner curled up.

""Little Master, are you ok?"

Ryou nodded. "Thank you for helping me. I jut…I just want to be alone."

"But, you are bleeding! You're naked, too." (A/N: mmm…naked Ryou).

Ryou hid his face from view. "I'll be fine."

"Who did this to you?"

"Bakura. He did this to me."

"I thought Bakura treated you better."

Ryou shook his head. "Just go away."

The Change of Heart lowered his head and sighed. "Yes, Master."

They closed the door and stood outside. "He acted strange," the angel side commented.

"I felt the same as Dark Necrofear. Something in there was out of place, but only our master was in there. Strange."

Dark Necrofear vanished with the Change of Heart.


The figure in the soul room stood up and chuckled. `Those fools…….it wasn't too hard to disguise my true self. I had plenty of opportunity to become stronger. I had time to rest my powers.'

The figure's white hair became spiky and his blue eyes gazed at the door angrily. `I was placed here in the hopes of being forgotten. Ryou can never get rid of me…..I AM him! I am his helplessness, his fear, his humiliation, his anger. I am not forgotten easily. And I will make him and Bakura pay for confining me in this prison!"

Updates: 2 more chappies of this story left! I will update tomorrow!!! TIPPIE!!!!!!!!!