Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Watch Over Me ❯ Watch Me ( Chapter 39 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Ok, guys, I think that the Steven chappie confused some people. Bakura sent Steven's soul to the Shadow Realm. He's bitter at Bakura and rallies the duel monsters into thinking that Bakura is hiding a dark secret from them. Some monsters believe steven is lying and some still believe that Bakura is hiding a terrible secret that could destroy them. But, to get close to them and gain their trust, he must appear to be one of them. Sorry if some of you were confused.

Some people were confused as to who Aku was. Aku was created from the painful memories of what Steven and Tim and Bakura did to Ryou.

Watch me



They are all fools…especially my hikari, Ryou and Bakura, the other yami with whom I share this body. Bakura thought he could contain me here in this soulroom….Boy was he mistaken!

Luckily, I have rested long enough to gain all of my power back. Ryou won't be able to detect me when I'm roaming about his mind.

However…I will not be able to hide forever….I need another body.

I need another body to possess…only then can I destroy that infernal yami once and for all. Once Bakura is destroyed, I can destroy his friends one by one. Then, no one will be able to stop me from controlling Ryou! Ryou will be all mine!

My rest enabled me to look through my hikari's eyes without him being aware of me.

I need to find a new host.

Gathering my energy, I take control of Ryou to see what he is seeing.

Nearby is a blonde, a brunet, and a little girl.

The child, thought too young to possess, looks easy to influence. I can use her to help me. Mischief awaits her.

The blonde and brunet do not have soulrooms. I can somehow sense it. they will be a challenge. I need someone easier.

Looking hard, I see a girl squeezing what looks like a scorpion in her hand. I shook my head. There's no point in trying to possess someone that brainless. There may be no brain to begin with. There is no point to possessing THAT. It may not even be human.

A boy ran up to the blond and brunet and sat nervously on the sand. He looks easy to control, but a child like that will not help me achieve my objective.

Bakura…and that other yami are preoccupied. I cannot control the blonde yami. I do not have enough power for that.

If only I could control Bakura….then I could go into his soulroom and discover the secret to destroying a yami.

Oh…..You think there is no way to destroy a yami, reader? Hmph……You say I cannot destroy Bakura????? WATCH ME!

There IS a way to destroy a yami and I will discover that secret for myself!

But until I find that secret, those yamis pose a threat to me. Being a creation of Ryou's painful memories, I cannot be destroyed. I will always be with him….lurking in the shadows of his mind……..taking advantage of his pain to grow stronger…taking advantage of his fear to control him…..taking advantage of his anger to fuel my own rage!

I turn my head to see another blonde and a little boy making a sandcastle.


I think I have found the one whom I will control…..


Author's Notes: The Sequel to this will be called "Hostile Takeover". It will be NC17 with lemons, ryou x bakura and marik x malik pairings. The kids start school and Aku possesses someone (kinda hard to hide who it is now) to ruin Bakura's family. Aku teams up with Steven in the Shadow Realm to get back at those who banished him to the Shadow Realm. Will Aku succeed in destroying Ryou's family one by one? Read to find out!

Updates: The sequel will be out Sunday!!!