Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Water Drops ❯ Ryou's Lonely Pov ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It happened so fast. I'm Ryou Bakura. The person I'm talking about is my yami, or plainly Bakura. He left me. Why?!! Why did I tell him I loved him?! He deserves someone better than me so I guess that's why he left.

My friends tell me it's better to have him leave. Don't they get it? I love him damn it!!! Why did he leave? I can remember everything so clearly……….

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"Bakura?" Ryou asked, "I have something to tell you."

"What?!" Bakura replied sharply.

"I love you!!" Ryou blurted out. They just stared at each other for a moment. Then Bakura just walked out the door. After a few moments, Ryou started crying.

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I want him back. I need him. He's my dark. My other half. Why did he leave me? Did I do something wrong. Sheesh. Of course I did something wrong. He doesn't want a gay hikari. He's straight, sexy, handsome ….ugh; get your head out of the gutter baka!!! I hope he's okay. I remember the first time he came out of the Ring…..

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"Ahhh!!!" yelled little 9 years-old Ryou. When the light vanished, there stood a person that looked like Ryou except more masculine, tanned, and sharper eye features.

"Hi! Who are you?" Ryou asked. "I'm Bakura. Where are we?" Bakura snarled. Ryou was frightened at his voice. When he didn't speak, Bakura slapped him and returned back to the Ring, to his soul room.

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We didn't exactly have a nice encounter. Will he ever love me?


Karenu-anime: So, how was it? Tell me what you think and what your ideas are. Review plz. It'll help the progress of this story.