Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Water Drops ❯ Update Problem ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Karenu-anime: Under requests. I will be doing a sequel to Yugi's Heartbreak. I want to thank the people who reviewed for this story, even if they didn't have to. I will not mention the people because they all know who they are and so on so on.

Yami: Is Yugi going to be alright in the story??

Karenu-anime: I'm not going to say anymore. If more people review I'll type way faster, okay? So review and you'll get your sequel.

Yugi: Just don't flame. It's not nice.

Karenu-anime: Don't worry. They can flame all they want. They'll just be fed to my trash bin. Adding, it's nice to get pissed sometimes.

Yugi/Yami: 0.0; She's weird……

Karenu-anime: So……look out for my sequel. It may be longer than one page. Sayonara!!!!