Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Water Love ❯ Sharing a Sunset ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Water Love

Writer: Angela (orangeaura868)

Genre: Romance/ Fantasy… this is an Alternate Universe fic

Rating: PG-13 to be safe

Spoilers: None (because it is an AU)

Warnings: Well…there's yaoi…cute mermaid boys…water dragons…maybe some language.

Pairings: YYY with side SJ and mentioned BR MM…you should know who they are.

Disclaimer: This is a `disclaimer.' The point of having one should be blatantly obvious. Either way…I'll still say it…I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Summary: Yuugi is the ever curious merboy with an ill-fated arranged marriage to some unknown son of an ocean kingdom. Yami is a human deathly afraid of sea water. How could these two have possibly fallen in love? This is a love story crossing land and sea, proving that love indeed knows no boundaries.


Plot Bunny: LittleMermaid (thanks to whoever drew it and posted it!)


Let's begin now…




Sharing a sunset can be imagined as wondrously romantic if it were to be imagined at all. The thought of the sun blazing yellow with shimmering light, illuminating as much of the sky as it possibly could, brought a strange calm to the heart. Bright rays stretched their fingers to the wispy clouds, constantly reaching for more. Away from the near blinding sun the sky was a painter's masterpiece created from years of work into a simple perfection.


It was an easy thing, the colors, but incorporated together the effect brought out awestruck amazement. The clouds were like cotton balls that were stretched and thin, lingering in front of the vain sun. They were light pink and faintly orange where the sun could see them and a soft purple where it could not. The sky itself boasted of a rich blend of yellow orange with the sun and clouds playing lead roles.


A mouth of dark blue chased after the sun down into the ocean dancing with the light cast from the sun. One half of the sky was host to the coming moon and a shadow of it could be seen as well. The blue part curved around the orb of setting sun, half sunken in the water while some patches in the rising waves bore the gold leaked from the sun.


Altogether it was a symphony of color with the quiet whispering of the moon playing into the loud sun. Accompanying it was the sky and clouds; a soft tune in the background. The beautiful melody settled things down to a light drifting feeling to the point of having it seem to lift you away.


From the beach would be two beach chairs circled with candles and a small table holding wine and glasses in between. Is that what it meant to share a sunset?


Yami looked out the window through half-lidded eyes not tired at all but not feeling like getting up either. Outside the sun was setting and night was beginning. From his view he could see two white beach chairs facing the sun, burned out candles circling the place. Two people were walking away, hand in hand, a blonde and a brunette. He sighed thanking his lucky stars that the two were finally done with the romance. Yami crept up from the chair pausing to glare for a brief second at the dastardly thing. A practiced hand reached up to brush the one lock of gold back to the left and tucked it expertly behind his ear. Slowly he walked to the door, checked to see if he had a hotel card with him, and left the room…not a word said at all.


The hotel was the best of the best however tacky their sense in furnishing was. The whole thing had an old color scheme, a beige brown following through. The floor was tiled marble with speckled burgundy and random white streaks while a long narrow carpet lined the center. The carpet was far too floral for Yami's liking even if it matched with the gold leaf ivy wallpaper and flowers at every end of the hallway. The building was plain in floor plans with a simple to understand square design holding through. The halls looked all the same with matching chandeliers even. It was Victorian styled and incredibly stylish, is a bit redundant sometimes. The stairs were wider than normal stairs and tiled as well, with a light wooden handrail on both sides. Everywhere things were decorated with excruciating details…down the rose carved at the end of the railings on the stairs.


Yami brushed past the fancy décor and ignored the well-planned color scheme intent on making his way to dinner. The hotel was well equipped with several restaurants, bars, pools, a spa, and tennis courts. As agreed on the plane ride there they would be eating at the oceanside one tonight.


Leather boots tapped across smooth polished tile walking quite fast toward the back exit. On the first floor the entire hotel was changed from the stuffy old style to one open to the outside and in, a hollow shell almost. Inside those halls the walls were replaced by huge columns of stone intricately carved with leaf designs and such. The center was a huge garden, which the hall wrapped around. Around the halls two left turns later was a small paved road through a man-made jungle wonderfully imitated from nature's own. Following the road led to the beach and walking to the right side was a restaurant currently serving two customers. Yami walked in. Now they were serving three.


"Right on time, Yami!" Jou laughed waving him over. Yami smiled back pleasantly taking a seat with his back to the waves. Seto had his glasses on again and was reading the menu held elegantly an exact foot away from his face while he read. A waiter came by with another menu handing it to Yami as he sat.


"Thank you." Yami quickly said to the waiter. A curt nod returned as he walked away. "So then, Kaiba, what do you recommend?" Yami asked mockingly, not at all hiding the falseness in his voice.


"Why, my dear Yami, I would recommend you stuff your mouth and thereby prevent yourself from further embarrassing yourself at this restaurant.", replied Seto with an equally false tone. This time Jou lost the meaning of being angry at them and only rolled his eyes.


Jou raised a finger in the air turning toward where some waiters were standing. "Excuse me, Mr. Waiter…perhaps we could have an idea of what would be nice."


A man dressed in a red vest over a white shirt came over, smiling at the customers.


"Yes, Senor, our restaurant specializes in seafood. Would you like to hear the specials?"


"No, but thank you. I'd like to order a seafood soup, followed by crab bisque, and apple pie a la mode." Seto cut in.


"And what to drink?" the waiter asked jotting notes down on a small notepad.


"Bordeaux wine, if you have it."


"Oh , how coincidental!" The waiter smiled. "We have a bottle of it just matured this year."




"And what about yourself Senor?" , he asked Jou.


"Same as my friend but with stuffed crabs instead."


"Excellent choice."


"You, Senor?" he asked Yami, his pen pointed his way.


"Seafood soup sounds wonderful. I'd also like the fish filet served with vinaigrette, and some of your fruitcake dribbled with honey perhaps?" Yami ordered putting down the menu.


"All right, Senors. So, that would be three soups, a crab bisque, a stuffed crab, a fish filet with vinaigrette, two apple pies a la mode, a fruitcake with honey, and a bottle of Bordeaux?"


"Yes, thank you."


"You're quite welcome gentlemen." He collected the three menus leaving the group to themselves.


Yami toyed with the red rose in the glass vase in the center of the table. He leaned quite casually with his elbows on the table.


"We are in a top notch restaurant, forget that it's near the beach. I expect you to understand to keep your elbows off the table." Seto reprimanded him. Yami only glared back at him removing his elbows and turning his attention to the actual restaurant.


Only two other tables were occupied. One with several old men in suits possibly discussing a business deal and the other table had a couple sitting there talking quietly to each other. Soft piano music played in the background, a nice little tune despite how no one particularly paid any mind to it. The table was a dark wood without a tablecloth to fit the theme. From the outside it resembled a large circular hut with a straw roof and unrefined wooden steps. Inside it kept the beachside theme but was noticeably more proper. The tables were each set with forks, spoons, and knives with the smallest ones near the plate. A glass of water with eight cubes of ice sat in front of everyone.


Yami took a sip, hoping to feel less thirsty. The cold water was not bad but Yami preferred water without ice.


The waiter came back with a basket of rolls and a plate of butter under the silver cover.


"Thank you." Jou said helping him place the basket on the table. He smiled and left again.


Yami soon grew bored of the place and not being allowed to lean on the table from the ever proper Seto, he settled for leaning on the arm of the chair. Seto only glanced at him before dismissing the gesture. Technically speaking he wasn't breaking any rules.


Jou was already buttering a roll and biting into it and Yami began as well. He might as well feed himself.


"So, Yami. What could you possibly do in a hotel room that you would not do at the beach?" Seto asked.


"Sleep.", was the quick answer. Yami continued eating the roll.


"You could have slept on the beach."


"And you could have held hands with Jounouchi on the balcony. I believe the balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet was quite romantic." Yami replied without delay. His words were quite cutting and out of the corner of his eye he could see a faint blush on Jou's face.


Seto fumed. How dare he?! If anything at all Yami should be greatly thankful to be even on this trip. This was supposed to be just Jou and himself in Mexico enjoying summer to the fullest.


"I believe you have stepped over the boundary with your point." Seto answered back slowly and precisely.


"Then you admit it was still a point." ,Yami said again, undaunted. He bit into the roll yet again. Looking into Jou's brown eyes he softened a bit…a noticeable apology.


"So what did you do all afternoon?" Jou asked breaking the uneasy air between the two.


"I slept, I practiced hate for the ocean while balancing a love for the view, I spied on the both of you, and I believe I saw a mermaid." Yami answered offhand as the waiter returned with the soup.


"As they would say in France, bon appetite!"


"Thank you." ,all three replied…a smile and then the waiter left.


"Now what did you mean by `spying'?" Seto inquired.


"And what on earth did you mean by mermaid!?" Jou asked further.


"To Kaiba, I meant that sharing the sunset was a fantastic idea. Also, earlier Jounouchi seemed to be enjoying himself as he buried you in the sand…" a full red flush from Seto, "and as for Jounouchi, I meant that out in the ocean, swimming from far out to nearer to the cliffs, I saw a mermaid." Yami took the soup spoon and sipped it.


"You've been staring at the sun for too long, haven't you?" Seto stated bluntly.


"Perhaps," Yami answered along with a shrug of his shoulders, "but I am quite certain I saw a mermaid."


"Whatever, pal. I just hope you're enjoying the trip." Jou answered beginning on his soup as well.


"So…a mermaid?" Seto laughed. "I don't believe you."


"That doesn't matter."


"And why not?"


"Because I saw a mermaid." Yami sipped the soup not even looking at Seto as he answered. Dinner continued. The mermaid subject was dropped as Seto and Jou talked about how the first day of their trip was just wonderful. Yami looked on still sipping.


He had seen a mermaid.





A/N: Whew! The second fastest I ever updated anything! Celebrate! I also have some notes to make.


Yami was awake through the whole thing watching Seto and Jou `sharing a sunset.' I only wrote the end part because it would be redundant otherwise. I hope you enjoyed that little thing though!


Yuugi will not be coming into this fic until either the next chapter, the next next chapter, or even the next next next chapter. Sorry to those of you who can't wait!


I love it when Kaiba wears glasses!


To those of you who haven't noticed already I intend to do a lot with this fic. Already you might have noticed the relationship between Seto and Yami is less than happy. In fact, I think making them get along would be unfair to their character. Furthermore Jou might be slightly more polite, I think this is plausible if he's with Seto for so long. Also, you might even imagine Seto and Jou as more like parents to Yami…it helps me a lot imagining them that way. Either way you think of it they are not quite friends. That was just a little clue to help you ponder what might happen.


I planned a lot more description on the sky following through but I'll push that back next chapter.


The things that they ordered are possibly not even too fancy. I don't really care. I tend not to care too much about food and this is the result of poor effort. Oh well.


I advise you to look for foreshadowing. It is there.


Yes…their location is finally revealed. They are indeed vacationing in Mexico. I've been there once before but that doesn't matter. It matters that Yami will be near water. As for mermaids in Mexico…who knows?


I apologize for my dumb computer being so dumb. `a la mode' has a accent mark, a line going down from left to right on the `a.' I forget if there might be anything else it missed. By the way…a la mode is a French term for when deserts and such have a scoop of ice cream over it. So Jou and Seto have basically ordered apple pie with a scoop of ice cream on top.


I also apologize if anything may be grammatically incorrect. I focused mainly on getting it longer. These chapters have not been beta-read so if anything slips through please let me know!



That's it for those…I tend to ramble quite a bit. Anyway I should update quite sporadically although as for that I really can't quite know. Now I'll thank my reviewers!


Lady Shinigami: Thank you very much! I hope this is considered soon! (I'm procrastinating studying for French to type this!)


bast4: Wow…I never had someone tell me so many things that could happen. So far no one has guess at all for my fics! (Except for some pairings on mediaminer!) I'm glad that you're happy too! As to your questions…nope. Guess again! I practically wrote the info above for you. Enjoy!


The Uncreative One: Thank you very much! This is my first time writing something like this! I'm a total Ryou fan…but Yami and Yuugi are too cute to ignore! I hope you liked this chapter!


Hopeless Case: I can totally relate to reading about romance! Thank you very much on the compliments in detail. I actually write the detailed parts on the bus. I usually get so bored that details come jumping at me. I really hope you liked this chapter! Read and review!


Misura: Again! You've reviewed me again! I feel accomplished! Before I go on rambling about how wonderfully you write…I should focus on replying. Flow is something I actually never focus on…maybe that's what makes it flow? As for character intros…I try to be different. Thank you for noticing. I hope you continue reading!


Thank you to all my readers! If you have a comment about info, or just want to say something, please leave a review! (I'm such a review-hog…)