Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Water Love ❯ So what was it? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Water Love

Writer: Angela (orangeaura868)

Genre: Romance/ Fantasy… this is an Alternate Universe fic

Rating: PG-13 to be safe

Spoilers: None (because it is an AU)

Warnings: Well…there's yaoi…cute mermaid boys…water dragons…maybe some language.

Pairings: YYY with side SJ and mentioned BR MM…you should know who they are.

Disclaimer: This is a `disclaimer.' The point of having one should be blatantly obvious. Either way…I'll still say it…I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh.

Summary: Yuugi is the ever curious merboy with an ill-fated arranged marriage to some unknown son of an ocean kingdom. Yami is a human deathly afraid of sea water. How could these two have possibly fallen in love? This is a love story crossing land and sea, proving that love indeed knows no boundaries.


Plot Bunny: LittleMermaid (thanks to whoever drew it and posted it!)


Let's begin now…





When Yami arrived at Golden Sunset, clad in his habitual leather, the sun had lost its blinding brightness. It was a dying ember as he walked in, and by the time he walked out, Seto and Jou following close behind, it had already been claimed by the ocean.


The night sky just arrived, and from the glow left behind the sun, it slowly darkened to a blue…then to a near black. Yami followed the paved road back to the hotel. He didn't know why Seto and Jou tolerated him so much. He knew that his behavior was rather childish at times. It couldn't be helped. To him, Seto was a sophisticated prat that absolutely needed to have someone stand up to him. Needless to say the two did not get along at all. They were oil and water; each were stubborn in their ways and set about them as well. He continued walking, wondering why he had told them that he had seen a mermaid. Earlier it was just the binocular's fault, or had it been a trick of the light? Yami sighed softly into the night air feeling slightly ashamed not knowing just which excuse it had been. He sighed again feeling even more ashamed knowing they were just excuses. So did that mean that he had actually seen a mermaid? Preposterous. There were no such things. So then, his only reason for saying that was to see the expression on Kaiba's face. Yami could deal with that having done that. After all, surely that was worth telling a little white lie?


Tall lamp posts lined the curving road illuminating the gray pavement. Even they were intricately detailed with ivy vines. Every three blocks there was a bunch of grapes hanging from one of the curling vines on the ground. Yami kept his head down as he noted small things like that. He counted the grape carvings oblivious to everything else. He failed to see how much the crashing waves behind him seemed so much to be staring at him.


Seto had an arm around Jou and both were walking slowly and near aimlessly, stopping to admire the wondrous plants that were native to this place. Seto breathed easily and felt completely relaxed as he looked around this paradise. The air was salty yet fresh from the ocean and it mixed with the sweet aroma of flowers. Jou only walked closer to Seto down the path but he looked forward. Ahead of them both was Yami and although he was ahead he seemed quite sad. Jou shoved that thought away knowing that nothing could be drawn from a back view. He still could not take away the knowledge that Yami was indeed not at his happiest. However, when was he ever?


Away from the Golden Sunset from which they dined, Jou could easily remember the events at dinner. He was the one that observed things and remembered them when no one else bothered. Jou clung to Seto, and Seto, being sensible for once, wound his arm tighter around Jou. It was not the most happiest night indeed.


The soup turned out to be delicious and was far greater than even Seto's expectations. They ate quietly in the restaurant aside from the small conversation that Jou tried to create. They ended in a nervous laugh from Jou himself. Conversation was a failure. In the end Seto soon forgot Yami and imagined dining alone with Jou as the reality. Yami only returned to his fish filet cutting it with his knife a bit harder than he intended. He tried to bring himself to talk but the background music and easy atmosphere was more threatening than the ocean outside. No matter how much he wanted to say something, anything even, it seemed easier to keep quiet. Kaiba was…someone who simply did not understand, and Jou was someone who tried but failed. The waiter came back very often clearing away finished dishes and bringing back new ones. Yami finally took his last bite of fruitcake, the pineapple doused in honey, and put his fork down.


"Dinner was lovely." He said interrupting Seto and Jou.


"What did you say? I didn't quite catch that." Seto answered. Whether it was real or not Yami didn't care. Seto just had that way that made any effort of being polite moot.


"Dinner was nice." Yami said again halfheartedly.


"Oh, I agree!" Jou carried on smiling. "What did you think, Seto?"


Seto dabbed his lips daintily with a napkin. "The dinner was excellent, and I'm glad we all enjoyed it." The two returned to their conversation and Yami sat back sipping the glass of Bordeaux as nonchalantly as possible. Through Jou's perspective the dinner was a silent battle and far from excellent, lovely, or even nice. He did nothing.


Back into the large pavilion-like first floor the trio continued up to their rooms. Yami was still the lead walking slowly up the steps feeling tired despite sleeping the majority of the afternoon. He was so worn out these days.


At the door Yami took out the card he had in his pocket and inserted it into a slot above the handle. A small light turned green and Yami opened the door. Inside the room it felt very cool and different from the weather outside. He closed the door leaving Seto and Jou to come in with their own key. Yami was in a sour mood.


While Yami looked out into the ocean again he thought of all the things he could remember that happened today. He couldn't quite nail what exactly had him so angry. Everything was going well. Seto and Jou were cheerful together, and he was happy for them. So why did he have to feel so odd? Yami sighed again and again while pacing hear the window, each time feeling more and more aggravated about why he was this way. He didn't hate Seto because sometimes they got along quite well. Jou was indeed more friendlier but Seto was all right. It wasn't as if the vacation was bad either because he did feel better in this environment.


So what was it?


Yami stepped out onto the balcony again. Seto and Jou were apparently showering together so that left him on his own devices. The moon was now completely dominating the sky casting a white glow all around the dark blue sky that rivaled the ocean's own hue. Yami thought of the two…the sun and the moon. Seto and Jou were also different as night and day yet they were together. Was he jealous? Was he lonely? Yami sank into his arms and leaned against the railing. The two were leaving to go scuba diving somewhere. What would he do when they were gone?


Worse yet, what would he do had they actually left him? He'd be an idiot not to realize that he depended on the two. A groan, a shaking of the head trying to clear away questions where there would be no point in answering. Yami looked at the view again. The view looked at him back. Supposing there was something in the water…would it matter?


Jou laughed and playfully hit Seto's shoulder.


"We're never showering together again!" he cried indignantly.


"Ah…but puppy! I love you!" Seto answered back cuddling Jou. Jou sighed holding Seto up steady.


"Yami!" he called out.


"Yes, Jounouchi?" Yami replied.


"We're done, but I think Seto might be slightly drunk." Jou giggled again.


An eyebrow raised, "So might you." …was the answer. Jou laughed and waved it aside supporting Seto up as the two left for bed.


Yami watched after them from the balcony and then came inside. He shut the glass door and pulled the curtains shut so the light would not disturb him. Then he too took a shower.


Vacations are meant to be enjoyable and relaxing. The goal is to lose yourself in a new environment where you won't need to find it. Afterwards you'd leave to go back from where you came and back into the normal lifestyle so you can look forward to the next vacation.


Yami lied in bed with the comforter wrapped around him loosely. Seto and Jou were on vacation. What about him? Was he on vacation then? Yami turned to the side closing his eyes.


He was beyond tired.






A/N: Another chapter! I'm so glad to actually be updating. Thanksgiving weekend will get me enough time to update soon as well! I'm so glad. I'd like to add that this chapter's flow might be slightly off. It was written in two parts so I might have started something I didn't carry through. I didn't check either. (Lazy author.) I also have to add that this chapter was a filler at best but quite enriching about the characters. In my opinion it was horrible in comparison to the last but that's my opinion. I think Yuugi will be in the next chapter though. I also bounced off ideas for the story and ending with my friends and I'm glad to say that everything is all planned out!


Thanks to all my reviewers!


Yana5: I can't say anything because I'd give away the plot although I'll be kind in this case. I promise that it'll end all happy, romantic, and sappy! Thanks for reviewing!


Lady Shinigami: Wow. The eternal thanks is much appreciated and will be returned by eternal you're welcomes! Yes, French and Spanish are lost on me. Thankfully I got a 100% on the test. I now know where some major cities are in France. As for high school…I'm in middle school, eighth grade to be precise. I have no idea what I'll do in high school. Thanks for the review though!


Hopeless Case: Yuugi will be in the next chapter. Thank you very much for understanding though! Please continue reading and thank you very much for reviewing!


Carmen5-Nemrac: Thanks for reviewing! And yes, poor Yami indeed! I hope you liked this chapter update!


Mists: Thank you very much for the review. I'm glad you liked it so far. Please keep reading!


Pharaoh Atemu's Angel: Thanks and I will! Yuugi is coming in the next chapter, just to let you know! I'm glad you like description…I get it from the most strangest places. Thank you for adding me onto your lists! I feel very happy! I'm elated! Etc. I hope you enjoy this fic!


KNT: Cute? Wow…YAY!!! I can write cute! I'm listening to your review and updating soon. Please enjoy and keep reviewing!


I hope everyone likes this fic! (Despite the fact of varying chapter lengths.) Please review!